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Minnesota Real Estate Podcast With Chad and Sara Huebener

by Chad and Sara Huebener

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Don’t Skip the Inspection: Home Inspections Are in Again

0s · Published 03 May 07:00
Why are home inspections important before deciding to buy your house? Home inspections are considered one of the most important parts of buying and selling properties. They serve as one of the foundations of the buyer-seller relationship, ensuring transparency in transactions. Home inspections, after a few years of absence on purchase agreements, are making a comeback this year. There was a time when sellers were not obligated to have home inspections, and it felt like skipping an extra step before closing. However, this negligence highlighted the potential issues at the final walkthrough. Home inspections give buyers a better understanding of the property, ensuring informed decision-making during the purchase agreement stage. That being said, here are some of the home inspection trends that we’ve observed recently. 1. Increase in the number of inspections. There has been an increase in the number of inspections across transactions this year. There is also an emergence of additional inspections like radon tests and sewer inspections, which indicates a heightened focus on thorough evaluation by buyers. 2. Every home has an issue. Regardless of how the house looks on the outside, assume that every house has an issue. There are times when the seller will say that there’s nothing wrong with the house and that there’s no need for an inspection. Sometimes, the buyer goes in with the same mentality only to find out otherwise. As a buyer, it is better to walk through a home with a home inspector and an agent to fully understand the condition of the house and avoid being blindsided along the way. This also helps in managing expectations and making the buyer understand that flaws are inevitable. “Home inspections give buyers a better understanding of the property.” 3. Critical issues to look out for. Buyers also need to look out for health and safety issues, structural issues, and mechanical issues. Identifying latent defects that the seller is unaware of is the primary goal of the inspection. But this brings us to the question: Does everything need to be fixed by the seller in order to move in? Not necessarily, but negotiations should be done. It is important to arrive at a mutual agreement between buyers and sellers as to who will be responsible for repairs. This way, fixing the homes becomes a negotiation point rather than an obligation. I hope you were able to gain some valuable insights regarding home inspections. If you want to know more or have any questions, reach out to us by phone or email. We want to help you make informed decisions in your home-buying journey.

We were unable to find the audio file for this episode. You can try to visit the website of the podcast directly to see if the episode is still available. We check the availability of each episode periodically.

What You Should Know About Market Trends This April

0s · Published 08 Apr 07:00
Real estate market trends are changing–and so should your strategy Buyer activity in the real estate market is picking up this spring, but not in the way you think. There’s still a lingering mindset among sellers that sales will be quick after years of low inventory, low interest rates, and high buyer demand, but that isn’t the case. The market has changed, and if you want to sell your home quicker, you have to know the current market trends and learn to keep up with them. Here are three ways: 1. Be patient. Don’t expect rapid sales. Unlike three years ago, buyers are no longer lining up outside your homes to buy a property. In reality, the houses listed in the market are below five months supply, which means that if no new homes are listed for sale, the existing listing will take five months to sell. This makes it, essentially, a seller’s market. 2. Price your home accurately. Because of the change in buyer activity, it is important to price your home accurately. In the current market, the changes in interest rates and pricing have led the market to become more balanced and normal. While there have been no drastic changes, whether an increase or decrease in prices, it is important for sellers to price their homes in line with the current market rate. “Buyers are not lined up outside your homes, unlike three years ago. It’s returning to a normal market condition. ” 3. Listen to feedback. Given the unpredictable changes in real estate market trends, getting it right all the time is harder than you think. This is where feedback becomes valuable. As sellers, listening to both positive and negative feedback is highly beneficial. A keen eye and open ear can help you gain insights that will help you sell your home quicker. Sometimes, getting a feel of the market trends is easier with the help of a professional real estate agent like myself. With my expertise, I can help you learn more about market trends and real estate developments to help you sell your home and maximize your profit at the same time. If you’re planning to sell your home, I’ll be more than happy to help you. Call or email me so we can set a time to talk!

We were unable to find the audio file for this episode. You can try to visit the website of the podcast directly to see if the episode is still available. We check the availability of each episode periodically.

