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E21: Strength

45m · Generation Of Harmony · 16 Feb 20:51

We've been taught directly, indirectly and through our own experience that strength is good...downright necessary! Right? Well, yes, right...wonderful...strength is a mighty skill to have. But going forward into a new paradigm of grace, is strength the tool that will get us there? 

The episode E21: Strength from the podcast Generation Of Harmony has a duration of 45:59. It was first published 16 Feb 20:51. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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You are more than your body, your mind, your emotions and memories. Who you truly are can be felt through the unique tone of your heart.

Experiencing and expanding the heart is truly effortless, although it does ask the mind to be aware of how it feels when the frequencies of the heart are moving through the body.

The simple approach in this guided meditation can be applied whether you are at home in front of your altar or if you are waiting in line at the store. Once you get the sense of how it feels to expand your heart into and beyond your body, it begins to create a way of being where the mind, body and heart form a sweet friendship.

The more you play with these tools, you begin to notice your world shifting around you. You begin to notice a foundation of ease within yourself from which you cannot fall.

Enjoy these tools, and when you are ready to explore more, visit to read and listen, to engage the online courses and gatherings, and to engage with direct 1-1 guidance with Kerri Lake.

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FB: @generationofharmony

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Every Podcast » Generation Of Harmony » E21: Strength