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Get Yourself Optimized

by Stephan Spencer

Ready to improve your health, wealth, partner intimacy, peer group, spirit, career, business, and more? Tune in to Get Yourself Optimized, a podcast full of secret knowledge that will enable you to reboot your life.

Copyright: 2015-2024 Stephan Spencer


23. Make Millions with Value Investing with Phil Town

1h 0m · Published 28 Jan 17:30


Phil Town is a hedge fund manager and value investment banker that has devoted his life to teaching others how to make amazing money on the stock market. He went from being a near-penniless river rafting guide to multi-millionaire hedge fund manager in 5 years. He's the best-selling author of two books, Rule #1 and PayBack Time. He's the founder of Rule #1 Investing, an investing education program, and travels the globe educating new investors in how to amass their fortune.



Phil Town believes that investing in the stock market doesn't need to be risky to be profitable, and that you can make money in absolutely any time and state of the market, especially in recessions. What we know of with mutual funds and the majority of hedge fund managers isn't what Phil considers investing - instead, they are simply speculating on how the market will perform, which is incredibly risky indeed. Instead, here's how you can find the true, measurable value of companies, and how to buy them on a sale price that is virtually guaranteed to make you a lot of money. We discuss:

  • How to find a company with a durable competitive advantage
  • Why modern portfolio theory doesn't account the fear and greed that rules the stock market
  • Why diversification isn't the golden rule you thought it was
  • How to tell if a company is on sale


For complete shownotes and more, please head over to


Rule #1: The Simple Strategy for Successful Investing at only 15 minutes a week!

PayBack Time

Security Analysis by Ben Graham

Good to Great by Jim Collins




  1. Try out the three circles exercise to find awesome ideas for industries that you can invest in and really feel passionate about.
  2. Only pursue companies that you are able to understand. Do you find computer science a bit too complex or uninteresting to keep up with? Move on.
  3. What are the values that you truly believe in or hobbies you are truly passionate about? Do you love spending time outdoors and among nature? Perhaps buy into an outdoor gear company, a boat manufacturer, or into the tourism industry.


As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!

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22. Find Romance that Stands the Test of Time w/ Imago Therapy with Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt

41m · Published 21 Jan 20:19


Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt are two relationship experts that have worked to start conversations and educate people on the value of healthy, communicative relationships with a partner. They are the best-selling authors of Getting the Love You Want and Making Marriage Simple. 




Helen and Harville want us to understand that the perfectly happily married couple is ultimately incompatible. The difference between the married couples that fail and those that succeed is not in their compatibility, but in the way they choose to understand their incompatibility. After both Helen and Harville experienced a divorce of their own, they approached the beginning of their relationship asking the question "What makes some couples stay together and some fall apart?". The result of their deep theorizing and research is Imago,  a relationship methodology they teach that strives to dig deep into our true motivations on how we become attracted to and choose partner, and fulfill our desires in a relationship. We discuss:

  • Why you are either a hailstorm or a turtle
  • The steps of listening successfully
  • You will only be attracted to someone you are incompatible with
  • The role of our parents and caregivers in deciding what we want in a relationship



For complete shownotes and more, please head over to


Safe Conversations

Buddha's Brain by Rick Hanson

Making Marriage Simple

Getting the Love You Want



  1. Identify your own tendencies during conflict. Are you a person who shuts down or explodes when you can't get what you want? According to Imago, you are either the minimizer or the maximizer in a relationship, and you can use this identification to help understand tendencies in your feelings.
  2. When the feelings of hot romance begin to fade in your relationship, recognize that it is not due to an ultimately doomed relationship. It is simply another stage of the relationship's development, and can be worked through to find real, long-term love through listening and communication.
  3. Remember that simple communication without judgment can solve the majority of marital problems. Feeling neglected in your marriage? Talk about it calmly.

As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!

STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook

21. Delegating and Automating Your Business to do More of What You Love with James Schramko

59m · Published 14 Jan 23:49


James Schramko is the founder of, host of the Super Fast Business podcast, and co-host of three other podcast shows, including Think Act Get, Sales Marketing Profit, and Freedom Ocean. He lives in Sydney, Australia.