What You Should Know About Market Trends This April

0s · Published 08 Apr 07:00
Real estate market trends are changing–and so should your strategy Buyer activity in the real estate market is picking up this spring, but not in the way you think. There’s still a lingering mindset among sellers that sales will be quick after years of low inventory, low interest rates, and high buyer demand, but that isn’t the case. The market has changed, and if you want to sell your home quicker, you have to know the current market trends and learn to keep up with them. Here are three ways: 1. Be patient. Don’t expect rapid sales. Unlike three years ago, buyers are no longer lining up outside your homes to buy a property. In reality, the houses listed in the market are below five months supply, which means that if no new homes are listed for sale, the existing listing will take five months to sell. This makes it, essentially, a seller’s market. 2. Price your home accurately. Because of the change in buyer activity, it is important to price your home accurately. In the current market, the changes in interest rates and pricing have led the market to become more balanced and normal. While there have been no drastic changes, whether an increase or decrease in prices, it is important for sellers to price their homes in line with the current market rate. “Buyers are not lined up outside your homes, unlike three years ago. It’s returning to a normal market condition. ” 3. Listen to feedback. Given the unpredictable changes in real estate market trends, getting it right all the time is harder than you think. This is where feedback becomes valuable. As sellers, listening to both positive and negative feedback is highly beneficial. A keen eye and open ear can help you gain insights that will help you sell your home quicker. Sometimes, getting a feel of the market trends is easier with the help of a professional real estate agent like myself. With my expertise, I can help you learn more about market trends and real estate developments to help you sell your home and maximize your profit at the same time. If you’re planning to sell your home, I’ll be more than happy to help you. Call or email me so we can set a time to talk!

We were unable to find the audio file for this episode. You can try to visit the website of the podcast directly to see if the episode is still available. We check the availability of each episode periodically.

3 Strategies for Selling Your Home in Today's Market

0s · Published 18 Mar 07:00
Here are three things that sellers should do to prepare for the market. While listing inventory remains low, buyer feedback is still significant across the market. Gone are the days when sellers could expect a flood of offers as soon as a house hit the market. We’re returning to a more traditional market expectation where homes need to be well-prepared before listing. Sellers must adapt to shifting trends in market times, pricing dynamics, and buyer behaviors. Today, we’ll discuss key strategies for sellers to prepare themselves for the current market landscape. 1. Visual appeal. Staging, cleaning, and decluttering are essential steps to ensure your home stands out in today’s market. Buyers are more discerning now, with increased inventory giving them more options. Pay attention to details like carpet condition, paint quality, and outdated fixtures. Pricing should reflect the updates or lack thereof, considering the home’s location and condition. 2. Emphasize presentation. Investing in staging and professional photography can make a significant difference in attracting buyers. This is crucial, especially in online listings where first impressions matter most. Aligning staging and pricing strategies is essential to maximize the home’s appeal within its price range. “The real estate market is dynamic, with changes occurring regularly.” 3. Balance beauty and price. In today’s market, sellers must win both the beauty competition and the pricing competition. This doesn’t necessarily mean being the lowest-priced option but rather offering the most value for the condition and location of the home. Aligning the home’s aesthetics with its price range is key to attracting potential buyers. As we move into the spring and summer months, staying updated on market trends and buyer preferences is crucial. Sellers should remain flexible and open to adjusting their strategies based on evolving market conditions. Don’t hesitate to reach out for guidance and support.

We were unable to find the audio file for this episode. You can try to visit the website of the podcast directly to see if the episode is still available. We check the availability of each episode periodically.

3 Strategies for Selling Your Home in Today's Market

0s · Published 18 Mar 07:00
Here are three things that sellers should do to prepare for the market. While listing inventory remains low, buyer feedback is still significant across the market. Gone are the days when sellers could expect a flood of offers as soon as a house hit the market. We’re returning to a more traditional market expectation where homes need to be well-prepared before listing. Sellers must adapt to shifting trends in market times, pricing dynamics, and buyer behaviors. Today, we’ll discuss key strategies for sellers to prepare themselves for the current market landscape. 1. Visual appeal. Staging, cleaning, and decluttering are essential steps to ensure your home stands out in today’s market. Buyers are more discerning now, with increased inventory giving them more options. Pay attention to details like carpet condition, paint quality, and outdated fixtures. Pricing should reflect the updates or lack thereof, considering the home’s location and condition. 2. Emphasize presentation. Investing in staging and professional photography can make a significant difference in attracting buyers. This is crucial, especially in online listings where first impressions matter most. Aligning staging and pricing strategies is essential to maximize the home’s appeal within its price range. “The real estate market is dynamic, with changes occurring regularly.” 3. Balance beauty and price. In today’s market, sellers must win both the beauty competition and the pricing competition. This doesn’t necessarily mean being the lowest-priced option but rather offering the most value for the condition and location of the home. Aligning the home’s aesthetics with its price range is key to attracting potential buyers. As we move into the spring and summer months, staying updated on market trends and buyer preferences is crucial. Sellers should remain flexible and open to adjusting their strategies based on evolving market conditions. Don’t hesitate to reach out for guidance and support.

