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Rising Women Leaders

by Meredith Rom

A sisterhood of women stepping into courage, self-love and feminine leadership. Insights from Meredith Rom and interviews with inspiring leaders to find your voice and walk a path of beauty, devotion and service. Listen to women leaders share their stories of overcoming fear, listening to intuition and honoring the sacred feminine within. Join us as we explore ideas of leadership, self-love, self-care, spirituality, yoga, and personal growth, with a focus on body wellness, women's entrepreneurship, and discovering your unique gifts.

Copyright: © 2023


048 | The Art of Feminine Abundance with Meredith Rom

1h 17m · Published 13 Apr 16:00

Special Announcement: The Sovereign Circle begins on May 2, 2018: A 9 Month Feminine Leadership Initiation + High Priestess Sisterhood. Only a Few Spaces Left! Find All the Details At http://Risingwomenleaders.com

I had such a great response from the Unearth Your Unique Brilliance webinar I shared a few weeks ago, that I decided to share another webinar I recorded from last summer all about ABUNDANCE. 

In this episode you'll learn:

  • 10 Feminine Practices for an Abundant Life
  • Ancient Body Wisdom Teachings to Increase Your Magnetism
  • How to Clear the Space for What You Truly Love 
  • The Role of the Queen and Higher Self 
  • A Feminine Approach to  Manifestation
  • A Look inside The Sovereign Circle (http://risingwomenleaders.com)

"In the feminine model, it's all about responding to life with love. And with that, we can take the art of manifestation a level deeper, using practices that involve not only our mind, but also our body."

I would like to attribute a few of the beautiful teachings in this webinar to the woman I mention a few times in the episode, my mentor, teacher and guide, Marin Bach Antonson. Her work is incredible and has been a huge catalyst for me to honor the Sacred Feminine in my life. I highly recommend you check out her work. <3 



Podcast by Meredith Rom - Rising Women Leaders | Spirituality | Personal Growth | Yoga |

047 | Yoga & Social Justice with Michelle Johnson

57m · Published 04 Apr 14:30

The truth is racism still exists. It exists in our subconscious - as a memory in our bodies from our ancestry. It exists from past traumas of our ancestors still yearning to be healed. It exists in our conditioning, our society and how many of us were raised...

Many people have been in denial of its existence, but with Trump taking office, what has seemed to be under the surface for many has only become more and more real. People of color have seen and experienced it all along, and thankfully, more and more of us have been waking up to this truth.

Not long after I set the intention to further educate myself about white privilege and racism, I received an email out of the blue from a friend I haven't talked to in years ...connecting me to Michelle and her work.

So what can we do? I sat down to talk with Michelle Johnson to learn more about privilege, oppression and racism and her unique approach of integrating the teachings of yoga with social justice. I am so grateful to share her wisdom with you all today.  

“Racism is not just impacting people of color. The system of oppression is not just harming people of color, it's harming all of us because we are connected. We’re just not conditioned to see that connection.”

In this episode we discussed:

  • Michelle's story: What it was like growing up and feeling different and not fitting in
  • Michelle's definitions of privilege and oppression
  • How Michelle integrates healing and embodiment into anti-racism trainings
  • How to approach the discomfort, fear and emotional charge of race conversations
  • About Michelle's new book, Skill in Action
  • Actual steps we can take to create change in our world and way of being
  • The role of speaking up on behalf of everyone even when we ourselves are not the oppressed
  • Michelle's vision of hope and how she stays motivated in a world where there is still so much suffering and injustice

“One must be connected with their breath to feel their body. A connection to the body allows one to feel their heart. A connection with the heart allows one to become clear about their values so that they may connect with their humanity. When one sees their own humanity and realizes that others are suffering around them they have the opportunity to connect with the oneness of all beings and our shared humanity. From the breath, body, heart and awareness of humanity, one must take action. No one can exist without taking action. Skill in Action.”

~ from Michelle's Book, Skill in Action: Radicalizing Your Yoga Practice to Create a Just World

Stay in touch with Michelle:

  • Michelle's Website
  • Michelle's Book on Amazon

From Michelle:

I have a deep understanding of how trauma impacts the mind, body, spirit and heart. My awareness of the world through my experience as a black woman allows me to know, first hand how privilege and power operate. I understand the toll that oppression can take on individuals and the collective physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

I am a social justice warrior, empath, yoga teacher and practitioner and an intuitive healer. Whether in an anti-oppression training, yoga space, individual or group intuitive healing session, healing and wholeness are at the center of how I approach all of my work in the world. I've spent many years on the front lines of justice movements craving a space for healing through ritual, ceremony and sacred practice. While working in many non-profits with missions focused on justice I didn't find a space that centered healing as a tool to create justice. So, I created my own space and way of working.

