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LETs Stand Public Speaking

by Siobhan Fitzgerald

LETs Stand Public Speaking podcast - ‘Speaking up about Speaking out’ will give voice to the public speaking potential of young people. Stories will be shared about the importance of these skills, life events that require competent speaking skills and how our young people can be taught these skills, skills for life, in a structured, explicit and meaningful way. These are skills that affect us all for better or worse throughout our lives. In the course of these podcasts, you will be informed, entertained and maybe even inspired to speak up and share your story.

Copyright: Siobhan Fitzgerald


Children as Creative Problem-Solvers.

17m · Published 09 Oct 13:29
Children have the ability and creativity to solve or at least try to solve many of their own problems if we trust them and give them the space to do so. The TEDx talk by Charlie Cooper, aged 9, is an example of how children can come up with solutions to their dilemmas using a beautiful blend of imagination, creativity and empathy. Perhaps, we adults, teachers and parents, should stand back and stop jumping in so quickly to solve problems for them. You can view and listen to Charlie’s TEDx talk at this link: https://youtu.be/V7Z-Hq-xvxM #publicspeaking #childrenpublicspeaking #creativity #empoweringchildren #changemaker

Creative Speakers with Philip Howlin

1h 6m · Published 27 Sep 04:58
Philip Howlin has been working in the financial services industry for 23 years. A speaker at industry events, he also contributes to industry magazines. Philip’s educational background is in Marketing, Strategy and Financial Services. His specialist area is pension planning and he has a personal interest in financial wellbeing and minimalist living. Philip, who joined Toastmasters 3 years ago, is the host of the Mullingar Toastmasters – Creative Speakers Podcast. The Creative Speakers’ Podcast, supported by Creative Ireland aims to delve into the creative voices in our communities to uncover what ignites the fire in creative people, where their passion comes from and how they deliver on that. Creative Ireland, a government initiative aims to support creativity in the community, enabling every person to achieve their creative potential. Philip believes that we are all artists in our own lives, acknowledging that wonderful sense of achievement and accomplishment when we bring something new into the world through our creativity when we’re brave enough to be authentic and vulnerable. He notes how there are different types of creativity for different people. Philip provides an insight for us into speaking in the corporate world. He points out that “if you can speak well, you automatically get into the top 20%”. Talking about public speaking, Philip shares that “when you hear someone speak, it’s a window to their soul”. He also mentions that “you cannot write a speech that doesn’t connect with you in some shape or form”. Throughout this discussion, Philip shares many powerful, profound nuggets of wisdom, such as, “you’re a good enough human as you are”, “say yes to every opportunity because you’ll learn something from it”, try “turning your nerves into excitement” and substitute the concept of mistakes with the term, ‘experimentation’. In sharing some of his experiences of Toastmasters with us, Philip encourages us to look at things a little differently challenging us, when it comes to speaking opportunities, to acknowledge that it is a privilege for us to have the opportunity to speak. Philip makes the point that public speaking can be a way of “untangling your thoughts”. Philip pays tribute to some of what he’s learned from fellow Toastmasters from the Mullingar Toastmasters club. He shares with us some details of Mullingar Toastmasters’ Innovative ‘Other Voices’ series which provided a platform for voices from the community that may not normally be heard, some everyday heroes who are all around us. Thank you Philip. Below are links to more information on some of what you will hear mentioned in this episode: https://www.rte.ie/lifestyle/living/2019/1220/1102343-leaving-limbo-our-documentary-is-a-reflection-of-this-country/ Available on the RTE player. -Link to Mullingar Toastmasters, https://m.facebook.com/mullingartoastmasters/ -Link to creative voices podcasts. Currently Creative Voices’ podcast is due to change to ‘Creative Speakers’ podcast soon. https://podcasts.apple.com/ph/podcast/creative-voices-ireland-mullingar-toastmasters-westmeath/id1556905842 -Link to Creative Ireland. https://www.creativeireland.gov.ie/en/

Creativity in Schools - Remembering Sir Ken Robinson.

38m · Published 25 Sep 14:24
Sir Ken Robinson is one of the most, in fact, possibly, the most inspirational speakers on the topic of Education worldwide. He has inspired millions of educators through his groundbreaking thought-provoking talks which challenge us to think deeply about education and especially creativity in education. In this episode, I will listen to and comment on his TED talk: ‘Do Schools Kill Creativity?’, the most watched TED talk to date, analyzing and discussing his key messages and how he delivers them to maximum effect. You can view the talk at this link: https://youtu.be/iG9CE55wbtY. #Ken Robinson #Creativity

Changemaker Schools, Changemaker Skills and 21st Century Education - Fiona Collins, DCU.

