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by Mike Winger

Learn to think biblically about everything! Teaching theology, apologetics, and verse-by-verse Bible studies. Mike Winger teaches with clarity, doesn't shy away from controversial topics, and always seeks to teach the Bible accurately. This podcast will equip you to know and defend the Christian faith and understand the Bible in a deeper way.

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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 17)

1h 31m · Published 07 Jun 22:35

Learn to think biblically about everything, including doomsday prepping.

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

1. 0:25 {Is Doomsday Prepping Biblical?} Should we as Christians be stockpiling food and supplies for some future global catastrophe? Some of my Bible study sisters are constantly talking about this and have started preparing for impending doom. Scripture tells us, “Do not worry about tomorrow” and "Be anxious for nothing.” But at the same time, I don't want to be caught off guard. Should Christians be stockpiling just in case?
2. 17:42 {Navigating Difficult Pregnancies} What are your thoughts on terminating a pregnancy due to a “lethal” condition like anencephaly? This seems like euthanasia. Applicable passages might be Genesis 9:4-6 and 2 Samuel 1:1-16.
3. 31:29 {Praying for the Sins of Others} Do we in any way need to (or can we) pray for the sins of another person, such as a family member? This topic was a recent one in some chats I am in. The verse cited was Leviticus 26:40.
4. 36:45 {Was Mary Asking Jesus for a Miracle?} When Mary told Jesus that the wedding was out of wine, was she asking Him to do a miracle, or a more prosaic fix? I was taught that she asked for a miracle, but I wonder due to her other actions.
5. 43:26 {Thinking Biblically about Dating} I’m a late 20s Christian man struggling with anxiety in dating. As things progress, I tend to overanalyze everything to determine if I can marry the girl, and things end about 3 months in. Any scriptural advice?
6. 49:50 {Blasphemy in the Sermon on the Mount?} In The Sermon on the Mount, Jesus refers to God as the audience’s Father. How was this not blasphemous in the way that Jesus claiming to be the Son of God was a big deal in the Passion narrative?
7. 54:22 {Asking Others for Help When Needed} I have an illness that leaves me physically and mentally fatigued. My wife and I need a lot of help but struggle with asking. How do I ask for help in a way that is God-honoring and not selfish?
8. 1:00:10 {What Exactly Is Sin?} What exactly is sin? Is there a difference between sins against the flesh and sins against the heart/spirit? Does 1 John 5:17 have anything to do with that? Is sin only sin when it causes death?
9. 1:06:36 {What does “Woke” Mean?} I have heard you use the word “woke.” Please define it. Since being hijacked from the Black community, it seems to mean different things.
10. 1:21:45 {Salvation before the Reformation} Were people saved before the Reformation? It is hard to believe everyone went to Hell during that time, so I've heard people use this to argue in favor of Catholicism. Is this a valid argument?

Additional links/info:

***HERE is the clip search feature on my website. Find any topic I've talked about by searching freely there.

Show up when the livestream starts (you see me actually on screen) and post your question in the chat. It helps if you reference one or two specific verses if they are relevant to your question and if you put a Q at the beginning of your comment in the live chat.

I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything.
My website:

10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 16)

1h 30m · Published 31 May 22:13

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

1. 0:36 {Did Jesus Baptize?} Considering John 3:22 and 4:2, did Jesus Himself baptize others, or not? A Mormon brought this up to me, and the only thing I could think of was that John 3:22 wasn’t actually saying Jesus baptized, perhaps only that He oversaw the baptisms. Any insight?
2. 21:45 {Did Jesus’ Deity Die?} Did Jesus' deity die on the cross, and if not, then how could He be an atoning sacrifice for sin? If it died, then how could He be God without affirming the kenotic heresy?
3. 27:34 {God’s Eternal Covenant} I see in Jeremiah 33 that God extends His eternal covenant not only to the house of David as kings, but also Levi as priests (Jeremiah 33:17-22). Who fulfills this promise? Does Jesus?
4. 35:49 {Not Worthy = Not Saved?} Do Jesus' words in Matthew 10:37-39 give the impression that if we don't put Him first in everything, we're not saved? Does the phrase "not worthy of Me" not refer to salvation?
5. 44:44 {Does God Veil/Blind Understanding?} Why do we assume that 2 Corinthians 4:4 is not about God, but presumably about Satan? In the context of chapters 3 and 4, and also in other verses, we learn that God veils/blinds eyes (ex: John 12:40, Romans 11:8).
6. 50:44 {How Could God Need Strengthening?} Can you explain how an angel could have strengthened Jesus since He is God (Luke 22:43)?
7. 58:39 {Translation Discrepancies?} Mark 1:41 in the NIV says Jesus was indignant, but other translations don't. What’s up with that?
8. 1:04:13 {“Real Presence” in Communion?} Do you think “Real Presence” in the Lord's Supper could be true? The fact that the disciples say "this is a hard teaching" and many of them leave makes me think it was more than symbolic.
9. 1:15:28 {Responding Biblically to Idols} Was it biblical for the man in Iowa to destroy the Satanic Temple display at the state capitol last December? How should Christians respond to the public display of literal idols in our society?
10. 1:23:14 {How to Walk by the Spirit} Can we as Christians really truly live an upright and blameless life?

