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Create Art Podcast

by Timothy Kimo Brien

A podcast for those just discovering their creative voice. Conversations, interviews, and projects to give words and definition to the elusive muse.

Copyright: ©2016-2023 TKB Studio


National Poetry Writing Month Day 12

8m · Published 12 Apr 12:31

What is National Poetry Writing Month?

Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

Prompt for today

Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem that plays with the idea of a “tall tale.” American tall tales feature larger-than-life characters like Paul Bunyan (who is literally larger than life), Bulltop Stormalong (also gigantic), and Pecos Bill (apparently normal-sized, but he doesn’t let it slow him down). If you’d like to see a modern poetic take on the tall tale, try Jennifer L. Knox’s hilarious poem, “Burt Reynolds FAQ.” Your poem can revolve around a mythical character, one you make up entirely, or add fantastical elements into a real person’s biography.

Poem for Today

The Sprelly Man 

12 April 24 

Peanut allergies be damned 

Let me tell you the tale of one 

Who has thrived in what some call  

The dark ages of these legumes 


Bright and colorful is he 

Tasty and smooth is his body 

When left to long 

He splits into oil and mass 


Don’t leave the Sprelly Man in the cupboard too long 

Take him out daily 

For your source of protein 

And sweetness 


Pair him up with his dear friend Pineapple Jelly lad 

Spread him all over the best bread money can buy 

And you too will change your religion 

Or at least your thoughts of the simple PB&J sandwich 



Sprelly man wants you to be stronger 

Happier than you have ever been 

Sprelly Man is looking out for your best interests 

Better than a high school counselor 


I met the man of Sprelly long ago 

His beard was blacker than a new moon night 

Deeper than the ocean 

More manly than he had a right to be 


We talk about his exploits 

When I patron his store 

A place of...

National Poetry Writing Month Day 11

8m · Published 11 Apr 13:06

What is National Poetry Writing Month?

Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

Prompt for today

Finally, our optional prompt for the day honors the “ones” in the number 11. Today, we’d like to challenge you to write either a monostich, which is a one-line poem, or a poem made up of one-liner style jokes/sentiments. Need inspiration? Take a look at Joe Brainard’s poem “30 One-Liners” or Frank O’Hara’s “Lines for the Fortune Cookies.”

Poem for Today

Things The South Taught This Yankee 

11 April 24 


If offered a beer, you drink it, even if you hate beer because you don’t turn down hospitality 

It's always bigger in Texas, whatever it is 

Armadillos that you run over are funnier in sombreros and cans of the beer that you hate, take a picture 

Playing Me and Bobby magee and breaking out into the Peanuts theme song is only done in Mexican bars 

Don’t mess with Texas 

Not all who live in Texas are bigoted christians, some are as heathen as you are 

Remember the Alamo, and watch out for Ozzy’s piss and freshly chewed bat heads 

The bigger the belt buckle the smaller the dick 

Everyone is armed, don’t start a fight 

Y’all ain’t from here is a warning shot 

Grits made with cherries are delicious 

Pickled Okra is a food group 

I am more man that you could ever be and more woman than you could ever have 

This ain’t Burger King, you get it my way or you don’t get the damn thing 


North Carolia: 

Maddog and nighttrane make for an interesting morning 

Don’t go into an Airborne bar unless you are Airborne 

Outer Banks = OBX, don’t ask why, there isn’t an airport there 

Anything you can do I can do better, hold my beer  

Say it with me FayetteNam 



The war of Northern Aggression 

If you ain’t from here you are a carpet bagger 

You are not a resident unless you were born here, don’t care if you pay taxes 

Its’s a commonwealth not a state 

95 is a parking lot...

National Poetry Writing Month Day 10

7m · Published 10 Apr 11:19

What is National Poetry Writing Month?

Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

Prompt for today

And now for our optional prompt! Ezra Pound famously said that “poetry is news that stays news.” While we don’t know about that, the news can have a certain poetry to it. Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem based on one of the curious headlines, cartoons, and other journalistic tidbits featured at Yesterday’s Print, where old news stays amusing, curious, and sometimes downright confusing.

