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VertiMax Vive

by VertiMax, LLC

The Vive Podcast is for coaches, trainers, athletes, parents of athletes, fitness professionals, and human performance enthusiasts. We started this podcast to bring you insights from the biggest names in sports performance, strength conditioning, and athletics with hopes that you will gain understanding, insights, ideas and the tools you need to optimize your athletic program, sports performance business, athletic career and future in this ever-evolving space.


Vinny Scollo — Agility Training for High-Performing Athletes

18m · Published 16 Dec 01:29
Vinny is a Physical Preparation specialist . He has been training athletes of all levels and backgrounds, including professionals, for 12 years. As a VertiMax Master Trainer, he travels to teach and educate others in his field. Vinny is never complacent, and his willingness to continue educating himself allows him to best serve his athletes. He has traveled through the U.S., Canada and to Europe to work with athletes and trainers. 
His purpose is to strengthen his clients both mentally and physically and show them what they are truly capable of.  Always pushing the boundaries, Vinny's love of sport science, his study of the human body and passion for building better, stronger and smarter athletes are the key components of his training process. His position within his own company, Scollo Speed & Strength, allows him to apply his knowledge on a daily basis.


In this episode, Vinny shares some of the things he thinks about when preparing his athletes for the NFL season, on and off season. As a trainer, it can be tempting to push your athlete to their max, however, patience really is a virtue when it comes to the human body and to achieve peak performance. You never want to go too fast and over exert your player, as that can cause massive setbacks (and injuries) later down the line. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:00] A little bit about Vinny and his performance background.

[4:15] When Vinny plans an agility training program, what goes through his mind? 

[5:30] A lot of times, the body needs to recover, so less is more. 

[9:10] Why do injuries happen? 

[11:10] Don’t go too fast. You have to make sure your athlete is on the same page you are. 

[12:15] What is the ultimate goal with the athlete? 

[16:00] How does Vinny use the Vertimax to balance out his athletes? 



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“We have off season, which at that point we’re doing a lot of clean up work. We are restoring strength and other foundational things that will be driving our program later in the season."


"A lot of these injuries may also happen because there’s not enough time spent on them and getting your body to accept those loads and getting them to absorb it."

Steve Leo — What Excellent Athletic Directors do Best

10m · Published 25 Nov 01:27

Steve Leo is a master trainer for Parisi Speed School and educates young athletes through the VertiMax system and teaches them how this method is a game changer for their body and their target sport.


In this episode, Steve discusses what it takes to be a good athletic director. Communication is key when it comes to coordinating with different coaches, but not only that, having a good business mind, too, helps greatly in the athletic department. Steve shares his experiences and thoughts on this week’s podcast. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:20] What makes a good athletic director? 

[2:05] It’s important to be good at sports, but you don’t need to be good at sports. 

[3:15] You need to have a servant mindset. 

[5:45] No matter what, don’t take it personally. 

[7:10] How do inspire success? 

[8:15] Praise goes along way with kids and teens. 

[9:05] You want your kids to fail and to be challenged! 




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“An athletic director is really a business position. So, it’s important to have good business sense, and it helps to know how to manage a budget."


"The more communication you can have with your staff, the better."

Steve Leo — Educational Resources for New High School Strength Coaches

9m · Published 17 Nov 20:18

Steve Leo is a master trainer for Parisi Speed School and educates young athletes through the VertiMax system and teaches them how this method is a game changer for their body and their target sport.


In this episode, Steve shares his 25+ year knowledge and expertise as a strength coach on the call and offers advice to new coaches who are getting ready to train their athletes for the very first time. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:10] What is the most important thing you should be doing as a coach? 

[2:50] A strength’s coaches job is to adapt to the child’s body, especially if they had a tough training day or game the day prior. 

[4:10] If you’re a young strength coach, you have to lean on your peers for help. 

[5:15] Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help. 

[5:50] How can you empower your athlete? 

[8:00] Being open minded and flexible is key to being a good coach. 



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“Most sports involve movement, so if they can’t move well, our goal is to make them a great athlete."


