We have now endured a year of the pandemic and many of us are struggling. We want things to return to normal and we can see that we are closer to the end but we know that we are not there yet. We are somewhere in the in-between space, not the new normal, just the next moment. We are through with it but it is not through with us and we are looking for ways to cultivate both patience and hope. In this episode of Get Big Out Loud we will talk about the struggle and explore ideas for how we can persevere with grace and compassion. We ll also talk about why it is important to recognize our shared humanity while still acknowledging our disparate experiences. Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

The episode The Struggle Is Real from the podcast Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life has a duration of 0:00. It was first published 12 Apr 17:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

More episodes from Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

Great Expectations!


Why is it so hard to change, to try new things, or to take action on things we say we want to do? It might be because we are afraid, or because we have unrealistic expectations, or because we think that if we can’t do it perfectly, we won’t do it at all. In this episode of Get Big Out Loud, we’ll explore how fear, expectations, and perfectionism keep us in the status quo and share ideas for how to reframe our thinking so that we can Get Big in meaningful and important ways!

Watch live link https://www.transformationtalkradio.com/watch.html 

The Currency of Trust

When we want to buy something we use money, when we want to build a relationship, solve a problem, or make a decision, we use trust. Trust is defined as, ‘a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something’.  In this episode of Get Big Out Loud, we’ll explore the concept of trust and how valuable it is as a form of currency. A currency that you can’t keep in your bank account, but one that is priceless.

Hard Truths!

In this episode of Get Big Out Loud the question, “Can I be honest with you?” is a setup to a hard truth.  What makes it hard for us to tell the truth?  



Meaning Making

Our brains seem to be hard-wired to look for meaning. We interpret all kinds of situations and objects with a focus on what they mean. Driving a certain car, having a particular handbag, or jewelry from a specific store can mean something about a person's status. Walking under a ladder or breaking a mirror can mean ‘bad luck’ while finding a four-leaf clover or hanging up a horseshoe can mean ‘good luck’. In this episode of Get Big Out Loud, we’ll explore ideas around meaning making, discuss the purpose of meaning, and to what degree meaning has value.

The Tipping Point

Between November and January, we celebrate many holidays in the United States. These celebrations can bring joy and fulfillment as well as stress and overwhelm. There are usually high expectations along with more obligations, time with people we may not see that often, and opportunities for strong emotions to arise. All of which can take us from calm to overwhelmed in a matter of moments. In this episode of Get Big Out Loud, we’ll talk about the tipping point of the holiday season, share ideas for how to find balance in the chaos, and tangible ways to realistically enjoy this time of year.