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F+Z Reality's

by F+Z Reality's

A podcast that brings different perspectives to change your narrative.


S2 Ep 06: How to make others hear you.

0s · Published 22 Dec 04:59

Meetings can be difficult in both remote and face-to-face settings. From staying focused, being engaged, arranging your thoughts & reading people’s expressions to managing silent situations.

This episode was one of our favourite topics - communication and how to make others hear us. Although the conversation took a different direction than expected, our curiosity led us to focus on in-person and remote meetings.

Here are a few highlights from our latest episode:

  • We opened up this episode with a question ‘do other people listen to you?’ and ‘how often they don't?’

  • How can we hold onto others’ attention during meetings? Here Zuzanna shared about practising deep listening and the power of asking questions.

  • Almost all of us will experience “awkward silence” when the presenter asked for feedback or a question. How do we maintain our composure and confidence then?

  • Lastly, we shared and agreed that everyone in the organization or team, their voices and opinions matter and must be given a chance to be heard.

This episode left both of us with plenty of thoughts to reflect on. What is emerging for you from our discussion?

You can reach us at fandzreality@gmail com.


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S2 Ep 05: Summary of avoiding remote burnout

0s · Published 22 Dec 04:39

This is a short 5mins summary for listeners who are on the go.

Remote work has certainly created opportunities for us, like allowing many workers to work from home and spend more quality time with family, and widening the talent pool for many employers.

However, remote working also exposes social risks. Workers are experiencing burnout and loneliness. In this episode 5, we reflected on remote burnout and shared a few tips on how to deal with it.

 Here are a few highlights from our latest episode:

  • We reflected on how remote work or work from home had provided us with flexibility and empowerment. We are able to spend more family time while still keeping the same productivity output.

  • While some thrive and live their dream life, others realise that it is harder than ever for them to put a hard stop on working and that work-life balance has never been further away and eventually resulted in work burnout.

  • A few tips on dealing with remote burnout – scheduling intentional breaks to have coffee or go for a walk, pantry talk with colleagues virtually, listening to your body, & creating a culture of empathy.

  • Addressing remote burnout or achieving a healthy work-life environment should start with the leader.

This episode left both of us with plenty of thoughts to reflect on. What is emerging for you from our discussion?

You can reach us at fandzreality@gmail com.


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S2 Ep 05: Avoiding remote burnout

0s · Published 25 Nov 01:16

Remote work has certainly created opportunities for us, like allowing many workers to work from home and spend more quality time with family, and widening the talent pool for many employers.

However, remote working also exposes social risks. Workers are experiencing burnout and loneliness. In this episode 5, we reflected on remote burnout and shared a few tips on how to deal with it.

 Here are a few highlights from our latest episode:

  • We reflected on how remote work or work from home had provided us with flexibility and empowerment. We are able to spend more family time while still keeping the same productivity output.

  • While some thrive and live their dream life, others realise that it is harder than ever for them to put a hard stop on working and that work-life balance has never been further away and eventually resulted in work burnout.

  • A few tips on dealing with remote burnout – scheduling intentional breaks to have coffee or go for a walk, pantry talk with colleagues virtually, listening to your body, & creating a culture of empathy.

  • Addressing remote burnout or achieving a healthy work-life environment should start with the leader.

This episode left both of us with plenty of thoughts to reflect on. What is emerging for you from our discussion?

You can reach us at fandzreality@gmail com.


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S2 Ep 04: Summary of How Teamwork Benefits from Your Full Personality

0s · Published 24 Nov 05:18

This is a short 5mins summary for listeners who are on the go.

According to Maslow, if you want to get to the top of the pyramid and fulfil your full potential, you’ve got to build a solid base first. There are four building blocks, Physical Security, Emotional Security, Environment, & Mindset. 

Self-control is one of the skills that overlap the building blocks and a skill that develops over time. Self-control refers to your ability to manage your behavior in order to achieve goals, improve positive outcomes, and avoid negative consequences. Self-control is an important skill that allows us to regulate behavior in order to achieve our long-term goals.

In this episode 4,  we discussed how to bring one’s full potential to work and how to encourage others to fully show up, and one of the skills that you need is self-control. 

  • What are the benefits of having self-control?

  • Can we control our self-control?

  • Improving cultural awareness with self-control

We wrapped up our discussion with an agreement that to encourage others to bring their full selves and potential at work, it has to start with awareness, both social and self. It is also equally important to share our weaknesses and faults.