"If you see someone online, email them, you never know who will get back to you."

Steve Leo — How to Promote Your Athletic Program

15m · Published 10 Nov 12:48

Steve Leo is a master trainer for Parisi Speed School and educates young athletes through the VertiMax system and teaches them how this method is a game changer for their body and their target sport.


In this episode, Steve shares how to get your name out there so that more people in your community are excited about the athletic programs you provide. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:10] A little bit about Steve and the work he does at VertiMax.

[2:10] Build relationships with your local media. 

[3:55] Why is it important to build relationships with your local schools? 

[6:00] You can get volunteers in your athletic program.

[7:00] How can you promote your athletic program on social media?

[11:35] Why should you have pre-season meetings with parents? 

[12:45] Steve shares his email alert strategy.



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“There’s more kids playing youth sports than highschool sports. As a strength coach, ."


"A lot of colleges want to know what your instagram, tiktok, etc pages are. It’s a different world."

Jessie Ehren — Different Education Methods Available at VertiMax

12m · Published 03 Nov 19:48

Jessie Ehren is the VertiMax International Training Coordinator, where she makes sure VertiMax students are set up for success and certified to use the VertiMax equipment.


In this episode, Jessie offers her thoughts on the different education methods that VertiMax has to offer.  Do you want to become a more knowledgeable instructor? This episode outlines your options. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:15] A little bit about Jessie and the work she does at VertiMax. 

[2:00] The most valuable certification VertiMax has is their live certification course. 

[3:10] You can also learn from VertiMax’s online workshop, which can be consumed anytime. However, you do not get certified. 

[5:30] VertiMax also hosts live webinars. What does this look like?

[7:10] Jessie explains VertiMax’s premium subscription platform. 

[8:15] VertiMax has a free mobile app to help you get inspired.

[8:40] VertiMax is back in business with the live summit now that COVID restrictions have been lifted! 

[11:15] Education is such a big part of the VertiMax platform and there’s always new information coming out! 



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“Our live certification course is the only way you can become a certified trainer through VertiMax."


"The VertiMax online workshop is a great opportunity, especially if you can’t get to a live course, but it is not a certification."

Jessie Ehren — Hosting a VertiMax Certification Class

10m · Published 27 Oct 16:47

Jessie Ehren is the VertiMax International Training Coordinator, where she makes sure VertiMax students are set up for success and certified to use the VertiMax equipment.


In this episode, Jessie returns to continue her discussion about the certification program and to provide additional resources to those who might want to get certified. There are different classes you can take depending on your goals and preference and Jessie is happy to explain the differences at VertiMax. 


Key Takeaways:

[0:55] A little bit about Jessie and what she does at VertiMax.

[2:20] Jessie explains the difference between VertiMax’s close and open certification course. 

[5:40] What does Jessie look for in a host site? 

[8:00] Interested in getting certified? Reach out to Jessie! 

[8:55] It’s VertiMax’s goal to get a certified trainer in every state. There’s only two missing! 



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“As a host site, we want you in close proximity of a major metroplex. We will have to fly in our master trainer and we only have 8 throughout the US."


"We try to hit certain regions throughout the year [with our certification program]."

Jessie Ehren — VertiMax Certification Program

10m · Published 13 Oct 14:15

Jessie Ehren is the VertiMax International Training Coordinator, where she makes sure VertiMax students are set up for success and certified to use the VertiMax equipment.


In this episode, Al and Jessie talk about what new students need to know about the VertiMax certification program and how they can get started today. Do you need to physically participate in the training program? Not always necessary! Al and Jessie dive in for more details. 


Key Takeaways:

[0:55] A little bit about Jessie and what she does at VertiMax.

[2:00] What does it mean to be a certified VertiMax instructor?

[3:50] Do you receive any credits for attending this course? The answer is yes!

[4:25] What are some of the topics that are covered in the class?

[6:15] Want to get certified? Link in the bio! 

[7:35] What do you get once you become certified? 

[9:55] Roughly 1,300 people now have been certified! 



