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Daily Living For Christ

by Donald E. Coleman

There are 86,400 seconds in a day. Imagine the possibilities of what your life could be if you dedicated an additional 60 seconds each day to take steps to draw closer to Christ. I created this podcast to partner with you on your journey, along with providing, tips, tools, and techniques centered on the Word of God to inspire listeners to take action each day to walk with Jesus Christ. Allow me the opportunity to walk with you on your journey to becoming more like Christ each day. Subscribe now

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Acts 9:10-19 - Divine Intervention Pt 2

43m · Published 20 Oct 19:00

In this episode, we continue the deep dive into Saul's conversion on the road to Destiny (Damascus). Within these verses are important spiritual truths that Luke wanted the church to know. We will see how a man walking in human authority Preying on Christian is brought to the place where he begins Praying for understanding. We also see God's Providence in action again with the introduction of Ananias. If you recall from the previous episodes, I said God has a plan.

Download this episode now to hear a fresh word to deepen your walk with Christ.

In November of 2022, during one of the episodes, the Holy Spirit pressed upon me to lead an in-depth study of the Book of Acts, so here we are, obedient and ready to see a move of God. The Book of Acts is the genesis of the church, and it is the second installment in Luke’s history of the ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ resurrection and ascension inaugurated a new era of God at work from within His people and through His people.

Kris Vallotton’s book Spiritual Intelligence mentions a concept called "the principle of the first mention.” “This principle states that the first time you hear information about any subject, it becomes the way in which you view that topic from that point on. In other words, the information you receive first about something creates a lens by which you view that subject. Everything you hear or experience after the first exposure to that topic will be processed through the information you receive first. This creates several concerns, the primary concern being the unhealthy dynamic that occurs when "first mention" information is wrong or inaccurate."

I believe this is the reason I was led to study the Book of Acts in November. The Holy Spirit desires to renew our minds (Rom 12:2) to the church’s beginning so that He can create a new lens through which believers view the church. Are you ready to see the church as it was in the beginning? The Holy Spirit is inviting us to join him on this journey.

If this episode has been useful to you in any way, please forward it to someone else you know. Lastly please subscribe to our show and write a review.

Acts 9:1-9 - Divine Intervention Pt 1

41m · Published 13 Oct 19:00

In this episode, we take a deep dive into Saul's conversion on the road to Destiny (Damascus). Within these verses are important spiritual truths that Luke wanted the church to know. We will see a man walking in human authority brought low by the Lordship of Christ. We also will learn that persecuting the church is actually persecuting Jesus Christ and how one true experience with Christ can turn your life around for good.

Download this episode now to hear a fresh word to deepen your walk with Christ.

In November of 2022, during one of the episodes, the Holy Spirit pressed upon me to lead an in-depth study of the Book of Acts, so here we are, obedient and ready to see a move of God. The Book of Acts is the genesis of the church, and it is the second installment in Luke’s history of the ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ resurrection and ascension inaugurated a new era of God at work from within His people and through His people.

Kris Vallotton’s book Spiritual Intelligence mentions a concept called "the principle of the first mention.” “This principle states that the first time you hear information about any subject, it becomes the way in which you view that topic from that point on. In other words, the information you receive first about something creates a lens by which you view that subject. Everything you hear or experience after the first exposure to that topic will be processed through the information you receive first. This creates several concerns, the primary concern being the unhealthy dynamic that occurs when "first mention" information is wrong or inaccurate."

I believe this is the reason I was led to study the Book of Acts in November. The Holy Spirit desires to renew our minds (Rom 12:2) to the church’s beginning so that He can create a new lens through which believers view the church. Are you ready to see the church as it was in the beginning? The Holy Spirit is inviting us to join him on this journey

If this episode has been useful to you in any way, please forward it to someone else you know. Lastly please subscribe to our show and write a review.

Acts 8:26-40 - God's Providence at Work Through Phillip

43m · Published 06 Oct 19:00

In this episode, I do a recap of the previous verses we covered in Acts 8, and I explore the questions, "Why did Luke include Phillip's story in the scripture, and what are we to learn from them?

