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See The Upside - Overcoming Obstacles and Doing Life a Little Better Everyday

by Nina Blaicher

See the Upside Podcast is all about seeing the good even when the hard moments happen. Inspired by real life challenges that led to awakenings, we explore ways to do life a little better every day, see the positive in every experience and share the wisdom and stories to inspire each other. Topics range from spirituality, healing, love, wellness, finance, friendship, personal growth, career development and anything else that makes our lives rich, full, happy and just plain good. Interviews are with real people who have thrived through adversity as well as experts in a variety of fields sharing best practices about how to find meaning and purpose in life's most difficult moments. Join the conversation and be inspired to move through life with a little more light, a lot of hope and the knowing that there are incredible, limitless possibilities ahead once you decide to see them.

Copyright: © 2024 See The Upside - Overcoming Obstacles and Doing Life a Little Better Everyday


52. Deep Dive into My Strengths, Wounds, Relationships and Purpose: My Personal Astrology Reading with Benjamin Bernstein

1h 7m · Published 22 Jan 15:00

In this episode, Astrologer, Shaman and all around intuitive rockstar, Benjamin Bernstein reads my natal chart.  
We deep dive into all the ways I have opportunity to heal and grow, expand and blossom and live my very best life. 
I've always been fascinated with Astrology and how we are all unique intuitive beings connected to something greater than ourselves. I was aware of my sun sign (Virgo), Moon Sign (Aries) and Ascendant (Pisces) and the general idea of that they mean - 
Sun - your identity, who you are are your essence
Moon - how you feel, who you are when noone is watching
Ascendant - how you present yourself to the world. 

But in this episode we deep dive into SOOOO much more and I was blown AWAY by the accuracy and insight Benjamin was able to provide from my chart. I felt incredibly inspired and validated. It explained so much and gave me some areas to really explore and celebrate in such a beautiful way. 

I highly recommend doing a reading if you're feeling stuck, confused, want to learn more about your purpose, understand your emotions and relationships better or are just plain curious. So much here!

In the interview we touch on: 

  • How to tell the difference between an intuitive hit and a passing thought
  • What my purpose is and how I can fully express it in the world
  • The meaning of each of the planets and their position in my chart
  • How the houses fit in and what that means 
  • How to best approach relationships based on my chart 
  • What I should look for in a partner to make me feel most fulfilled and connected
  • What is a Yod and how it plays in your life purpose
  • How to be empathetic while protecting your own energy
  • What happens when a planet is in it's own house (Jupiter is in my career house and in Sag)
  • What is means for signs to be fixed, cardinal or mutable
  • What's in store for me right now and how to maximize the energy in the universe at this moment

Loved this SO much! Hope you enjoy this look into what a natal chart ready can look like and how much fun it can be!

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51. How to Feel Light, Free + Calm by Decluttering your House and Your Heart with Conny Graf

1h 5m · Published 16 Jan 18:00

I think we all like to do a little bit of decluttering for the new year. Getting rid of the old and changing up the things that no longer serve us. What we may not realize until we're actually doing it, is it can be really hard to let go.  Why do we get so attached to things? Why do we want to hang on even when we know it's not good for us or when we may not even like something? 

In this episode with Conny Graf we talk about clutter. I'm not just talking about physical clutter, although we get into that too, it's the extra things we hang onto that take up space, energy in our head and our hearts that could actually be weighing us down, creating blocks and stopping us from becoming our highest, best version of ourselves. 

Simplifying and letting go of clutter can be so incredibly freeing. It feels light, clean, simple and open.  It can lift us up and inspire us. And it allows us to really soak in and focus on the beauty and the things we love which become much more visible and clear when we declutter. 

In the episode we talk about: 

  • How to decide which items to keep when going through a loved ones items
  • The various kinds of clutter and how they're connected
  • How clutter ties into worthiness
  • How to clean out your closet and why it can totally uplevel your mood for the entire day
  • Why many people get overwhelmed with decluttering
  • Why the emotionally charged items are not where you want to begin
  • Why our environment has such a strong impact on how we feel 
  • What is a love tour and what it can tell you about your home
  • The surprising place most women stash their clutter
  • How clutter factors into getting great sleep
  • The easy simple way to know if you should keep something or give it away
  • Why we should be using our “special” things every day rather than hiding them
  • Which room to start decluttering in first
  • How you can create incredible connection with someone over decluttering
  • How decluttering can help process trauma

What are some ways you are hanging on to clutter? How can you currate a home and a life that is beautiful and elevates your consciousness and mood? This episode will get you thinking about it and help you navigate the obstacles that can come while decluttering. 

