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Making Time for You

by Coach Greg LeFever

We specialize in helping busy women who struggle to make time for themselves with our "Making Time for You" daily living and lifestyle tips.

Copyright: Coach Greg LeFever


One Small Step Today

4m · Published 09 Feb 18:02

It’s February, and by now, most people have already quit on their New Year's Resolutions.

If they ever actually started at all.

You see, a lot of people want a better body, stronger muscles, and more energy.

A lot of people want to look better in their clothes … and out of their clothes ;)

A lot of people want to do all the activities they love without pain.

And a lot of people want to have a healthier mindset.

But most people aren’t willing to put in the time and effort to exercise consistently and eat mindfully.

Most people want instant gratification, and if they don’t shrink their waist and lose 10 pounds in the first two weeks, they get discouraged and quit.

Most people get sidetracked by the slightest change in their schedule or smallest obstacle in their way and start making excuses why they “don’t have time.”

But you’re not most people, right?

You’ve got the focus and discipline to train consistently and make your meals a little more supportive.

And you’ve got the resilience to stick with it when things get hectic in your life.


So as your Coach, along with wisdom and accountability, comes tough love too. This is that moment when I look you in the eye and ask you...

Think about what kind of person you are.

The kind who says they want it?

Or the kind who’s willing to put in the effort to have it?

Which do you decide today?

Your Friend and Coach,

Coach Greg


[email protected]

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you start feeling your best ever in 2023.

1. Train with our Virtual Moms group for 2 Weeks - FREE ​

Join us for 2 weeks of unlimited complimentary virtual fitness. Join our group of hard-working Moms, who are losing weight and toning up by maximizing the time they have in these short and effective workouts. Text me (949-294-1790), or reply back to this email with "Fit" and I will send you the login details. No Risk only results.

2. Start Your Transformation with a Buy One Get One Gift Card

Download this Gift Card and Whenever You Invest In Your First Session, We'll Give You A 2nd Session For FREE!

​Click here​

So, if you want to:

  • Do some professionally designed workouts to fend off that all too common holiday weight gain,
  • Start a new fitness program now,,
  • Or gift a couple of sessions to a friend or employee...

This 2 For 1 Gift Card is the perfect fit!

. Click here or email me to get started.

Bonus..Bonus..Bonus.. If you give the gift of Health and purchase this special for a friend or family member, I will Gift you a Free session also. :)

3. Work with me 1-on-1.

If you are ‘tired of being tired’ and ‘out of shape’ and you would like to work directly with me to improve your fitness level, personal eating plan, and your mindset to keep yourself on track for good, reply with 'Private' and we'll set up a time to chat and see if I can help. You Get the entire Coach VIP experience.

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How to Succeed with "Clear Eyes, Full Heart"

4m · Published 18 Jan 14:28

Hey everyone, 

Have you ever watched the movie called “Friday Night Lights”?

It’s a drama about a high school football team in Texas, but it’s about so much more than football.

It’s about the coach of the Dillon Panthers, Eric Taylor, his wife, Tami, and their growing family.

It’s about Coach Taylor’s former star quarterback, Jason Street, who was paralyzed when a tackle went wrong.

It’s about the often questionable decisions that teen-agers (and adults) make

It's about a slimy booster named Buddy Garrity, his precocious daughter, Lyla, and so much more.

Here is the take away for today and the main message for You.

In the locker room before games, Coach Taylor, of course, would give some kind of rip-roaring, emotional speech. And at the end of it, he’d say what’s become one of my favorite phrases.

“Clear eyes, full hearts.”

And then the entire team would chime in with, “CAN’T LOSE!”

Goosebumps. :-)

Yeah, I’m a real sucker for this stuff.

Now, the Panthers didn’t always win … but they always kept their eyes on the prize and their hearts full of pride.

It’s a good lesson for all of us.

  • First, you have to be clear about your goal and focus on it with precision.

But you can’t move closer to your goal, much less achieve it, if your heart isn’t in it.

So Always be clear about what it is you want and why.

  • Second, know what things you need to do in order to give yourself the best chance of achieving it.  This is an accountability person, a coach, a done for you plan, a system, whatever works for you here.
  • And Third, make sure your heart is in the right place … not just beating in your chest, but swelling with motivation, ambition and pride for going after what you want, developing your plan, and getting started.

If you do these things..... No, When you do these things, you quite literally can’t lose.

Your friend and Coach,

Coach Greg,

P.S. If you are ready to maximize your time with our 30 minute virtual (live coached) workouts, or a personal Life Coaching discussion, I am offering my listeners a FREE No strings trial.  Let's get you on track and at your best.