This episode left both of us with plenty of thoughts to reflect on. What is emerging for you from our discussion?

You can reach us at fandzreality@gmail com.


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S2 Ep 04: How Teamwork Benefits from Your Full Personality

0s · Published 22 May 07:43

According to Maslow, if you want to get to the top of the pyramid and fulfil your full potential, you’ve got to build a solid base first. There are four building blocks, Physical Security, Emotional Security, Environment, & Mindset. 

Self-control is one of the skills that overlap the building blocks and a skill that develops over time. Self-control refers to your ability to manage your behavior in order to achieve goals, improve positive outcomes, and avoid negative consequences. Self-control is an important skill that allows us to regulate behavior in order to achieve our long-term goals.

In this episode 4,  we discussed how to bring one’s full potential to work and how to encourage others to fully show up, and one of the skills that you need is self-control. 

  • What are the benefits of having self-control?

  • Can we control our self-control?

  • Improving cultural awareness with self-control

We wrapped up our discussion with an agreement that to encourage others to bring their full selves and potential at work, it has to start with awareness, both social and self. It is also equally important to share our weaknesses and faults.

This episode left both of us with plenty of thoughts to reflect on. What is emerging for you from our discussion?

You can reach us at fandzreality@gmail com.


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S2 Ep 03: Summary of Overthinking

0s · Published 15 May 10:17

This is a short 5mins summary for listeners who are on the go.

The classic overthinking definition is, “to think about something too much or for too long.” It might feel like you’re the only one lying awake at night, dwelling on a decision you made earlier that day or worrying about tomorrow’s to-do list. But you’re not alone—research suggests that seventy-three percent of 25- to 35-year-olds overthink, along with fifty-two percent of people ages 45 to 55[1].

In this episode 3,  we explored the topic of overthinking and looking at it from many different angles and pondered on its benefits and the downside of it. 

  • How far should we overthink and when to stop.

  • What is the right amount of overthinking

  • What is a better way to measure to know when it is enough of the thinking before one gets into overthinking?

  • Looking at ways to get away from overthinking

  • Is it wrong to overthink our future

While it’s human nature to think things through when making a decision or evaluating a situation, it becomes overthinking when you can’t get out of your own head. It happens to all of us at some point in our lives – we all experience events that cause us worry or stress.

Thank you so much everyone for listening, we would love to hear from you. What is your view on the smallest actions lead to long-term rewards? Have you ever taken such an approach?

You can reach us at fandzreality@gmail com.


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S2 Ep 03: Overthinking

0s · Published 04 May 01:04

The classic overthinking definition is, “to think about something too much or for too long.” It might feel like you’re the only one lying awake at night, dwelling on a decision you made earlier that day or worrying about tomorrow’s to-do list. But you’re not alone—research suggests that seventy-three percent of 25- to 35-year-olds overthink, along with fifty-two percent of people ages 45 to 55[1].

In this episode 3,  we explored the topic of overthinking and looking at it from many different angles and pondered on its benefits and the downside of it. 

  • How far should we overthink and when to stop.

  • What is the right amount of overthinking

  • What is a better way to measure to know when it is enough of the thinking before one gets into overthinking?

  • Looking at ways to get away from overthinking

  • Is it wrong to overthink our future

While it’s human nature to think things through when making a decision or evaluating a situation, it becomes overthinking when you can’t get out of your own head. It happens to all of us at some point in our lives – we all experience events that cause us worry or stress.

Thank you so much everyone for listening, we would love to hear from you. What is your view on the smallest actions lead to long-term rewards? Have you ever taken such an approach?

You can reach us at fandzreality@gmail com.


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S2 Ep 02: Summary of Impact of Small Measures

0s · Published 27 Apr 03:14

A short 5 min summary for listeners who are on the go.

Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval argue in their book, The Power of Small: Why Little Things Make all the Difference, that bigger is not always better. In fact, these authors challenge all of us that our smallest actions, words, and gestures often lead to our greatest long-term rewards and outcomes.

In this episode 2, we had a conversation about the impact of small measures and how they impacted our lives. How we can adopt the Pareto Principle of 80/20. For example, it is not uncommon to see people who appear to be busy all day long but seem to accomplish very little. This is almost always because they are busy working on tasks that are of low value while they are procrastinating on the one or two activities that could make a real difference to their companies and to their careers.

When it comes to personal relationships, limiting beliefs can affect everything from culture to overall performance and efficiency. Limiting beliefs can lead us to be passive and to ignore or overlook small measures, small steps. A small change to your routine and habit can improve the way you look at things and well-being and staying healthy.