We were unable to find the audio file for this episode. You can try to visit the website of the podcast directly to see if the episode is still available. We check the availability of each episode periodically.

3 Strategies for Selling Your Home in Today's Market

0s · Published 18 Mar 07:00
Here are three things that sellers should do to prepare for the market. While listing inventory remains low, buyer feedback is still significant across the market. Gone are the days when sellers could expect a flood of offers as soon as a house hit the market. We’re returning to a more traditional market expectation where homes need to be well-prepared before listing. Sellers must adapt to shifting trends in market times, pricing dynamics, and buyer behaviors. Today, we’ll discuss key strategies for sellers to prepare themselves for the current market landscape. 1. Visual appeal. Staging, cleaning, and decluttering are essential steps to ensure your home stands out in today’s market. Buyers are more discerning now, with increased inventory giving them more options. Pay attention to details like carpet condition, paint quality, and outdated fixtures. Pricing should reflect the updates or lack thereof, considering the home’s location and condition. 2. Emphasize presentation. Investing in staging and professional photography can make a significant difference in attracting buyers. This is crucial, especially in online listings where first impressions matter most. Aligning staging and pricing strategies is essential to maximize the home’s appeal within its price range. “The real estate market is dynamic, with changes occurring regularly.” 3. Balance beauty and price. In today’s market, sellers must win both the beauty competition and the pricing competition. This doesn’t necessarily mean being the lowest-priced option but rather offering the most value for the condition and location of the home. Aligning the home’s aesthetics with its price range is key to attracting potential buyers. As we move into the spring and summer months, staying updated on market trends and buyer preferences is crucial. Sellers should remain flexible and open to adjusting their strategies based on evolving market conditions. Don’t hesitate to reach out for guidance and support.

We were unable to find the audio file for this episode. You can try to visit the website of the podcast directly to see if the episode is still available. We check the availability of each episode periodically.

Understanding Market Dynamics: January's Real Estate Data

0s · Published 27 Feb 07:00
A balanced market emerges from the January real estate data. As we move past the halfway mark of February, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the January numbers to gauge the current state of the real estate market. January offers us the first full month of closed sale data, providing valuable insights into market trends as February unfolds. Despite numerical data suggesting we’re in a seller’s market, the real-world experience leans more towards a balanced market. The Minnesota Association of Realtors data, encompassing the entire state and the 13-county metro area, reveals similarities in market behavior compared to last year. Key indicators such as new listings, pending sales, and closed sales have shown a slight increase. However, the feel on the ground, as experienced by Realtors, paints a picture of a more balanced market, deviating from what the data suggests. An important metric to consider is the absorption rate, which currently stands at about 1.7 months. This rate indicates how quickly the market can absorb the available inventory if no new homes are listed. An absorption rate of less than two months highlights the remarkable capacity of our market to consume inventory, a sign of a robust seller’s market on a macro scale. Yet, the reality experienced by buyers and sellers points towards a more balanced interaction. The current state of interest rates introduces a level of uncertainty, yet it also contributes to the market’s balance. While data might suggest a seller’s advantage, the practical market scenario is healthier and more stable, offering a modest appreciation of around 3%. This appreciation rate is considered healthy and sustainable, aligning with economists’ expectations for a balanced real estate market. “The current real estate market presents a healthy and balanced landscape, offering opportunities for both buyers and sellers.” Buyers are finding solace in the current market’s pace, which contrasts sharply with the frenetic activity seen two years ago. The current environment allows buyers the luxury of time—to sleep on decisions, conduct thorough research, and make informed choices without the pressure of immediate action. This shift has introduced a much-needed breathing room for both buyers and sellers, making the process less stressful and more deliberate. It’s crucial to remember that real estate is inherently local. While general trends provide a broad understanding, each property, neighborhood, and market segment (such as townhomes, condos, or lake homes) can exhibit unique characteristics. Therefore, for the most accurate and relevant advice tailored to your specific situation, reaching out to a real estate professional is advisable. They can provide detailed insights into your local market, ensuring you make informed decisions whether you’re buying or selling. The current real estate market presents a healthy and balanced landscape, offering opportunities for both buyers and sellers. Despite the general trends, personal circumstances and local market conditions will ultimately guide the best course of action. For personalized insights and guidance, consider consulting with us. Call or send us an email so we can navigate you through the specifics of your local market.