Links you may want…

  • ***HERE is the clip search feature on my website. Find any topic I've talked about by searching freely there. 
  • How we got our Bible (translation issues and manuscript issues - 3 part series): Click Here 
  • Jesus' suffering and humanity in the Garden of Gethsemane (Gospel of Mark series): Click Here 
  • The Unchristian Belief of TOP Progressive Christian Influencers: Click Here
  • How Melchizedek represents Jesus (but isn't Jesus): Click Here

Show up when the livestream starts (you see me actually on screen) and post your question in the chat. It helps if you reference one or two specific verses if they are relevant to your question and if you put a Q at the beginning of your comment in the live chat.

I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything.

My website:

10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 15)

1h 19m · Published 24 May 22:09

Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific Time.

Today's Time Stamps:
1. 0:07 {What Makes a Cult?} What makes a cult? I grew up in a church that took many hard stances on issues that led our elders to act in unbiblical ways. Most would say it was a cult. Where is the line drawn?
2. 25:30 {Female Elders under Male Elder Headship?} Any advice for a member of a church with a male lead elder pastoring alongside ordained female elders who often teach on Sundays? Is there any warrant to the idea that they are under his headship?
3. 31:40 {Does God Overlook Ignorance?} In Acts 17:30, what does Paul mean by God overlooking the times of ignorance? Was He more lenient toward idolatry before the time of Christ? Or did He stop trying to save the idolaters of that time?
4. 40:18 {Evangelizing the Apathetic} My wife and I are having difficulty ministering to her father who doesn’t seem to care about the topic of God at all. How do you help someone realize the importance of salvation?
5. 46:57 {Does God Operate Outside of Time?} Can you talk about your views on God’s relationship to time? Personally, I find the timeless God view incoherent and unbiblical. It seems He operates within time.
6. 54:52 {What if Election Isn’t about Salvation?} What are your thoughts on election being about service and blessing rather than salvation (i.e., Judas was chosen by Jesus to serve Him but obviously wasn't saved)?
7. 58:08 {Mark of the Beast: Literal or Symbolic?} Could the Mark of the Beast being on the forehead or right hand symbolize something that dominates the mind or actions of those who submit to it instead of a literal mark on the body as many assume?
8. 1:00:37 {Ancient Israel & The Trinity} Did ancient Israelites believe in the concept of a "multi-personal God"? By multi-personal God, I mean a concept similar to the Trinity, where there is one God made up of multiple Persons.
9. 1:06:11 {Christ Ascending & Descending} What is Paul talking about in Romans 10:6-7 when he’s speaking of Christ descending and ascending? The way he phrases things seems like it should be the other way around.
10. 1:10:11 {Making True Disciples} According to Scripture, if the disciple you make doesn't make a disciple, have you really made a disciple?


  • ***HERE is the Clip Search feature on my website. Find any topic I've talked about by searching freely here 
  • Click Here for the giant Women in Ministry research project
  • Click Here for the study on Romans 9:25-10:9

I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything.

My website:

The NEW lie from Benny Hinn. Here's the video evidence.

22m · Published 21 May 18:13

There were three videos where Benny made prophetic statements about peace in Israel in 2024. Two are currently still watchable on his channel, the third has been made private. Here are the links.
1. "Momentous Prophecy Alert" 
2. "Why Must Normalization Happen Prophetically Between Israel and Saudi Arabia?" 

**In the video I accidentally said "December" when I should have said "September." At any rate, I have dates on the screen for when each video was posted online.

This is his recent video denying he ever prophesied about this stuff and was just quoting other people's political commentary: Click Here

To the vast majority of those listening in, Hinn appeared to prophesy that this peace would come and went on to ask people to send him money as a way of guaranteeing that they would get a bunch more money coming in when the prophesied "transfer of wealth" came in. To go on and deny that this was prophecy (and false prophecy at that) seems like a total deception on Benny's part.

My website:

Benny Hinn is doing it AGAIN (Charisma Media Interview)

48m · Published 18 May 01:44

Here's the backstory...

I did this four hour video showing the evils of Benny Hinn's ministry: Click Here

Those who know me know that I am slow to say stuff like this. I've NEVER made such a scathing critique of someone.

