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Podcasts in Italian

19 p.m. 19 p.m.
1a1 Piatto Al Centro Radio Nerazzurra
1km di niente Saul Motron
1M paperini Silvia Ambrosini
1QdT Alice
21 Storie di Milano Barbara Olivieri
231 - Vent'anni dopo People Training & Consulting
23 Gradi Davide
24fps Emanuele Cardoni
28Talk 28MILE Studio Creativo
2B Giuseppe Monda
2jevgg -perk gamming 2011
2 minuti di GAS Mirco Gasparotto
2 neuroni, 1 compagnia Chiara Mantiero

What are podcasts?

Podcasts are digital audio files made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically. A podcast is an edited piece of content which can be a complete radio programme, an edited extract or highlights from a program, or completely unique content with a particular theme made to be subscribed and listened to as a series.

Podcasts are a series of episodes, and refer to the programme as a whole. Then, a podcast episode is just one recording from that entire Podcast.

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