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EP 160: Is Walking Truly Exercise? Or Is It Just A Daily Chore?

30m · Can't Believe I Made It Podcast · 20 Apr 00:03


Welcome to 'Can't Believe I Made It,' where we explore the science of everyday activities and their impact on our health. Today, we're tackling a commonly held belief that might change how you view one of the most accessible forms of exercise: walking.

In a recent episode of the Ed Mylett Show, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon expressed a view that walking should not be considered exercise but rather an activity of daily living, labeling it as the "lowest possible standard." Such statements can be misleading and may even be seen as ableist, disregarding the significant health benefits and accessibility of walking as a form of exercise.

Here at 'Can't Believe I Made It,' we believe it's crucial to challenge such narratives. Not everyone has the ability or resources to engage in high-intensity workouts. For many, especially those with health conditions, injuries, disabilities, or maybe even those who don’t have access to education or resources, walking is not only achievable but essential for maintaining health. It's inclusive, it's beneficial, and yes, it's absolutely exercise.

Research supports this inclusive approach. A comprehensive study on daily step counts reveals that even moderate increases in walking can substantially improve health outcomes. This counters the notion that exercise must be intense to be beneficial. It highlights the importance of every step and shows that walking can significantly reduce the risk of mortality.

So, as we discuss this topic, let's remember the importance of inclusivity in health and fitness. Walking is exercise, and for many, it's a vital part of staying healthy. Join us as we delve deeper into why walking deserves more respect in the fitness world and how embracing a broader view of exercise can help foster a healthier, more inclusive community.

Stay tuned, and let's take this journey together, step by step

Links & Resources:

  • Check out our new Podpage! :

  • Connect with Us: @deziabeyta and @imadeitpod on Instagram

  • Review & Subscribe: Love what you’re hearing? Please leave a review and subscribe to our podcast on Youtube!

Signing Off:

To our vibrant community of High Performers, remember, each step you take towards understanding and caring for your health marks progress on your wellness journey. Keep striving, stay curious, and support one another. Until next time, keep thriving in your quest for health and excellence!

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The episode EP 160: Is Walking Truly Exercise? Or Is It Just A Daily Chore? from the podcast Can't Believe I Made It Podcast has a duration of 30:11. It was first published 20 Apr 00:03. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

More episodes from Can't Believe I Made It Podcast

EP 162: Goal Setting: Helping or Hurting? The Rise of Anti-Goals.


In this enlightening episode of “Can’t Believe I Made It,” we dive into the transformative concept of anti-goals. Discover how thinking inversely about your objectives by defining what you desperately want to avoid can streamline your path to success in life, work, and fitness. We share personal stories, discuss practical examples across different spheres of life, and invite you to reconsider your approach to goal setting for enhanced productivity and well-being.


anti-goals, productivity, well-being, success, personal growth, fitness, work efficiency, mental health


  • Understanding anti-goals can significantly enhance personal and professional productivity.

  • Anti-goals help identify and avoid potential pitfalls on your path to success.

  • Strategic avoidance through anti-goals sets up effective guardrails for your ambitions.

  • Upcoming episodes will delve into legal performance boosters to further optimize your success trajectory.

Sound Bites:

  • “Embrace the paradox of anti-goals to unlock a new dimension of productivity and wellness.”

  • “Discover how avoiding the worst can lead you to your best.”

  • “Anti-goals: Not just about what you’re doing, but what you’re deliberately avoiding to succeed.”


  • Introduction to Anti-Goals: Why Understanding What to Avoid Matters

  • Exploring Anti-Goals in Personal Life: Avoiding Daily Distractions

  • How Anti-Goals Can Transform Your Work Environment

  • Implementing Anti-Goals in Fitness Routines

  • Practical Tips for Setting Up Your Anti-Goals

  • Wrap-Up and Tease for Upcoming Topics on Legal Performance Boosters

Links & Resources:

  • Check out our new Podpage! :

  • Connect with Us: @deziabeyta and @imadeitpod on Instagram

  • Review & Subscribe: Love what you’re hearing? Please leave a review and subscribe to our podcast on Youtube!

Signing Off:

Thanks for joining us on this journey into the unconventional yet profoundly effective concept of anti-goals. As we continue to explore innovative ways to enhance your productivity and wellness, remember that sometimes, the best way to move forward is by clearly defining what you want to leave behind. Stay tuned for our next episode on legal performance boosters. Until next time, keep pushing the boundaries of what you believe you can achieve!

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EP 161: It’s Okay, To Not Be Okay: Tackling Nutrition, Sleep, and Beyond


In this episode, we focus on the importance of mental health awareness and the value of vulnerability. We'll explore the myths and misconceptions surrounding mental health that can hinder personal growth. The conversation revolves around the four pillars of mental wellness: nutrition, movement, sleep, and thinking. We provide insights and practical tips for improving mental wellness in each of these areas, emphasizing the importance of seeking help, being honest about our mental state, and taking regular mental moments for self-care.