Thank you so much everyone for listening, we would love to hear from you. What is your view on the smallest actions lead to long-term rewards? Have you ever taken such an approach?

You can reach us at fandzreality@gmail com.


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S2 Ep 01: Summary of Being Present

0s · Published 27 Apr 03:03

In Season 2, we decided to tweak our approach. We understand that time is precious to some of our listeners and we feel you. With that in mind, we are going to create a short 5 mins podcast to give highlights of each episode.

In episode 1, we tapped into what it means to be present, living in the moment and connected it with multitasking and critical thinking! Being present is a way for you to absorb and experience whatever things are around you, for example, paying your full attention to people or surroundings in a new place or with a new work role, while Living in the moment is the ability to make decisions that come with certain risks for a benefit or to achieve something.

Here are a few highlights from our conversation:

  1. You can be present with others, as well as with yourself. For example, try meditation or self-reflection, perhaps every morning one wishes to be present holistically with the environment, your mind and your body - to notice one’s feelings, thoughts, needs, to reflect what is lacking or what needs to be pursued.

  2. Then we had a look into multitasking - if it is even possible, and what are the consequences and cost of multitasking, i.e., losing focus and concentration, more time required to perform certain tasks, lower efficiency, and productivity.

  3. Next, we wanted to solve the mystery if one can practise critical thinking while being present? Is it possible to fully immerse into the present moment and analyse, complete and be critical about a certain task?

  4. We deepen the conflict's context even more. Being present during a conflict situation is called sitting in the fire, as it is challenging and uncomfortable. Conflicts are situations in which most people would do everything that they can not to be present in the moment, to escape that moment.

  5. We ended up sharing our key takeaways from this conversation. There are many beliefs around what is being in the moment and how it's not possible in many circumstances. And maybe it is possible at any given moment, it doesn’t mean it is always needed or is best for us. So, let’s always pick what serves us the most. At the end of the day, it is on us as individuals to be able to activate what is needed at a certain time, place and within a certain audience.

Thank you so much everyone for listening, we would love to hear from you. What is your view on being present? When do you like being present and when do you think it's a challenge for you?

You can reach us at fandzreality@gmail com.


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S1 Season 1 Recap

0s · Published 25 Apr 13:56

Do you stretch your mind regularly?

There are many benefits of stretching, like improving flexibility or minimizing risks of injuries. The same applies to our minds - they need regular stretching to stay healthy, flexible and to serve us for many years!

So how can one stretch her/his mind? 🤔

That is one of the reasons that Faizal and I created the F+Z Reality's Podcast! 🎧🧠

And we have some great news!

Season 2 of F+Z reality will be released any day now!

New website, new topics and new amazing visual identity!

But before we dive into the second season, I prepared a short recap of the first season for you!

👉🏽 listen 🎧 or read 👇🏽 and enjoy 💚

In episode 1, we talked about New Year's resolutions. We shared and explored our experiences with setting goals, intentions, directions or challenges for a different new year or executing projects. As we dug into various strategies and tricks to get to your goals.

In episode 2, we decided to have a look at the topic of remote trust. At first, the remote work was supposed to last just for a few weeks. And it is still our new reality. We share experience, observations and knowledge around building trust in remote settings!

In episode 3, we had an insightful conversation on decision making. We shared some reflections and had a lot of fun while answering questions like What makes a bad decision a bad decision? And why is selecting a good yogurt important for your future?

In episode 4, we discussed the essentials of communication. We focused on getting rid of misunderstandings and miscommunications and making the whole process easier and lighter!

In episode 5, we talked about differences between push and pull mindsets! And we both agreed that the pull mindset is the one we would like to have more of in our lives!

In episode 6, we discussed our perspectives of working with people. Since our preferences seemed as total opposites we discussed the ups and lows of being a lone wolf or working in a pack.

In episode 7, we decided to have a look at what success is to us. In this, we drifted towards discussion about our self-relationships and how these impact our success (and a definition of it!).

In episode 8, we concluded the first season with a discussion about habits. Building new habits or nourishing old ones — both need an evaluation from time to time. During our conversation, we created for you a brief instruction on how you can evaluate your habits.

I feel like all these topics are still relevant, so go ahead and re-listen to any of those if a topic caught your attention!

And watch out for the release of season 2 with more stretching for your mind!


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F+Z Reality's has 21 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 0:00. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on March 15th, 2024 15:43.

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