Be sure to Join our community and Follow us on:


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4 Easy Steps to Making Your Resolution Last

6m · Published 17 Jan 20:20

Have you made new years resolutions over and over and over that sound good but never make an impact on your life?  

Its ok, most people do.  

In this episode I give you 4 - Easy steps to follow to finally make your resolution last.  

Please let me know how these work for you and if I can help you get started or stay on track. 

Coach Greg

[email protected]



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Fresh Start... One easy step

5m · Published 05 May 23:35

Welcome to your IMpowered fresh start 

Wouldn't you agree that a new month is always an opportunity to start fresh?

This is especially true in the springtime, and as we head toward summer.

And it’s especially true this year, since hopefully, this summer will be different -- and better -- than last.

Wow! May is already here and that means outdoor activities and maybe even slipping into your bathing suit and heading to the beach or pool.

Imagine that, right?

The problem is, for many of us, the mere thought of putting on a bathing suit leads to anxiety. And since many of us understandably put on a few pounds during the pandemic, it’s especially true now.

I wish I could tell you we could snap our fingers and make washboard abs instantly appear. Heck, if that were the case, there would be no need to exercise or watch what you eat. :)

If you’re not thrilled with how you look or feel, or you’re dreading the moment of truth when you have to put that bathing suit on and look in the mirror, don’t despair.

You can’t lose 10 pounds today … but you CAN take a small step or action that will lead to the body and health that you want.

In fact, with a little guidance, you could make some life-altering changes that could yield results in as little as a few weeks.

If you put one of more of these actions in Play Today, you will feel great and be on your way to success.

  1. You could do one workout … you’ll feel better almost right away.
  2. You could clean out your kitchen cabinets … throwing the processed crap in the garbage will eliminate unnecessary temptations.
  3. You could get outside and do something physical in the sunshine and fresh air … you may be surprised how much this boosts your energy, mindset and confidence.
  4. You could make sure you get at least 7 hours of sleep tonight … you’ll be amazed at how much more seems possible when your body and mind are well rested.
  5. You could drink at least 64 ounces of water today … over time, this leads to fat loss, better complexion and more energy.

In fact, let’s make a pact today. Let’s both decide that we’re going to do ONE THING TODAY that will move us closer to the body and health that we want.

Reply back and let me know what small step you’re going to take. And if we keep building on that with one small step every day, wouldn’t it be great to look back at the end of the month and have some tangible results?

I am Going to train outside in the fresh air of IMpowered Fitness HQ to boost my energy, get some vitamin D in play, and boost my mental state of mind!

At the end of the day, what’s one thing you can do TODAY?

It’s simple. Just start with one step.

Until next time...Be IMpowered,

Coach Greg


P.S. If you have decided to take one step and are ready for some coaching support, here are two ways I can help you.

  1. Join me as a guest for Women Only Small group virtual fitness. Take the mental break, only 30 minutes of support, fitness for all levels, and a guarantee of results. Just email back "Guest" and I will send you the schedule and zoom code.
  2. Schedule a complimentary "Summer Body Review". This is a discussion all about where you are, where you want to go, and a plan to get there. Its all about you. Email me back with "summer" and we will schedule your 30 min free call.

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How are Tax day and Fitness realted?