Download this episode now to hear a fresh word to deepen your walk with Christ.

In November of 2022, during one of the episodes, the Holy Spirit pressed upon me to lead an in-depth study of the Book of Acts, so here we are, obedient and ready to see a move of God. The Book of Acts is the genesis of the church, and it is the second installment in Luke’s history of the ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ resurrection and ascension inaugurated a new era of God at work from within His people and through His people.

Kris Vallotton’s book Spiritual Intelligence mentions a concept called "the principle of the first mention.” “This principle states that the first time you hear information about any subject, it becomes the way in which you view that topic from that point on. In other words, the information you receive first about something creates a lens by which you view that subject. Everything you hear or experience after the first exposure to that topic will be processed through the information you receive first. This creates several concerns, the primary concern being the unhealthy dynamic that occurs when "first mention" information is wrong or inaccurate."

I believe this is the reason I was led to study the Book of Acts in November. The Holy Spirit desires to renew our minds (Rom 12:2) to the church’s beginning so that He can create a new lens through which believers view the church. Are you ready to see the church as it was in the beginning? The Holy Spirit is inviting us to join him on this journey.

If this episode has been useful to you in any way, please forward it to someone else you know. Lastly please subscribe to our show and write a review.

More is Available - Acts 8:14-25

42m · Published 29 Sep 19:00

In this episode, we continue to see the impact of Phillip's ministry. The word got back to the apostles that Samaria had accepted the word of God, so they sent Peter and John to meet up with Phillip. Have you ever wondered why the Holy Spirit sent Peter and John to Samaria? Was it for the new convert in Samaria or to do heart surgery on Simon? What should believers learn from this information? I believe it was both.

Download the episode now to find out the answer and much more.

In November of 2022, during one of the episodes, the Holy Spirit pressed upon me to lead an in-depth study of the Book of Acts, so here we are, obedient and ready to see a move of God. The Book of Acts is the genesis of the church, and it is the second installment in Luke’s history of the ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ resurrection and ascension inaugurated a new era of God at work from within His people and through His people.

Kris Vallotton’s book Spiritual Intelligence mentions a concept called "the principle of the first mention.” “This principle states that the first time you hear information about any subject, it becomes the way in which you view that topic from that point on. In other words, the information you receive first about something creates a lens by which you view that subject. Everything you hear or experience after the first exposure to that topic will be processed through the information you receive first. This creates several concerns, the primary concern being the unhealthy dynamic that occurs when "first mention" information is wrong or inaccurate."

I believe this is the reason I was led to study the Book of Acts in November. The Holy Spirit desires to renew our minds (Rom 12:2) to the church’s beginning so that He can create a new lens through which believers view the church. Are you ready to see the church as it was in the beginning? The Holy Spirit is inviting us to join him on this journey.

If this episode has been useful to you in any way, please forward it to someone else you know. Lastly please subscribe to our show and write a review.

God's Plan for Phillip - Acts 8:4-14

45m · Published 22 Sep 03:00

In this episode, we see how God used the persecution of the church to initiate the plans and purpose he had for Phillip to advance God's Kingdom Agenda. If you recall, prior to chapter six in the Books of Acts, Phillip was working behind the scenes; now, God is using him to become the first missionary for the church. The Holy Spirit used Phillip in a supernatural way to affect the lives of people in spiritual bondage.

Download the episode now to learn more.

In November of 2022, during one of the episodes, the Holy Spirit pressed upon me to lead an in-depth study of the Book of Acts, so here we are, obedient and ready to see a move of God. The Book of Acts is the genesis of the church, and it is the second installment in Luke’s history of the ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ resurrection and ascension inaugurated a new era of God at work from within His people and through His people.

