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The Heart of Marketing You with Erica Castner

by Erica Castner

The Heart of Marketing You Podcast is for business owners and service professionals who want authentic and relevant marketing strategies to help them find, connect, and convert their ideal clients and build a dream team to support their business growth vision.

Copyright: Castner Consulting


Discover Your Speaking Path - Episode 154

19m · Published 28 Sep 09:00

Whether you're a seasoned speaker looking to enhance your skills, or an aspiring speaker taking your first steps into the spotlight, this episode is packed with valuable insights to help you discover your speaking journey.

Host Erica Castner shares her own experiences and lessons learned along her speaking path, including the importance of defining your speaking path and clarifying your speaking goals. She also emphasizes the need to identify your ideal expertise and provides tips on brainstorming speaking topics that will resonate with your audience. To wrap up the episode, Erica offers intentions and actionable steps to help you take control of your speaking path.

If you've ever wondered how to streamline your speaking opportunities and achieve your biggest business goals, this episode is a must-listen. So grab your notebook and get ready to discover your speaking path on this exciting episode of The Heart of Marketing You Podcast!

Here are a few key takeaways you'll learn:

[00:02:50] Short preparation time is essential for effective speaking.

[00:06:30] Building network, attracting influence, monetizing speaking opportunities.

[00:07:47] Free guide helps align speaking goals and expertise.

[00:13:51] Choose speaking topics aligned with the audience's needs.

[00:16:20] Take action and practice to improve speaking.

[00:19:01] Find relevant speaking gigs to make an impact.

Increasing Your Visibility in a Crowded Market - Episode 153

21m · Published 26 Sep 09:00

In this episode, we are diving deep into a topic that is relevant to so many of my clients - increasing your visibility in a crowded market. We all know how challenging it can be to stand out when there are so many others in our industry doing the same thing. But fear not, my friend, because I have some incredible strategies and insights to help you shine among the competition.

Throughout this episode, I will be sharing a list of tried and tested tactics that you can implement to boost your visibility and create a lasting impact in your industry. Now, I want to make it clear that you don't have to do every single thing on this list. In fact, I encourage you to pick one or two strategies that resonate with you and focus on establishing consistent habits around them. By doing so, you will be able to make a significant impact on your brand awareness and attract the right audience.

If you're ready to take your visibility to the next level, make sure to grab your pen and paper or head over to the Show Notes page at for additional resources and references mentioned in this episode. So, without further ado, let's dive in and discover the strategies that will help you shine in a crowded market. Get ready to make your mark and be seen!

Here are a few things I shared in this episode:

[00:04:33] Tools to connect with customers and leverage social media for engagement and service.

[00:08:16] Utilize other platforms to reach a wider audience.

[00:10:27] Expand reach by targeting relevant industries and collaborating.

[00:17:15] Illustration, infographics, and visuals need context and voice.

[00:19:33] Creating transformation through visual content and personal connections.

How Emotional Intelligence Impacts Your Marketing Efforts - Episode 152

15m · Published 26 Jun 09:30

If you want to improve your connection with your audience, your emotional intelligence level impacts your marketing efforts. In this episode, we uncover the power of emotional intelligence in building meaningful connections with your audience and fostering authentic relationships.

Emotional intelligence, often called EQ, plays a significant role in marketing. It encompasses recognizing, understanding, and managing emotions in ourselves and others. By harnessing emotional intelligence, we can effectively communicate, build trust, and create genuine connections with our audience.

So, why is emotional intelligence crucial for marketers? Let's explore:

  1. Empathy: Developing empathy allows us to put ourselves in our audience's shoes. By understanding their needs, desires, and pain points, we can tailor our marketing messages to resonate profoundly and address their specific challenges. Empathy humanizes our marketing approach and fosters connections built on understanding and compassion.
  2. Self-awareness allows us to recognize our emotions, strengths, and weaknesses. Understanding how we come across others helps us adapt our communication style and build authentic connections. We can deliver genuine and relatable messages by being in tune with our emotions.
  3. Active Listening: Truly listening to our audience is a powerful way to demonstrate emotional intelligence. By giving our full attention, valuing their feedback, and responding empathetically, we create an environment where our audience feels heard and understood. Active listening helps us build trust and credibility.
  4. Effective Emotional Management: Marketing can be demanding and stressful, but emotional intelligence equips us with the tools to manage our emotions effectively. We can navigate marketing relationships gracefully and professionally by staying calm, composed, and empathetic, even in challenging situations.

Emotional intelligence in our marketing efforts allows us to connect with our audience more deeply. It creates an environment of trust, understanding, and authenticity, fostering long-lasting relationships. Remember, by harnessing the power of emotional intelligence, you can elevate your marketing efforts and truly connect with your audience.

Thank you for joining us today on "The Heart of Marketing You." If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to our podcast and share it with others seeking to become better marketers by embracing their authentic selves. 

