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Here For More Podcast: Personal Development & Mindset Growth for Eco Entrepreneurs

by Natalie Kraus

You are MORE than the title on your resume. You are MORE than the boxes society tells you to check off. You are here on this planet for SO much MORE - and you don’t have to do it alone. We're empowering eco-conscious creators to manifest more fulfillment, impact, and joy in their lives. Hosted by Natalie Kraus, Here For More Podcast is all about personal development, environmental awareness, and adopting a growth mindset so you can create the life and business you dream of.

Copyright: Here For More 2022


36: Could Your Limiting Beliefs Be Clues On How to Achieve the Things You Want Most? (I say yes!)

31m · Published 14 Sep 07:00

"Limiting beliefs" has been quite a hot topic! But, do you actually know what this means for you? How do limiting beliefs play a part in your life? What really are they and do you have them??

In short, YEP. You have them, I have them, we all do! And the best part? They aren’t going away anytime soon!! Working through limiting beliefs is a lifelong practice. It’s truly ongoing work. The benefit of knowing how to name them and understanding the importance behind them? They can be powerful in leading you towards massive action in the direction you MOST want to go.

How? Well, that’s what this episode is all about! Tune in to hear how I define limiting beliefs, simple (but not always easy) practices to working through them, and my favorite, how your liming beliefs can actually be HELPFUL.

When limiting beliefs aren’t worked through, they remain LIMITS. But when you can approach them from an inquisitive standpoint and put in the work to shift them, your life will literally transform before your eyes. This is a good one!! Hit play!

For more goodness on all things mindset, living for more, and running your own business, follow along with me on Instagram —>

35: Three Daily Practices to Make the Best of Hard Times

28m · Published 07 Sep 07:00

We’ve been living through some crazy times! But the reality is… there is always hardship. For every great season of life, you’ll have to walk through a hard one. That’s not negative thinking- that’s just the ebb and flow of life! I wanted to give you three simple steps that you can come back to daily for renewed strength and positivity. These steps are an incredible practice for everyday life, but especially powerful for when you’re walking through the hardest seasons and struggling the most.

You won’t be happy all the time, BUT you can ALWAYS choose positivity and gratitude. Follow these three steps daily to shift from negativity and doubt to fullness and light.

Step 1: Ask yourself, “What is actually true”? Acknowledge the words you speak to yourself and to others. Recognize what is true within the hardship you are facing. Then, reframe what ISN’T. For example, if you tell yourself, “this is hard and I’ll never make it through”, you can reframe this to, “Yes, this IS hard, BUT I will make it through!”. Because the reality is, you WILL. This doesn’t take away from the challenges you are facing. Your feelings are VALID. But reframing your thoughts to a place of positivity and productivity will keep you moving forwards.

Step 2: Protect and recharge your energy. Your energy is one of your most valuable assets. It’s what keeps you going each day! If you are NOT taking time each day to do things for yourself that fill up your cup, such as a morning routine, daily movement, self-care, etc., you will have nothing left to give to anyone else. Especially, you will be left feeling extra drained and resentful of your current reality. Set boundaries for yourself. Take care of yourself BEFORE you answer to anyone else in your day. Move your body daily. Clock out when it’s time to clock out. Honor yourself and you’ll find that you’re more okay than you think you are.

Step 3: Embrace the present moment. THIS is the only moment you have for sure, so you better be making the most of it. No matter the hardship you’re facing, there is always something to be grateful for. Make it a point to recognize all you can be grateful for at this very moment you’re in. Practice this every single day, and watch as the gratitude begins to pour into your life. Dreaming and planning for the future is great, but THIS is the moment you get to exist in right now. If you’re reading this, you have much to be grateful for.

Do you enjoy learning from me? Would you love to work 1:1 together to strengthen your mindset, discover new passions, and maybe even start your own business!? I have just a couple of spots left in my 3-month 1:1 Mindset and Business Coaching program! It’s time to get out of your routine of stuck and frustrated, and start living happy, motivated, passionate, and excited by your newfound purpose (and your new business!). Application is available in my Instagram bio!

34: How & Why I Decided to Start My Own Business

25m · Published 31 Aug 07:00

It’s officially been ONE YEAR since I started down this path to entrepreneurship! I figured this would be a perfect time to reflect and share with you my journey to starting my own business as a Mindset & Business Coach.

My story is particularly interesting, since when I began I had NO idea that I was actually starting my own business. All I knew is that I wanted to a) create remote work for myself so my husband and I would have more freedom to travel, and b) find passionate, fulfilling, impactful work! Little by little, my journey evolved towards me having the business I have today. I have never felt more excited by what I’m pursuing. To know that what I’m building has the power to create impact in so many ways (& it already has!!) is one of the best feelings in the world.

The number one thing that propelled me towards the success I dreamt of? Hiring a business coach!! I would not be where I am today without my mentor. I am also so stoked to be officially offering a new 1:1 program myself! 3 months of 1:1 Mindset and/or Business coaching with yours truly to help you go from being stuck and frustrated, like I was, to happy, motivated, passionate and beyond excited by your newfound purpose & brand new business. Application is available in my Instagram bio! You can find my profile here >


33: Why Not You?

