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by Daniel and Christina Seong

SeongLife is hosted by Christina and Daniel Seong, a married couple with five children. They share their stories and lessons of life and family, discussing their wins, failures, travels and how they are navigating the challenges of raising kids. Listen in to gain insight into their happy marriage and be inspired and entertained by their journey.

Copyright: 2023 SeongLife


Christina & Nicole Go To Korea

47m · Published 26 Mar 08:00

On this episode, Daniel and Christina Seong dig into the importance of cultivating strong bonds with your kids, emphasizing one-on-one time. They share tales from Christina's trip to Korea with their daughter Nicole, appreciating a financial boost from Dad, which helped make the trip happen. The trip was full of memorable moments, like meeting a reality TV star, exploring a dog café, and indulging in Korean street food. After returning, Christina talks about her incredible discoveries from a color analysis test back in Korea, and she marvels at how affordable and top-notch health and skincare treatments are compared to those in the US. The Seongs round out the episode touching on their travel quirks and upcoming travel plans, including a big family getaway to the Bahamas. They wrap up by urging listeners to support the show by rating and sharing the podcast.

3 Key Episode Takeaways

1. Building and nurturing individual relationships with children is essential. Daniel and Christina Seong stress the importance of spending intentional one-on-one time with their children, sharing personal experiences that underline the need for close bonds and creating opportunities for observation and growth within the family dynamic.

2. The positive impact of travel and self-care. Christina's trip to Korea sheds light on the benefits of leisure and health-related travel, from the joys of trying new foods and engaging in cultural experiences to the significant cost savings and superior quality of health and skincare treatments available abroad compared to the U.S.

3. The intertwined lives and routines of family. The hosts discuss how travel affects not only their habits, such as Daniel's sleeping patterns and Christina's navigation preferences, but also the well-being of their children and even the family dog. They illustrate how a strong mental and emotional connection between family members can influence day-to-day life, even when apart.

Show Overview

01:23 Christina and Nicole back from Korea trip.
04:51 Nicole discovered her cool spring color palette.
09:10 Scalp treatment with massaging and firm hands.
09:49 Massage chair bed with hair treatment process.
.22:35 Unexpected family visits lead to insightful reunions.
25:56 Costly and difficult to schedule travel with kids' activities.
31:19 Daniel breakfast list, McDonald's, Costco, Alfredo, Sunday breakfast.
33:49 Daniel’s morning routine explained.
38:51 Emphasize the importance of family time together.
40:33 Close relationships require intentional, genuine interactions.
43:05 Children understand parents' roles in providing financially.

Our Car Got Repoed

36m · Published 21 Mar 08:00

In this SeongLife episode, Daniel and Christina share candid stories from their lives, specifically when their family car was repoed and more on the Sequoia Saga. Their daughter, Leah, turns to TikTok for college research, sparking a conversation about contemporary news consumption and the shift from traditional media to social platforms. The Seongs have cut the cable cord and navigated the world of streaming, balancing cost with their kids' preference for ad-free content. They tease their upcoming self-care trip and reinforce living life by one's principles.

Christina shares her excitement for her trip to Korea with her girls. Car troubles take center stage, with the Seongs recounting the repossession of their Mercedes due to missed payments, the practical switch to a Prius, and frustrations with the mechanics and the cost of car repairs. They tackle household planning for when Christina travels, aiming to maintain routines for their kids, Nathan and Lauren.

Furthermore, they discuss the inconveniences of rain and ponder the potential ban of TikTok. After reflecting on their past car repossession struggles, Daniel and Christina end with a message of gratitude to their listeners and a reminder for kids to show understanding towards their parents' efforts.

3 Key Episode Takeaways

- Life on Your Terms: Financial challenges like car repossession can be tough, but they lead to practical choices and life lessons, emphasizing the importance of living life authentically and managing stress with a sense of humor.

- Social Media Influence: The way we consume news has changed; platforms like TikTok aren't just for entertainment but have become a source for information, including college research for teens.

