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Your Marriage Matters

by Jim & Christie jacobus

This podcast is for couples that are engaged to be married or seriously dating with an eye on getting married. We are here to help you prepare for a long life together before you even say I do!


YMM 179 ... Love IS: Unlocking the Secrets to Lasting Love With Paul Tripp!

22m · Published 23 Feb 14:34

Welcome back to Your Marriage Matters! As we wrap up February, the month of love, we're diving into the profound wisdom of Paul David Tripp's "Love is" statements. Join us as we break down these five powerful statements to help strengthen and deepen your relationship.

  1. Being Committed to Unity: Learn why it's more important to prioritize unity and understanding over winning arguments or being right. Discover how embracing unity can transform your relationship dynamics.

  2. Investing Time in Communication: Explore the significance of investing time to discuss and understand relational problems. We'll share practical tips for staying focused and resolving conflicts effectively.

  3. Valuing Trust and Faithfulness: Understand the crucial role of trust in relationships and the importance of being faithful to your promises. Discover how trust forms the foundation for a strong and lasting bond.

  4. Speaking Kindly and Gently: Discover the power of speaking kindly and gently, even during disagreements. Learn how to communicate effectively without attacking each other's character.

  5. Practicing Selflessness: Explore the significance of serving and supporting each other, even amidst busy schedules and exhaustion. Find inspiration to prioritize your partner's needs above your own.

Join us as we unpack these Love is statements and discover practical ways to enrich your marriage!

YMM 178 ... One Size Doesn't Fit All! How To Custom Fit YOUR Marriage

36m · Published 16 Feb 10:59

In this week's episode of Your Marriage Matters, hosts Jim and Christie Jacobus dive deep into the dynamics of relationships, armed with insights from The 5 Love Languages, Relational Needs, and DISC personality profiles.

Discover how understanding and embracing our differences can strengthen the bond between partners. By recognizing and honoring each other's unique ways of expressing love and fulfilling relational needs, couples can foster deeper connection and harmony in their marriages.

Join Jim and Christie as they unpack the importance of communicating with empathy and adapting to our partner's love languages and personality traits for a more fulfilling relationship journey.

YMM 177 ... The 5 Stages of Marriage: Embracing the Journey of Growth

24m · Published 09 Feb 21:26

Welcome to Your Marriage Matters with Jim & Christie Jacobus!

Embark on a journey through the dynamic stages of love with us as we explore the intricacies of relationships and the beauty of enduring commitment. Join us as we delve into the fascinating phases every couple encounters:

· Infatuation/Honeymoon Phase:
Experience the exhilarating rush of passion and adoration as couples revel in the blissful haze of newfound love. Discover the magic of spontaneous gestures and the joy of being lost in each other's embrace.

· Reality Check/Adjustment Phase:
Navigate the transition from euphoria to reality as couples confront imperfections and differences. Learn the art of effective communication and the power of compromise as you build a solid foundation for your future together.

· Building Security and Stability:
Forge a bond of trust, commitment, and emotional intimacy as you lay the groundwork for a resilient partnership. Together, establish routines, share responsibilities, and pursue your dreams, united in purpose and unwavering support.

· Navigating Challenges/Crisis Phase:
Confront external stressors head-on and emerge stronger as you weather life's storms together. Cultivate deep emotional connections and mutual support, finding strength in adversity and solace in each other's embrace.

· Mature Love/Companionship Phase:
Celebrate the profound beauty of enduring love built on respect, understanding, and acceptance. Revel in the comfort of companionship and the richness of shared experiences, embracing the journey of growth and discovery as individuals and as a couple.

Join us on Your Marriage Matters as we unravel the mysteries of love's evolution and empower you to cultivate a relationship that stands the test of time. Remember, love is a journey, and together, we'll navigate its twists and turns with grace, communication, and unwavering commitment.

Jim & Christie Jacobus

YMM 176 ... Three Ways To Make This Your “Best Valentine’s Day Ever”!!!

11m · Published 02 Feb 11:00

Your Marriage Matters Podcast with Jim & Christie Jacobus: Pre Valentine's Day Edition!

Are you ready to elevate your Valentine's Day experience? Join the dynamic duo, Jim and Christie, on this week's podcast episode, where they unravel the secrets to making this romantic occasion truly unforgettable.

Be Proactive: Don't settle for ordinary! Jim and Christie advocate for breaking free from the last-minute scramble and share insightful tips on being proactive in finding that perfect, thoughtful gift. Discover how a little planning can transform your Valentine's surprise into a cherished memory.

Be Creative: Inject a dose of creativity into your celebration with the Cupid Challenge 2024! Immerse yourself in 14 fantastic ideas and challenges curated by Jim and Christie to add that extra spark to your Valentine's experience. From sweet gestures to exciting challenges, this is the perfect way to infuse fun and connection into your celebration.

