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It's my Life

by Harry

To be or not too be, that is the question. In Life its about finding your essence your Y...the passion to drive you and whatever direction. The make up of your Life's purpose.

Copyright: Harry


My perception of lockdowns

26m · Published 03 Sep 12:38
Explores a methodology being used to unsettle, discourage and, destabilize New Zealand. A public health act is actioned by the Ministry of Health and supported by the government whereby it's only reason it was devised, to divide and conquer. Many are looking at how to deal with the problem of this year's economic crisis by continuing to pursue the government and highlighting their socialist ideology and communist control of New Zealand. Through devious acts against our freedom and human rights they pose sanctions on the people through unrealistic laws that create falsehood through a rigorous vaccination campaign. A corrupt, deceitful and unjust government.

Tell me your story

1m · Published 20 Aug 20:00
Contact details below [email protected] I no long use social media as I find these platforms disturbing and full of trolls and so forth. As a personal trainer, confidentiality is primary. However, I am open to Zoom or Hang out including messenger for Live 101 chats when you're ready. My email is more interaction and committed to your privacy beforehand. We are facing a world that is on the verge of crumbling as we know it due to this pandemic and uncertainty. This has driven tensions and fears up another level where your decisions, control and stability are wading toward disappear. However, this doesnt have to happen, IT MY LIFE platform is about flipping your mindset to start taking action to clear the negative that surrounds you. Tell me your story and let's find the answers to the unanswered questions to your truth behind these hidden secrets.


7m · Published 27 Jul 19:49
Giving you some insights into a platform that I feel needs exploring for those feeling lost, confused or, lookingfor a way out. LIGHTHOUSE is a platform created to assist through social media to connect with you. The subject matter will differ depending on your circumstances and the EMP of your situation may just need an ear to listen to your issues. Now, I'm not a professional, just an individual whose life experience has notice a disconnection by people who, feel trapped and looking for a way out, moving forward.


31m · Published 06 Apr 19:58
Hello & Welcome to a new platform called LIGHTHOUSE. People today are being manipulated and influenced by wants happening around them and COVID-19 is a prime example. In a world of uncertainty, full of people seeking answers to unanswered questions. Now, among all this chaos is a group of individuals who feel their own issues are not being heard or, of interest to anyone outside of society social acceptance. Finding one's true meaning of life, life's purpose in a society that has been created by corporations. One's who don't fit the mould of society but, still follow law of attraction to where they're meant to be. Finding a connection to a family, people, individuals place or time. The LOST one's is about finding your pathway to your belief system and your decision to how to make it happen. Hence the name LIGHTHOUSE, identify and guide you to where you're meant to be or do as, a LIGHTHOUSE for others in a similar situation. Be part of the global LIGHTHOUSE club so we can share our experience to help those in need of assistance. Now this platform is not new but, the structured version it relates to a common theme but, uncommon by way of tapping into a source that is not openly written or talked about in the mainstream. If you're interested in helping me develop this platform please I need it. Especially the social media side, website, podcasting, YouTube etc... I also do readings of a different nature...Intuitive Empath where I will also connect with people at Mind, body and spiritual events here in New Zealand or, webinars, zoom This will allow me to explain the concept to those looking for answers. Here is my link below [email protected] connect with me and leave a message if you're a lost one or, able to assist in the social media platform. Ok, well thanks again be well, have a great day

Listen, our freedoms depend on it...