- Cutting the Cord: The transition from traditional cable to streaming services can be liberating yet complicated as the Seongs navigate the maze of options and provider dependencies

Show Overview

02:35 Christina's trip to Korea, touristy activities, unfulfilled desires.
05:47 Mechanic fixed issue, missed easy repairs.
11:22 Park Mercedes inside to avoid repossession risk.
19:58 Adjust sleeping arrangements for family missing.
26:36 Memories of Okinawa's unpredictable tropical weather.
29:36 Leah is into researching colleges, campus visit.
35:25 Keep being perfect, ignore others' opinions.


42m · Published 19 Mar 08:00

In this episode, Daniel and Christina Seong delve into their experiences with Costco, from returning items to exploring the store's many benefits. Christina talks about taking back a spoiled bag of tangerines, and Daniel narrates his story of returning an unused generator. They ponder the ethics of returning edibles and discuss a staff advisory that such returns often result in waste. The conversation then touches on the convenience of Costco's travel booking for large families and their preference for Costco's affordable gas. They reflect on their hefty cashback rewards and the new, less cash-friendly kiosk ordering system. The Seongs also share their use of Costco purchases to craft different meals, their value in bulk buying, and the wisdom in choosing what to stock up on, highlighting both the savings and the joy of having a full pantry. Further, they discuss their personal clothing finds and question the peculiar return attempts by customers. Lastly, they chat about the food court's offerings and share their appreciation for the chain's fair pricing on food and the quality of other items, encouraging listeners to take control of their lives gracefully.

3 Key Episode Takeaways:

Return with Care: While Costco's return policy is generous, consider the implications of returning used items and the potential waste it creates, particularly with perishable goods.
Smart Spending: Maximizing Costco memberships with credit cards like the Costco City Card can offer significant cashback rewards, demonstrating that strategic use of store policies can lead to substantial savings.
Gas & Travel Wisdom: Beyond everyday shopping, Costco also offers benefits in travel bookings and competitive gas prices. Utilize these services to their fullest for both convenience and cost savings.

Show Overview:

02:00 Three Costcos nearby Seongs, all with gas stations.
05:40 Some people go out of the way for cheaper Costco gas.
10:56 Use Costco card for annual cash back.
16:03 Call to pre-order pizza at Costco at checkout.
22:48 Acai bowl filled with fruits, nuts, toppings.
26:14 Limited childhood led to indulging in treats.
29:50 Buy jackets and sweaters at Costco for warmth.
33:54 Legit returns and one rotten tangerine.
40:10 Disappointment and upset after canceled Disneyland plans.

Dangers Of OnlyFans

36m · Published 14 Mar 08:00

In this episode of SeongLife, Daniel and Christina Seong touch on the luck of scoring tickets to see Rafa Nadal play a match despite the high resale value. They then pivot to discussing the complexities of OnlyFans, highlighting concerns about the ethical implications and potential negative impacts on content creators. The Seongs also recount a discouraging experience at their daughter Lauren's tennis tournament, witnessing poor sportsmanship and parental misconduct. Emphasizing the influence of adult behavior at youth sports events, they call for healthy competition and role-modeling from parents. The episode balances personal anecdotes with broader social discussions, always tying back to the themes of parenting, responsibility, and making choices that align with one's values.

3 Key Episode Takeaways

Tennis Tournament Insight and Parenting:
Discover what happened when Daniel and Christina scored $450 tickets to see the legendary Rafa Nadal at Roland Garros, now a hot commodity worth $4,000 each! But it's not all about the game; hear the Seongs unpack the crucial lessons about responsibility, control, and etiquette learned through their daughter Lauren's tennis experiences. They share a personal story of encountering poor sportsmanship from other parents, offering valuable tips for fostering a supportive environment at kids' sporting events.

Understanding OnlyFans and Its Impact:
Daniel and Christina shift gears to explore the complex world of OnlyFans. Having visited the website years ago, Daniel shares his thoughts on the platform's security and potential for creators to earn significant income. The couple dives deep into the ethical considerations and risks of posting erotic content online, discussing anonymity options and the slippery slope that could lead to more explicit material.

Life Lessons and Grace:
The Seongs don't shy away from the tough topics, as they also touch on the darker side of the adult entertainment industry, including sex trafficking and its devastating effects. They emphasize the importance of choices, the influence on personal well-being, and the need to live life by one's own values.