9m · Published 24 Aug 07:00

This short & sweet episode is an expansion of my Instagram post from August 21st. The premise was, "Why not you?" Today, you’re seeing more people than ever do amazing things for themselves & for our world. So why can’t you do this too? Remember that EVERYONE had to start from zero at some point! Everyone has felt those fears and doubts. So what sets them apart? They BEGAN, and they KEPT GOING! It’s time to stop telling yourself why you can’t, and start saying YES to all the reasons you CAN! Tune in for a kick of motivation & inspiration.


Follow along with me on Instagram at Click the link in my bio to get started on your free 30 Day Gratitude Journal!

Sending gratitude to Audible! Claim your free trial at  As an affiliate, I receive a small commission for each trial sign up, which is at no additional cost to you, the listener. 

32: You Don’t Want to be Rich… It’s Time to Reframe Your Money Mindset

41m · Published 17 Aug 07:00

Your mindset around money is POWERFUL. It has the power to dictate your thoughts and views around money including how much you make, how much you THINK you can/need to make, why you work the job that you do, and so much more.

I truly never could have imagined sharing on this topic because, well, I’ve struggled with my own money mindset for years! It wasn’t until recently that I experienced major shifts and transformations that have brought my relationship with money to a new place. How I view money today is different than EVER before and I’ve never been more grateful for that.

Money can be a hard topic to talk about. It can create conflict and is a huge source of stress and anxiety for so many. But with the theme of Here For More in mind, I knew that a topic this big MUST be addressed at some point.

Also… did you know that YOU deserve to be MASSIVELY compensated for your time?? Well, you do!!

I showed up real & raw in this episode to share stories I’ve NEVER shared before & to teach you how you can create this new and improved mindset for yourself. After all, your relationship with money is one you want to last! It’s time to level up that money mindset of yours!! Let’s do this.


Follow along with me on Instagram at  Click the link in my bio to get started on your free 30 Day Gratitude Journal!

Sending gratitude to Audible! Claim your free trial at  As an affiliate, I receive a small commission for each trial sign up, which is at no additional cost to you, the listener. 

31: Your WHY is the Most Powerful Force to Keep You Going with Kianna Roosevelt

44m · Published 10 Aug 07:00

From Public Health major in college to burnt-out Beach Body Coach, to now Mindset & Business Coach, Kianna has finally found a path that not only allows her to impact others, but also completely aligns with what’s most important to her and her life. In this wonderful conversation, Kianna shared the challenges and hardships she faced from childhood through post-college graduation, as well as what it's been like to start her very own business.

After completing her degree at Hawaii Pacific University, she realized she didn’t feel aligned in the path she was currently on. Being able to shift, especially after telling yourself and those around you what your plan is can be TOUGH. But learning to set your ego aside and listen to your heart is crucial to finding a path in life you LOVE.

Now, after only a few months of starting her coaching business, as well as starting a business with her husband, she is feeling better than ever. Kianna says that her and her husband’s young business is doing well because they are finally HONORING themselves. Though her past experiences were tough, she feels grateful for all that she learned to get her to where she is today.

Kianna has always been a positive, uplifting human. I know this first hand from having been one of her college athletic coaches! She attributes this beautiful trait partly to having been a student-athlete, yet her mother is truly the one to thank. Despite childhood hardship, her mother ALWAYS kept life in a positive perspective.

The difference between MOTIVATION and DISCIPLINE (and the relationship between the two!) might be the best part of this chat. Kianna explains that for a successful life and business, you can’t have one without the other, but you MUST know the difference between the two! This is where knowing your WHY comes in. Your WHY can give you so much insight into your future life, but it must so BIG and so STRONG that it physically to hurts when you’re not living in this alignment. AS Kianna shares ~ Your WHY is incredible and strong and reveals to you your goals, vision, and mission. So, what’s your WHY?

Press play now to get a taste of Kianna’s uplifting spirit and absolutely wonderful wisdom!!

Connect with Kianna on Instagram:

Learn more about her and her husband's business at  


Join my insider tribe at Get started on your free 30 Day Gratitude Journal! 

Follow along with me on Instagram at

Sending gratitude to Audible! Claim your free trial at  As an affiliate, I receive a small commission for each trial sign up, which is at no additional cost to you, the listener. 

30: 3 Steps to Shift Your Mindset From a Place of Scarcity to Abundance

21m · Published 03 Aug 07:00

Shifting from a place of lack, manifesting MORE, and how to keep it that way! To make this simple, I’ve broken this down into a 3-step process. Not EASY, but SIMPLE. It’s time to get that mindset of yours set up for success 💯


1. ACKNOWLEDGE the words you regularly say aloud and the thoughts you have to yourself. Ask whether or not those thoughts are SERVING you, and then assess whether they are actually TRUE. Even if there is some truth behind the words, expressing them with negativity won’t do you any good and definitely won’t get you anywhere!

