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Backseat Positivity

by Dawn

"Able to make serious topics lighthearted and fun - I even laughed at some points!"
Get your bi-weekly dose of positivity in this fun podcast with Dr Dawn Barlow, who helps you navigate all of the weird/best/worst parts of life!

Dawn takes you on the self-improvement journey you didn't realise you needed... Bought to you by a doctor who hasn't had life as sweet as many of her comrades. She knows firsthand just how rubbish life can be, yet has managed to turn her life around for the better! 

From relationships to mental health to happiness, make sure you buckle up twice a week (Mondays and Thursdays) the join her and her guests for candid self-improvement. Don't forget of the course, the "weird thoughts" segment, where Dawn and her guests share weird thoughts from their lives. 

Dawn says: 

Sometimes life reminds me of being in a washing machine. It's a bit spinny and turbulent for a while, but then it stops and gives you a little break before spinning you into oblivion once more. It feels like the washing machine wants to wash something bad out of all of us... positivity. 

Some might EVEN say that positivity is shouting from the backseat and no-one wants to listen to it... [backseat positivity] More than once a week, but less than 4 times a week, you can shove me in your auditory canals and listen to me chat about L.I.F.E., self-improvement, mental health and anything else that my little monkey-mind paws can grasp onto. 

Sometimes other humans actually dare to join me. 

It's candid, it's fun. Woo!

Copyright: © 2024 Diaries of a Doctor


Embracing the Chill: A Traveler's Guide to Conquering Cold Climates

26m · Published 15 Apr 15:00

Ever braved the biting cold and found yourself wishing for a warmer adventure? Let me guide you through my own frostbitten mishaps and the crucial wisdom they've frozen into my memory. My travels to the icy realms of Norway, Sweden, and Canada, along with a nail-biting ascent of Kilimanjaro, have taught me the hard way that preparation is key to not just enjoying, but surviving in cold environments. I'll be unpacking the layers of my journey, from the dangers lurking in underestimated weather to the lifesaving gear and strategies that kept me warm.

When the sun dips below the horizon and the cold starts to creep in, a good night's sleep can feel like a distant dream. In this chat, I'll spill the secrets to turning that dream into reality with the right sleeping setup. Listen as I recount my own night-time blunders and how they led me to discover the wonders of a four-season sleeping bag, the underestimated power of a sleeping bag liner, and the thermal magic of a simple hat. You'll hear why hot water bottles can become your best friend in the great outdoors, and how the right thermals can mean the difference between shivering and snoozing in blissful warmth.

Wrapping up our thermal voyage, I'll share the essential cold weather gear checklist that should accompany any thrill-seeker facing the frost. From the necessity of smart wool socks to the innovative hot rock that soothes your hands while charging your phone, I've got you covered. And it's not just about what you wear—what you eat plays a pivotal role too, as I'll explain the caloric firepower needed to fuel your body's natural furnace. Join me, and arm yourself with the knowledge to embrace the chill and turn winter woes into wondrous escapades.

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Turning My Living Room Into a Hot Yoga Disaster

16m · Published 08 Apr 15:00

Who said turning your living room into a sweltering hot yoga studio was a good idea? Certainly not me, after my side-splitting and sweat-inducing debacle that takes center stage in today's episode. It's Dawn here, spilling the beans on my valiant but vain attempt to save a few bucks and the precious minutes I spent getting to my local hot pod yoga class. Brace yourselves for a roller coaster of DIY disasters and the stark realization that sometimes, convenience isn't king. I'll regale you with the saga of my living room turned sauna and how a fan heater, a yoga mat, and great intentions weren't quite enough to rival the structured discipline of a proper studio setting.

Amid the laughs, I've also got some pearls of wisdom to share on smoothing out the rough edges of our day-to-day lives to boost productivity. No guests joining me today, just a hearty dose of reality as I dissect the friction points that can chip away at our well-being and how a dedicated space for our endeavors can make all the difference. Tune in for a candid reflection on the social dynamics of group classes versus the solitude of home practice, the quirks of setting up (and tearing down) a would-be yoga space, and the technical snafus that even I can't always dodge. It's all about finding the balance between laughing at ourselves and learning from our foibles. Don't forget to hit that like button and drop a five-star rating if you enjoy this blend of humor and hindsight!