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50. Be the Light - How to Embody and Share Positive Energy with Carolina Ayala

48m · Published 25 Dec 20:00

For the 50th episode - yay! And the last episode of 2022, it's only fitting to have the topic be around positive energy. 
We are all energetic beings that embody, create, share, exchange manifest and emit energy to each other. So wouldn't you want that energy to feel good, be positive, and to become a light that you share and shine on others? 
I think we all WANT to be that and feel that, but with life happening and obstacles in the way, it can be difficult to connect with that part of ourselves. 

In this episode, I speak with energy expert, Carolina Ayala. Carolina struggled with her own low vibrational energy caused by not living aligned with who she truly was. It was through consciously realizing this wasn't how and who she wanted to be, that she was able to shift her mindset, her energy and her life. 

In the episode we talk about: 

  • What is life force or Prana healing and how it can change your life
  • How to know when to put in effort and when to let go and allow
  • What are the basic laws of energy 
  • How energy follows your intention and your intention creates your reality
  • Why applying the lessons we learn is so important to how we view life challenges
  • How working with your energy is like working out,  it’s a practice and results happen over time. 
  • Why being happy is a skill you can develop
  • How we are conditioned to focus on problems and negativity
  • Why it’s important to ask if you are intentionaly creating your reality or reacting to a situation
  • How separating our identity from our problems will relieve much of our suffering 
  • Why letting go of perfection on your personal growth journey is so important to progress
  • How to know if you are living focused on comparison
  • Harnessing our emotions and realizing they are information, but not necessarily the truth of what is
  • How to set the energy tone in a relationship

One of my greatest goals on my own personal growth journey is to vibrate higher daily. To embody positivity, see the opportunity in the challenges and to share light with others. This conversation reminded me that this is a practice. That there is no arriving or mastering, but only continual expansion and growth and that through the realization that we aren't perfect and we aren't SUPPOSED to be perfect, but rather are on a quest to simply do our best every day, is so soul filling and inspiring. 

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49. Facing Unresolved Trauma and Why Now is Your Time To Heal with Greg Wieting

45m · Published 16 Dec 13:00

Mental health and emotional wellness are the foundation of feeling good and showing up as the best version of ourselves, but many of us don't know where to even begin. We may be feeling stuck, blocked, dissatisfied, less than, overwhelmed, unsettled, unhappy, confused or many other less-than-desirable ways of moving through life. 

The great news is that there's always a beautiful light at the end of the tunnel!
To begin, it's making the decision to feel and do life better and getting to the root of our trauma so we can heal. It requires us to slow down, take stock, go within and get intimately connected with ourselves.  

This episode with Greg Wieting focuses on how to navigate owning our own mental wellness by having compassion and understanding for our trauma. He shares ways to tap into understanding where you are, how to start on the path of owning your mental health and get to feeling GOOD!

Greg began by exploring his own healing as he navigated coming to terms with significant trauma. On his journey, he evaluated many holistic ways of healing and has now developed  his own system to help others. In the interview we explore many of the themes Greg sees with his clients as he shares recommendations on how to embrace the journey and empowering ourselves with owning our own emotional well being. 

Some of the topics we dive into are:

  • What is trauma informed healing 
  • How exploring your own healing can guide you to your purpose
  • Why understanding and regulating the nervous system is the beginning of mental wellness
  • Navigating fight or flight or please and appease
  • How non judgement and compassion comes into play in healing trauma
  • Why embodiment is so important when we are under stress and how to do it
  • How slowing down and taking a sacred pause can broaden our tolerance and leads to healing
  • How triggers can bring us back to the trauma event and what to do when that happens
  • How we experience emotion in our body 
  • Why triggers make our bodies respond as if the danger is real
  • Reorienting from pain to possibility
  • How mental health is evolving to accept more holistic integrative systems
  • What if anxiety and depression are healthy responses to an unhealthy environment
  • How our bodies can embody protective strategies that can be carried as weight like an armor
  • The difference between caring and taking care of someone
  • Doing relationship audits and why they’re important
  • How to handle dead ends in your healing journey and why they’re important
Every day we have the opportunity to choose to do life better. We are designed to feel GOOD and to have a happy, fulfilling life! We all deserve healing, and it begins with taking care of ourselves.