Poem for Today

Preacher Advises Against Going To Hell, It will Be Boring 

10 April 24 

Lets just put aside the concept of hell for a minute 

Since it is not in the bible 

And has been mistranslated so many times 

Can we agree it is a separation from your god for a minute 

And according to you this would still give me eternal life 

What if i don’t want that 

What if I just wanted to die and be done 

What if lets just say I want one chance to do everything I will be known for 

Let it all ride on this life 

And cash in my chips and let them fall where they may 

But no 

I am not given a choice if I want to come into this world 

And if I choose to depart prematurely (according to you) 

I will be forever punished 

Would it surprise you I like my sex a bit rough 

I enjoy having fingernails draw blood down my back 

I enjoy having my nipples bit into and my neck marked up with burses 

It shows me that I am alive 

I like some pain when I am fucking 

Both inflicting it and getting it 

I don’t mind having someone pleasure themselves in my asshole 

While I thrust deeper into someone else 

Your hell excited me 

According to you the people i would rather hang out with will be there 

The people that Jesus hung out with will be there 

And yes some harp music is nice to sleep to 

I’d rather feel the drum beat of heathens fill my soul 

See my idea of hell 

Is much like Satre’s 

Hell is other people whom I don’t want to hang out with 

Which would be people going to your heaven 

So your fairy tale 

That is supposed to scare me 

Like i was a little child 

That I actually believed in for...

National Poetry Writing Month Day 9

7m · Published 09 Apr 11:20

What is National Poetry Writing Month?

Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

Prompt for today

Our prompt for today (optional, as always) takes its inspiration from Pablo Neruda, the Chilean-born poet and Nobel Prize Winner. While he is most famous in the English-speaking world for his collection Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair, he also wrote more than two hundred odes, and had a penchant for writing sometimes-long poems of appreciation for very common or mundane things. You can read English translations of “Ode to the Dictionary” at the bottom of this page, “Ode to My Socks” here, and “Ode to a Large Tuna in the Market” here.

Today, we’d like to challenge you to write your own ode celebrating an everyday object.

Poem for Today

Ode to a Dear Friend 

9 April 24 

You sputter when I awake 

Your smell warms my cold soul 

The dark liquid you produce welcomes me  

From the dream world into our dismal reality 

So many ideas and conversations have been sparked by your power 

Revolutions planned and implemented 

Wars won or lost by your availability 

You are more precious than gold 

More effective than antipsychotics 

You my dear friend truly understand in the silence you provide 

You are more spiritual than some cheap ass wine or stale cracker 

You have saved more people from their deadly habits 

You, not the sun, are the reason we wake in the morning 

You, not our loving children, are we want to encounter first 

If you disappeared, our only choice would be suicide 

Or worse tea 

I would become a tree-hugging hippie to protect you from extinction 

And slaughter all the pandas in existence 

Reach Out To The Podcast

To reach out to me, email [email protected] I would love to hear about your journey and...

National Poetry Writing Month Day 8

7m · Published 08 Apr 18:55

What is National Poetry Writing Month?

Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

Prompt for today

Today, we challenge you to write a poem that centers around an encounter or relationship between two people (or things) that shouldn’t really have ever met – whether due to time, space, age, the differences in their nature, or for any other reason.

Poem for Today

At The Movies 

8 April 24 

As I was sitting at the Siskel Center 

Watching Salo 

I noticed in front of me 

Two figures that seemed out of place 

Well one was definitely out of place 

Dressed in clothes from the 18th Century 

The other man 

Was dressed from something out of the 1930’s 

They sat there sharing a pipe 

And the familiar smell wafted towards me 

Throughout the movie they cackled 

Like crazy men 

And they spoke to each other loudly in French 

An usher tried to quiet them 

And other patrons harumphed and bemoaned these two figures 

I sat there with my popcorn and soda 

Wondering what the deal was 

Why these two men seemed so familiar 

The movie ended 

The lights came up 

People were filtering out of the theater 

But I and the two men stayed in our seats 

I approached them 

And tried to comprehend their conversation 

Each one had smiles and seemed to enjoy the show 

And in m broken French 

I introduced myself 

The man dressed as if he was from the 30’s gave me a card 

With what I assumed was his name A Breton 

It had a woman's ass being supported by two Greek columns 

And he introduced his companion as the Marquis De Sade 

I left with them 

And we went back to my studio apartment 

Drank wine 

Smoked from their pipe 

And I woke up on the floor the next day 

Feeling enlightened 

And violated 

Reach Out To The Podcast

To reach out to me, email

National Poetry Writing Month Day 7

7m · Published 07 Apr 23:36

What is National Poetry Writing Month?

Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

Prompt for today

Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem titled “Wish You Were Here” that takes its inspiration from the idea of a postcard. Consistent with the abbreviated format of a postcard, your poem should be short, and should play with the idea of travel, distance, or sightseeing. If you’re having trouble getting started, perhaps you’ll find some inspiration in these images of vintage postcards.