Kris Vallotton’s book Spiritual Intelligence mentions a concept called "the principle of the first mention.” “This principle states that the first time you hear information about any subject, it becomes the way in which you view that topic from that point on. In other words, the information you receive first about something creates a lens by which you view that subject. Everything you hear or experience after the first exposure to that topic will be processed through the information you receive first. This creates several concerns, the primary concern being the unhealthy dynamic that occurs when "first mention" information is wrong or inaccurate."

I believe this is the reason I was led to study the Book of Acts in November. The Holy Spirit desires to renew our minds (Rom 12:2) to the church’s beginning so that He can create a new lens through which believers view the church. Are you ready to see the church as it was in the beginning? The Holy Spirit is inviting us to join him on this journey.

If this episode has been useful to you in any way, please forward it to someone else you know. Lastly please subscribe to our show and write a review.

Acts 8:1-3 - God Has a Plan

48m · Published 08 Sep 03:00

In this episode, we begin to see how Stephen's death becomes the grain of wheat that falls into the ground and dies and ushers in the prophecy made by Jesus. Acts 1:8 says, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the farthest parts of the earth.” Be encouraged and know God has a plan. Eyes have not seen, Ears have not heard, or the Mind imagined the things God has prepared for those who love Him.

Download the episode now to hear what the Holy Spirit has to say.

In November of 2022, during one of the episodes, the Holy Spirit pressed upon me to lead an in-depth study of the Book of Acts, so here we are, obedient and ready to see a move of God. The Book of Acts is the genesis of the church, and it is the second installment in Luke’s history of the ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ resurrection and ascension inaugurated a new era of God at work from within His people and through His people.

Kris Vallotton’s book Spiritual Intelligence mentions a concept called "the principle of the first mention.” “This principle states that the first time you hear information about any subject, it becomes the way in which you view that topic from that point on. In other words, the information you receive first about something creates a lens by which you view that subject. Everything you hear or experience after the first exposure to that topic will be processed through the information you receive first. This creates several concerns, the primary concern being the unhealthy dynamic that occurs when "first mention" information is wrong or inaccurate."

I believe this is the reason I was led to study the Book of Acts in November. The Holy Spirit desires to renew our minds (Rom 12:2) to the church’s beginning so that He can create a new lens through which believers view the church. Are you ready to see the church as it was in the beginning? The Holy Spirit is inviting us to join him on this journey.

If this episode has been useful to you in any way, please forward it to someone else you know. Lastly please subscribe to our show and write a review.

Lessons from Stephen's - A Breakdown of Acts 6:8 - 7:60

1h 6m · Published 01 Sep 04:00
Jesus taught us in John 12:24 that unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains by itself alone. If it dies, it produces much grain. Stephen was the first martyr in the church, and his life was not sown in vain. In this episode, I break down the history lesson provided by Stephen and how his actions reveal the fruits of a life "full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom" and how this applies to you and me.
Download this episode now to learn more from the lessons of Stephen.
In November of 2022, during one of the episodes, the Holy Spirit pressed upon me to lead an in-depth study of the Book of Acts, so here we are, obedient and ready to see a move of God. The Book of Acts is the genesis of the church, and it is the second installment in Luke’s history of the ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ resurrection and ascension inaugurated a new era of God at work from within His people and through His people.

Kris Vallotton’s book Spiritual Intelligence mentions a concept called "the principle of the first mention.” “This principle states that the first time you hear information about any subject, it becomes the way in which you view that topic from that point on. In other words, the information you receive first about something creates a lens by which you view that subject. Everything you hear or experience after the first exposure to that topic will be processed through the information you receive first. This creates several concerns, the primary concern being the unhealthy dynamic that occurs when "first mention" information is wrong or inaccurate."
I believe this is the reason I was led to study the Book of Acts in November. The Holy Spirit desires to renew our minds (Rom 12:2) to the church’s beginning so that He can create a new lens through which believers view the church. Are you ready to see the church as it was in the beginning? The Holy Spirit is invitin

If this episode has been useful to you in any way, please forward it to someone else you know. Lastly please subscribe to our show and write a review.