What does a person do to stay sane, and productive, when they run multiple successful business ventures? They delegate. Today I am talking to James Schramko, internet marketer and entrepreneur who has mastered the art of building systems that have allowed him to build his empire, stress-free. James is a jack of all trades-he founded SuperFast Business, runs live events and multiple podcasts, and we are about to learn his secrets to success. We discuss:

  • Creating a business without working around the clock
  • Overseas employees, and how to manage them
  • Creating a to-do list that makes sense with your skills and goals-and delegating the rest
  • Living like you are retired, before you are retired


For complete shownotes and more, please head over to





Google Drive





The 4-Hour Work Week


Wordpress with Tim Reid with Ezra Firestone with Taki Moore




  1. Create a list of tasks that you have either been putting off, or that you haven't had time for. The things that are the least important, toss.
  2. Start delegating! Find websites where you can post job ads for assistants in the Philippines. Create an ad that is engaging, but tells your potential new employees what you need upfront.
  3. Get organized. Set up a project management system like Trello or Basecamp to keep track of your tasks, notes, and statuses-you'll never wonder what is going on with a task again.


As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!

STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook

20. Avoiding and Reversing Disease Through Alternative Health Therapies with John Bergman

1h 13m · Published 07 Jan 22:21


 Dr. John Bergman became a chiropractor after an auto accident left him severely injured, but thanks to the therapies of alternative health, he made a full recovery. Inspired by the power he saw in the body, he now passionately advocates for alternative health practices.



 When John Bergman got into a serious car wreck, he got the feeling that the medicine he was being prescribed may have been making him worse instead of better. He decided to research further and go to chiropractic school and has become a champion of alternative medicine. He wants people to truly start thinking about what modern medicine is doing to their bodies, and why their bodies are failing them. The answer, he believes, is that we might be misdiagnosing simple adaptive responses that our body is having to other problems - simple problems like stress, little exercise, too much time sitting, or taking in too many toxins from medications and processed foods. Traditional medicine might be overcomplicating things and overlooking our simple need to get our immune system in order. We discuss:

  • The dark side of vaccinations
  • How stress might be causing you heart problems, reproductive problems, and more
  • Why you should assume your blood is too acidic
  • The danger that lurks in processed, homogenized milk

For complete shownotes and more, please head over to



How to Reverse Arthritis Naturally

How to Correct Blood Pressure Without Drugs

How to Correct Fibromyalgia

John Bergman's YouTube Channel

The Cholesterol Myth

The Statin Nation

Dr. Gabriel Cousins

Dr. Lorraine Day





  1. Ditch the homogenized, pasteurized milk. Instead, go for raw milk, or if you can't find raw, at least an organic, un-homogenized option. This will have far healthier fats, and be better for the nervous system.
  2. Trying to bulk up with some protein? Plant-based options will be a lot easier for your body to absorb. Or if you want to do animal-based, gelatin comes pre-processed, so less work for your digestive tract.
  3. The plant-based diet is the healthiest diet in the world - it's been proven. If you like meat, tone it down to at least only a few times a month.



As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!


STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter |

19. Harnessing Creativity and Problem Solving Through Your Right Brain with Bill Donius

52m · Published 30 Dec 16:26


Bill Donius is revolutionizing the way people think. He's the New York Time's bestselling author of Thought Revolution, and works with major companies such as Wells Fargo and Nestle to revamp their problem solving strategies.



Bill Donius knows your brain has a secret area that you are not fully utilizing - ever have that "aha!" moment in the shower, or laying in your bed, or while running – a seemingly magical idea that is captivating and motivating? What if you could trigger those ideas on demand? Bill says you can - in less than 60 seconds. It's all due to the specific roles of the hemispheres of the brain. Many of us know the idea of left brain/right brain - that the separate hemispheres of the brain are responsible for different types of thought. The left brain for analytical and logical thinking, the right brain for creativity and problem solving. Bill has been interested in accessing the right brain for problem solving for years, and now does seminars for Fortune 500 companies to teach CEOs and managers how to use this elusive part of the brain for high-level problem solving and strategy creation. However, he thinks that everyone can benefit from introducing right brain use into their lives. We discuss just how to do this, plus:


  • why introducing the creative brain to your to-do list can make you more productive
  • how to use the right brain to get into flow
  • how to ask yourself the right questions - and why it's important
  • how relaxation and stress relief plays into creativity


For complete shownotes and more, please head over to


William Donius LinkedIn

Will Donius TEDx talk

Thought Revolution

The Next Level Experience

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

Recovery of Your Inner Child

Cultured Code

Getting Things Done

Change Your Questions, Change Your Life

The Sketchnote Handbook

The Sketchnote Workbook

Of Two Minds

Idea Stormers





  1. Ideation is exponentially better when you incorporate the right brain. To do it, simply clear your head, do some deep breathing, and be intentional about accessing the right brain while you write with your non-dominant hand. The ideas you have will astonish you.
  2. Have a to-do list writing session where you incorporate the right brain to what important tasks you may have missed or what ideas you might have for rearranging your schedule.
  3. It can be illuminating to use right-brain thinking to visualize the distant future, for your company or for your own personal journey. To do it, access your right brain and ask "What will my future look like?" and draw a picture with your non-dominant hand.