Be Intentional: Dive into the art of intentional love with Jim and Christie. Understand why knowing your partner's desires is the key to making them feel truly special. Discover the joy of selecting a gift that resonates with them, ensuring this Valentine's is all about celebrating their uniqueness.

Tune in now for a delightful blend of love, laughter, and invaluable wisdom that will make your Valentine's Day extraordinary! 🌹💑 #Joyhauling #ValentinesDay #MarriageMatters

YMM 175 ... Beyond Beliefs: Crafting a Love-Filled Marriage with Positive Habits!

19m · Published 26 Jan 09:00

Welcome to another episode of the Your Marriage Matters podcast with Jim & Christie Jacobus! In episode 175, we dive into the essence of building critical habits in your marriage. 🌟 Building upon our recent discussions on how core beliefs shape thoughts, actions, and ultimately habits, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to create positive habits from the foundation of their core beliefs.

🤔 Understanding the Power of Habits: Discover the profound impact habits have on your marriage. We revisit the influence of core beliefs and how they serve as the driving force behind our daily actions.

💑 Linking Core Beliefs to Positive Habits: Uncover the intricate connection between core beliefs and the formation of positive habits. Jim and Christie share practical examples that demonstrate the transformative power of aligning your beliefs with positive actions.

🚀 Practical Tips for Creating Positive Habits: Jim brings his expertise in sales to the table, offering actionable insights on applying sales principles to habit formation. Meanwhile, Christie provides valuable perspectives on cultivating habits that contribute to a thriving and healthy marriage.

🌈 Case Studies or Examples: Get inspired by real-life stories and examples of individuals who have successfully turned core beliefs into positive habits. Learn from challenges faced and overcome in the journey towards building a stronger marriage.

We want to hear from you! Share your experiences with building positive habits and join the conversation. Ask questions, leave comments, and be a part of the Your Marriage Matters community.

Tune in to Your Marriage Matters Podcast #175 for a dose of wisdom, practical tips, and heartfelt discussions. Your journey to the marriage you dreamed of when you said "I Do" begins here! #YourMarriageMatters #PositiveHabits #MarriageWisdom

Never Forget …Your Marriage Matters to us!

Click Hereto Sign Up for The Cupid Challenge 2024!

YMM 174 ... Believe, Think, Act: How To Create a Positive Marriage Mindset!!!

25m · Published 19 Jan 11:00

🚀 Join us in this eye-opening episode of "Your Marriage Matters." Together, let's delve into the fascinating interplay between our core beliefs, thoughts, and actions within the intricate tapestry of marriage.

🔄 The Core Belief Cascade: In this episode we unpack the profound impact of core beliefs on the trajectory of a marriage. We will unravel how negative core beliefs, such as viewing marriage as a trap, can set off a chain reaction leading to negative thoughts and actions. Conversely, discover the transformative power of positive core beliefs, where marriage becomes an opportunity for shared growth, paving the way for positivity in every aspect.

🌱 Cultivating Positivity: Explore practical strategies and insights on fostering positive core beliefs about marriage. Whether you're navigating the nuances of a long-standing relationship or just embarking on the journey of marriage, this episode provides actionable takeaways to strengthen the foundation of your connection.

🎭 Perspectives from Jim and Christie: Experience the synergy gained from 37 years of marriage, experiencing the ups and downs and learning how to make your life together full of 99.9% ups!

🎉 Embrace the Joyful Journey: Tune in for learning and a lot of laughs as we share anecdotes and experiences that resonate with couples at every stage. Subscribe to "Your Marriage Matters" for a dose of inspiration and practical wisdom that will transform the way you view and navigate the beautiful adventure of marriage.

Never Forget … Your Marriage Matters to us!

Click Here to Sign Up for The Cupid Challenge 2024!

YMM 173 ... Going Beyond Beliefs: Crafting the Right Mindset for An Awesome Marriage!

21m · Published 15 Jan 17:48

In episode 173 of Your Marriage Matters podcast, Jim and Christie Jacobus delve into the critical importance of cultivating the right thoughts about marriage, oneself, and one's partner. This episode serves as a follow-up to their previous discussion on how core beliefs significantly impact our thoughts. Jim, drawing on his expertise as a professional speaker, and Christie, as an online counselor, explore the profound influence thoughts have on actions and the overall dynamics of a relationship. They share practical strategies for aligning core beliefs with a positive mindset to enhance marital well-being.

The conversation extends to scriptural insights, referencing passages like Luke 6:41-42 and Philippians 4:5. The hosts unravel the biblical perspective on thoughts, emphasizing their role in the context of a healthy and thriving marriage. As they navigate through these profound insights, listeners can expect practical tips from Jim's experiences and Christie's counseling expertise.

The episode aims to equip listeners with a deeper understanding of the power thoughts hold in shaping the dynamics of marriage. Whether reflecting on biblical wisdom or gleaning insights from the hosts' professional backgrounds, the episode offers valuable takeaways for building and sustaining a joyful and fulfilling marital relationship. As always, Jim and Christie encourage their audience to subscribe, rate, and leave a review, and invite them to connect further on their Joyhauling with Team Jacobus podcast and YouTube channels. Tune in for more episodes packed with wisdom and practical advice for cultivating strong and thriving marriages.