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Navigating the Paradox of Fitness Trackers: Data-Driven Health vs. Mindful Movement

24m · Published 04 Apr 15:00

Whenever I strap on my heart rate monitor, I'm struck by a mix of anticipation and dread: will today's data push me to new heights, or will it spiral me into worry? Our journey through the complex relationship with wearables touches on this paradox. With stories from the trenches of my medical practice, I peel back the curtain on how these devices shape our wellness narratives, for better or worse. We navigate the fine line between staying informed and tumbling into the rabbit hole of health anxiety, and I'll share why I've chosen to buckle on my my zone belt for certain pursuits, but steer clear of the full-time digital tether of others.

It's an everyday conundrum: how do we keep moving in a world that often seems designed to keep us seated? My candid conversation tackles the reality of those much-touted step goals and the truth that they're not the be-all and end-all of an active lifestyle. I discuss the double-edged sword of fitness trackers, weighing their benefits in providing vital health insights against the potential stress of incessant digital prodding. Heart rate monitors come under the spotlight too—how do they guide our workouts without dictating them? Join me as I advocate for a minimalist approach that prizes listening to our bodies over obsessing over the numbers.

As we wrap up, I invite you to consider a mindful stance towards wearable fitness technology. The gamification of fitness and the lure of unnecessary high-tech gadgets are fodder for a lively critique, as I urge the importance of fostering a connection with our innate physical intuition. We take a step back to appreciate the joy of movement, untainted by the need to constantly measure and compare. It's a reflection on how we balance the metrics with the pleasure of exercise, reminding us that the ultimate goal is to find a harmony that aligns with our personal health journey. So, until next time, remember to tune in to your body, find joy in your workouts, and strike that blissful balance.

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Unpacking the Myth of Sweating Out Illness: The Truth About Fever, Detox, and the Power of Hydration

23m · Published 01 Apr 15:00

Have you ever tried to "sweat it out" when you're feeling under the weather, convinced that a good sauna session or some intense exercise was the key to beating a cold? Join me as I debunk this health myth with insights from my emergency department experiences, revealing why this well-intentioned advice may not be the panacea we've been led to believe. We unravel the truth behind our body's fever response and how, despite popular belief, sweat isn't the hero in our battle against illness—it's the heat response that takes the lead.

There's a certain allure to the idea of detoxifying through sweating it out in a hot yoga class or a sauna, especially after indulging in a night out. As a hot yoga enthusiast myself, I uncover the real effects of these practices on our health while paying homage to the true champions of detoxification: our liver and kidneys. We also take a fascinating detour through the wonders of human anatomy, celebrating the astonishingly intricate work our organs perform that far surpasses the capabilities of sweat.

As we wrap up this enlightening session, my devoted doctor friend and I share heartening stories and our gratitude for the journey towards positivity we're on together. We highlight the importance of hydration and discuss the actual benefits of sweating, like skin exfoliation and mucus clearance, that do have their place in maintaining our well-being. So before you roll out that yoga mat or step into the steam, tune in and let's uncover the sweat-soaked truths together. Goodbye for now, and remember to hydrate, rate, and join us again for more invigorating discussions!

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How To Travel Alone and Be Happy About It.

27m · Published 28 Mar 16:00

Embark on a transformational tale as I recount the metamorphosis from a hesitant university student to a passionate solo traveler, now gearing up for an Indonesian escapade. The art of selecting destinations becomes clear, steering away from the lonely shadows of couples' resorts and towards the warm embrace of Southeast Asia's inclusive culture. By sharing my own experiences, like the time I scaled the Rock of Gibraltar, came face-to-face with its mischievous monkeys, and navigated the solitude of an Airbnb, you'll see how solo travel reshapes perspectives on independence and connection.