Gaining Confidence In Your Marketing Abilities - Episode 151

12m · Published 19 Jun 09:30

If you want additional tips to help you gain more confidence in your marketing abilities, you're in the right spot. This episode reveals strategies to boost self-confidence and unleash your marketing potential.


Self-confidence is the cornerstone of success in any field, and marketing is no exception. It's the belief in your abilities, value, and worthiness of achieving your goals. Overcoming limiting beliefs, those thoughts that hold us back is essential for unleashing your true potential.


So, how can you gain more confidence in your marketing abilities? Here are some practical steps you can take:

  1. Recognize your strengths: Take inventory of your skills, knowledge, and accomplishments. Celebrate your successes and acknowledge your unique talents. Embracing your strengths boosts your self-confidence.
  2. Challenge your limiting beliefs: Identify the beliefs that limit your potential. Question their validity and replace them with empowering beliefs. Remember, your mindset plays a significant role in your marketing journey. There is a bonus exercise I share in the episode to help you challenge your limiting beliefs.
  3. Practice patience: Every skill you have takes time to happen. When learning new marketing skills, treat yourself with the same empathy and understanding you would offer a friend. Remember that mistakes and setbacks are growth opportunities. 
  4. Take small, consistent steps: Break down your marketing goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Each step you take toward your goals builds confidence and momentum. Celebrate your progress along the way. Check out Darren Hardy's book, "The Compound Effect."

You unlock your true potential as a marketer by mastering self-confidence and overcoming limiting beliefs. Embrace your unique abilities and let your authentic self shine through your marketing efforts.

Want some additional resources? Check out this list:

  • Expand Your Brand Without Breaking the Bank
  • Stop Overthinking Your Professional Decisions
  • Overcoming Your Visibility Fears
  • Set up your Podcast Guest Directory Listing HERE

Foundation of Being a Great Marketer - Episode 150

15m · Published 12 Jun 20:09

The foundation of being a great marketer stems from the connection between personal growth and marketing success. So often, we think the only thing that improves our marketing abilities is knowing all the tactics. Although "tactics" help, there are a few other qualities you need to have to connect with your audience and make you more "marketable" as a service provider.

Here are a few practical tips to get you started:

  1. Start seeking more opportunities to market yourself - This doesn't mean you have to do more things. But what are you good at, and how many more of these opportunities can you "double down" on?
  2. Strengthen your skills – the more valuable you are in your industry, the more confident you'll be. Do you need to get a coach, certification, or other kind of training? If so, decide how to get that support sooner than later. 
  3. Build quality relationships - Build relationships with others to take the pressure off you to always be in self-promotion mode. Start with reconnecting with your existing network. There's an exercise included in this episode to reconnect with your network.  
  4. Work on you - This is so much more than self-care. When you become a better version of yourself, you attract better people and better experiences. Read personal growth books or invest in coaching or counseling.

Want some additional support in building an excellent foundation for your marketing skills? Check out these resources:

  • Expand Your Brand Without Breaking the Bank
  • Stop Overthinking Your Professional Decisions
  • Overcoming Your Visibility Fears
  • Set up your Podcast Guest Directory Listing HERE

Where to Find Quality Strategic Partnerships - Episode 149

15m · Published 24 May 14:48

In this episode of "The Heart of Marketing You," we explore the world of strategic partnerships and uncover where to find people you want to align with professionally. This is one of my favorite topics to discuss as your business growth depends on who knows you and how you can tap into the power of those connections. 

Once you know who you're looking to connect with, plenty of channels exist to find them. This episode will teach you how these channels can lead to powerful partnerships that drive business growth and success. 

Here's what you'll learn in this episode, "Where to Find Strategic Partnerships":

  • Understand the significance of strategic partnerships in business growth
  • Discover how industry conferences and events provide networking opportunities
  • Leverage national professional associations and networks to find like-minded partners
  • The best way to utilize online platforms and communities for effective networking
  • Engage in collaborative projects and initiatives to foster strategic partnerships.

Remember, strategic partnerships are crucial to business growth, so start exploring the various avenues for finding valuable partnership opportunities. Until next time, keep marketing with your heart!

Once you've listened to the episode, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Share your biggest takeaway by leaving a review here. When you do this, it helps more people hear the podcast. 

Other resources you might find helpful:

  • Expand Your Brand Without Breaking the Bank
  • Stop Overthinking Your Professional Decisions
  • Overcoming Your Visibility Fears
  • Grab the free toolkit, "Position Your Expertise," HERE
  • Sign up for the Free Masterclass "Branding Beyond Your Backyard"

Making the Most Out of Your Networking Events - Episode 148

18m · Published 15 May 14:20

In this episode, I'll share how to make the most out of your networking opportunities. Whether you're a seasoned networker or new to the scene, these strategies will help you elevate your networking game and make valuable connections. As you listen, some of this advice may sound counter-intuitive. However, if you stick with me to the end, these tips on how to make the most of your networking events will make more sense.