I create healing spaces in many different ways working with individuals and groups. I lead anti-racism trainings, yoga workshops focused on the intersection of justice and yoga and I offer intuitive healing sessions to support social justice workers, healers and activists who are on the front lines and struggling with how to sustain themselves as they do their good work in the world.

I have a background as a licensed clinical social worker and I have been teaching yoga for ten years. I began my own teacher training in 2014 and recently wrote a book about yoga and justice, Skill in Action: Radicalizing Your Yoga Practice to Create a Just World. I inspire change that allows people to stand in their humanity and wholeness in a world that fragments most of us. There are myriad of ways to work with me. I hope to support you on your healing journey and path towards wholeness in whatever capacity allows you to live your fullest life.


Podcast by Meredith Rom - Rising Women Leaders | Spirituality | Personal Growth | Yoga | Entrepreneurship - 

Personal growth, intuition, stories, voice, women, yoga, feminine leadership, spirituality, online business, and meditation

046 | Channeling Mary Magdalene with Mercedes Kirkel

1h 3m · Published 28 Mar 22:26

Special Announcement: The Sovereign Circle: A 9-Month Feminine Leadership Program and High Priestess Sisterhood is Now Open for Enrollment! Learn more and consider joining us this May (risingwomenleaders.com)

It's hard to put into words how much gratitude I have for the wisdom I have learned from Mary Magdalene through the channeling of Mercedes Kirkel. From the moment Mercedes' book,Mary Magdalene Beckons landed in my hands, all the questions I was holding in my heart began to find their answers...

Questions like: Why am I here? What is my mission? How can I serve our planet and the rise of the divine feminine? all began to come together with such clarity. 

I am honored to share this conversation with Mercedes with you today. I hope the wisdom she shares is of service to you, and your growth.

May we continue on this path of ascension, rising together in unity. 

With all my blessings, 


"Outside events of life don’t cause our feelings, they cause us to get disconnected from our divinity. And when we are disconnected, these feelings show up to help us get reconnected."

In this episode we discussed:

  • How Mercedes knew she was a channel for higher forces and how she strengthened that ability and skill
  • In an essence: Mary Magdalene’s message for humanity at this time
  • Mary's process for feeling our pain
  • Her first connection with Mary
  • Mercedes experiences with going to sacred sites in France related to Mary Magdalene
  • What it was like sharing her own personal experiences with tantra in her second book, Sublime Union
  • What challenges she has faced this year and how she is overcoming them
  • A real time channeled message from Mary Magdalene for listeners


Stay in touch with Mercedes:

  • Website
  • Books: Mary Magdalene Beckons and Sublime Union


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene. In 2010, Mary Magdalene began coming to Mercedes daily, giving extraordinary messages for humanity's spiritual growth. These messages became two best-selling books. The first book, titled Mary Magdalene Beckons, describes how to live in your heart and unite your Feminine and Masculine. The second book, titledSublime Union, contains Mary’s instruction on sacred sexuality, along with Mercedes’s fascinating story of engaging the practices with her partner.All of Mary Magdalene’s messages are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

Mercedes offers online courses, private sessions via phone and Skype, and Yeshua-Magdalene Love Retreats. Learn more at www.mercedeskirkel.com.

045 | Unearth Your Unique Brilliance with Meredith Rom

1h 1m · Published 23 Mar 16:00

::Are you ready to shine?::

I received so many sweet messages about the webinar I led last week, that I decided to share it with you on the podcast! In this free class I cover tools to:



  • 3 Steps to Uncover and Heal Whatever is Holding You Back from Shining in Your Unique Brilliance 
  • Tools to Feel Difficult Emotions as A Pathway to Freedom and Unlimited Potential (With Guidance From Mary Magdalene)
  • How to Identify Core Beliefs Formed in Memories From the Past
  • The Foundations of EFT Tapping Therapy and Matrix Re-imprinting 

I hope you enjoy it!