Show Overview:

01:45 Tennis requires focus and understanding, takes time.
05:02 Kids have different reactions during tennis matches.
08:04 Parents cheering, then distant from the match.
12:29 Encouraging parents to support kids in sports.
18:21 Unpredictable tennis tickets, lucky to see Nadal.
26:31 Society has made it lucrative for content creators.
29:34 Young people should consider parental guidance online.
30:49 Be proud of your income and life choices.
34:32 Beware of slippery slopes, stay true to yourself.

It’s My Wedding

38m · Published 12 Mar 08:00

In this episode, Daniel and Christina Seong talk about the emotional journey of weddings from the perspective of parents. They share personal stories and reflections on cultural traditions related to wedding expenses and norms. They discuss their own budget-friendly wedding and the decision to exclude children from the guest list. They also talk about the anticipation of walking their daughters down the aisle and the shifting family dynamics with the prospect of early marriages and grandchildren.

3 Key Episode Takeaways

The Parental Perspective: Witnessing your child walk down the aisle is a moment of pride, joy, and a touch of nostalgic melancholy. We discuss how it softens you and opens unexplored chambers of your heart.

Cultural and Financial Considerations: We navigate through the tricky waters of who traditionally pays for what, and how modern weddings are adapting to new financial landscapes. Plus, a candid sharing of our own wedding costs and compromises.

Looking Ahead with Love: Love isn't just about the here and now, it's also about the exciting unknown. We predict our daughter Nicole's wedding, welcome the idea of future grandchildren, and share our plans as future empty nesters and why we believe slowing down is just as important as every new beginning.

Show Overview

04:13 Surprise ring reveals an exciting announcement.

07:24 Disappointment in wedding not meeting expectations.

10:34 Rented dress, banquet and simple wedding.

13:47 Mom advising to change mood at wedding reception.

19:50 No crying at wedding, expecting tears later.

22:36 Debate about excluding kids from expensive weddings.

27:56 Daughters want to live close for family and babysitting.

34:41 Friend’s wedding dinner celebration at top steak restaurant.

36:38 Weddings symbolize love and commitment in society.

We’re Expecting

53m · Published 07 Mar 09:00

In this episode of SeongLife, Daniel and Christina Seong reveal they're expecting another child, adding to their bustling household of four teenagers, a 9-year-old, and a dog. As they prepare for the new addition, they reminisce about past pregnancies, deliveries, and the unexpected challenges that came with each. From rushing to the hospital while Daniel was in a business meeting to dealing with complications and surprise pregnancies, each story highlights the joys and trials of their growing family. They discuss the practicalities of such a large family, such as investing in a stand-up freezer, and share personal reflections on parenthood, including their decision to have kids close in age and Christina's candid comparison of giving birth to a deeply relieving physical experience. Despite the difficulties, Daniel and Christina express immense joy and gratitude for their children, with heartfelt advice for fellow parents navigating similar journeys.

3 Key Episode Takeaways

- Embrace the Unpredictable: Life has a way of surprising you, as it did with each of our pregnancies. From the unplanned arrival of our third child, Leah, to the emotional discovery of our son Nathan's gender after deciding not to have more children, the unexpected moments can be the most treasured.

- Cherish the Bonds: Having children close in age may come with its challenges, but it has also brought our family closer together. We discuss the complexity and joy found in these relationships, illustrating that there's no perfect spacing between siblings – only the perfect love you grow together.

- Support is Essential: Whether it's requiring bed rest during a complicated pregnancy or handling the intensity of labor, the value of support cannot be overstated. Christina and I reflect on the importance of leaning on each other and accepting grace as parents – because we're all learning on this adventure called parenting.

Show Overview

01:21 Nathan eats a lot, so extra fridge.
11:06 Daniel driving despite car noises, brand new engine.
17:25 Pregnancy was smooth, tired, craving beer.
20:32 Emergency, pain, hospital, wheelchair, labor, first grandchild.
28:27 Transition to 2 kids challenging, but manageable.
30:45 Inducing labor for mom to prepare and plan.
34:57 Hospital bed rest, muscle contraption, limited mobility.
38:33 Contractions getting stronger, urging to leave for hospital.
41:13 Lauren born to doctor who delivered 10,000.
44:56 Texting, emotional calls, dads' expectations, preemie birth.
45:39 Baby born 36 weeks, one day early.
50:16 Parenting seems easy, but not for everyone.