We were unable to find the audio file for this episode. You can try to visit the website of the podcast directly to see if the episode is still available. We check the availability of each episode periodically.

Understanding Market Dynamics: January's Real Estate Data

0s · Published 27 Feb 07:00
A balanced market emerges from the January real estate data. As we move past the halfway mark of February, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the January numbers to gauge the current state of the real estate market. January offers us the first full month of closed sale data, providing valuable insights into market trends as February unfolds. Despite numerical data suggesting we’re in a seller’s market, the real-world experience leans more towards a balanced market. The Minnesota Association of Realtors data, encompassing the entire state and the 13-county metro area, reveals similarities in market behavior compared to last year. Key indicators such as new listings, pending sales, and closed sales have shown a slight increase. However, the feel on the ground, as experienced by realtors, paints a picture of a more balanced market, deviating from what the data suggests. An important metric to consider is the absorption rate, which currently stands at about 1.7 months. This rate indicates how quickly the market can absorb the available inventory if no new homes are listed. An absorption rate of less than two months highlights the remarkable capacity of our market to consume inventory, a sign of a robust seller’s market on a macro scale. Yet, the reality experienced by buyers and sellers points towards a more balanced interaction. The current state of interest rates introduces a level of uncertainty, yet it also contributes to the market’s balance. While data might suggest a seller’s advantage, the practical market scenario is healthier and more stable, offering a modest appreciation of around 3%. This appreciation rate is considered healthy and sustainable, aligning with economists’ expectations for a balanced real estate market. “The current real estate market presents a healthy and balanced landscape, offering opportunities for both buyers and sellers.” Buyers are finding solace in the current market’s pace, which contrasts sharply with the frenetic activity seen two years ago. The current environment allows buyers the luxury of time—to sleep on decisions, conduct thorough research, and make informed choices without the pressure of immediate action. This shift has introduced a much-needed breathing room for both buyers and sellers, making the process less stressful and more deliberate. It’s crucial to remember that real estate is inherently local. While general trends provide a broad understanding, each property, neighborhood, and market segment (such as townhomes, condos, or lake homes) can exhibit unique characteristics. Therefore, for the most accurate and relevant advice tailored to your specific situation, reaching out to a real estate professional is advisable. They can provide detailed insights into your local market, ensuring you make informed decisions whether you’re buying or selling. The current real estate market presents a healthy and balanced landscape, offering opportunities for both buyers and sellers. Despite the general trends, personal circumstances and local market conditions will ultimately guide the best course of action. For personalized insights and guidance, consider consulting with us so we can navigate you through the specifics of your local market.

We were unable to find the audio file for this episode. You can try to visit the website of the podcast directly to see if the episode is still available. We check the availability of each episode periodically.