P.S. The Sovereign Circle ~ A 9-Month Feminine Leadership Program + High Priestess Sisterhood (Limited to 12 women) is coming soon! Sign up at risingwomenleaders.com to be the first to find out when enrollment opens :)


Podcast by Meredith Rom - Rising Women Leaders | Spirituality | Personal Growth | Yoga | Entrepreneurship - 

Personal growth, intuition, stories, voice, women, yoga, feminine leadership, spirituality, online business, and meditation

044 | Living in Alignment with Your Womb with Maga J. Ayala

1h 7m · Published 16 Mar 16:00

Special Announcement: Enrollment is open between now and March 21st for The Diamond Mentorship, a 3-month 1:1 program to claim and embody your unique brilliance with Meredith Rom. Learn more + apply right here.

What I learned from Maga in this episode was truly transformative. I had just gone through a week on my moon cycle, trying to push myself to get clear on a schedule for the next month of business promotions, but literally all I wanted to do was stay in bed. It was so hard for me to feel motivated and get clear on what was coming. I kept wondering why I wasn't able to "get my act together."

Then magically, a few days after my moon time, a surge of energy rushed through me and I was more productive than ever. Suddenly I had the mental clarity to take steps forward and was able to make a clear schedule for the following month.

It wasn't until I talked to Maga that I realized this was all related to where I was in my cycle. Learning the archetypes for each phase of a woman's menstrual cycle was so enlightening to my path as an in-tune Priestess and Business woman. I now saw a way I could use these two aspects of myself to support each other.


Podcast by Meredith Rom - Rising Women Leaders | Spirituality | Personal Growth | Yoga | Entrepreneurship - 

Personal growth, intuition, stories, voice, women, yoga, feminine leadership, spirituality, online business, and meditation

 What a relief it was - To realize there are times of the month where I just need to let myself go totally inwards and be a hermit, and times of the month that will be completely aligned for me to have the mental clarity to see into the future and take action.  I had heard this kind of wisdom before, but something about how Maga shared it really "clicked" for me.

I think this wisdom of becoming more in tune with your womb and cycles is a true gift to every woman. I hope you enjoy the episode! 

“The awareness of the cycle builds a sense of self trust. You know that no matter what is going on around you, you have this intimate understanding of what your inner landscape is doing so you can lead from a place of authenticity.”

In this episode we discussed:

  • Maga's recent journey of conscious uncoupling and her decision to cut off her hair
  • Living in alignment with your womb and menstrual cycle
  • The different archetypes for each phase of your cycle as a woman
  • The Spiritual qualities of a woman's menstruation and practical strategies to plan a workflow around your cycle.
  • Feminine embodiment
  • How vulnerability plays a part in emergent leadership
  • The role of desire in a woman's self-actualization
Receive your very own cycle tracking chart >right here. 

Stay in touch with Maga:

  • Website
  • Instagram @magaofgaia

Maga is a divine feminine leadership coach that activates highly-sensitive women to come alive in their desire, lead with confidence, and remember how to live in alignment with their menstrual cycles in order to birth their creative businesses into the world. As a sound and energy practitioner, Maga also magically weaves her voice work and energy healing into the women's circles she facilitates that guide women to reconnect to their bodies, voices and their unique feminine spirituality. She believes that all women are Radiant and strives to support them to shine in all she does.

043 | Plant Spirits, Starseeds & Priestess Studies with Erin Rivera Merriman

1h 19m · Published 09 Mar 14:00

Special Announcement! Rising Women Leaders is now on Patreon. Pledging $1, $3, $5, $25 per episode allows us to continue creating new content and fully devote ourselves to the mission of women rising in their unique brilliance. Become a Patron Today.

One of the things I loved most about sitting down to talk with Erin was when we touched on the topic of comparing ourselves to other women. I think one of the deepest wounds that can really be a challenge when stepping into true sisterhood and community is when we get stuck comparing ourselves to other people. It brings us right into the question of wondering, is there really enough for everyone?

How can we be so similar to each other, carry a similar mission and still be special and unique? These are just some of the questions we explored in this week's episode.

We also discussed our shared journeys of navigating chronic pain and how that relates to being an empath, Erin's definitions of a "starseed" and "priestess" and which plant spirits will guide you into a deeper embodied experience of abundance.