Transgender Kids: What's Really Going On At Home?

39m · Published 05 Mar 09:00

In this episode of the SeongLife podcast, hosts Daniel and Christina Seong dive into the complexities of parenting and education choices. They share their personal reservations about tattoos and transgender procedures for kids, emphasizing the need for mature decision-making. The Seongs candidly discuss their concerns with Irvine's public schools' approach to gender identity and political teachings, which leads them to consider private schooling despite its drawbacks like high costs and potential drug issues. Additionally, they explore the influence of Zoom on business and education but note some classroom professionals' lackluster conduct online. Through various anecdotes and a chat about relationship intimacy, they advocate for living life on one's terms while also respecting different life choices. Daniel's stance blends conservative and liberal views, showcasing their nuanced take on current social issues. Despite the lack of sponsorship, the Seongs promise an unfiltered outlook and plan to tackle transgender matters in sports further in future episodes.

3 Key Episode Takeaways

1. The influence of education systems on family decisions, from public to private schooling.
2. The impact of social attitudes on gender identity and how it relates to children's decision-making abilities.
3. Parenting strategies for communication and the importance of being present in your child's emotional development.

Show Overview

00:00 Zoom changed business world, saved time. Casual attire.
03:56 Stay engaged, always on camera and unmuted.
06:54 Observing others, acknowledging importance of intimacy.
11:10 Pushing kids to succeed, parents' after-school spending.
14:20 High housing prices in Irvine due to education.
18:20 I agree with private school, Irvine's education changing.
19:08 Math program changed, less homework for kids.
25:17 Episode discussing common beliefs, sponsorship-free, unfiltered authenticity.
26:44 Medical questioning gender confusion, crucial decisions, urgency.
31:16 Different experiences in childhood result in depression.
33:27 Kids not allowed tattoos till age 35.
35:35 Respectful consideration for parental concerns about choices.
38:23 Underwhelmed reaction to something previously hyped up.

Kids Cursing At Their Parents...WWYD?

46m · Published 29 Feb 09:00

On this episode, Daniel and Christina tackled tough topics around parenting and career success. They faced a hypothetical about their son, Nathan, using foul language and discussed sticking to their principles by not tolerating such behavior. The Seongs explored the traditional pressures of Asian culture regarding education, but they remained open to non-traditional paths to success, like trade schools, if plans were in place. They shared personal stories, such as their daughter's tennis comeback and moments of recognition from their fans.

The episode also debated the societal value placed on certain professions and the misconception that trades like plumbing are less respectable than white-collar jobs. Despite their daughter being sidelined from tennis longer than expected due to injury, the Seongs highlighted her persistence, which paid off in her return to competition. Lastly, Daniel and Christina stressed the virtues of resilience and patience, regardless of the career path one chooses.

3 Key Episode Takeaways

1. Positive Parenting: When faced with disrespect, swift and decisive action is key, but so is an understanding of underlying issues.

2. Success Beyond Academia: The traditional college degree is not the only route to fulfillment—trades can offer a rich, satisfying career.

3. Education vs Entrepreneurship: There's merit in the systematic path of formal education and equal valor in the resilience of entrepreneurs.

Show Overview

01:48 Daniel and Tina get attention on date night.
11:50 Friendly encounter at favorite restaurant with drinks.
13:19 TikTok video questions if society needs men anymore.
16:53. Appearances can be deceiving, hard work matters.
22:46 Traditional education stifles creativity and independent thinking.
26:38 Entrepreneurs' mindset differs from 9 to 5.
27:27 Strict workplace rules, societal pressure, and family expectations.
31:49 Small business owners work tirelessly for flexibility.
35:12 Believe in slow success, stay focused, persist.
37:57 Leah witnessed family argument with profanity.
42:09 Parent denies ever spanking or hitting children.
44:33 Parents fear children making bad decisions.