Poem for Today

Wish You Were Here 

Postcards to Heaven 

7 April 24 

If you are reading this 

Then you already know you are dead 

I survived the journey 

I have surpassed what you have left me with 

I have a home 

A wife 

Some kids 

And I didn’t go to jail 

And I didn’t cheat on my wife 

And she didn’t cheat on me 

And I didn’t rape my children 

And they aren’t living in fear of me 

And they aren’t living in fear of an imaginary sky buddy 

I was able to use this useless degree 

To make a life for us 

I win 

You are dead 

And your death was almost my undoing 

But I went forward 

I kept moving 

And it's hard to hit a moving target 

Reach Out To The Podcast

To reach out to me, email [email protected] I would love to hear about your journey and what you are working on. If you would like to be on the show or have me discuss a topic that is giving you trouble write in and let's start that conversation.

National Poetry Writing Month Day 6

9m · Published 06 Apr 12:39

What is National Poetry Writing Month?

Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

Prompt for today

Today’s we’d like to challenge you to write a poem rooted in “weird wisdom,” by which we mean something objectively odd that someone told you once, and that has stuck with you ever since. Need an example? Check out Naomi Shihab Nye’s poem “Making a Fist.”

Poem for Today

Learning About Life Backstage 

6 April 24 

Bathroom walls  

Subway cars 

Discarded napkins at the bar 

Elroy was here tagged on a city alley way 

These are the places where philosophy starts 

But on the back of a high school theater set  

Is where I found my calling 


Life is like a shit sandwich 

The more bread you put on it the less shit you have to eat 

Was what i saw one day 

In the dim light of the stage 


And I have tried to put more bread in my life 

Because it has been a shit show 

I’ve tried wheat 

And only found that to be dry 

I have tried pumpernickel  

And my teeth turned black 

I have tried multigrain 

Only to pick out seeds in my teeth 

But sourdough, oh sweet sourdough 

When it is toasted with butter or oil 

Is the best bread to have to cover up the smell 


I once tried ciabatta 

And she broke my heart 

Well her brothers were going to break my arms 

So I stuck with plain white bread for prom 


Is naan considered a bread or just a vehicle for food consumption 

I have never been able to tell 


And the pita? Is it a pocket of goodness 

That I can crawl into 

And swim around in with tzatziki sauce 

And falafel and lamb 


What bread is best to make shit taste better 

And what bread is considered part of the sandwich equation? 

Will we ever know 

And why do we accept the shit in our sandwich 

Dripping out of the sides 

Does diarrhea count as shit 

Or must it be a log 

And what about a hotdog bun 

If we get a nice chunky log to come out 

Filled with corn and the remains from other shit sandwiches we had to...

National Poetry Writing Month Day 5

10m · Published 05 Apr 12:33

What is National Poetry Writing Month?

Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

Prompt for today

Today we’d like you to start by taking a look at Alicia Ostriker’s poem, “The Blessing of the Old Woman, the Tulip, and the Dog.” Now try your hand at writing your own poem about how a pair or trio of very different things would perceive a blessing or, alternatively, how these very different things would think of something else (luck, grief, happiness, etc).

Poem for Today

The Father the Kids and the unholy spirit 

5 April 24 

I lied many times to protect you 

And I told you to never lie to me 

I said your grandparents were dead 

So that's only a half-lie 

I told you some of the horrors that befell me at their hands 

And I told you I was trying to be better than them 

Because they didn’t know what they were doing 

That was a lie 

Through living, I discovered many of the things they told me were lies 

And so you too will discover that there is no tooth fairy 

There is no Easter Bunny or Santa Claus 

There are evil people in the world that want to destroy you 

And some of them you are related to 

And that is what I have to protect you from 

So, they are dead to me 

And it's not too much of a lie 

And I want you to not live in lies 

Because when we live in lies 

We are living in fear 

And there is enough of that to go around 

I don’t want you to fear the dark 

Or the monsters that lurk in your head 

Or the monsters that lurk in mine 

I’ve killed them many times 

He told us from a young age that his parents had died 

We felt sorry for him and compassion 

He told us eventually what had happened 

When we turned 18 

When he thought we could handle the truth 

But we missed out on having a grandfather 

When all the other kids had nice normal families 

We wonder what else he has lied about 

Is he really our father 

Is he really kind and protective 

Can we ever trust anything he says 

This family lives in the shadows 

And we want to see the light 

Is the anger we feel at being lied to 

The anger he struggles...