1h 1m · Published 08 Sep 06:32
Fiona Collins is the Network Coordinator of the DCU Changemaker Schools Programme, a collaborative professional network of schools linked to the DCU Institute of Education with a mission to reimagine, co create and lead transformation in education by developing, amplifying, and sharing the skills of empathy, creativity, leadership, and teamwork. See more here: https://www.dcuchangemakernetwork.com/ Launching in April 2021, the network with a practice to theory approach aims to support schools in developing their students as Changemakers and finding creative solutions to social problems. See here: https://www.dcu.ie/commsteam/news/2021/apr/dcu-launches-dcu-changemaker-schools-network-support-teachers-and-students Fiona is also a PhD candidate on the topic of leadership with Professor Dympna Devine at UCD working as a researcher in the Children's Schools Lives Study (CSL), an exciting new longitudinal cohort study of primary schooling in Ireland. See more here: .https://cslstudy.ie/ . If you are a teacher, a parent, a student, a policy maker or anyone with an interest in education, this episode will be of interest to you. In this episode, Fiona explains what the DCU Changemaker Schools’ Network is and her role as the Network Coordinator. Aligning around common language, values and the common changemaking pillars of leadership, empathy, creativity and teamwork, there are currently 15 Primary Schools from across Ireland in the DCU Changemaker Schools’ Network which has an ambition to scale up from this number. The network comprises a professional community of like-minded individuals and schools chosen because they create systemic change in education. The vision of these schools embodies creativity, empathy, leadership and team work, with the courage and tenacity to develop a school culture that is built up and strengthened around those pillars in responding to the needs of their particular students. Changemaker schools have the ability to influence and inspire regardless of size or location and ultimately develop students as ‘changemakers’. A changemaker is someone with the skills and confidence to lead change in their home, school or community. Student voice and agency are evident in ‘Changemaker’ schools and students are empowered to realize that their voice and agency matters and makes a difference. Fiona poignantly reminds us that “we can all remember the teacher who believed in us”. It’s so important for teachers to realize the power they have in that regard. As Fiona points out in this conversation, the world is changing extremely fast, what worked before won’t work into the future. How we teach must reflect how our students learn and also reflect the world they will emerge into. Changemaker schools are shaking things up and making a meaningful difference for the students they teach. American philosopher, psychologist and educator warned: “. If we teach today's students, as we taught yesterday's, we rob them of tomorrow.” I hope you enjoy this episode and if you have any thoughts you’d like to add to the discussion, please leave them in the Comments for this podcast. https://www.ashoka.org/en-us/program/ashoka-changemaker-schools

Looking back and moving forward. A Look Back over Series 1 of the ‘LET’s Stand’ podcast.

17m · Published 15 Aug 17:19
Safe to say, the response to Series 1 of the ‘LET’s Stand podcast has surpassed my wildest dreams. I really didn’t know where this might lead when I took that first step a few short months ago. I had some inspirational people I wanted to chat with in mind from the beginning but as the journey progressed, more were revealed to me. Thank you so much to my guests: Frank Keenan, Helen Butler, Jigyasa Labroo, Sandra Zimmer, Ella May Dowling, Eileen Hopkins, Robbie Forde, Martina Breen and Laura Bruce. I learned so much from you all and thoroughly enjoyed our conversations. In analyzing famous speeches and presentations in the other episodes, I hope this gave you, the listener an insight into what tools and techniques speech writers and speakers can learn and use to inform, entertain, educate, persuade, influence and inspire an audience. Thank you most sincerely to the listeners who have given their time and attention to listen to the podcast and to make contact with me regarding future guests and other interesting stories. Please keep your comments and contributions coming. For teachers, the ‘LET’s Stand’ Programme is available for Primary and Secondary schools to order through https://4schools.examcraftgroup.ie/letsstandprimary

Humorous Speaking and Comedy - a chat with Laura Bruce

51m · Published 17 Jul 21:05
Physician, psychologist and philosopher Edward de Bono stated that “Humour is by far the most significant activity of the human brain”. What a wonderful gift, to laugh and to be able to make others laugh. My guest today is the wonderfully humorous Laura Bruce. Laura is an author, speaker and aspiring stand-up comedian. A Canadian, now living in New Zealand, Laura is an award- winning speaker and the 2020 Humorous Speech Champion in New Zealand Toastmaster’s District 72. Laura has been performing comedy regularly since October 2019 after relocating to Christchurch, New Zealand. She was voted Best Newcomer - South Island - by members of the New Zealand Comedy Guild. Laura published her first book, “Lockdown Living: 101 ways to stay positive during the Pandemic” in April 2020. She inspired with her first TEDx Talk at TEDx Inverness in 2016. Author, speaker, stand-up comedian, radio presenter, MC and presentation skills’ trainer, it was my great pleasure to speak to Laura recently about ‘Speaking and Humour’. You can find out more about Laura and follow her great work through the following links: https://www.instagram.com/laurathebruce/ and https://youtu.be/4brlE_RKa3k If you would like to find out more about the new online Toastmasters’ club OUCH - ‘Online Uncensored Comedians and Humourists’, you can check out its Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/Online-Uncensored-Comedians-Humourists-OUCH-Toastmasters-100252575527927/ It’ll have you crying “ouch” with laughter. Guests and new members are always welcome.