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48. How to Flow in Life like you Flow in Yoga with Amanda Sheble of Core Power Yoga

56m · Published 04 Dec 21:00

If you've been following the podcast you know I LOVE Yoga. It is a HUGE part of my life and has been a major part of my overall well being, healing, connection to myself and the world. Simply put, yoga has become a way of life for me of sorts. 
But it wasn't always that way. When I was first introduced to yoga, I had been a runner for years and I just wasn't sure whether I could get the same results in yoga that I did with running. 
Well I was right. I didn't get the same results. I got SO much more than I ever could have imagined. I got peace. Inner connection. Friendship. Inspiration. Intention. Healing. Reflection. Growth. Self awareness. Freedom. Love.
Yoga is a mind, body spirit practice. It is a way to connect first and foremost with our bodies and our breath. But beyond that, it is a way of thinking, feeling and being. 

In this week's interview, I speak with one of my very favorite Yoga Instructors from Core Power Yoga at the Paradise Valley Location in Arizona, Amanda Sheble. 
Amanda and I connected immediately and I'm positive there was divine intervention going on in our meeting in this lifetime.
In the interview we cover a LOT of spiritual and physical ground. We get into: 

  • How yoga can bring our trauma to the surface and allow it and flow through it and lead to healing
  • How yoga makes us more aware of our physical bodies and creates a connection between the mind body spirit
  • Why certain poses can bring feelings to the surface
  • What is trauma and how our bodies hold onto it
  • How yoga helped me navigate and express the grief of my divorce
  • Why and how I shifted from running to yoga
  • How yoga can be healing if you have eating disorders
  • What is an intention in yoga and why it makes a class so soul filling and healing
  • Sanskrit, Chakras, Asanas, Yamas, Intentions, yoga philosophy and roots
  • What is non attachment and how it relates to your life
  • Learning to listen to what your body needs on a given day and flowing with what feels good
  • What does it mean to live a yoga life and how to do it 
  • Why letting go in yoga and in life is so hard
  • How to let yoga bring more mindfulness into your life and why it matters

Loved this combo and love geeking out on yoga! If you haven't tried yoga yet. it's never too late and literally anyone can do it. Know that yoga is SO much more than a workout, it's a way of life that will bring peace, calm, knowing and healing - even in your first class!

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47. Finding Sustainable Soul Filling Happiness Even When Life Gets Hard with Darrin Tulley

1h 6m · Published 21 Nov 02:00

We all want to be happy.  At times we may have a sense that something is off, we might feel burned out, uninspired, lost, depleted, or going through something really hard.  So how to we bring ourselves back to happiness, or even learn to find it when life brings challenge?

In this interview with former corporate executive, author, executive coach, management consultant, board advisor, keynote speaker, and leader of experiential learning workshops for his original platform and book, Live Your Possible, Darrin Tulley, we break down how to live life happier, more purposeful, and just plain better.  We dive into the elements that create true happiness and how to connect with that part of ourselves at any time. Whether life is on the up and up or if things are difficult. 

Some of the topics covered in the interview are:

  • Why many of us live on autopilot and  what we miss out on when we do this
  • Tapping into our imagination by going back to our childhood and remembering when we were open, free and creative.
  • What can happen when we share our emotions at work
  • How picking a mantra can create purpose in your life
  • Why we change who we are to become what people expect from us 
  • Why denying our true selves in how we are limit possibilities and how the real opportunity is in letting go and being who we really are
  • How our kids and our romantic relationships are our greatest lessons and mirrors
  • Why happiness is not about perfection and eliminating hard moments
  • How to start developing a sense of wonder and possibility and shifting away from worry and regret
  • How to make happiness a habit and share it and shine it out to others 
  • How to find joy at work
  • Why slowing down is so important to being happy
  • The questions to ask ourselves to understand what makes us happy
  • Why the authentic expression of ourselves feels so good
  • How to  get through our darkest moments 

We are HERE in this life to be happy. But sometimes we just can't seem to figure out how. In this episode we peel back all the layers and bask in all the ways to feel happier. Yes to that! You can check on Darrin's podcast here:

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46. How to Honor Grief with Grace for Yourself or Someone you Care About with Mandy Capehart

59m · Published 06 Nov 20:00

Grieving affects all of us at some point in life. Whether it's grieving the death of a loved one or pet, the ending of a marriage or relationship, or even a life shift like a job change, move or child going off to college. These are all grief events and can be incredibly emotional and hard to process. 