"Are people healed? Are people hearing the cosmic song? Are people vibrant and thriving in their bodies? Are people moving joyfully, dancing through their day to the grocery store? No! The job is not done and we need more people on the team!"

The universe would not give so many people the same mission unless it was a mission that was so big it couldn't be done by just one person...

In this episode we discussed:

  • Erin's journey with fibromyalgia and isolation to finding her place in connection with the land, plant spirits and community
  • When surrender is the most powerful tool
  • Ancestral ties & cycles of the inner Feminine and Masculine
  • The medicine of connecting with sacred land
  • Healing in community
  • Comparison & the limiting unspoken agreements between women
  • Plants as Spirit Guides and which plants will support you to have an embodied experience of abundance
  • The gifts of Kava
  • Erin's definition of "Starseed" & "Priestess"
  • How to have spiritual devotion AND a family

Stay in touch with Erin:

  • http://www.activeculturefamily.com
  • Starseed Survival Guide Podcast
  • Follow on instagram @activeculturefamily

Yaya Erin Rivera Merriman is a Plant Spirit Medicine Practitioner, Ritualist, Goddess Scholar, Mother and Artist. Best known as the director of Active Culture Family, Erin walks a path of community stewardship and service to Gaia through her rolls as lead facilitator of the Medicine Mandala Green Magic Apprenticeship program, and as Priestess of Bridge Temple, a remote off-grid mystery school, healing sanctuary, culture farm, and library of earth magic located on sacred land in the Cleveland National Forest of San Diego, CA


Podcast by Meredith Rom - Rising Women Leaders | Spirituality | Personal Growth | Yoga | Entrepreneurship - 

Personal growth, intuition, stories, voice, women, yoga, feminine leadership, spirituality, online business, and meditation

042 | The Heroine's Journey of Becoming Enough with Amanda Johnson

40m · Published 21 Dec 16:21

When Amanda Johnson and I found each other we saw so many parallels in our journeys - writing and publishing our first books, running a crowdfunding campaign to do so, taking steps to be more visible and share our stories and the journey of remembering we are truly worthy of our dreams… 

If you’ve ever felt inspired to write a book, are ready to release the judgments of your own inner critic, or follow your true heart’s desires, this conversation is for you.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Amanda’s experience of writing and birthing a book
  • Her journey of “becoming enough” and what “enough” means to her
  • The role of desire in our lives
  • The inner critic ~ how to speak with her to gain the wisdom she is here to give
  • The Heroine’s Journey and how we often “reject the call” before following our heart’s desires
  • Leaving a marriage after choosing to trust and listen to her inner voice
  • The grace and flow of life takes on when you start listening to your intuition
  • How Amanda and I handle comparison with other women in the realm of entrepreneurship and social media 
  • The books Amanda plans on writing next! 

Stay in touch with Amanda:

  • Amanda’s website: www.amandajohnson.tv
  • @beingamandaj (social media handle for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram)
  • Amanda’s book: www.becomingenoughbook.com 


Amanda Johnson has one mission: to inspire recovering perfectionists and over-thinkers turn their critic into their ally so they can reveal their wholeness within and go from “never enough” to “always okay.”

Amanda is an author, teacher, and radio show host with more than 10 years of experience performing, educating, facilitating, and consulting. Her passion for inspiring others—be it a 2nd-grader or a CEO—and ability to connect with those she interacts with are unleashed by her wit, charm, and eloquence, making her message resonate deeply with her audience—to reveal your wholeness within and go from “never enough” to “always okay.”

She shares her message in writings, videos, group training programs, and her weekly Being Inspired radio show so people can recognize their wholeness and start being good with being them.

You can learn more and receive some free goodies when you sign up on her website. She can also be found on social media @beingamandaj.


Podcast by Meredith Rom - Rising Women Leaders | Spirituality | Personal Growth | Yoga | Entrepreneurship - 

Personal growth, intuition, stories, voice, women, yoga, feminine leadership, spirituality, online business, and meditation

041 | The Inner Work of Decluttering & Home Design with Maggie Minor

50m · Published 17 Dec 21:00

“The objects we have in our house are incredibly emotionally charged. The things we buy to numb ourselves or fit in, they can make us feel stagnant or obligated and we bring that energy into our home.”