59m · Published 11 Mar 18:44
What's being happening over the past year has been dramatic to say the least and we're all affected by this crisis one way or another. I've spoken about this in my previous post and will continue to add my view and comment on future podcast. However, I hope in time the people of the world will wake up to the governments clever manipulated wordings they use to control the mindset if this crisis. To believe they've got your best interests at heart and to keep you safe. Today's government are not in the business of childcare or, are they in the business of creating safe havens for the masses. They're in the business of self serving their directives under a false sense of security. They cleverly created a smokescreen in the form of this COVID-19, globally. They're all in on it, since been made aware back when the last world's leaders summit meeting in Singapore; before this crisis started. During that summit, the world leaders were privy to a hypothetical problem worldwide that addressed the possibility of a virus outbreak would cause. Documents of this plans were also created with instructions of how to combat resistance from the people using the mainstream social media platforms to use as propaganda machine to drive the Alert message as a form of constant reminders of how serious this problem is worldwide. #1 Focus on, it's a worldwide issue. #2 Use lockdown as a form of public safety measures. #3 Social distancing will help stop the spread. #4 repeat the process at will to create this hysteria, this illusion of widespread destruction. Yet, this one issue. Still to this day, continues to have a profound impact on their decision not to close the borders. From my understanding under border control play book. #1 All main ports of entry or departure are locked down immediately, until further details of the seriousness of this outbreak. #2 Army, Navy, Airforce, Police, Border control agencies deploying temporary security around our main ports. #3 Health organization and wellness centres, all hospitals, doctors and nurses to be placed on standby for further instructions. #Frontline, quarantine and isolation centers would be placed at the main ports will be deployed by the military contingency and for security purposes. To expect the unexpected at ground zero. All incoming would be tested but, no outgoing until further notice. So, the only incoming would be cargo and they would be required to stand onboard their ship or aircraft as a means of border controls. To lessen the risk of spreading the virus. If citizens of New Zealand came home would under go test and isolated under quarantine as a safety precaution. Then released. Border Control 101. But this wasn't done, no! Why? The government had been warned years enadanved

Follow the money

35m · Published 21 Feb 18:46
This about how three pillars of society are engaged in elites practices and why they say, follow the money. What has Washington DC, the Vatican and the City of London have in common. All 3 are linked together by way of money, minerals and stockholders. After the battle of independence of July 4th was to be signed, it was then noticeably absent of funds to build its economy after exhausting all its resources to defend the nation. An opportunity by the British as part of the agreement of independence that, they would only sign the declaration of independence if they'd agreed to allow under the British government or Royals with links to the Vatican and it's own created City of London. Played a significant role as financial support. As a primary stakeholder in financing America's economic growth and development at that time grew into the biggest deception in monetary transactions the world as ever been privy too, until now. We must remember the British have scaled the world in acquisition of Land, sea and minerals from countries for years, and used the might of their armies to conquer vast lands under the Kings and Queens of its era. In doing so, underbthe guidance of the Vatican. They did so without mercy and killed Millions under its rule. The crusades into middle east saw unjustified tensions and violence and most of all the rape and pillaging of the lands and it's people. All for the sake of Christianity, for god and his majesty the King or Queen of that era. Over the centuries to this day, have accumulated a wealth of unimaginable power, riches and minerals from their greed for control. Now in today's terms, it still continues through this deception of COVID-19. Placing countries under internment camps for lockdown and quarantine procedures where the economy is place under stress or ruine. Purchasing of vaccines by the government using taxpayers funds or borrowing, placing further debt into the Billions of dollars. All to control of the world and everything in it. "You will own nothing and be happy". Seriously, a video was released on Saturday by the president of Ghana in Africa. Exposing the real plan behind the current crisis we're facing right now by the Rothschilds. A document he was able to obtain from its website the play book which outlines in detail how COVID-19 is engineered to shift the world into a false sense of security. A hoax pandemic. For the purpose of acquisition, control, greed and the slow process of depopulation and using climate change as a key essential to override current policies that go against their directives and narratives. Here is a link literally type this into the search engine of Duckduckgo and you will here what is being said by the president of Ghana. But you must watch to the end to get a full picture on how this document describes to the last detail of what has, will and is happening right now and, to the next phase. This link is about change, literally, type in the link to access the biggest economic disaster for businesses if it's allowed to continue. Watch to the end...this was sent to me last night. Share, comment Time to oust the leaders in this deception and bring down a form of dictatorship, socialism and communism being used to unsettling the world situation.