Grief is confusing, complex, multi-faceted, erratic and is different for everyone. So how do we work through grief when we feel so overwhelmed? What are some tools we can use to allow ourselves to honor what was, but also give us the ability to function in the moment and eventually move forward without staying stuck? 

Are we supposed to let go? Hang on? Remember? Be sad? What if we feel guilty? Have regret? Are resentful or unbearably sad? Are we allowed to be happy again? Is that a betrayal? What should we share with others? Why is it so confusing and overwhelming? How can you feel ok one moment and the next so devastated?
How can we ultimately honor our loss, accept what happened, have compassion for ourselves and learn to embrace life fully as it is now, after the grief event? 

In this interview with grief expert, Mandy Capehart, we break down all the elements of how to process grief. From navigating it for yourself to showing up for someone you care deeply about.

Some of the topics covered in the interview are:

  • What is grief and where does it show up in our lives? 
  • How to honor that everyone has their own way of grieving
  • Why our needs in grief may be constantly changing and how to communicate and honor them
  • How to understand what alleviates pain within our grief helps us grow 
  • Why being uncomfortable is a part of the healing process
  • How being present in our bodies can help work through grief
  • Realizing that grief is part of our story, but does not define who we are
  • What to do if the how and why of the event are blocking you in the grieving process
  • How we can idealize situations and people in grief
  • Embracing that grief is evidence that love exists
  • How to know that you can still honor the meaningfulness, it’s just transformed
  • The surprising therapy that has been life changing for grief processing for Mandy
  • How to evaluate if a memory of someone is keeping you from the life you want to live
  • Why it can be good to have the uncomfortable conversations when a friend is going through grief

How we approach grief can totally change what we experience and how we manage to move through it. The reality is, there is no real roadmap, other than the one you make for yourself. But when you connect to what you are feeling and honor your needs we open up the road to healing. 

You can hear more about Mandy's grief work on her podcast: Restorative Grief.  She also co-hosts The Uncomfortable Grace Podcast, where space is held for growth amid the messy middle-parts of life. 

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45. Sweet Dreams - Getting the BEST Sleep Ever with Morgan Adams

50m · Published 31 Oct 00:00

If you know anything about me, you know I love my sleep! But, I'm always striving to do life better, and I'm super excited to explore ALL the ways to uplevel my sleep game and achieve better rest.  Feeling rejuvenated and energized is so crucial to showing up as our best and paving the way for a great attitude and experience everyday. 

In this interview with Sleep Coach Morgan Adams we break down all the elements of good sleep from night time rituals, to managing stress, diet, alcohol, herbs, pills and everything in between. We deep dive into the many ways to make simple and easy (yes to THAT!) adjustments that can have a huge impact on your rest and your life. 

In the interview we talk about:

  • The reality of how sleeping pills work and why they don’t actually make us feel rested
  • What does good sleep actually look like and how to figure out what is best for you
  • How long it should take you to fall asleep 
  • The sign that you are sleep deprived that you may not realize
  • Why waking up multiple times isn’t necessarily a bad thing
  • Little things you can do throughout the day that can drastically improve your sleep 
  • What is a “constructive worry exercise” and how it can help with your anxiety and your sleep
  • Why TV in bed can be OK – and ways to ensure it doesn’t disrupt sleep 
  • How light affects our sleep and what you can do to optimize your sleep via light exposure
  • Why it’s worth it to invest in great pajamas and sheets and what you should look for 
  • If you’re drinking alcohol, when to do it for optimal sleep
  • The surprising reason related to your diet that you may be waking up in the middle of the night
  • How long caffeine really stays in your body and how to still enjoy it but get to sleep
  • The best herbs, melatonin and vitamins for good sleep
  • Top 3 simple tips for good sleep now

Sleep is such a crucial component to feeling good.  Morgan shares some really simple, insightful ways that you may not have thought about before that can drastically improve our sleep and show up as our best for whatever life has to offer each day. 

