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VertiMax Vive

by VertiMax, LLC

The Vive Podcast is for coaches, trainers, athletes, parents of athletes, fitness professionals, and human performance enthusiasts. We started this podcast to bring you insights from the biggest names in sports performance, strength conditioning, and athletics with hopes that you will gain understanding, insights, ideas and the tools you need to optimize your athletic program, sports performance business, athletic career and future in this ever-evolving space.


Steve Leo — Explosive Soccer Movements

10m · Published 30 Mar 17:38

Steve Leo is a master trainer for Parisi Speed School and educates young athletes through the VertiMax system. He teaches them how this method is a game changer for their body and their target sport.


Steve breaks down how an athlete can work on their acceleration as well as their deceleration movements within the sport of soccer. He also shares tips on how to unlock more explosive movements and what drills you should really focus on to get the maximum amount of power out of your body when it matters. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:05] A little bit about Steve and today’s episode.

[2:35] What are some good deceleration drills an athlete can practice?

[4:45] Why are multi-directional exercises so important? 

[5:55] How can the raptor come into play and help an athlete’s performance?

[8:50] Need some resources? The VertiMax app has you covered! 



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“In soccer, a lot of the steps tend to be choppy. It’s important to change the angles and change the cuts so you can work off both feet."


"The Raptor is perfect for explosive movements. You can easily load the front-end and it works really, really well."


Steve Leo — Achieving Max Speed in Soccer Performance

12m · Published 23 Mar 23:23

Steve Leo is a master trainer for Parisi Speed School and educates young athletes through the VertiMax system and teaches them how this method is a game changer for their body and their target sport.


Steve dives into the fine art of running speed for soccer. How can athletes max their running speed with and without the ball on the field and off the field? What should they focus on? In this episode, Steve shares some tips on how an athlete can boost their endurance and speed for maximum performance. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:05] A little bit about Steve and today’s episode.

[1:35] How do you run faster with the ball in soccer? 

[3:20] How do you get faster without the ball in tow?

[5:30] Players should be sprinting at near max capacity for 200 yard range.

[8:30] Athletes need recovery time. Do not underestimate this process. 

[9:00] Beating up your athletes until they can’t take it anymore is not a good approach. 

[9:45] What’s a good arm and hand technique? 



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“Typically 3-5 miles is what a soccer player will run in a game, but if you run 5 miles a day, you’re not going to be fast."


"If I’m cranking [sprints] all the time, I’m not going to get max benefit out of them and I’m going to burn out too quickly."


Steve Leo — 9 Stages of Long-Term Athlete Development

21m · Published 16 Mar 21:23

Steve Leo is a master trainer for Parisi Speed School and educates young athletes through the VertiMax system and teaches them how this method is a game changer for their body and their target sport.


Steve understands that competitive sports can be very dangerous for an athlete who’s been competing for years. It can be hard on the body and the ability to bounce back and recover might get harder and harder as you get older. What are some of the ways you can prevent this from happening? Steve has 9 stages that he’d like to underline for the audience today so that they can have a long and fruitful athletic career. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:05] A little bit about Steve.

[2:15] Competitive sports are very hard on the body. 

[3:20] Steve dives into the first stage: Active start. 

[5:30] What should 6 to 9-year-olds focus on? 

[7:55] Children need to begin getting conscious about the importance of good eating habits, but balance is key here. 

[9:40] At 11-16-year-olds, strength training is key and should take on a primary focus.

[12:15] Benchmarks are important at the 16-17 age mark. They’re old enough to understand why it matters to keep track. 

[15:30] They’re now in college and they’re a full-time athlete, what should they focus on? 

[16:45] These athletes have to buy in 100%. This is not a ‘sometimes’ thing, or else they’ll get injured.

[19:00] Former athletes need goals. This is just the way they’re wired.

[19:50] Following these steps is critical for success. It’s important to make sure the athletic tests that you’re doing are age appropriate. 



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“Anybody under the age of six should be starting off with an active start."


"Some children can’t absorb information at too young of an age. They begin to absorb it at 13-14 years old."


Brett Kuehn — Off-Season Training Checklist

11m · Published 02 Mar 20:05

Brett Kuehn is a sports and human performance enthusiast, athlete, and mentor to Team VertiMax. He is a USMC veteran and business development professional at VertiMax. Brett’s passion is to help others achieve their goals whether they are an athlete looking to improve their speed, agility, and verticals; a coach looking to help their athletes gain an edge, or a sports performance owner or trainer seeking new ways to increase their business.


Brett is back on this week’s episode to talk about some helpful off-season training protocols for athletes. When there are no active games, you do not want your athlete to get lazy and out of shape. Here’s a quick overview of what an athlete should be focused on during their off-season days so that they can perform better for the upcoming season. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:20] Off-season is a very important time of the year. 

