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2020: a holistic review

19m · Open Hearts · 28 Dec 16:41

This is an episode where I will guide you through my yearly review method, prompting you with specific questions and riding through an inward journey through the past 365 days. I use a holistic approach that builds inwards to bloom outwards. The ultimate goal here is to reach a deeper understanding of your own self and how you navigated through this year bringing clarity to your mind in order to prepare for what is coming next.

Questions mentioned during the podcast:
- How do you feel today? Do you remember how you felt by the end of 2019?
- How could you resume in a couple of words how 2020 felt to you?
- What made you feel the most proud about it this year?
- What disappointed you the most this year?
- Which person did you wish you were there for?
- Write down the 5 most important people that were part of your year?
- How and what did they change or contributed to your year?
- What was your biggest aspiration for 2020?
- Did you have any plans laid out for 2020? Which ones?
- How do you feel now about them? Have they been realised or not?
- What is the link that you can observe in between what has been realised (or not) and your feelings about it?
- If you did not achieved your goals, what stopped you from achieving them? Take your time, break it down step by step.
- Was it a feeling like fear or not feeling enough? Or a material constraint? How did you overcome that or find an alternative to still getting closer to your goal?
- During this year were there any skills, experiences, activities, subjects, discussions you wish you knew more about?
- What have you done this year that made you feel your best self?
- If there could be something you wish you knew what would it be?

The episode 2020: a holistic review from the podcast Open Hearts has a duration of 19:14. It was first published 28 Dec 16:41. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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