Ugly & Calculating COVID-19

8m · Published 14 Feb 19:33
It's not only ugly they way this government is trying to push this COVID-19 issue but, the PCR test kits being used are not designed for its current purpose. Repeat, PCR test kits, are not design for detecting, COVID-19. So, how is it possible to read a positive test when it's not design for that, but will pick any type of particular enzyme or micro organism within the body. Therefore, you're actually perpetrating a false sense of security when being tested for a virus that is not actually spreading. But, by doing so, increasing the fudged numbers being manipulated as COVID-19. Hence, the readings are negative in most case while in isolation or quarantine and not until.they leave, they pick up on a positive reading. So, they're using this information to circumvent their directives and a narrative to push for mandatory vaccination. Feb 15 2021, we're in Alert level 3 for Auckland and Alert level 2 for the rest of the country. The government waited after the holidays to spring this tactics as many travelled around the Country and some from overseas entered the country. Now, you can see the bigger picture. The government is now able to put together supposedly a possible case of a family of 3 in South Auckland...obviously, have COVID-19. Also, where they've travelled from Auckland to Taranaki during this time. How convenient after no community transmission, its appeared out of the blue. The government will play this game until they get what they want. From the start, its been about we are...they're pulling the strings and you are the puppets. I cut my strings from this government, never voted for them because, in reality. They're a corporate government with socialist directives associated with UN21 & UN2030 extended to UN2050 plans of a NWO and one government rule. No thank you.

Lights, camera & action...

16m · Published 21 Jan 18:59
This episode explores the world of acting....where I decided to immerse myself and take a leap of faith at the potential of making a career in this industry. Like most people, I was captivated by the film industry at what they did in making these products...films movies and commercials. If you look up talent agencies in your local area. You'll find they're always looking...for people like you and I to fill in the spaces. Yes, that's correct. People come and go and there's always fresh new faces to fill in the gaps when people decide to leave. If your lucky to get spotted early in the game and you start to progress more into other products and, if your enjoying the notoriety. Well done as your profile of your photo shoot will also add to your story in the selection process. Now, I forgot to mention that you paid an application fee to be signed on to your talent scout agency. In turn, provide a professional photographer and make up service for your own portfolio. Copy will be given to you and, it is their job to find an agency willing to take you onto their books. Once accepted in my case, a 12 months contract to push me into auditioning for commercial etc. From there, the experience is amazing in how all this comes together and the production crew, lighting and manual hours to put everything from inception, design, development and into action is mind boggling to say the least. All I can say is, the experience you'll never forget or should you. However, if you're interested, the opportunity is yours. If you're open....the worlds your oyster!

Time to face what challenges lay ahead.

17m · Published 20 Jan 18:59
First and foremost, Hello & welcome to it's my life. I'm your host and my name is Harry. I'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you to my current listeners or a listener and, appreciate your time. If you're new, a disclaimer. This podcast is unscripted, unedited and in its rawness; in its entirety. It's messy at times and ramble on specific subject matters. However, in its truth and from within a thought process at that particular timeline. Also, a small acknowledgement to the US president elect inauguration ceremony today. Next is reference to my current working career. Situation how I feel and where to next and the challenges. Also, mention about anyone who could help contact me by email: [email protected] or on my Gab account. Under Gaskarhealing. Past experiences about a platform similar to YouTube but where your content can be displayed for viewing without the censorship an open platform with obvious restrictions to explicit content and information. If you're interested in a project partnership...there is a link in the description

Is Tarot a possible interest that feels taboo to you...

20m · Published 19 Jan 19:00
Do you listen to your intuition, that voice of reasoning or, in other words. What's right and wrong. A decision for many find it difficult, others not so much however, any doubt is considered in two minds. A path lead by your imagination or gut feeling. Whichever you choose it will take you on a journey of self discovery. You may discover something about yourself, a past you've hidden for so long has surfaced a creative side once flourishing and has since laid dormant. Our individuality is constantly growing, changing and challenging who we are and where we fit into society. Society is often a place of order, compliance, set rules and regulations. Anything outside of a standardized system is unthinkable or controversial. Healing work by individuals is accepted within reason by society along as it's classed under alternative. You will be surprised how these tarot readings are accurately described..."On point" and watching globally on YouTube. This is my go to place for tarot readings. Leave a comment on my Gab page under Gaskarhealing. To my listeners, thank you and any newbies Hello and welcom. As I start to improve my podcast, my next move is to look at and start increasing my viewers platform., subject matter and interaction including monetization. Once again thank you my listeners and appreciate your viewers comments and time.

It's my Life has 19 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 9:54:36. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on April 11th, 2024 10:41.

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