Stephen - A Man Full of the Spirit - Act 6:8-7:60

55m · Published 29 Aug 20:00

In this episode, we are introduced to Stephen, a man full of the Spirit and wisdom who was used by God. His history lesson or only record semon is still ringing in the ethos of time. I read through his complete semon in this episode so it is longer than normal, however, it is worth every minute to hear his story in one sitting. As you listen to the episode, I want you to find the critical lesson revealed from his life. In the next episode, I will explore what all this means for you and me.

Download it now

If this episode has been useful to you in any way, please forward it to someone else you know. Lastly please subscribe to our show and write a review.

Acts 6:1-7 - When Conflict Becomes and Opportunity

50m · Published 14 Aug 20:00

In this episode, we see how conflict becomes the means by which God selected people for the work of the ministry. How do you view conflict? Do you see it as a threat or an opportunity for God to show up on your behalf? I also want to point out upfront that the answer to the conflict was not found outside the church. The answer was standing by, waiting for the appointed time to be recognized. What does all this mean for you?

Download the episode now to find out.

In November of 2022, during one of the episodes, the Holy Spirit pressed upon me to lead an in-depth study of the Book of Acts, so here we are, obedient and ready to see a move of God. The Book of Acts is the genesis of the church, and it is the second installment in Luke’s history of the ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ resurrection and ascension inaugurated a new era of God at work from within His people and through His people.

Kris Vallotton’s book Spiritual Intelligence mentions a concept called "the principle of the first mention.” “This principle states that the first time you hear information about any subject, it becomes the way in which you view that topic from that point on. In other words, the information you receive first about something creates a lens by which you view that subject. Everything you hear or experience after the first exposure to that topic will be processed through the information you receive first. This creates several concerns, the primary concern being the unhealthy dynamic that occurs when "first mention" information is wrong or inaccurate." 

I believe this is the reason I was led to study the Book of Acts in November. The Holy Spirit desires to renew our minds (Rom 12:2) to the church’s beginning so that He can create a new lens through which believers view the church. Are you ready to see the church as it was in the beginning? The Holy Spirit is inviting you to join this study.   

If this episode has been useful to you in any way, please forward it to someone else you know. Lastly please subscribe to our show and write a review.

Acts 5:29-42 - Witness God's Providence in Action

41m · Published 21 Jul 03:00

In this episode, the disciples find themselves in trouble again for obeying God and are put in prison. This time the Angel of the Lord shows up on their behalf in the "night" and leads them out of the prison. However, instead of running away, the Angel of the Lord sends them right back to where all the trouble started. In the midst of all this, we get to see God's Providence at work on behave of the Apostles. Are you able to see God's providence at work in your life?

Download this episode to increase your awareness of God's providence and how it is at work in your life.

In November of 2022, during one of the episodes, the Holy Spirit pressed upon me to lead an in-depth study of the Book of Acts, so here we are, obedient and ready to see a move of God. The Book of Acts is the genesis of the church, and it is the second installment in Luke’s history of the ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ resurrection and ascension inaugurated a new era of God at work from within His people and through His people.

Kris Vallotton’s book Spiritual Intelligence mentions a concept called "the principle of the first mention.” “This principle states that the first time you hear information about any subject, it becomes the way in which you view that topic from that point on. In other words, the information you receive first about something creates a lens by which you view that subject. Everything you hear or experience after the first exposure to that topic will be processed through the information you receive first. This creates several concerns, the primary concern being the unhealthy dynamic that occurs when "first mention" information is wrong or inaccurate." 

I believe this is the reason I was led to study the Book of Acts in November. The Holy Spirit desires to renew our minds (Rom 12:2) to the church’s beginning so that He can create a new lens through which believers view the church. Are you ready to see the church as it was in the beginning? The Holy Spirit is inviting you to join this study.   

If this episode has been useful to you in any way, please forward it to someone else you know. Lastly please subscribe to our show and write a review.

Daily Living For Christ has 285 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 222:03:54. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 30th, 2024 07:40.

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