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She Envisions

by Joane Casey

Welcome to She Envisions Podcast. She Envisions was created to help you empower your life vision through faith. It is designed for women to live in their God-given purpose, to accomplish anything she sets her mind to do, and to remind her that no dream is impossible.

Copyright: Joane Casey


Episode 38- How to protect your vision

38m · Published 29 Nov 12:00

Episode 38: Protect your vision

In this episode, we get to talk about how to protect your vision and what to do when you’re in a busy season. Its important to not compromise with your vision and get comfortable and fall back into bad habits and remember to not give up. Keep going and keep growing and but up healthy boundaries of gratitude around your vision. Be conscious of what derails you from your vision.

+ Beware of the lies of the enemy that will try to break down your vision and make you feel unworthy of your vision.

+ Remember that no one can take your vision from you.

+ Honor your vision by protecting it from things that will harm it.

+ You may be hitting a wall, or feel like you are repeating the same season of not being where you want to be but you have to recognize the difference between the voice of the enemy and the voice of God.

+ There are things that are imperative to carry out your vision, you must have discipline and tenacity.

+God doesn’t change his mind about the vision He gave you.

+You have to learn to rely on God’s strength to protect the vision and carry it out.

+ You have to learn how to fight and nurture your vision.

+ It’s going to take effort, and faith to believe in your vision to come to pass.

Feel free to share what you got out of this week's episode and email us @ [email protected].

Links and resources: Follow us on Instagram: @she_envisions for more tools + and resources,

Episode 37: 1 Year Anniversary- Highlights

38m · Published 03 Nov 11:00

In this episode, we celebrate our 1 year anniversary since we launched the She Envisions podcast and we get to talk about our favorite episodes so far, the milestones that we have seen, our international podcast audience, our special guests on the show and how impactful it has been to hear their stories, we talk about our social events that have launched and created a special community and atmosphere for women to share their vision and we get to open up abot how the journey has been to seeing this vision fulfilled. You don’t want to miss out on hearing about some of the biggest episodes that have impacted our community and how powerful the socials have been and what we’re doing to partner with a non-profit organization to make a difference.

+ Did you know that our audience ranges from age 18-59 women? Also 2% of our audience is actually men? God is using this podcast and reaching people in 19 different countries!

+ Episode 18: Knowing your season is something that really stood out and is a great reminder to identify what season your in, embrace and persevere through it and to cultivate your season no matter what season youre in.

+ We talk about how Episodes 1-6 and how pivotal it was when we began to be vulnerable and share our personal testimonies and stories. We noticed a huge shift when we started talking about Episode 4: Healthy Boundaries Part 1 and Part 2 and learning how to say no to things that don’t serve your vision and say yes to things that are beneficial to you.

+ The Waiting Season is something that we all have to face and experience when we’re pursuing our vision. We must learn to be intentional in the waiting season and learn how to develop ourselves while we’re waiting.

+ A vision is going to take more than just you, there are people that God will bring in your life to help you fulfil your vision and come alongside you and support you.

+ We encourage you to find an outlet where you can use your voice as an authority and tshare your stories and your testimonies.

+ Episode 21: Beauty from Ashes is our most popular episode with our special guest Cassandra who shares her testimony of how she dealt with some tragedy and how she persevered through the trials and how God restores what was loss.

+ Your testimony is powerful and is meant to be shared to help others.

+ Don’t allow the enemy to keep you silent or allow someone else to take the authority away from your voice, you are meant to speak and lead with your stories and the power of your testimony.

+ Remember anything is possible when you trust God with your vision and you continue to lean on Him and keep Him first.

Episode 36: Create your vision blueprint

27m · Published 26 Oct 01:00
  • REALITY CHECK- how will this vision business plan benefit you?
  • What do you really want out of it? WHY?
  • Be completely honest about yourself and your skills and abilities.
  • Don’t do anything off the whim you must always have a plan.
  • You have to educate yourself before you jump all in on your business plan.
  • Before taking off and executing you have to have a prepared plan.
  • Vision boards can be confusing when you’re trying to narrow things down it is important to create a blueprint and focus on attainable goals that you can reach.
  • In regards to your business or organization, you have to be realistic about what you’re actually good at and what your strong assets are and have the tenacity to do what you’re trying to do.
  • You need to sacrifice somewhere to be where you want to be.
  • Vision Reality Check is learning to create the blueprint what does what that look like.
  • You have to take into consideration how much time and money aka RESOURCES, it is going to take to actually execute the vision.
  • You have to exercise your full potential.
  • Identify what your NICHE is and use your gifts and abilities in the right atmosphere.
  • Learn how to be wise in creating resources to support your vision.
  • The best thing that you can do is surrender the vision back to God and trust God to guide you with the next step towards executing your vision.

Visions of Gold: Take time and write out your business plan and your vision blueprint.

Feel free to share what you got out of this week's episode and email us @ [email protected].

Links and resources: Follow us on Instagram: @she_envisions for more tools + and resources.