[2:10] Review your past season results. 

[2:50] What are some of your off-season goals? 

[3:35] What’s a good training plan?

[5:25] Don’t forget to incorporate a team building plan. 

[6:45] Seek out additional training. 

[8:25] Communication is key. Promote transparent ways your athletes can communicate with you.1



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“You want to make sure athletes trust each other as teammates. They got to get to know each other."


"With athletes, you have to communicate clearly, especially with anything that they’re doing. Make sure they’re able to come to you."


Brett Kuehn — Maximize Your Off-Season Training

12m · Published 23 Feb 13:58

Brett Kuehn is a sports and human performance enthusiast, athlete, and mentor to Team VertiMax. He is a USMC veteran and business development professional at VertiMax. Brett’s passion is to help others achieve their goals whether they are an athlete looking to improve their speed, agility, and verticals; a coach looking to help their athletes gain an edge, or a sports performance owner or trainer seeking new ways to increase their business.


Brett understands that you have to work on your body throughout the entire year, including off-season. He shares some of his favorite ways to keep your routine up and get stronger in the process. It’s important to work beyond just the technicalities of the sport and make sure your body can keep up with what you’re putting it through. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:40] What does Brett see during off-season training?

[3:10] Athletes that have a strength and conditioning regimen end up performing better and have less injuries. 

[3:25] Brett shares what a well-rounded schedule looks like.

[6:10] Whatever routine you pick, make sure it’s intentionally designed with purpose. 

[8:15] How do you do core workouts with the VertiMax?

[10:00] The great thing about the VertiMax is that it can adapt to your agility needs. 



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“The trend these days is to play the sport year-round and there’s less of a focus on getting stronger. It’s a bad trend."


"There’s so much science and data out there that when athletes have a strength and conditioning regimen, they perform better."


Brett Kuehn — 5 Ways to Grow Your Sports Performance Facility

9m · Published 03 Feb 01:05

Brett Kuehn is a sports and human performance enthusiast, athlete, and mentor to Team VertiMax. He is a USMC veteran and business development professional at VertiMax. Brett’s passion is to help others achieve their goals whether they are an athlete looking to improve their speed, agility, and verticals; a coach looking to help their athletes gain an edge, or a sports performance owner or trainer seeking new ways to increase their business.


Brett shares some of the best strategies to grow your athletic and gym facility. If you’re struggling to get in new blood, Brett emphasizes the importance of going outside of your gym and attracting people from your community. Remember, it’s important to narrow down your focus on the type of client that you enjoy working with and then getting relentless in the pursuit of that type of person. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:20] You gotta grow outside of your facility. Connect with your community and go where the people are at.  

[2:30] Offers a free training to get people excited and familiar with what you’re doing. 

[3:30] Speak to your current clients and see if there are any commonalities in their likes and interests. 

[4:20] If you try to please everybody, you’ll end up pleasing no one. 

[5:20] Everything you get is what you put into. If you host one free session every month, you’ll be able to connect with new people in your community. 

[7:45] Word of mouth can make or break you. Happy clients are vital to your success. 



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“Growing outside of your walls kinda leads unto getting involved with the community."


"You always want to connect with your current clientele and find out who you really want to coach and who you really want to tailor to."

Brett Kuehn — VertiMax Raptor Drills for Football Athletes

8m · Published 27 Jan 02:49

Brett Kuehn is a sports and human performance enthusiast, athlete, and mentor to Team VertiMax. He is a USMC veteran and business development professional at VertiMax. Brett’s passion is to help others achieve their goals whether they are an athlete looking to


Brett shares a couple of drills that football athletes can practice depending on their specific football position on the field. The VertiMax Raptor offers some engaging movements that you simply can’t do without and Brett breaks down how it can help improve your agility, speed, and explosive power.


Key Takeaways:

[1:10] What are some of Brett’s favorite drills to do with the raptor? 

[1:40 A speed hush cone drill helps with agility and power.

[3:00] Brett shares a fun pass drill you can practice with multiple football positions. 

[4:40] Engage and fully leverage your speed by doing these single leg drills. 

[5:10] Grab yourself some medicine balls and engage in a sprint resistance exercise. 

[6:50] Looking to boost arm strength? Brett shares how you can use the Raptor to help with your throw. 



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“Remember, most of these drills as I go over them, with the Raptor, you’re going to get resistance and assistance, so you can do the drill in two different ways."


"It’s hard to backpedal and sprint with resistance, so the Raptor and the VertiMax make this movement a lot easier."