Here's what you'll learn in this episode, "Making the Most Out of Your Networking Opportunities":

  • The first thing to consider before you even walk into an in-person or virtual networking event
  • How to identify professionals already talking and marketing to your ideal client and the value of finding events where they are hanging out
  • The biggest assumption professionals make at networking events that ruin their reputation
  • Two power questions that will make you appear more valuable and memorable
  • How to end a conversation with those you want to stay in touch with at networking events.

Once you've listened to the episode, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Share your biggest takeaway by leaving a review here. When you do this, it helps more people hear the podcast.

Other resources you might find helpful:

  • Expand Your Brand Without Breaking the Bank
  • Stop Overthinking Your Professional Decisions
  • Overcoming Your Visibility Fears
  • Set up your Podcast Guest Directory Listing HERE

The Heart of Marketing You Podcast is for business owners and service professionals who want authentic and relevant marketing strategies to help them find, connect, and convert their ideal clients and build a dream team to support their business growth vision.

Five Ways to Market Yourself for Free

12m · Published 08 May 12:57

In this episode, we discuss five ways to market yourself for free. Whether you're an entrepreneur, freelancer, or business owner, these strategies will help you reach new audiences and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. Although some of these strategies might seem like ones you've heard of before, I caution you to listen to this episode with a fresh perspective. 

As you listen to the episode, consider the ONE strategy you'll use to promote your expertise for free rather than focusing on implementing all of them. With that said, focusing on one strategy will simultaneously help you develop plans to apply the other strategies mentioned in today's episode.

Here's what you'll learn in this episode:

  • Tips for creating valuable content that showcases your skills and knowledge
  • Why being a podcast guest is a great way to promote your expertise
  • The secret to creating more engagement through your social media channel
  • A strategy I use to build my email list and stay top of mind with an audience of your ideal clients
  • The importance of building relationships and collaborating on projects that promote your expertise

Once you've listened to the episode, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Share your biggest takeaway by leaving a review here. When you do this, it helps more people hear the podcast.

Other resources you might find helpful:

  • Expand Your Brand Without Breaking the Bank
  • Stop Overthinking Your Professional Decisions
  • Overcoming Your Visibility Fears

The Heart of Marketing You Podcast is for business owners and service professionals who want authentic and relevant marketing strategies to help them find, connect, and convert their ideal clients and build a dream team to support their business growth vision.

How to Get Out of Your Head in Your Marketing Efforts

13m · Published 01 May 14:21

If you get in your head with your marketing efforts, this episode is for you. In addition to launching a new podcast episode, I am excited to share that were are rebooting the show with a new name, "The Heart of Marketing You".

One of the major reasons we are renaming the show is that as much as "tactics" are important for your marketing goals, you'll get better results when you are authentic and can show your ideal clients that you care about their success. And, to get us started on a solid foundation with this message, this episode was created to get you out of your head (self-doubt) in your marketing efforts.

Some of the reasons you get in your head with your marketing efforts are:

  • You're not sure what to say
  • You don't want to sound salesy
  • You're afraid of other people's judgment

Sound familiar? If so, you'll want to listen. Here's what you'll learn in this episode:

  • A simple exercise to do when you lose your way with your marketing efforts (psst...this helps me get out of my head from time to time, also)
  • What to say to get other people to connect with your message and expertise faster
  • How to get others on board with your goals and aspirations so they can help you
  • One of my favorite strategies I use to share my marketing message with more authenticity and how to connect with others in the process

Once you've listened to the episode, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Share your biggest takeaway by leaving a review here. When you do this, it helps more people hear the podcast.

Other resources you might find helpful:

  • Expand Your Brand Without Breaking the Bank
  • Stop Overthinking Your Professional Decisions
  • Overcoming Your Visibility Fears

The Heart of Marketing You Podcast is for business owners and service professionals who want authentic and relevant marketing strategies to help them find, connect, and convert their ideal clients and build a dream team to support their business growth vision.

Expanding Your Brand Without Breaking the Bank - Voices of Impact - Episode 145

21m · Published 20 Mar 18:32

If you're looking for ways to expand your brand awareness without breaking the bank, this "Voices of Impact" episode is for you. No matter where you are in your business-building journey, you can implement each of the tips I share in this episode starting today.

Here are a few highlights I cover in this episode titled "Expanding Your Brand Without Breaking the Bank":

  • How to identify other professionals who are already marketing to your ideal clients so that you can leverage each other's audience
  • One of the most overlooked places to connect with influential professionals in your community
  • Examples of "power collaborations" and how to use these to expand your brand awareness faster

After you listen to this episode, tell me via email which one of these tips you will use to expand your brand without breaking the bank.

The Heart of Marketing You with Erica Castner has 168 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 79:50:20. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 22nd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 26th, 2024 05:11.

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