6m · Published 16 Mar 17:32
How could Tax day and your health be related? Well, not to bring you down, but tax day is one month from today. At this time of year, most of us get our financial affairs in order, take stock of where we are and examine what needs to change to improve our situation in the coming year. When was the last time you did that with your health? Everyone’s familiar with the dreaded tax audit; nobody wants to undergo one of those. But what about a health audit? That could be quite beneficial. Is your body where you want it to be? Is your health in a place that will allow you to flourish … not just for the next year, but for decades to come? With finances, it’s about the balance between deposits and withdrawals … how much is coming in vs. how much is going out. We all look at our numbers, create budgets, try to stick with them and adjust as needed. We should be doing the same with our health and fitness. And I don’t mean going to the doctor for your annual physical; that’s the bare minimum. I mean taking stock of your deposits and withdrawals when it comes to achieving your ideal body and health. Here are a few examples of what I mean: Deposits: A strength workout Yoga session Outdoor activity. You’re putting currency into your health and fitness bank every time you do these things. And they’re not limited to physical activities. Prepping your healthy meals for the week, meditating and having a romantic date night with your significant other all go in the “income” column of your health and fitness ledger. The more deposits you make, and the more consistently you make them, the more your fitness “bank account” will grow. Withdrawals: Skipping a workout Overindulging in unhealthy food choices and/or alcohol Working such long hours that your sleep dwindles to 4-5 hours a night … These would be considered withdrawals. Every time you engage in these kinds of activities, it’s like swiping your credit card and watching your hard-earned deposits disappear. In finance, we all know what happens when we spend more than we make … we end up with a negative balance and go into debt. And wouldn’t you know it? The same happens with your health and with your body. You might be able to sustain these fitness “overdrafts” for a while. But eventually, the bills come due. So it’s clear that it’s best to focus on making as many deposits – and as few withdrawals – as possible. But there’s another point I’d like to emphasize … and it’s a mistake I’ve seen too many people make when it comes to their health and fitness. Obviously, you don’t need 100% of your transactions to be deposits in order to achieve financial wealth. The same is true of your health and fitness. All or nothing doesn’t work. If you’ve consistently been making deposits, you can “afford” some withdrawals here and there. And the more deposits you’ve been making (workouts, healthy meals, and self-care), the less harmful the withdrawals (pizza, wine and ice cream) will be. I challenge you today to look at April 15 as tax day for your health, too. Use the next 30 days to assess where you are, evaluate how you’ve been “spending” your health currency, and decide what needs to change so that you can look back a year from now and be proud of how much your fitness bank account has grown. Until next time… Be IMpowered, Coach Greg 949-294-1790 P.S. When you are ready, we’re bringing on a few new clients to start our “Super Combo” program this week. We’re going to help them lose weight & feel better than they have in years through our “I want it All” program. Convenient – to fit your schedule Affordable – to fit your budget Personal training – because It’s all about you Group training – for extra motivation and calorie burn Results – to become the best you ever Would you like to join us? Email back with “I want it All”

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Do you have the Disease of "Someday"

6m · Published 10 Mar 20:01

My friend Doc Jon posted this photo today. And it hit me like a ton of bricks because I have done this, I talk to many people who says this about their health, and I have failed to act and lost out – And I don’t want that to happen to you.

If you are still reading, then this resonated with you somehow. If you bailed because this made you uncomfortable, I hope you come back and revisit the topic so you don’t miss out on your wants and dreams in life.

I want you to step up, get strong, and make today your day….

Let’s Get to the ‘How’…

How often have you said this about something in your life?

Someday I will…….

Most of us have wants and desires that are real but we let other feelings or even fears and our comfort zone get in the way of taking that action we want.

We typically wave off the thought and move on with our day.

I wanted to share with you BOTH sides of SOMEDAY.

First the dark side. As the quote says, someday is a disease and unless addressed it will take things away from you.  Consider these real life scenarios and think of your own … Someday I will…

· Catch up with an old friends you haven’t talked to in a long time, only to find out something happened to them and now you are not able to reach them or even that life took them away.

· Go visit or just call your Grandparents that you were meaning to go see but you got too busy, until the day that they sadly pass and you say damn, I should have gone to see them or just called to say hello, but now you can’t.

· Lose the 20 extra pounds so you could play with your kids, but now they are older and you still can’t keep up and then they move on. And You missed it.

· Start the fitness program that you wanted to start to feel better and avoid diseases, but you kept putting it off or were too afraid to start, and now you have to deal with the disease instead.

This is real life. It happens too often.

Let’s look at the opposite side. When you stopped, took some time, or took some action to make a change for the better and went after what you wanted.

· You caught up with an old friends you haven’t talked to in a long time and reminisced, laughed, enjoyed each other’s company, gave them some love and you got some back. You made a difference in both lives in this moment.

· You went to visit or called your Grandparents that you were meaning to go see. Chatted, laughed, raised their spirits, connected in the loving bond. You know they told their friends all about your visit or you call because it gave them so much joy. And it only took a few minutes.

· You lost the 20 extra pounds and participated actively, played, and bonded with your kids, because now you can! These are memories they will take with them as they grow.

· You started the fitness program that you wanted to start to feel better and avoid diseases. Now you are full of energy, feel mentally and physically better than you have in years and your life has no limits!

Make today your Someday and do whatever it is that keeps popping in your mind and you keep putting off to the side. Fear is driving that - Stand up to it.

Today is the alternative to Someday.

But, Like everything else in life, It’s up to you to choose.

Until next time… Be IMpowered,

Coach Greg


P.S. If today is your someday, reply back with ‘TODAY’ and we can talk about a personal plan that prepares you for conquering ‘someday’

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Making Time for You has 6 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 34:27. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on March 26th, 2024 22:46.

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