Get ready for the inside scoop on why hostels are the solo traveler's secret weapon for forging friendships and the unexpected, yet lasting bonds formed with fellow wanderers, including a group of Navy guys I met along the way. From utilizing apps like Get a Guide to find that perfect blend of privacy and social interaction, to choosing private hostel rooms for a touch of solitude amidst a sea of new acquaintances, this episode is your guide to stitching a rich tapestry of solo adventures. Tune in and discover a world where every solo journey writes its own vibrant narrative, and the connections you make are as unforgettable as the places you visit.

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Staying Cool: A Journey Through Tropical Heat, Cooling Gadgets, and the Science of Body Heat Regulation

29m · Published 25 Mar 16:00

Sweat trickles down your back as you step out into the relentless heat of a Southeast Asian summer — sound familiar? Join us on a journey through the tropics as we tackle the universal struggle against heat, armed with an arsenal of cooling gadgets and a sprinkle of science. From the historic lanes of Hoi An to my own past as a heat-generating weightlifter, we'll uncover the secrets of body heat regulation and share some hearty laughs over the idiosyncrasies of online shopping descriptions.

Ever chuckled at the mishaps of online product listings? We delve into the world of grammatically adventurous Amazon ads, where a misplaced comma can be as amusing as a hand fan in a hurricane. This episode isn't just about the quirks of e-commerce; it's a real-life guide to managing your internal thermostat while gallivanting across the globe. Hear about my experiences with medications and their surprising effects on temperature regulation, and explore how a humble cooling towel or a high-tech LifeStraw can become your best travel companions.

As the mercury rises, so does the need for practical solutions to beat the heat. We'll navigate through the advantages of rechargeable fans and the lifesaving oasis of air conditioning. Let's not forget the serious side of things — heat-related illnesses can sneak up on even the most seasoned travelers, and we're here to discuss how to dodge that bullet with proper hydration and electrolyte balance. Tune in for an engaging blend of stories, science, and survival tips — all served with a side of humor and the special charm that only a podcast can deliver. Join us again for more insightful banter every Monday and Thursday, and remember to stay cool out there!

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Staying Fit and Healthy on the Go: A Traveller's Guide to Vibrancy and Vigour

30m · Published 21 Mar 16:00

Ever wondered how to keep those muscles flexed and your health in check while jet-setting across the globe? Well, buckle up, because I'm walking you through the ins and outs of staying vibrant and vigorous on the road. From the cobblestone streets of Amsterdam to the wild festivals of Glastonbury, I've clocked in enough steps to last a lifetime, all while keeping my gut happy and my body hydrated. And let's not forget about the medication merry-go-round – I'll fill you in on the life-saving meds I pack without fail, plus a cheeky story about how I tackled a UTI in Crete, no prescription needed.

Gym rats, rejoice! I've got the scoop on squeezing in those reps between flights and feasts. Discover how a gym membership can be your best travel buddy, boosting your mood and energy when you're miles away from the familiar hum of home. But it's not just about the gains; it's also about staying safe with a stash of your go-to meds and the peace of mind that comes with solid medical travel insurance. And let's not gloss over those with conditions like diabetes – navigating unfamiliar terrain requires an extra layer of care, which I dive into with the wisdom of an experienced traveler.

As we wrap up this travel lover's guide to health, I reflect on my days at the hospital, where I had a golden ticket to vaccinations galore. But even as I mop up the last remnants of a water spill (we won't talk about that), I'm dishing out reminders on prepping for malaria zones and keeping anti-sickness meds within arm's reach. So, as you gear up for your next adventure, remember to keep your ears perked for the sound of my voice, sharing tales and tips that'll keep you fit, perky, and ready to take on the world. Don't forget to engage with the podcast – your likes, follows, and comments are the cherry on top of our shared travel escapades. Now, let me send you off with a double air-kiss and a promise to bring even more zest to your next journey!

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Embracing Solo Travel: A Journey Through Asia with Tips on Mental Well-Being and Social Connections

27m · Published 18 Mar 16:00

Seize the day—that's my mantra after a financial windfall catapulted me into the thrilling unknown of solo travels across Asia. Packing my bags with excitement and a new iPad (the role of which will be revealed in due course), I embark on a journey that promises to be as rich in cultural experiences as it is in personal growth. I'm taking you with me—from the lush Indonesian jungles to the bustling markets of Thailand—while sharing nuggets of wisdom on how to stay mentally healthy when the road gets lonely or overwhelming.