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46. Men and Intimacy - How to Create Soul Filling Connection in Your Relationship with Marc Wendt

1h 3m · Published 29 Oct 17:00

Does your relationship fulfill you on a soul level? Do you connect with your partner in a conscious, deep way? Are you confused or unsure about how to even start that conversation?
Many relationships struggle to find deeper connection. Our busy, fast paced lives make slowing down and connecting meaningfully difficult, but the amazing news is -  it IS possible - whether your relationship is new or you've been together a long time - it just takes a little courage, patience and intention.
So how do you make it happen? What's the best way to offer the invitation in a heart centered, loving way that feels authentic, safe and allows vulnerability creating that trust and openness?
In this interview with Marc Wendt, we peel back the layers about intimacy and connection in relationships. We discuss the complexities of what most men really want and how to better understand what they're feeling.  Marc shares practical ways to invite deeper discussions, how to gently nudge your partner (and yourself!) down the path to closer connection, and how to invite deeper intimacy.  You may be surprised to realize that your partner is probably craving it just as much as you are. 
 Just some of the things we discuss are

  • How to get connected into our bodies and why this helps us tap into our emotions
  • Why becoming aware of our emotions actually makes us more powerful
  • How breath work brings us into self-awareness and is the beginning of creating intimacy with another person
  • Where gratitude comes in and how it creates connection
  • Why requests can feel like complaints
  • What emotional intelligence is and how to get it
  • Why tragedy is often the gateway to connecting to emotions for men
  • Why it’s important to allow our partners to express themselves without having to fix it
  • What is courageous curiosity and how it can really open up your relationship
  • The importance of coming into creating intimacy with an open heart and assuming good 
  • Remembering it’s a practice - the more you do it, the more depth you get
  • What are triggers and how to regulate the nervous system through breathing like navy seals do

This interview was so inspiring.  It made me realize that intimacy and connection truly is a practice. It takes time, patience, willingness and openness,  but it really IS possible and most of the time it's what everyone involved truly - down to their soul -  is really craving. It's a delicate dance to get there, but SOOOO worth the effort and is a precious gift to share with someone you love deeply.
We all deserve beautiful, soul filling, heart centered, deep, connected, love. The pathway there begins through becoming aware of ourselves, knowing it's available, committing to it and then - here's the hardest part- actually opening up to it.
This episode dives into this complex and nuanced topic in detail.
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Website: https://marcwendtc

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44. What Energy + Influence Women Bring to Politics and Why it's so Important for Us to get Involved with Claire Campos-O'Neal

58m · Published 24 Oct 02:00

With election day around the corner, I wanted to expand my own awareness about politics in a creative way.  Claire Campos-O'Neil is a mom, wife and realtor who ran for office in Texas. Although she didn't win, she learned a ton and thinks that it's time for women to step up and get more involved in the welfare of our communities.

In our interview we talk about what it was like to run for office and why it's so important to have women involved in our government. Women bring a unique perspective and energy that prioritizes families and helps create family friendly resources that create a sense of community.  Something we all need more of these days.

Politics may be low on the priority list, I understand. But this episode may encourage you to expand what you believe politics is all about with some great ideas on how to make it interesting, easy, fun and fulfilling to get involved in a way that resonates with you. 

In the interview we cover: 

  • How to get interested in politics and why it's so important
  • How women see the larger picture of how policies benefit the community at large
  • The importance of creating a supportive community for our families
  • What it’s like for an ordinary person to run for office 
  • Finding an issue that you're passionate about
  • How to navigate friendships when you have differing political views 
  • What some of the biggest political issues are on the local level
  • What is emotional and social learning within the education system and why it’s an important initiative for us to discuss 
  • Why it’s important to always question your beliefs
  • Why it’s ok to be gray on an issue
  • Why having women in government isn’t a threat to men, it’s value for the whole community 
  • The importance of exposing ourselves to people that challenge us
  • We actually have a lot more in common as Americans than we do differences and how focusing on our commonalities brings us to creative solutions

I have never been a super politically charged person, but we all have a responsibility to use our voices to ensure our communities are the best they can be for our families. This episode really opened my eyes to the many ways to get involved and  how interesting and important politics really are. It's so simple to expand our knowledge these days. A podcast, a book, even just a conversation to open up to a new view on something. I hope you decide to lean in and expand your idea of what politics is and what it means to you. 

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See The Upside - Overcoming Obstacles and Doing Life a Little Better Everyday has 73 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 69:36:25. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 21st, 2024 23:46.

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