Episode 35: Refocus on your vision

46m · Published 04 Oct 11:00

Episode 35: Refocus on your vision

In this episode, we get to talk about how to refocus on your vision and learn how to carry out your vision when there are distractions that will try to pull you away from your vision. We have to learn how to realign our security in the Lord. Even in the midst of life and learning how to prioritize our priorities and juggling our time and energy.

+ When you refocus on your vision you are able to be still and listen to God’s directions and not try to go and do what you just want to do.

+ Beware of trying to take on your vision by yourself and trying to do it on your own strength.

+Sometimes when you’re so occupied with working and grinding and even pursuing your vision you can get burned out and lose the joy in it, you have to learn to listen to your body and your red flags to slow down and take mental breaks.

+ Don’t lose your joy in serving your vision, because you’re not where you want to be.

+ God wants to develop within you what you need to be prepared with before you can see your vision come to pass.

+ It’s important to have blinders up and put up healthy boundaries to stay focused on your vision.

+ If you feel stagnant or stuck it's because your focus has been on the wrong things, you have to refocus on your vision.

+ There is a process to your vision and God wants to prepare you in the stillness of His presence to fill you up and speak to you.

+ It’s going to take preparation and patience to trust the process.

+ God will never bring you to the vision that you’re not prepared for.

+ God loves you so much to not give you the whole picture of your vision and wants you to trust Him in the process and the little steps.

+ Trust the journey that is ahead of you and keep your blinders up.

Feel free to share what you got out of this week's episode and email us @ [email protected].

Links and resources: Follow us on Instagram: @she_envisions for more tools + and resources,

Episode 34: Understanding God's Timing

36m · Published 20 Sep 11:00

In this episode, we get to talk about understanding timing and how important it is for our vision. We must learn how to be in the waiting season and trust in God’s timing. You can’t avoid the waiting season, it’s important to be proactive while you’re in the waiting season and prepare your mental state and your spiritual mindset. The Lord wants to reveal the vision for your life to you and is always working in the background we just need to trust and allow God to lead us.

+ During the waiting time is where we develop ourselves.

+ When we learn to trust God’s timing we are more prepared and get to rely on God’s guidance.

+ Timing is a form of perspective.

+ God is working in the background while you’re in the waiting season.

+ We have to learn how to move and work in God’s timing.

+ Even when we move out of God’s timing and will He allows us to learn from our own seasons and come back to the beginning with Him.

+ Our perspective is our reality and what we choose to see and believe.

+ Before we can walk on the water we have to keep our eyes on Jesus and trust Him and have faith in Him and His plan.

+ God knows our heart and He loves us so much that He allows us to learn from doing things ahead of Him.

+ When you get ahead of God you can become your own God and try to do God’s job when you were never meant to do it on your own.

Episode 33: Guest Speaker Darla Lassiter - Gift of Prayer + Prophecy

44m · Published 23 Aug 11:00

In this episode, we interview a very special guest who has the gift of prayer and prophecy and is a pastor, leader, teacher, author, and mentor. We’re excited to have Darla Lassiter on our podcast to share about these specific gifts and how to activate and develop them.  We are going to talk about what the word of God teaches about them.

+ Have you spent time in prayer today?

+ Prayer is the foundation for every believer.

+ Prayer starts with the confession of our heart and having a conversation with the Lord.

+ It’s about the quality of prayer and the quantity of time.

+ Gift of speaking in tongues is a gift that the Lord gives you.

+ Prayer is when we spend time with the Lord and communicate with him.

+ You can study scripture and verses on prayer.

+ Prayer is birthed from our personal relationship with the Lord.

+ Its the way that we pray out the perfect will of God and the enemy can’t understand it.

+ The baptism of the Holy Spirit is evidence of the Holy Spirit.

+ The gift of prophecy is when you have a specific work from the Lord for someone.

+ The office of the prophet is different from the gift of prophecy.

+ All of our gifts should be filtered from the love of God and in humility.

+ The gifts come on us as God wills them and not just when we desire them.

+ Prophetic word is always uplifting and encouraging it should never be used for correction.

+ The prophetic word should confirm what God has already spoken to you.

+ It goes back to our prayer life and to make sure that it is aligned with what the Lord has already put in your heart.

+  If we are in a healthy place in our prayer life we will have the discernment to be able identify if it is from the Lord.

Visions of Gold: Take your prayer time and be intentional in praying.

Book references:

“Humility” by Andrew Murray

“Love the way to victory” by Kenneth Hagan

Episode 32: Spiritual Gift of Leadership + Mercy

44m · Published 02 Aug 11:00

In this episode we get to talk about 2 gifts that may be more natural for people. We are talking about leadership and mercy. Leadership is very evident and can be a natural gift but also requires to be developed and matured. Mercy is where we can empathize with others and truly extend grace to everyone.