One of my secret loves is home decoration. Last summer I went through a huge purge after reading the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It brought me such a sense of peace in my home that I actually had the women in my program The Sovereign Circle go through the exercise too! 

It was a joy to sit down with Maggie Minor of Maggie Minor Designs in the latest RWL podcast episode to discuss the deeper emotional layers that are involved in the decluttering process. She shares how we need to address the void that comes when decluttering and invites us to ask, “How do we avoid just filling it up again with stuff?” Maggie shares her experiences of sitting with the discomfort of growing, evolving and letting go of the need to fill the void with more stuff to create space for greater joy and inner and outer alignment. She also shares about her recent big leap moving across the country, listening to her body’s wisdom, and the time she spent in the Peace Corps. I hope you enjoy the show!

“Our homes are a three-dimensional vision board. So if we design our space to be in alignment with what we want, we are gonna get their quicker. It’s going to create flow in our lives.”

In this episode we discussed:

  • How joining the Peace Corps and living in Bulgaria informed Maggie’s life today
  • Life transitions and taking a leap ~ listening to inner guidance to move across the country
  • An exercise to connect with your inner knowing about making a a hard decision
  • The emotional cleanse that comes with decluttering your life
  • Resolving emotions and stories we carry with forgiveness work
  • Curating your space to increase focus and a positive mindset
  • How home decor can improve your mood and the areas of your house to focus on first
  • Her book about being a humanitarian worker
  • Sharing a space with someone else and how to navigate designing the home together

“You always know the right answer…If we align ourselves with our bodies, and let the fear leave our bodies, the answers will appear. They are not always the answers we want, but they are always the right answers.”

Links in this episode:

  • Maggie’s Website: http://maggieminordesigns.com
  • Iyanla Vanzant Forgiveness Course - https://www.ownlifeclasses.com/pages/iyanla-vanzant
  • Tony Robbins Gratitude & Resolution Exercise - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-1mxzHlEKI

More episodes at risingwomenleaders.com.

Maggie Minor believes that what we surround ourselves with has a profound affect on our subconscious and that by simply making a few changes in our home décor we can uplift ourselves and open up our mind to new possibilities. She is the founder of Maggie Minor Designs, a resource for room designs and artwork that provides bold women with the resources to homes and offices that inspire them. 

In her former life, Maggie spent almost 15 years traveling the world…as a graduate student in Australia, a student and backpacker in Europe, a Peace Corps volunteer in Bulgaria and a humanitarian worker working in Asia and Africa. Her memoir, Adventures of a Curious Sculptor, recounts her long journey from adventurer to artist….and her appreciation for all of the beauty that surrounds us.

Podcast by Meredith Rom - Rising Women Leaders | Spirituality | Personal Growth | Yoga | Entrepreneurship - 

Personal growth, intuition, stories, voice, women, yoga, feminine leadership, spirituality, online business, and meditation

040 | Spiritual Shift, Waking Up & Fierce Love with Sabrina Riccio

52m · Published 02 Dec 19:48

It was such a blessing to sit down with Sabrina Riccio in this week's RWL podcast episode. Sabrina laid down truth bomb after truth bomb, telling it like it is with authenticity and fierce love. If you are feeling the call to "wake up" and release the blocks that have been holding you back from standing in your full, radiant truth, this episode is for you. 

"If you don't honor yourself, people aren't going to honor you. Standing your ground is about honoring what you are truly feeling. That takes courage - to dive in and see what you're really feeling. A lot of people don't do that. A lot of people are scared of feeling." 

In this episode we discussed:

  • Sabrina's story of getting struck by lightning + the spiritual shift that happened afterwards
  • Sabrina's story of watching the eclipse in Oregon this past summer
  • The rise of the feminine, the goddess, the creatrix of all life
  • + the power of Mary Magdalene
  • The importance of self-care, slowing down and honoring our feelings 
  • Honoring the journey + trusting the process, embracing all facets of the human experience
  • The spiritual experience of buying her first home in Joshua Tree
  • Fostering a relationship with spirit 
  • Letting go of "being a warrior" and becoming
  • Her three year sabbatical of healing: visiting John of God, reading A Course in Miracles, becoming a coach and Kundalini yoga teacher
  • Her dreams of writing a book

"The struggle isn't real. You have the choice with your actions. Are you actually doing things that bring you joy? Are you actually doing things that make you feel whole? Are you actually living your dreams? or Are you working towards achieving them?"