National Poetry Writing Month Day 4

7m · Published 04 Apr 11:38

What is National Poetry Writing Month?

Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

Prompt for today

 prompt for the day challenges you to write a poem in which you take your title or some language/ideas from The Strangest Things in the World. First published in 1958, the book gives shortish descriptions of odd natural phenomena, and is notable for both its author’s turn of phrase and intermittently dubious facts. Perhaps you will be inspired by the “The Self-Perpetuating Sponge” or “The World’s Biggest Sneeze.” Or maybe the quirky descriptions of luminous plants, monstrous bears, or the language of ravens will give you inspiration.

Poem for Today

The Sleeping Habits of Mammals 

4 April 24 

Sleek, silent, soft and deadly 

The one-eyed ninja rests on my side of the bed 

Peering out to see who is coming 

Through her one cloudy eye 

The other eternally removed 


I’ve always liked cat 

That others would find challenging 

And this tiny creature 

Who holds her own against impossible odds 

Reminds me that no matter our frailties 

She can hold her own 


Last night she laid upon me 

Feeling her weight like a blanket 

She calmed my nerves 

And made sure I slept deeply 



Fluffy, crying out in the night from loneliness 

Boots slowly trots to her feeding bowl 

When I wake in the morning  

You come to my side and pet my arm for me to pet you 

You groom my fingers and hand to catch the fur that is coming off 

And then you slowly trot to the huge stuffed bear next to the window and watch the days pass by 


I can hear your breathing 

And a few snores 

When I approach  

Your eyes lazily look towards me 

Interrupting your beauty sleep 

But you need none, you are a beautiful and graceful creature 


When you have a bad dream, I can expect you cuddled up next to me in bed 

But usually, you prefer to sleep alone 

In the big living room where you roam and inspect everything 

You tolerate my amazement of your cathood stature 

And you tolerate my astonishment at your...

National Poetry Writing Month Day 3

7m · Published 02 Apr 11:43

What is National Poetry Writing Month?

Welcome, art enthusiasts and wordsmiths alike, to another episode of Create Art Podcast! We are diving headfirst into the enchanting world of poetry as we celebrate National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). This annual event, which takes place every April, encourages poets and aspiring writers around the globe to embrace their creativity and commit to writing a poem each day for the entire month.

The Beauty of National Poetry Writing Month:

NaPoWriMo, similar to its prose-centric counterpart National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), is a celebration of the written word and the boundless creativity that can flow when one dedicates themselves to a daily practice. Poets of all levels of expertise are invited to take part, from seasoned wordsmiths to those just dipping their toes into the vast ocean of verse.

Create Art Podcast has always been a haven for artists to share their creative processes, and NaPoWriMo offers a unique opportunity for poets to reflect on their craft. With a daily commitment to producing poetry, participants discover new facets of their writing style, experiment with various forms, and explore uncharted emotional territories.

Prompt for today

here’s our prompt for the day – optional, as always. Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a surreal prose poem. For inspiration, check out Franz Kafka’s collection of short parables (my favorite is “The Green Dragon”).

Poem for Today

A Coffee Shop in Abilene Texas 

3 April 24 

I walked into a coffee shop in Abilene Texas 

Spent the next few decades trying to find it again 

The Purple Pope of Abilene was slinging drinks behind the counter 

He was also slinging smack in the back room 

Preaching the words of one Andre’ Breton 

Who I never heard of in my travels at that time 

A painter sat in that coffee shop 

He mistook Abilene Texas for Abilene Kansas 

And was stuck there for decades for his mistake 

He sold me paintings of Nietzsche and Hendrix  

And one that was cursed with ants crawling over skulls in a jungle 

He was our version of Dali 

There were poetry readings spontaneously 

Mostly young men gathered around a table 

Slipping pieces of paper back and forth to each other 

And the one I call Bear 

Belting out my feeble scratching's with the authority of Tzara 

Helping me find my voice in the chaos of the day 

On-the-spot spectacles occurred with no frequency 

Drag shows, one-act plays and pronouncements  

Spelling out the flaws of this Texas town 

As if Artaud was among us 

Sharing his absinthe 

As these playwrights downed another spiked smart drink 

Oh to be back there 

Back in my youth 

When life was simpler 

When I thought I had made the biggest mistake 

I found a home 

Where I could be what I dreamed 

If only for a few hours a day 

And after all these years of searching 

For another place to replace the first one 

I have found it 

But now I am the old man 


Create Art Podcast has 314 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 98:39:12. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 2nd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 1st, 2024 05:11.

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