  • The spiritual gift of leadership is closely related to the gift of administration and, interestingly, the spiritual gift of pastor/shepherd.  The Greek word for the spiritual gift of leadership is proistemi.
  • This word means to lead, to assist, to protect and to care for others.  The spiritual gift of leadership is found in Romans 12:8 sandwiched between the gifts of giving and of mercy.  It is placed there intentionally to show that it is a gift associated with caring for others.  This is what connects it to the gift of pastor/shepherd, and what differentiates it from the gift of administration.
  • It is more people oriented than task oriented in its application.  This is not to say those with the gift of administration do not care for people, of course they do, but those with the spiritual gift of leadership focus on people and relationships more directly.
  • In 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 Paul says to “respect those who labor among you and are over (proistemi) you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work.”
  • The labor and work of those who were leading the believers in Thessalonica was that of tirelessly caring for their souls.  Paul also connects leadership to caring for others when he asks, “If someone does not know how to manage (proistemi) his own household, how will he care for God’s church?”  1 Timothy 3:5
  • The final gift Paul discusses in Romans 12 is the gift of mercy: “he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.” The gift of mercy is the desire and ability to identify with and comfort those who are hurting. People with this gift come alongside those who are hurting—not to lecture them, not to ask them what sin they committed that caused them to hurt, and not to even help them solve their problem. They have the desire to comfort those who are hurting. People who have this gift have the ability to discern the mood of others.

Episode 31: Spiritual Gift of Teaching + Service

38m · Published 12 Jul 11:00

In this episode, we get to talk about 2 of the most evident spiritual gifts that most people can see, teaching and serving. They both look different but they both serve others and are strong gifts that people are drawn to. The servant gift has a passion to act first and do what’s needed. The teaching gift desires to share knowledge and teach others. We will talk about the different scriptures that teach us about these specific gifts.

  • The servant gift is something that takes time to develop just like any other gift.
  • Some of the major characteristics of a “Servant” are practicality, diligence, and detail.
  • They are the “Martha” in the story and want to get things done in a practical way, they will go out of their way to serve others and to make sure that things get done.
  • Their filter is “Are you doing your share?” - Jesus is the ultimate example of a servant, he came to serve not to be served.
  • John 13:5 “After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.”
  • John 4:24 “ My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent and to finish his work.”
  • The teacher's characteristics are intelligence, inquisitiveness, and philosophy.  Their major passion is to know things and to help others know things.
  • Luke 2:46 “After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.”
  • Jesus was the ultimate teacher, always teaching us parables and always learning things constantly.

Visions of Gold- How are you utilizing the gift of serving and how can you develop your teaching gift to help and share your knowledge with others?

Feel free to share what you got out of this week's episode and email us @ [email protected].

Links and resources: Follow us on Instagram: @she_envisions for more tools + and resources, check out our website.

Episode 30: Spiritual Gift of Exhortation

31m · Published 08 Jul 15:47

In this episode, we talk about the spiritual gift of exhortation. Exhortation is the gift of encouragement and being able to give words of affirmation. We also share stories of how to identify your gifts.

+ Giving words of encouragement is giving comfort to others and helping them mature in their walk with Christ.

+ Exhortation is something that we all need.

+ Our gifts need to be cultivated in order to grow and be confident in exercising our gifts.

+ The best way to learn more about your gift is to seek God and study that gift through scripture.

+ When you’re operating in your gift it is meant to bless others.

+ People who have the gift of teaching

+Exhortation in Greek is “Paraklesis” which means comfort. The Holy Spirit is known as our comforter and He guides us into all truth which brings us freedom.

+ Our gifts our meant to be bring God glory and bless and refresh others.

+ Exhortation is also used for rebuking in love and truth. It is meant to bring out the best of people.

Visions of Gold- Identify what your spiritual gift and study the gift through scripture and activate it.

Feel free to share what you got out of this week's episode and email us @ [email protected].

Links and resources: Follow us on Instagram: @she_envisions for more tools + and resources, check out our website.

Episode 29: Discernment

46m · Published 28 Jun 11:00

In this episode, we get to talk about the importance of having discernment.

Without discernment, you can get distracted and get on a rabbit trail and it can lead to anxiety, and we have to be more spiritually aware of how we use our discernment.

Discernment describes a wise way of judging between things, or a particularly perceptive way of seeing things.

· Learn how to communicate with discernment and when to speak and when to listen.

· Discern your emotions and be able to listen to your instincts.

· Use your emotions to serve you, emotions are terrible leaders, but they make great servants.

· You can grow and exercise the gift of discernment.

· Discernment- is internal spiritual freedom, you can be set free from the lies and be able to believe the truth.

· You can’t rely on your emotion but let them be good warnings.

· The Lord looks at the heart.

· Discernment is God’s perspective.

· We are in spiritual warfare and need to be able to use the spirit of discernment to defeat the lies of the enemy.

· Learn how to discern your own feelings and the difference between your flesh and your spirit.

· When you learn what your spiritual gifts are then you can embrace your gifts in your identity in Christ.

· We grow our gifts when we study the word of God and scripture.

· Proverbs 3:21- shares how important discernment is.

Visions of Gold- take the spiritual gifts test on our link on our website.

Feel free to share what you got out of this week's episode and email us @ [email protected].

Links and resources: Follow us on Instagram: @she_envisions for more tools + and resources, check out our website.

She Envisions has 39 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 25:23:24. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on March 31st, 2024 22:47.

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