Travel is as much about the places you see as the people you meet. I reminisce about heartwarming encounters, such as the instant photo that bonded me with two girls in Amsterdam, and I let you in on my strategy for keeping accommodations flexible. It’s not all spontaneity, though—some gems like Komodo National Park require a dash of planning. Throughout these tales, I share how my medical background has unexpectedly turned into a superpower for striking up conversations in hostels, and I dish out advice on choosing the right hostel vibe for your social butterfly or lone wolf tendencies.

But let's not gloss over the rough patches. Tackling anxiety and homesickness is part and parcel of any long-term travel, more so when you’re on a solo expedition. I open up about my coping strategies, from choosing a cozy taxi ride over the crush of public transport to carrying a little piece of home wherever I go. And when the yearning for familiar voices kicks in, I've got a trick or two for making the most of modern communication to keep the homesickness at bay. So tune in, and let's unravel the fabric of solo travel together, with all its highs, lows, and the beauty of discovering oneself along the way.

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Measuring What Matters in a World Obsessed with Numbers

23m · Published 14 Mar 16:00

Ever felt like a prisoner to the numbers flashing on your screen, whether it's the scale, your social feed, or your latest content creation stats? I've been there, too—caught in the whirlwind of measuring self-worth by likes, views, and subscription counts. In a candid admission, I peel back the layers of my own fixation with podcast downloads and YouTube analytics, exposing the toll it takes on mental health. We wade through the murky waters of numerical validation and the quest for content creator accolades, confronting the impact this obsession has on our personal and professional lives. This episode isn't just about the problem; it's a call to action for all of us to redefine success and find healthier ways to engage with the relentless barrage of numbers that dictate our daily routines.

Shifting gears, we tackle the elusive nature of true success. Is it quantifiable? Can we measure fulfillment or contentment? As I reflect on the growth of my YouTube channel and the SMART goals that directed me, we discuss how numbers, while helpful, can overshadow the importance of meaningful interactions. We challenge the notion that success is a destination reached by surpassing a certain numeric threshold and invite you to join the conversation, sharing your own journeys towards finding joy and achievement beyond the digits. Join me as we navigate managing personal obsessions, improving self-worth, and ultimately, redefining what it means to be successful in a world saturated with statistics.

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Unraveling the Impact of Unwanted Attention on Self-Image

30m · Published 11 Mar 16:00

Have you ever been on the receiving end of an advance that made you feel anything but flattered? Join us as I open up about an encounter with a drunk gym-goer named James, whose misguided compliments led to an unexpected journey of self-reflection. Underneath the praise lay a tangle of emotions and a paradoxical sense of feeling less worthy. As we navigate through this personal story, we dissect the confounding aftermath of being objectified, the struggle with our self-perception on off-days, and how such experiences can sometimes deepen our insecurities.

Confronting unwanted attention is never easy, especially when it crosses the lines of propriety—imagine fending off a married man, inebriated, and making inappropriate comments about his family... and his dog. This episode peels back the layers of discomfort from my awkward gym encounter and the challenges faced in firmly rejecting unsolicited advances. We'll also discuss the internal conflict that surfaces when our value seems undermined by unsettling interactions, and I'll offer a candid take on the crucial role of boundaries and self-affirmation in reclaiming our self-worth.

As we wrap up, our conversation shifts towards the empowering practice of self-care and the importance of looking inward for validation. I'll share strategies for setting personal boundaries, the revolutionary aspect of embracing one’s uniqueness against societal norms, and how mindfulness can support personal growth. It’s about navigating the chaos of spaces like the gym with grace and fostering inner peace amidst external turmoil. So tune in for an honest discussion on the transformative effects of recognizing and releasing negative emotions, and join me in acknowledging the profound significance of nurturing your self-worth from within.

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Backseat Positivity has 142 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 85:56:34. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 23rd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 23rd, 2024 17:12.

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