  • Vulnerability is a strength and an important aspect of mental health.

  • Myths and misconceptions about mental health can hinder personal growth.

  • Improving mental wellness involves focusing on nutrition, movement, sleep, and thinking.

  • Seeking help and being honest about one's mental state are crucial for mental wellness.

  • Taking regular mental moments for self-care is essential for overall well-being.

  • Sound Bites

  • "Vulnerability is not about oversharing, it's about having a safe space to talk about difficult things."

  • "Our environment, including the people we spend time with, affects our mental health."

  • "Prioritizing nutrition and movement can positively impact how we feel about ourselves."


  • 00:00 - The Power of Vulnerability and Mental Health Awareness: We start by discussing the role of vulnerability in mental health and how it fosters connection and understanding.

  • 10:40 - Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions about Mental Health: We tackle common misconceptions about mental health that may hinder personal growth.

  • 13:10 - The Four Pillars of Mental Wellness: Nutrition and Movement: We focus on how nutrition and movement affect mental wellness, offering practical tips for improvement.

  • 23:57 - The Four Pillars of Mental Wellness: Thinking: We explore how our thinking patterns impact mental health and discuss strategies for fostering positive thinking.

  • 29:53 - Seeking Help and Taking Mental Moments for Self-Care: We emphasize the importance of seeking help and taking time for self-care to maintain overall well-being.

Links & Resources:

  • Check out our new Podpage! :

  • Connect with Us: @deziabeyta and @imadeitpod on Instagram

  • Review & Subscribe: Love what you’re hearing? Please leave a review and subscribe to our podcast on Youtube!

Signing Off:

To our vibrant community of High Performers, remember, each step you take towards understanding and caring for your health marks progress on your wellness journey. Keep striving, stay curious, and support one another. Until next time, keep thriving in your quest for health and excellence!

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EP 160: Is Walking Truly Exercise? Or Is It Just A Daily Chore?


Welcome to 'Can't Believe I Made It,' where we explore the science of everyday activities and their impact on our health. Today, we're tackling a commonly held belief that might change how you view one of the most accessible forms of exercise: walking.

In a recent episode of the Ed Mylett Show, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon expressed a view that walking should not be considered exercise but rather an activity of daily living, labeling it as the "lowest possible standard." Such statements can be misleading and may even be seen as ableist, disregarding the significant health benefits and accessibility of walking as a form of exercise.

Here at 'Can't Believe I Made It,' we believe it's crucial to challenge such narratives. Not everyone has the ability or resources to engage in high-intensity workouts. For many, especially those with health conditions, injuries, disabilities, or maybe even those who don’t have access to education or resources, walking is not only achievable but essential for maintaining health. It's inclusive, it's beneficial, and yes, it's absolutely exercise.

Research supports this inclusive approach. A comprehensive study on daily step counts reveals that even moderate increases in walking can substantially improve health outcomes. This counters the notion that exercise must be intense to be beneficial. It highlights the importance of every step and shows that walking can significantly reduce the risk of mortality.

So, as we discuss this topic, let's remember the importance of inclusivity in health and fitness. Walking is exercise, and for many, it's a vital part of staying healthy. Join us as we delve deeper into why walking deserves more respect in the fitness world and how embracing a broader view of exercise can help foster a healthier, more inclusive community.

Stay tuned, and let's take this journey together, step by step

Links & Resources:

  • Check out our new Podpage! :

  • Connect with Us: @deziabeyta and @imadeitpod on Instagram

  • Review & Subscribe: Love what you’re hearing? Please leave a review and subscribe to our podcast on Youtube!

Signing Off:

To our vibrant community of High Performers, remember, each step you take towards understanding and caring for your health marks progress on your wellness journey. Keep striving, stay curious, and support one another. Until next time, keep thriving in your quest for health and excellence!

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EP 159: The Power of a Morning Routine and Rest: A Story of Resilience and Effort with Dan MacQueen

