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Journey To Hope

2m · Mental Wellness Cindy · 15 Jun 12:21

You have two choices when the walls are falling in on you 1. Break down in despair and let the walls crush you or, 2. Rise up in hope and lift those falling walls away from you. Rising up in hope is not an easy process it takes time, energy and determination. Life is not easy it is hard, it is filled with darkness and sometimes it is hard to see that light at the end of the tunnel. But when you choose hope you choose to believe that even though you cannot see that light at the end of the tunnel it is there. Take the first step today towards that unseen light and it will change your life for the better. My challenge and everyone’s challenge with this is to practice being hopeful every day because with daily practice being hopeful becomes natural. We all have to practice being hopeful, we also have to practice becoming alert, becoming more conscious and becoming aware. We also have to practice becoming kinder more compassionate and more caring with ourselves. The more we practice the better we will become at being able to be more hopeful, even when it feels like the whole world is against us and nothing is working the way we wanted it to. So the next time you have a problem in your life, instead of fighting it, take the time to ask what is this problem here to teach me? Choose to see the problem as your friend, something that is here to help you grow.

The episode Journey To Hope from the podcast Mental Wellness Cindy has a duration of 2:24. It was first published 15 Jun 12:21. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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