Understanding Market Dynamics: January's Real Estate Data

0s · Published 27 Feb 07:00
A balanced market emerges from the January real estate data. As we move past the halfway mark of February, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the January numbers to gauge the current state of the real estate market. January offers us the first full month of closed sale data, providing valuable insights into market trends as February unfolds. Despite numerical data suggesting we’re in a seller’s market, the real-world experience leans more towards a balanced market. The Minnesota Association of Realtors data, encompassing the entire state and the 13-county metro area, reveals similarities in market behavior compared to last year. Key indicators such as new listings, pending sales, and closed sales have shown a slight increase. However, the feel on the ground, as experienced by Realtors, paints a picture of a more balanced market, deviating from what the data suggests. An important metric to consider is the absorption rate, which currently stands at about 1.7 months. This rate indicates how quickly the market can absorb the available inventory if no new homes are listed. An absorption rate of less than two months highlights the remarkable capacity of our market to consume inventory, a sign of a robust seller’s market on a macro scale. Yet, the reality experienced by buyers and sellers points towards a more balanced interaction. The current state of interest rates introduces a level of uncertainty, yet it also contributes to the market’s balance. While data might suggest a seller’s advantage, the practical market scenario is healthier and more stable, offering a modest appreciation of around 3%. This appreciation rate is considered healthy and sustainable, aligning with economists’ expectations for a balanced real estate market. “The current real estate market presents a healthy and balanced landscape, offering opportunities for both buyers and sellers.” Buyers are finding solace in the current market’s pace, which contrasts sharply with the frenetic activity seen two years ago. The current environment allows buyers the luxury of time—to sleep on decisions, conduct thorough research, and make informed choices without the pressure of immediate action. This shift has introduced a much-needed breathing room for both buyers and sellers, making the process less stressful and more deliberate. It’s crucial to remember that real estate is inherently local. While general trends provide a broad understanding, each property, neighborhood, and market segment (such as townhomes, condos, or lake homes) can exhibit unique characteristics. Therefore, for the most accurate and relevant advice tailored to your specific situation, reaching out to a real estate professional is advisable. They can provide detailed insights into your local market, ensuring you make informed decisions whether you’re buying or selling. The current real estate market presents a healthy and balanced landscape, offering opportunities for both buyers and sellers. Despite the general trends, personal circumstances and local market conditions will ultimately guide the best course of action. For personalized insights and guidance, consider consulting with us. Call or send us an email so we can navigate you through the specifics of your local market.

We were unable to find the audio file for this episode. You can try to visit the website of the podcast directly to see if the episode is still available. We check the availability of each episode periodically.

Understanding Market Dynamics: January's Real Estate Data

0s · Published 27 Feb 07:00
A balanced market emerges from the January real estate data. As we move past the halfway mark of February, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the January numbers to gauge the current state of the real estate market. January offers us the first full month of closed sale data, providing valuable insights into market trends as February unfolds. Despite numerical data suggesting we’re in a seller’s market, the real-world experience leans more towards a balanced market. The Minnesota Association of Realtors data, encompassing the entire state and the 13-county metro area, reveals similarities in market behavior compared to last year. Key indicators such as new listings, pending sales, and closed sales have shown a slight increase. However, the feel on the ground, as experienced by Realtors, paints a picture of a more balanced market, deviating from what the data suggests. An important metric to consider is the absorption rate, which currently stands at about 1.7 months. This rate indicates how quickly the market can absorb the available inventory if no new homes are listed. An absorption rate of less than two months highlights the remarkable capacity of our market to consume inventory, a sign of a robust seller’s market on a macro scale. Yet, the reality experienced by buyers and sellers points towards a more balanced interaction. The current state of interest rates introduces a level of uncertainty, yet it also contributes to the market’s balance. While data might suggest a seller’s advantage, the practical market scenario is healthier and more stable, offering a modest appreciation of around 3%. This appreciation rate is considered healthy and sustainable, aligning with economists’ expectations for a balanced real estate market. “The current real estate market presents a healthy and balanced landscape, offering opportunities for both buyers and sellers.” Buyers are finding solace in the current market’s pace, which contrasts sharply with the frenetic activity seen two years ago. The current environment allows buyers the luxury of time—to sleep on decisions, conduct thorough research, and make informed choices without the pressure of immediate action. This shift has introduced a much-needed breathing room for both buyers and sellers, making the process less stressful and more deliberate. It’s crucial to remember that real estate is inherently local. While general trends provide a broad understanding, each property, neighborhood, and market segment (such as townhomes, condos, or lake homes) can exhibit unique characteristics. Therefore, for the most accurate and relevant advice tailored to your specific situation, reaching out to a real estate professional is advisable. They can provide detailed insights into your local market, ensuring you make informed decisions whether you’re buying or selling. The current real estate market presents a healthy and balanced landscape, offering opportunities for both buyers and sellers. Despite the general trends, personal circumstances and local market conditions will ultimately guide the best course of action. For personalized insights and guidance, consider consulting with us. Call or send us an email so we can navigate you through the specifics of your local market.

We were unable to find the audio file for this episode. You can try to visit the website of the podcast directly to see if the episode is still available. We check the availability of each episode periodically.

Minnesota Real Estate Podcast With Chad and Sara Huebener has 543 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 0:00. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 21st, 2024 23:15.

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