As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!

19. Harnessing Creativity and Problem Solving Through Your Right Brain with Bill Donius

52m · Published 30 Dec 16:26


Bill Donius is revolutionizing the way people think. He's the New York Time's bestselling author of Thought Revolution, and works with major companies such as Wells Fargo and Nestle to revamp their problem solving strategies.



Bill Donius knows your brain has a secret area that you are not fully utilizing - ever have that "aha!" moment in the shower, or laying in your bed, or while running – a seemingly magical idea that is captivating and motivating? What if you could trigger those ideas on demand? Bill says you can - in less than 60 seconds. It's all due to the specific roles of the hemispheres of the brain. Many of us know the idea of left brain/right brain - that the separate hemispheres of the brain are responsible for different types of thought. The left brain for analytical and logical thinking, the right brain for creativity and problem solving. Bill has been interested in accessing the right brain for problem solving for years, and now does seminars for Fortune 500 companies to teach CEOs and managers how to use this elusive part of the brain for high-level problem solving and strategy creation. However, he thinks that everyone can benefit from introducing right brain use into their lives. We discuss just how to do this, plus:


  • why introducing the creative brain to your to-do list can make you more productive
  • how to use the right brain to get into flow
  • how to ask yourself the right questions - and why it's important
  • how relaxation and stress relief plays into creativity


For complete shownotes and more, please head over to


William Donius LinkedIn

Will Donius TEDx talk

Thought Revolution

The Next Level Experience

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

Recovery of Your Inner Child

Cultured Code

Getting Things Done

Change Your Questions, Change Your Life

The Sketchnote Handbook

The Sketchnote Workbook

Of Two Minds

Idea Stormers





  1. Ideation is exponentially better when you incorporate the right brain. To do it, simply clear your head, do some deep breathing, and be intentional about accessing the right brain while you write with your non-dominant hand. The ideas you have will astonish you.
  2. Have a to-do list writing session where you incorporate the right brain to what important tasks you may have missed or what ideas you might have for rearranging your schedule.
  3. It can be illuminating to use right-brain thinking to visualize the distant future, for your company or for your own personal journey. To do it, access your right brain and ask "What will my future look like?" and draw a picture with your non-dominant hand.


As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!

18. Optimizing Your Productivity to Do More of What You Love with Mike Vardy

1h 8m · Published 23 Dec 17:54


Mike Vardy is the founder of Productivityist, and host of the Productivityist podcast. He is a 3 time author, whose book’s include The Front Nine: How to Start the Year You Want Anytime You Want, The Productivityist Workbook and Beyond Trying and regularly contributes to outlets such as LifeHacker and The Huffington Post  



Mike Vardy is known as the Productivityist, a fitting name, because he doesn't treat productivity like a tactic, he treats it like a belief system. Mike believes in productivity as a way to not just get you doing more, but get you doing more of the stuff that you love. He's been studying it since his early career at Costco,  an environment where an efficient system is crucial. He studied the greats, did some testing of their systems on himself, refined them according to their flaws and strengths and added a few of his own brilliant ideas to create "Now Your Way", the productivity system of his own creation. This show is chock full of tips that will get anybody rethinking the way they organize their life.

We discuss:

• why most productivity tools don’t seem to work at first

• the 'mode' system, and how it can easily get your brain in a state of flow

• the strengths and weaknesses of famous productivity systems

• how to work with your biology to produce more effective results


For complete shownotes and more, please head over to


RPM, Tony Robbins

The Covey Matrix

Getting Things Done



The Information Diet


Virtual Staff Finder

The Power of Intention








1. Don’t be a slave to email – designate certain hours of the day, or even certain days a week, to handling your inbox.

2. Create a filing system within your email so everything gets out of the inbox and into a system that separates it into messages that require actions, messages that are for reading/informational, and archives.

3. Work with your body, and find the time of day when you are the most creative. If you are a night owl, don’t force yourself to be a morning person.



As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!

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17. How A Rockstar VA Can Give You More Freedom And Peace Of Mind with Carolyn Ketchum

1h 15m · Published 17 Dec 16:50


Carolyn Ketchum is the writer and creator of, a popular blog dedicated to low-carb, gluten free recipes. She was the former VA for Stephan Spencer.