Brett Kuehn — 5 Quick VertiMax Drills for Wide Receivers

7m · Published 19 Jan 17:05

Brett Kuehn is a sports and human performance enthusiast, athlete, and mentor to Team VertiMax. He is a USMC veteran and business development professional at VertiMax. Brett’s passion is to help others achieve their goals whether they are an athlete looking to


Brett understands that football Wide Receivers have a lot of back and forth and stop and go movements and if the athlete doesn’t properly prepare for these quick cuts, it can lead to injury. In this episode, Brett offers some quick and easy drills for athletes to do to prevent injury and increase performance. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:30] What are some of Brett’s favorite drills? 

[2:20] Grab a tennis ball. This is a great exercise to do it by yourself. 

[3:15] Cone footwork drills are a great way to train the body and prevent injuries. 

[4:30] The hide and seek drill can be an excellent way to train quick responses and reactions. 

[5:20] Brett explains the ‘track the ball’ drill and how it helps the athlete. 



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“The sit up work gives them the split reaction time to get their hands up, get their eye on the ball, and catch it quick."


"The footwork drills were initially mocked a little bit by Instagram and Tiktok, but now you see professional football players taking more action on it."

Vinny Scollo — VertiMax for Volleyball Performance

11m · Published 30 Dec 02:18
Vinny is a Physical Preparation specialist . He has been training athletes of all levels and backgrounds, including professionals, for 12 years. As a VertiMax Master Trainer, he travels to teach and educate others in his field. Vinny is never complacent, and his willingness to continue educating himself allows him to best serve his athletes. He has traveled through the U.S., Canada and to Europe to work with athletes and trainers. 
His purpose is to strengthen his clients both mentally and physically and show them what they are truly capable of.  Always pushing the boundaries, Vinny's love of sport science, his study of the human body and passion for building better, stronger and smarter athletes are the key components of his training process. His position within his own company, Scollo Speed & Strength, allows him to apply his knowledge on a daily basis.


In this episode, Vinny shares what he often sees in volleyball athletes and what trainers can do to help balance out an athlete's natural imbalances by using the VertiMax. The way an athlete overcompensates their body can tell you a lot about how they move on and off the field, and gives you the opportunity to correct it before it turns into a career-ending injury. 


Key Takeaways:

[2:10] What are some common injuries Vinny sees in his volleyball athletes? 

[3:40] It’s common for athletes to overcompensate due to weak muscles. 

[4:25] It’s important to look at single leg activities. It will tell you a lot about the human body. 

[4:50] A coach has to be looking at hip, ankle, knee, and shoulder instabilities.

[5:30] What should a coach do if they see a nagging muscle weakness? 

[7:15] What should a coach do if they get a new or fresh athlete that’s ready to jump right in to a competitive sport? 

[8:40] Volleyball is an explosive sport. During off-season, it’s critical to get the human body ready for these movements. 

[10:20] Want more specialized training? Check out the VertiMax app! 



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“You’re seeing a lot of soft tissue injuries, shoulder injuries from over usage, and not having the proper muscles; some are overactive and others are under active."


"A lot of athletes have extremely tight ankles. You sometimes have to give them the less is more approach."

Vinny Scollo — VertiMax for Soccer Performance

10m · Published 23 Dec 02:29
Vinny is a Physical Preparation specialist . He has been training athletes of all levels and backgrounds, including professionals, for 12 years. As a VertiMax Master Trainer, he travels to teach and educate others in his field. Vinny is never complacent, and his willingness to continue educating himself allows him to best serve his athletes. He has traveled through the U.S., Canada and to Europe to work with athletes and trainers. 
His purpose is to strengthen his clients both mentally and physically and show them what they are truly capable of.  Always pushing the boundaries, Vinny's love of sport science, his study of the human body and passion for building better, stronger and smarter athletes are the key components of his training process. His position within his own company, Scollo Speed & Strength, allows him to apply his knowledge on a daily basis.


In this episode, Vinny shares his endurance tactics to increase a player’s quality of movement and energy reserves. A soccer athlete is constantly stopping and going plus their movements are very dynamic and they can be prone to injury, so every coach has to be mindful as to where they need their athlete to go during game time. Vinny shares how the VertiMax hits these goals for peak performance. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:40] How does the Vertimax increase a player’s endurance? 

[4:10] Athletes are able to take full advantage of the dynamic angles the VertiMax provides. 

[4:30] From an endurance standpoint, the VertiMax can push the athlete to new heights in a safe way.

[5:35] At the end of the day, if you want to get fast, you have to move fast.

[6:15] Vinny breaks down how he helps his athletes have more power and reserve during the 4th quarter. 

[8:40] When it comes to changing direction, you can go so many different ways with it. 

[9:10] Every movement a soccer player is going to do, you can create resistance for on the VertiMax. 



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“The VertiMax is a really dynamic tool because of the resistance being so fluid."


"For every 10 yards, take a 60 seconds rest. You want to optimize and make sure they’re in full recovery for each sprint."

VertiMax Vive has 115 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 45:29:49. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 26th, 2024 16:41.

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