2. REFRAME your words. Shift your vocabulary to be positively directed, rather than negative. Even when things are REALLY tough. In fact, ESPECIALLY when things are really tough! Again, a negative frame WON’T GET YOU ANYWHERE.

For example: Instead of “I HAVE to” —> “I GET to, and I’m CHOOSING this”

3. PRACTICE weekly, daily, or however often you feel thoughts of doubt and scarcity creep in!

Stress, frustration, anxiety, sleep deprivation ~ these all come from places of lack.

When these feelings come up, practice noticing them and ask yourself what is ACTUALLY TRUE. Then REFRAME the vocabulary to come from a place of abundance and gratitude.

Operating from a place a doubt not only affirms the challenges you are facing, but it KEEPS YOU STUCK. Scarcity allows no room for growth. It keeps you in a place that says “I’m stuck here because I HAVE to be. There are NO options. There is NOT enough. There is NO other way”

Abundance says - this situation may totally suck, but I HAVE OPTIONS. There IS ANOTHER WAY. I can CHOOSE a NEW PATH.

Give yourself mantras and positive affirmations to come back to ~

“I am enough” “There is plenty to go around” “I can figure this out” “There is always a way”

Hard work? Totally. But practice this long enough and I bet you’ll find that, not only are you more okay than you think you are, but there is so much MORE than you ever realized.

MORE options.

MORE freedom.

MORE happiness.

MORE love.

Really, who wouldn’t want to live in this state of mind??


Follow along with me on Instagram at

Sending gratitude to Audible! Claim your free trial at  As an affiliate, I receive a small commission for each trial sign up, which is at no additional cost to you, the listener.

29: An Honest Conversation About Our First Go At Van Life

27m · Published 27 Jul 07:00

It’s a Jess and Nat episode bringing you all the insider info on our very first road trip in our van! This trip was everything we excepted… and also nothing we expected. There were massive learning curves and a new challenge to face around every corner- for real! Join us as we deep dive into what we truly think about our first trip. We share the highs and low, some surprising revelations, as well as what we imagine our next trip will look like!!

This was a dream of ours that seemed so far off. And now we’ve done it! The growth gained from choosing to pursue something so new and uncomfortable is irreplaceable. It can be tough, but it will always be WORTH IT.

I want you to know that whatever your dream is, it is available to you the moment you decide to go for it. Pursuing curiosities, interests, and passions - that’s what this life is all about!! Keep dreaming big. Figure it out along the way. We believe in you!

~  Join my insider tribe at Get started on your free 30 Day Gratitude Journal! 

Follow along with me on Instagram at

Sending gratitude to Audible! Claim your free trial at  As an affiliate, I receive a small commission for each trial sign up, which is at no additional cost to you, the listener. 

28: Giving Yourself Permission to Pursue

30m · Published 20 Jul 06:16

I cover 3 big topics in today's juicy episode!

  1. Discovering what your biggest curiosities and interests are,
  2. Finding permission within yourself to pursue said interests, and
  3. What happens along the way when your pursuit turns out to be not as great as you first thought...

These are ALL concepts I have faced in my own life, which is why I am able to so passionately speak to them now. I’ve felt your fears! I still feel that doubt around lack of time, money, resources, and fear of failure. However, I’ve come to understand that as humans, we are ALWAYS evolving, which means our interests and curiosities are too! THIS is all the permission you need to go for your biggest dreams, and then, well… just keep going!

Follow along with me on Instagram at

Sending gratitude to Audible! Claim your free trial at  As an affiliate, I receive a small commission for each trial sign-up, which is at no additional cost to you, the listener. 

27: Begin Before You’re Ready, Then Trust The Timing

24m · Published 13 Jul 07:00

That's the thing about divine timing… you don’t get to know when it’s coming! This is why it is so important to be clear, directive, and intentional about what you decide to pursue. Your WHY is what will carry you through, especially in uncertain and challenging times. There’s a difference between pursing “things” (aka, being busy ( aka, us as humans most of the time)), and pursuing a purpose backed by a strong why. There’s also a difference between this idea of “divine timing” and the concept of “begin before you’re ready”. Both are extremely important. You MUST begin when you get the idea, the passion, the opportunity… NOT wait until you “feel ready”. Yet it’s not enough to begin. You must PERSIST. This is where divine timing comes in. You don’t get to know when you’ll get to where you want to be. You have to trust it. You have to have a WHY rooted so deep that when things get tough (as they inevitably will) you’re able to keep pushing forward.

~  Join my insider tribe at Get started on your free 30 Day Gratitude Journal! 

Follow along with me on Instagram at

Sending gratitude to Audible! Claim your free trial at  As an affiliate, I receive a small commission for each trial sign up, which is at no additional cost to you, the listener. 

Here For More Podcast: Personal Development & Mindset Growth for Eco Entrepreneurs has 77 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 39:08:18. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on April 5th, 2023 05:18.

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