You might know Carolyn Ketchum for her highly popular food blog, All Day I Dream About Food, which receives over a million views per month. What you probably don't know her from is her past as my  rockstar virtual assistant. That's right, in this very special episode I'm baring all  and breaking down the secret entrepreneur technique of having a virtual assistant. Carolyn was an absolute rockstar VA, and we discuss how the entire process works in this little-seen role. If you've ever considered your own virtual assistant, or have hopes of working as a VA for a successful entrepreneur, this is a can't miss, because we are rattling off essential tips for an optimal entrepreneur/VA relationship. We cover:

• the 3 lists of Freedom

• how to find and screen the perfect VA

• what a VA can do for your email and your calendar

• how to onboard a new VA

• why you deserve to outsource the things you don't want to do


For complete shownotes and more, please head over to






Call Recorder




1. Start looking for a VA - either through a VA service, or put up an ad on Craigslist.

2. Put a riddle in the job posting that applicants must answer - if they don't answer it, dump their application.

3. Get your VA to manage your email so your email doesn't manage you. Use folders to know exactly what is the highest priority when you access your email.


As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!

STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook

16. Shaping Ideas and Remembering Experiences Through Sketchnotes with Mike Rohde

43m · Published 10 Dec 16:17


Mike Rohde is a designer, author, speaker, illustrator, and sketchnoter extraordinaire. He professionally designs with Gomoll Research + Design, illustrated the New York Times bestseller REWORK, and has spoken at SXSW.




Mike Rohde believes that the idea of saving all the things we need to remember and need to do solely within our mind is an ineffective way to retain and process different experiences, ideas, and conversations we come across in our lives. Instead, influenced by his background as a UX designer, Mike is able to remember and process things in a highly creative, highy effective way that I'm excited about sharing. They're called sketchnotes, and they take the concept of taking notest to another level, w  amplified with small pictures, differing fonts, and emphasis on important details. In this episode, Mike peels back the layers of how sketchnotes rewire the way you process and retain information, and explains that anyone, artistically inclined or challenged,  can benefit from taking stylized notes, even for personal use. We discuss:

• why you don't need to be an artist to sketchnote

• why writing notes by hand helps you process information better than by typing them

• why journaling may not have worked for you, and how you can revamp it so it does

• how sketchnoting can make you more creative and construct your ideas more clearly




1. Buy a small notebook and pen, and start carrying it wherever you go

2. Re-familiarize yourself with drawing shapes, doodles, and other elements besides text – you can use these to express your ideas

3. To begin, try sketchnoting in a situation where you take notes like a work meeting, a class, or a conference.


As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!

STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook

15. Ending Chronic Pain Using Fascial Counterstrain Therapy with Tim Hodges

43m · Published 03 Dec 17:34


Tim Hodges, LMP has been pioneering an effort to expand the methodology of Strain Counterstrain to effectively restore function to fascial systems, and receive chronic pain almost instantly.



Tim Hodges is a leading expert in fascial counterstrain, a relatively recent therapy that brings in new and exciting knowledge about fascia, the tissue fibers beneath our skin that enclose and separate our muscles and organs. It was originally thought that body workers (massage therapists, physical therapists, etc.)were only affecting muscle. Now, however, we know that they affect our body's protective tissue, and have the ability to affect dysfunctions in our protective systems that directly affect our vital systems, such as the venal system, the lymphatic system, the cardiovascular system, etc. This sometimes means for those going through chronic pain, the relief can be instantaneous. He and his partner Brian Tuckey have been revolutionizing what we know about fascia, what it does to the body, and its potential for healing. Tim explains how our body's protection system and defense system sometimes malfunctions and can cause discomfort. However, utilizing new techniques to identify and treat dysfunctions in fascia, Tim can achieve amazing, and even miracle-like results for a huge variety of fascial maladies. 

In this episode, we’ll delve into:

  • how fascia protects our vital tissues from bodily harm
  • how when our protective reflexes malfunction, they can cause long-term body discomfort and blockage
  • how he learned of a technique that instantly corrects these blockages
  • how the immune system sequesters disease and might actually make you feel sluggish because the disease is still affecting your immune system
  • how he is healing patients that haven't been able to move joints for years


For complete shownotes and more, please head over to


Jones Institute



1. Understand that fascia is so much more than "body glue" - it is a protection system that the body employs.

2. Pain is not a problem on its own. It is only a side effect of a larger problem, so you need to get to the root instead of treating it as a symptom. 

3. Do you have chronic problems with allergies? Get your fascia checked out. It might be an immune dysfunction that can be treated with fascia work.


As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!

STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook

Get Yourself Optimized has 505 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 470:06:58. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 25th, 2024 05:12.

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