Daniel’s Nightmare Las Vegas Car Mechanic Experience

50m · Published 27 Feb 09:00

In this episode, Daniel Seong tells us about his frustrating ordeal with a Las Vegas mechanic and repair shop over his Toyota Sequoia. He's disappointed with the poor communication, particularly from Juan, and the added stress and costs, including changes in flight and Uber rides. Even after finally connecting with the repair shop, the delays continued, and Daniel had to fly out without the repaired Sequoia. The Seongs discuss the mechanic's demands for payment before releasing the car and their decision to avoid naming the shop to maintain the podcast's positive approach. Their chat also covers rental car troubles, a peculiar, inappropriate coffee shop encounter, and a sketchy massage parlor. Christina and Daniel conclude with experiences from Daniel's airport woes and their intention to hold onto the Sequoia for financial reasons, reminding listeners to learn from their mistake of paying for services upfront. Despite it all, they express gratitude to their audience and invite them to spread the word about SeongLife.

3 Key Episode Takeaways

1. The Importance of Clear Communication: How the lack of follow-up and transparency can turn a routine service into a customer service nightmare.

2. Financial Cautionary Advice: Why it's crucial to withhold full payment until services rendered meet the agreed-upon expectations.

3. Time Management During Travel Disruptions: Strategies for dealing with travel delays and the value of having a plan B, especially when facing flight changes and lengthy airport waits.

Show Overview

01:23 Daniel excited retelling of picking up repaired Sequoia.
05:31 Request Las Vegas repair shop cell number for pickup.
07:34 Focusing on repair while watching WWE show.
10:33 Daniel canceling meetings, booking flight & flying early.
13:48 Argument over engine documentation & odometer reading.
15:50 Asking for a coffee shop directions.
20:12 Coffee shop confusion and BIG surprise.
29:23 Bad customer service led to missed flight from Vegas.
34:49 Flying standby.
38:15 Southwest attendants found alternative passenger seated.
41:25 Inquiring about paperwork for repaired Sequoia pickup.
46:10 Tina & Daniel plan Sunday pickup trip back to LV together.

Why We Always Buy From Friends

35m · Published 22 Feb 09:00

In this 50th episode of SeongLife, Daniel and Christina Seong explore the value of supporting friends' businesses. They share personal experiences, like Daniel's preference for buying specific brand shoes and Christina's purchasing Ferragamo ties for an event. The conversation shifts to the authenticity of products from outlets versus regular store brands.

The Seongs celebrate their podcast's journey and its shift to a more conversational style. They weave in stories about their daughters' driving, their shared interest in WWE, and their preferences for casual clothing over luxury brands, highlighting Daniel's choice of a purple broccoli rubber band to hold his cash and credit cards.

They discuss the nuances of electric vehicles, and Daniel shares his skepticism about electric cars, referencing an incident with an electric bus in San Francisco. The couple also talks about high-end item collections and the importance of living life freely, without concern for other people's opinions. They conclude by expressing gratitude to their listeners and encouraging them to engage with the show.

3 Key Episode Takeaways

Supporting Friends Elevates Everyone: When you buy from friends or support their businesses, it's about more than just the transaction. It's a vote of confidence and a contribution to their success.

True Style is Personal: Luxury doesn't define you. The Seongs' preference for comfort and personal taste over brands is a reminder that authenticity in style speaks volumes.

Electric Cars - The Future or a Fad?: With an electric bus mishap under discussion and the environmental impact of battery production, questioning the rush toward electric vehicles is more relevant than ever.

Show Overview

04:06 Dilemma of trusting friend with finances and prices.
08:03 Valuing relationships over material things.
14:11 Electric cars aren't exactly better environmentally.
19:15 Planning for Seong girls' future professions and income.
23:41 Not in corporate America, only for events.
27:46 Preference for subtle fashion, both shoes and accessories.
30:32 Supporting friends in business by buying from them.
33:01 Bulk recording for podcasts can be beneficial.

SeongLife has 83 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 51:45:58. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on May 7th 2023. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 7th, 2024 15:10.

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