‘The Greatest Speech Ever’ - An Analysis of Charlie Chaplin’s Famous Speech.

15m · Published 04 Jul 19:32
When I listened to this speech first, it truly blew me away. Although delivered as a monologue in a movie, ‘The Great Dictator’, in 1940, it seems equally relevant today. The poor barber, dressed as the dictator Henkel, in order to escape a camp, finds himself having to deliver his first public speech ever. Mistaken for Hynkel, he has no choice but to make the speech. Beginning by announcing that he has had a change of heart and does not want to be an emperor, he makes an impassioned plea for brotherhood and goodwill. This speech is rich with many wonderful examples of effective rhetorical devices such as triads, repetition, metaphor and contrasts. Its powerful message us as important today as it was when first delivered over 80 years ago. Charlie Chaplin is a genius!!!

‘Your Voice - A gift to own and give away.’ In conversation with Martina Breen.

42m · Published 08 Jun 19:49
In today’s episode we take a deep dive into that all important speaking topic : voice! It’s a pleasure to chat to Martina Breen about her varied experience and expertise on this topic. Martina has been working in the field of mental and emotional health for over 30 years. She is an accredited Psychotherapist, and holds qualifications in Organisational Development, Spiritual Discernment and is a member of the Irish facilitation team of The Sacred Art of Living and Dying series run by Our Lady’s Hospice. She currently works as an Integrated Health Specialist with the VHI. She has developed and facilitated various creative programmes; “Writing to Heal your Life”, “Ageing with Grace”, “Writing your Spiritual Autobiography”. Her interests are in personal and Spiritual development and living-well into the third age. Martina joined Toastmasters in 2011 and continues to enjoy the challenge and fun of public speaking. She has 3 sons and 5 grandchildren. If you’d like to find out more about Martina and her amazing work, you can email [email protected].

Analysis of Oprah Winfrey’s Cecil B De Mille Award Acceptance speech.

23m · Published 06 Jun 17:59
In 2018, Oprah Winfrey, at the Golden Globes’ Award ceremony, received the honorary Cecil B de Mille Award for her lifetime contributions to the world of entertainment. This analysis points out some of what we can learn from this speech in terms of how to deliver an award acceptance speech.

Focusing on disAbility rather than Disability with comedian and motivational speaker, Robbie Forde.

50m · Published 18 May 08:02
Robbie Forde is a motivational speaker and a comedian who has no problem speaking up and out. What experiences have gotten him to this stage and what has he learned along the way? Robbie underwent many surgeries at age 13 to remove a brain tumour that had damaged the eyesight in both of his eyes. As a result of the brain tumour, he ended up losing his eyesight but he managed to hold on to a vision for his life. He has learned not to let what you can’t do get in the way of what you can do and encourages others to focus on disAbility rather than disability. Describing himself as “an ordinary bloke”, his message is truly motivational and inspiring. Today, Robert enjoys sharing his outlook and experiences with others through his motivational speaking sessions which he delivers to companies and schools across Ireland, inspiring people to live life to its full potential. He encourages people to stop wasting time on the negative and instead, to devote more time to improving on their own positives in life. Gandhi famously said, “My life is my message”. Robbie’s own life is a clear example of the message he shares with us today. He is also a stand-up comedian and uses humour to great effect in his motivational speaking. In this episode, Robbie and I chat about his work as a motivational speaker and comedian, his experience of school, labeling and especially the label of ‘disability’, the important topic of inclusion, life during lockdown and Robbie shares his message for young people. This episode will touch your heart and your mind, make you laugh and challenge how you see things. Robbie’s positive attitude is evident in the following quote from his website: “Instead of learning to live with blindness, I made the blindness learn to live with me”! True to his website’s name, Robbie certainly does view life through optimist’s eyes. You can find out more about Robbie on www.optimisteyes.com. or email him on [email protected] or call him on 0876705530

LETs Stand Public Speaking has 35 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 23:28:18. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 8th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on April 2nd, 2024 14:15.

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