What up people! In this episode, Dan MacQueen shares his story of surviving two traumatic brain injuries and the challenges he faced during his recovery. He emphasizes the importance of taking action and having a solutions-oriented mindset. Dan discusses the power of changing perspective and finding triumph in difficult situations. He also highlights the significance of resilience and effort in overcoming obstacles. In this conversation, Daniel MacQueen shares his journey of resilience and overcoming adversity after experiencing a brain hemorrhage and subsequent brain surgery. He emphasizes the importance of embracing failure and taking risks in order to make progress. Dan also discusses the mindset shift he went through and the moments that motivated him to share his story and provide value to others. He talks about the habits and rituals that have helped him thrive, including his morning routine, tracking his health with the Whoop strap, and setting small, achievable goals. Dan believes that he is just getting started and wants to make a big impact by changing the way people look at the world. Takeaways It's not what happens to you, but how you respond to it that matters. Changing your perspective can turn the worst situations into the best opportunities. Having a solutions-oriented mindset is crucial in dealing with problems. Resilience and effort are key in overcoming obstacles. Triumph can be found in the most difficult situations. Embrace failure and take risks in order to make progress. Shift your mindset and overcome the fear of failure. Set small, achievable goals and build momentum. Establish a morning routine and prioritize rest. Track your health and listen to your body. Believe in your own potential and strive to make a big impact. Sound Bites "Ride the wave that comes, man. Make it happen." "It's not what happens to you, but how you respond to it that matters." "When you change the way you look at the world, the world you look at changes." "I have been actively working on that piece... because I don't want to fail if I do." "Only by risking failure did I realize I would make real progress and real steps." "Every failure is a step closer to success." Make Sure You Guys Support Dan! website YouTube Instagram LinkedIn Twitter One step, at a time. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Welcoming Dan McQueen 01:12 Theme: Taking Action and Creating Actionable Steps 06:19 Theme: Solutions-Oriented Mindset 09:48 Theme: Resilience and Effort 12:35 Theme: Finding Triumph in Difficult Situations 27:16 The Mindset Shift: Overcoming the Fear of Failure 29:09 Taking Steps to Better Yourself 37:37 The Power of a Morning Routine and Rest 39:10 Tracking Health and Listening to Your Body 45:09 Believing in Your Potential and Making a Big Impact Links & Resources: Check out our new Podpage! : Connect with Us: @deziabeyta and @imadeitpod on Instagram Review & Subscribe: Love what you’re hearing? Please leave a review and subscribe to our podcast on Youtube! Signing Off: To our vibrant community of High Performers, remember, each step you take towards understanding and caring for your health marks progress on your wellness journey. Keep striving, stay curious, and support one another. Until next time, keep thriving in your quest for health and excellence! --- Send in a voice message:

EP 158: Andrew Huberman Cancelled?! Navigating Controversy in the Wellness Industry

Welcome, everyone, to a thought-provoking journey through the heart of a story that's been stirring the wellness community: the recent controversy involving Andrew Huberman. As your host, I'm diving deep into what this means for us all—whether we're sharing information or seeking it. Today, we're unpacking the complexities of science communication, the essential need for critical thinking, and how transparency can light our way in the vast wellness landscape.


In this episode, I reflect on the ripples caused by the controversy surrounding Andrew Huberman, a figure who has wielded significant influence in the health and wellness domain. We'll explore the impact this has on the way we communicate science and how it challenges us, as consumers, to be more discerning in the health information we digest. I'll share insights on the vital role of evidence-based information and offer guidance on navigating the sea of content to find beacons of trust and clarity.


  • The Huberman controversy shines a spotlight on the critical need for us to sharpen our discernment when consuming health information.

  • Remember, the credibility of a health communicator is not just in their title but in the evidence and humility they bring to the table.

  • It's about prioritizing hard evidence over compelling anecdotes or selective studies. Facts should guide our health decisions.

  • Seeking out science communicators who embody transparency and humility is crucial. These are the voices that can truly enlighten us.

  • Adopting a personalized approach to health and wellness, grounded in nuance and evidence, is essential. There's no one-size-fits-all solution.

  • Being selective and questioning in our consumption of health information is not just wise—it's necessary for our well-being.

  • This controversy serves as a stark reminder of the fine line between influence and integrity in the wellness industry.

  • Embracing skepticism and inquiry is a powerful stance in the pursuit of health and wellness.

Sound Bites

  • "I'm here to remind myself and you that in the realm of health communication, humility and evidence are our guiding stars."

  • "Let's not forget, our strongest asset in navigating health advice is a questioning mind—seek evidence, embrace nuance, and always look for the science behind the claim."

  • "This episode, this controversy, is a moment for all of us to reflect on how we engage with wellness narratives. It's a call to critical thinking and discernment in an age flooded with information."


As we wrap up today's exploration into the complexities of health and wellness controversies, let's carry forward the lessons learned. It's clear that as we journey through the wellness landscape, armed with a critical eye and a heart for truth, we can navigate the choppy waters of health information with confidence and care. Remember, the quest for health is personal, and armed with the right tools for discernment, we're each capable of charting a course that's not only informed but truly transformative. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and until next time, stay curious, stay skeptical, and stay well.

Links & Resources:

  • Check out our new Podpage! :

  • Connect with Us: @deziabeyta and @imadeitpod on Instagram

  • Review & Subscribe: Love what you’re hearing? Please leave a review and subscribe to our podcast on Youtube!

  • Check out Andrea Love’s article on Slate here.

Signing Off:

To our vibrant community of High Performers, remember, each step you take towards understanding and caring for your health marks progress on your wellness journey. Keep striving, stay curious, and support one another. Until next time, keep thriving in your quest for health and excellence!

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