Connect with Sabrina: 

Check out her latest e-course, Stay Woke

  • Instagram
  • Website



Sabrina Riccio (Shiv Inder Kaur) is the internationally known Soulistic Alchemist and Spirit Guide behind Shamanessa Goddessa. Catalyzing and anchoring a conscious paradigm shift, Sabrina's work empowers souls to reclaim their power by being real, being authentic, and embracing vulnerability. Sabrina believes we anchor the Sacred Reunion of the Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine within by learning to honor and transmute our shadows through the practice of unconditional self-love and through radical forgiveness.

As an Aquarian Priestess, she has held workshops at some of the world’s greatest festivals including Burning Man, Bhakti Fest, and Desert Hearts. Her passion for Kundalini Yoga, Spirit Medicine, Psychedelics, and self-study has allowed her to support those who are on the path of living and creating a balanced, conscious life.

As a soulistic alchemist, Sabrina works with plant medicines, Kundalini mantra, and reiki infused luna love and light to support sacred spaces with her Shamanic Dream apothecary line to help you live in ceremony. She is the host of the Sovereign Goddess Podcast helping medicine women and goddesspreneurs build their queendom with grace. Sabrina also offers ecourses and Kundalini Yoga Meditation experiences to help people cultivate a daily practice.


Podcast by Meredith Rom - Rising Women Leaders | Spirituality | Personal Growth | Yoga | Entrepreneurship - 

Personal growth, intuition, stories, voice, women, yoga, feminine leadership, spirituality, online business, and meditation

039 | Resilience, Radiance, & Recovery with Elena Brower

41m · Published 27 Nov 02:14

"Integrity matters. If you are in integrity, timing will be on your side."

It was an honor to sit down with renowned author and yoga teacher Elena Brower in the latest Rising Women Leaders podcast episode. We spoke of her journey: discovering yoga, becoming a teacher, finding her voice and more recently letting go of addiction, stepping into her power as a wellness advocate and team leader for doTERRA and the beauty that comes when you step into your highest alignment.  We spoke of the power of when a woman steps into wealth and abundance, how to honor our grief and pain, and what to let go of to deepen our personal practices.

There is in an elegance and grace with everything Elena creates. I hope you enjoy today's show... Be sure to check out her new journal, Practice You as well as her other offerings listed below.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Discovering the path of yoga 
  • Finding your voice as a teacher
  • Being a mom and how that relates to spiritual growth and practice 
  • Elena's journey with addiction, sobriety and recovery
  • Her thoughts on stepping into wealth"...how absolutely perfect it is to be financially independent as a woman, and how important it is to be that example for many many thousands if not millions of other women..."
  • Her love of essential oils
  • Elena's favorite morning rituals
  • The rise of the feminine & awakening of our collective consciousness
  • Her new journal, "Practice You"
  • Healing from the loss of her mother and thoughts on moving through grief and pain 
  • The importance of the early morning hours for personal practice

Connect with Elena: 

  • Elena's Website
  • Elena on instagram
  • Buy Her New Journal, Practice You
  • The Yoga Collection made in collaboration with doTERRA Essential Oils 
  • Self-Care for Women: Practices for Resilience & Grace


Elena Brower is a renowned author, yoga teacher and speaker. Influenced by several yoga traditions including Parayoga and Katonah Yoga, she is recognized internationally for her expertise in combining physical alignment and the art of attention. Since 1998, Elena has been offering these practices as a vehicle for approaching our world with realistic reverence and gratitude. She is the author of Art of Attention, a yoga workbook that has been translated into six languages and the creator of Teach.yoga, a virtual home for yoga teachers worldwide. Her new book, Practice You, will be out in September 2017 from Sounds True.

Elena is also an executive producer of On Meditation: Documenting the Inner Journey, a film that intimately explores meditation experiences, and has contributed to the Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, and Yoga Journal. Experience Elena's filmed practices on YogaGl, and her Audio Meditations on elenabrower.com/meditation.


Podcast by Meredith Rom - Rising Women Leaders | Spirituality | Personal Growth | Yoga | Entrepreneurship - 

Personal growth, intuition, stories, voice, women, yoga, feminine leadership, spirituality, online business, and meditation

Rising Women Leaders has 138 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 124:30:14. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on December 18th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 18th, 2024 22:18.

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