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“The first third of the training day is showing you how to use this equipment safely and the technology behind why VertiMax is being used."


"Along with some of the certification benefits, you’re also apart of private Facebook groups and community groups that help provide additional information."

Brett Kuehn — Does VertiMax Sell Used Equipment?

5m · Published 05 Oct 12:27

Brett Kuehn is a sports and human performance enthusiast, athlete, and mentor to Team VertiMax. He is a USMC veteran and business development professional at VertiMax. Brett’s passion is to help others achieve their goals whether they are an athlete looking to improve their speed, agility, and verticals; a coach looking to help their athletes gain an edge, or a sports performance owner or trainer seeking new ways to increase their business.


In this episode, Al and Brett offer recommendations on what to look for when you’re shopping around for a used VertiMax. Although buying new directly from the store is always welcomed, Al and Brett understand that everyone’s needs and budgets are different. Today’s episode they offer some helpful advice to help you get your hands on a VertiMax while still keeping safety in mind. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:15] VertiMax does not sell used equipment! 

[2:15] What should you consider i\f you’re looking to buy a used VertiMax?

[4:10] Buying a used VertiMax? Make sure you can go check it out in person.

[4:45] Sometimes just buying a brand new Vertimax gives people warranty and peace of mind. 



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“The biggest thing are the bands. They look good in the picture, but if you’re replacing every band, it’s about $800 right there."


"You want to make sure the used VertiMax has all the accessories."

Brett Kuehn — The REAL VertiMax Jump

7m · Published 28 Sep 22:54

Brett Kuehn is a sports and human performance enthusiast, athlete, and mentor to Team VertiMax. He is a USMC veteran and business development professional at VertiMax. Brett’s passion is to help others achieve their goals whether they are an athlete looking to improve their speed, agility, and verticals; a coach looking to help their athletes gain an edge, or a sports performance owner or trainer seeking new ways to increase their business.


In this episode, Al and Brett talk about the difference in at-home ‘do-it-yourself’ equipment that they see people using online and how it compares to the real VertiMax equipment. If you’re not careful, you can really hurt yourself or not get the desired effect you’re looking for if you use these ‘at-home’ brands. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:15] What’s the difference between the real VertiMax vs. ‘do-it-yourself’ at home VertiMax with a regular rope? 

[2:20] What kind of ‘at home’ equipment has Brett seen online? 

[3:40] Be careful to not use too short of a band.

[5:20] Normal bands do snap if you try to use it the ‘VertiMax’ way. 



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“Regular bands are not as durable as the VertiMax bands that run through a pulley system."


"VertiMax bands have multiple fibers wrapped in a coating and not just a piece of rubber that stretches."

Brett Kuehn — Important VertiMax Accessories You Need to Know About

8m · Published 21 Sep 19:41

Brett Kuehn is a sports and human performance enthusiast, athlete, and mentor to Team VertiMax. He is a USMC veteran and business development professional at VertiMax. Brett’s passion is to help others achieve their goals whether they are an athlete looking to improve their speed, agility, and verticals; a coach looking to help their athletes gain an edge, or a sports performance owner or trainer seeking new ways to increase their business.


In this episode, Al and Brett talk about the various different ways you can utilize the Vertimax and the additional add-ons and accessories available to help you get the right training in. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:15] What’s included in the VertiMax equipment off the bat?

[3:15] What kind of waist harness and hip flexors do you need? 

[5:35] It’s good to have a waist harness and hip flexor for each different athlete in your household that’s planning on using the raptor.

[6:00] What should a coach be thinking about when doing team training? 

[7:10]It’s good to get more than one vest if you have more than one athlete using the equipment at the same time. This makes it easy to switch a different athlete in and out.



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“You want to know the height and the pant size of the athletes in your home. If you have multiple kids, it’s good to have a couple more accessories."


"If you’re going to be using the VertiMax with 4-5 athletes at a time, you want to make sure you have enough accessories that will rotate the athletes in and out."

VertiMax Vive has 115 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 45:29:49. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 26th, 2024 16:41.

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