YMM 172 ... The Marriage Blueprint: How Core Beliefs Shape Our Life Together (Both Good and Bad!)

30m · Published 05 Jan 10:32

Welcome to another episode of "Your Marriage Matters" with Jim and Christie Jacobus, where we dive deep into the foundations of a healthy marriage.

In today's episode, we're exploring the significance of core beliefs in fostering a strong and lasting marital bond.

Core beliefs are the fundamental convictions and principles that shape our perspectives and guide our actions. In the context of marriage, they form the bedrock of the relationship, influencing how partners interact and navigate through the journey together.

1: You Can't Change, Cure, or Control Someone Else

One key core belief we emphasize is the understanding that individuals have their own autonomy. Accepting that you cannot change, cure, or control your partner is liberating. It encourages open communication and acceptance, fostering an environment where both partners can grow individually.

#2: Pursue the Best Version of Yourself and Your Partnership: In our case, as Team Jacobus, we believe in the importance of pursuing personal growth and excellence within the relationship. This core belief underscores the idea that by striving to be the best version of ourselves, we contribute positively to the partnership, creating a dynamic where both partners continuously evolve and thrive together.

#3: Unconditional Love as Part of God's Plan for Marriage: Our third core belief centers around the divine aspect of marriage. We explore the idea that part of God's plan for marriage involves learning to love each other unconditionally, mirroring the unconditional love that He showers upon us. This core belief deepens the connection between partners and reinforces the spiritual foundation of the marital relationship.

In today's episode, we've looked into the essence of just 3 core beliefs in a marriage. By embracing these principles - recognizing individual autonomy, pursuing personal growth, and practicing unconditional love – you can strengthen your marriage and build a resilient foundation for a fulfilling and lasting life together!

Connect with us on:

  • Your Marriage Facebook Group: Your Marriage Matters
  • Instagram: @TeamJacobus
  • YouTube at Your Marriage Matters
  • Explore our
  • Subscribe to our podcast on your preferred platform!

If you wish to reach out, feel free to contact us [email protected].

YMM 171 ... Ask Yourself These 4 Questions To Make 2024 Your Best Year Ever! Part 2

29m · Published 29 Dec 08:40

This is part 2 of our"4 Questions"annual process we go through to make sure 2024 is going to be the best year ever. We trust you will enjoy questions 3 and 4!

Repeat of last week's show notes ...

People often ask us how we manage to stay in sync as a couple and maintain that synchronization over time. The key to our success lies in one word: communication. We firmly believe in the power of open, transparent and frequent communication, which allows us to be on the same page.

One of the effective processes we've implemented is what we call"The 4 Questions."We initiated this practice over two decades ago, and it has become a yearly ritual for us. As we approach the end of each year, we engage in this process to prepare for the upcoming one.

The impact of this process has been so profound that we've shared it with friends, family, our church community, and Jim delivers it to a number of his corporate clients annually.

This year, we're excited to share our "4 Questions" process with you over the next two weeks. We encourage you to answer these questions both individually and collectively, considering both your personal and professional roles In life. You can find a downloadable worksheet to guide you through the process

Connect with us on:

  • Your Marriage Facebook Group: Your Marriage Matters
  • Instagram: @TeamJacobus
  • YouTube at Your Marriage Matters
  • Explore our
  • Subscribe to our podcast on your preferred platform!

If you wish to reach out, feel free to contact us [email protected].

Looking forward to connecting with you next week!

Jim & Christie

YMM 170 ... Ask Yourself These 4 Questions To Make 2024 Your Best Year Ever!

29m · Published 22 Dec 12:24

People often ask us how we manage to stay in sync as a couple and maintain that synchronization over time. The key to our success lies in one word: communication. We firmly believe in the power of open, transparent and frequent communication, which allows us to be on the same page.

One of the effective processes we've implemented is what we call "The 4 Questions." We initiated this practice over two decades ago, and it has become a yearly ritual for us. As we approach the end of each year, we engage in this process to prepare for the upcoming one.

The impact of this process has been so profound that we've shared it with friends, family, our church community, and Jim delivers it to a number of his corporate clients annually.

This year, we're excited to share our "4 Questions" process with you over the next two weeks. We encourage you to answer these questions both individually and collectively, considering both your personal and professional roles In life. You can find a downloadable worksheet to guide you through the process at

Connect with us on:

  • Your Marriage Facebook Group: Your Marriage Matters
  • Instagram: @TeamJacobus
  • YouTube at Your Marriage Matters
  • Explore our Blog:
  • Subscribe to our podcast on your preferred platform!

If you wish to reach out, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Looking forward to connecting with you next week!

Jim & Christie Jacobus

Your Marriage Matters has 144 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 56:24:36. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 19:47.

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