Benny Hinn has been doing damage control and did a fake apology video with Charisma Magazine's Steven Strang here...

• Benny Hinn Speaks Out Part 1- EXCLUSIVE and here...

• Benny Hinn Speaks Out Part 2- EXCLUSIVE

Charisma also wrote an article that seems to defend Hinn and portray me as making a career out of criticizing Hinn, as well as just using old footage of Hinn's past (both of which are not true). That's HERE.

I have a lot of respect for my interviewer, John Matarazzo, for doing this interview when I imagine it could cause some waves for him.

Disclaimer: I know I will be accused of being obsessed with Benny Hinn or of just having a vendetta. Someone who isn't paying attention could believe that pretty easily. They just make a few assumptions and ignore the details. In reality, this isn't about Benny Hinn. It's about his victims. Every day someone is hurt by Hinn or the myriad of pastors who are copying his manipulative ways. It harms the church and excuses the unbelief of skeptics. We should have collectively called him out decades ago. If my coverage of this bothers you then I understand. For the sake of the victims, this is worth addressing. Paul the Apostle would have kicked Hinn out a long time ago.

My website:

10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 14)

1h 18m · Published 18 May 01:36

Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific Time.

***HERE is the clip search feature. Find any topic I've talked about by searching freely here. 

Today's Time Stamps:

1. 0:01 {Jesus Supporting Violence?} Why does Jesus tell the disciples to buy swords? Is this Jesus supporting violence in self-defense?
2. 22:23 {Overcome by Strong Delusion?} In 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, when the antichrist is revealed, God will send a strong delusion to those who refused to be saved. Will everyone who has heard the Gospel but not repented be overcome by it?
3. 27:50 {What is “Coarse Joking”?} How do we know what coarse joking is (Ephesians 4:29, 5:20)? My teen's Christian friends often joke about being LGBTQ and getting high or drunk. Is this a freedom issue, or is this sinful? How should a teen respond?
4. 34:48 {Led by the Spirit vs. our Own Feelings} My mom changed her name recently. She felt God was giving her a new name. She often feels led by the Spirit where I don't agree. Any advice for those times, and should I introduce her by new name?
5. 42:53 {The Unrighteous Entering the Millennium?} In the Premillennial view, who are the unrighteous (not saved) that enter into the Millennium? During the sheep/goats judgment, it seems like all the goats get sent to their eternity in Hell.
6. 45:46 {God Taking someone to Avoid Apostasy?} Is there any precedent for God taking home a believer before he might fall away? I Kings 14:13 says some good was found in Jeroboam’s son.
7. 50:31 {Will We Remember “The Bad” in Eternity?} Can you go into detail as to what Isaiah 65:17 means by “not remembered” and the “nor come to mind” part? I was told it meant literal memory loss and that scares me. I want to remember even the bad.
8. 55:01 {The Most Pressing Issue for Deconstructionists} What do you believe is the most pressing issue for deconstructionists?
9. 1:02:51 {Advice for When We’re Exhausted} Do you have any advice for someone who is spiritually and physically exhausted (like Elijah in 1 Kings 19)?
10. 1:11:40 {Standing Firm for Christ at Work} My work environment is very vulgar and toxic. It's "easier" for me to blend in and not honor Christ with my language and attitude. How can I have more confidence and not give in?
BONUS Q! 1:14:55 {Is All Pain Bad?} My 8 year old, Ben wants to know: If there is no pain in Heaven, will there be hot sauce? Sounds funny, but makes you think.

Click Here for the Sean McDowell teaching on hearing from God.

I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything.

My website:

Benny Hinn is in full on damage control mode. Don’t believe him.

17m · Published 11 May 02:58

Quick update. So much is going on.

Click Here for the recent "repentance" video. I think this is going to backfire badly for Hinn. People can see through this fairly easily.


10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 13)

1h 21m · Published 03 May 22:45

Is going to the cemetery and talking to loved ones necromancy or otherwise off limits for a Christian?

Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific Time.

Today's Time Stamps:

1. 0:07 {Deceased Loved Ones & Necromancy?} Is going to the cemetery and talking to loved ones necromancy?
2. 27:59 {Our Choices & God’s Sovereign Will} Do we have any true control over life entering the world, or is it only based on God's sovereignty? I think if it’s God's plan for me to have a child, I'll get pregnant even if on birth control. But my husband thinks we control conception through birth control. If Jeremiah 1:5 applies to all people, wouldn't that mean God's plan overrides our plan for procreation?
3. 31:45 {Jesus’ Death: Physical but Not Spiritual?} If Jesus' humanity and divinity are inseparable, then how could He experience bodily death on the cross without His deity dying, as well?
4. 36:33 {Do Christians Continue to Need Forgiveness?} 1 John 1:9 perplexes me. I am a Christian. In what sense does my daily confession apply "forgiveness" to me? What happens if I die with “unforgiven” sin?
5. 41:19 {Why Doesn’t God Just Satisfy Skeptics’ Doubts?} How would you answer someone who says, “If there is a God, He knows what evidence I would need to believe and has not given it to me” and seems to genuinely mean it, not mocking/scoffing?
6. 51:33 {Metaphorical, Spiritual, or Physical Resurrection?} Is Romans 8:11 referring to a metaphorical, spiritual, or physical resurrection later to come? I thought it was spiritual, but the term "mortal bodies" has me thinking differently.
7. 57:43 {Too Much Theology & Doctrine?} My pastor says that theology is “just someone’s opinion” and that “we shouldn’t get hooked on theology and doctrine.” How would you respond?
8. 1:03:05 {Did Peter & Other Disciples Quit?} Did Peter and the others "quit the ministry" when they went fishing in John 21:3? It seems that Peter had already seen the risen Christ 2 or 3 times before this event.
9. 1:08:33 {Stewarding Friendships with Unbelievers} How do you navigate having worldly friends? At times I enjoy their company and the conversation is good, but at other times they are unbearable to be around, making crude jokes.
10. 1:14:19 {God Conceals a Matter?} In Proverbs 25:2, in what sense is the author saying that God conceals a matter? It's clearly not an absolute (i.e., He does reveal things).

  • Here's the clip I mentioned about how to handle grief over a loved one who is not saved: Click Here
  • My series of videos going verse-by-verse through Romans: Click Here
  • ***HERE is the clip search feature. Find any topic I've talked about by searching freely here.

I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything.

My website:

It's HARD to think of my loved ones in hell.

4m · Published 30 Apr 22:02

This is hard for me, too. I don't offer my answer with a calloused heart or without considering how difficult it really is. But, I hope that in my own limited attempt to offer help, you will find some wisdom and hopefulness. My answer will probably fall short, but I am really just saying "wait" because the full revelation of the glory and goodness of God will answer this for you in due time.

My website:

10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 12)

1h 18m · Published 26 Apr 22:19

This is the supposed Bible contradiction that I couldn't explain.

Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific Time.

Today's Time Stamps:
1. 0:07 {A Difficult Bible Contradiction} Can you please explain 1 Corinthians 14:22-24? Verse 22 states that tongues are a sign for unbelievers, and prophecy is for believers. But vv. 23 and 24 then go on to seemingly describe the exact opposite.
2. 27:09 {John Rejects but Jesus Affirms?} How should we understand John's rejection of being Elijah and a prophet (John 1:21), while Jesus affirmed it (Matthew 11:14)?
3. 34:42 {Debates on the Canon} What do we do with some of the earliest listed Bible canons and church fathers that exclude Esther and include Sirach and Wisdom of Solomon?
4. 39:47 {Are Easier Translations Unwise?} I struggle reading word for word translations of the Bible like the ESV. I love the NLT for its simple vocabulary and how easy it is to understand. Is it unwise to use the NLT to memorize and study from?
5. 41:56 {Proper Interpretation of a Common Passage} What are your thoughts on 1 Corinthians 6:19? I hear people use this Scripture to call anything they don’t like sin (tattoos, drugs, junk food, etc.). But it seems it’s mostly about sexual immorality.
6. 52:36 {Are We Still Made in God’s Image?} Can you explain Genesis 5:1-3? Why is it different with the birth of Seth? Are we still God’s image bearers?
7. 56:10 {Is “Déjà Vu” a Biblical Concept?} What are your thoughts on Deja Vu and are there any examples of it in the Bible? I've definitely had times where I had the feeling of being somewhere before when it was the first time being there.
8. 1:01:02 {Are Eating Challenges Sinful?} Could you talk a little on what is and is not gluttony? Is it just eating more than you need to, or is there more involved (i.e., eating challenges)?
9. 1:07:38 {When Competition turns Sinful} How do I know when my competitiveness is sinful? I coach baseball and want to ensure I'm providing the right model of competition for the players, while also still being as competitive as possible.
10. 1:10:29 {“Apostasy” = “Departed”?} I've heard that the word translated "apostasy" in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 can also be translated as "departed," as in "the end will not come until the departing (rapture) comes first." Do you think this is true?

  • 6 Different Christian Views of the End Times explained: Click Here
  • How we got the Old Testament books: Click Here
  • My full video on "Thinking Biblically About Tattoos": Click Here

***HERE is the Clip Search feature. Find any topic I've talked about by searching freely here.

I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything.

My website:

BibleThinker has 717 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 692:28:53. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on February 22nd 2023. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 9th, 2024 15:40.

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