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Aligning with the Cosmos: Transformative Power of Astrology and Intuition with Rachel V

1h 4m · Taylored Talks · 01 May 14:00

Ever felt stuck, unable to break free from a pattern of control and anxiety? What if there was a transformative journey waiting for you on the other side of surrender?

Many of us find ourselves trapped in cycles of control, anxiety, and a desperate search for answers. We invest time and money in areas that promise solutions, only to find ourselves more lost and disconnected than ever.

In this episode, Rachel Varitimos shares her profound journey from a life dominated by control and anxiety to discovering the power of astrology and surrender. She reveals how the unseen forces of astrology can guide us towards alignment, intuition, and transformation. Learn how Rachel found the courage to step into her North Node, break free from the overdone patterns of her South Node, and embrace a life rooted in authenticity.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

πŸ‘‰ The transformative power of creating space in your life.

πŸ‘‰ The significance of North Node and South Node in astrology for personal growth.

πŸ‘‰ How surrender and intuition can lead to profound transformations.

πŸ‘‰ The importance of resourcefulness in building the life you desire.

Join us in this eye-opening episode as we explore the untapped potential within you, waiting to be unleashed through the magic of astrology and the courage to surrender.

Connect with Rachel:

Instagram: rachel_varitimos


  • Rachel's journey from being stuck in her business to finding alignment through astrology

  • The power of astrology in connecting with intuition and understanding energetic influences

  • Astrology creating a masculine container for the feminine to flow

  • Rachel's personal experience using astrology to make major life decisions

  • The significance of the Pisces blue moon in Rachel's journey

  • Rachel's decision to take a four-month break from her business and the challenges she faced

  • How studying astrology intensely during the break led to unexpected self-discovery

  • Rachel's realization that she is an astrologer and the positive feedback she received

  • Reaffirmation of her decision to take a break and the subsequent relaunch of her business

  • Rachel's journey from ego-driven thinking to spirituality, trust, faith, and intuition

  • Childhood struggles with obesity, social isolation, and the quest for weight loss

  • The impact of attending a weight loss camp, gaining friends, and learning unhealthy eating habits

  • Rachel's obsession with nutrition and dieting, leading to anxiety and control issues

  • The decision to study nutrition in college to find answers and freedom from body image concerns

  • Facing anxiety and a month-long anxiety attack in the final month of college

  • The realization that the pursuit of nutrition did not bring the expected answers

  • Seeking further education in functional diagnostic nutrition and the disappointment of the results

  • Taking a step back, working for her dad, and finding solace in growing cannabis

  • The role of cannabis in managing anxiety and sleep issues

  • Rachel's experience working at a dispensary, meeting her partner, and the impact on her life

  • Leaving the dispensary, starting their own businesses, and the challenges faced in 2020

  • Rachel's decision to take a month off, creating space, and the power of resourcefulness

  • Hosting retreats as a way to align with her astrological guidance and finding success

  • The importance of surrender, trust, and stepping into the North Node in astrology

  • Rachel's transition from nutrition coaching to astrology-based coaching

  • Reflecting on the significance of space and resourcefulness in personal and professional growth

  • Encouraging others to embrace the unknown, take courageous leaps, and build resilience

The episode Aligning with the Cosmos: Transformative Power of Astrology and Intuition with Rachel V from the podcast Taylored Talks has a duration of 1:04:34. It was first published 01 May 14:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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Connect with Jazz:

Instagram: @jazzleaf_


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  • Introduction of Zen Honeycutt and Moms Across America

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  • Formation of Moms Across America as a response to GMO labeling initiative and school lunch concerns

  • Strategy of utilizing local events like 4th of July parades for awareness campaigns

  • Growth of Moms Across America movement with 600 leaders and 1000 events across all 50 states

  • Zen's transition from fashion designer to activist driven by concern for her children's health

  • Classification of GMOs and lack of long-term safety studies

  • Explanation of three types of GMOs: BT toxin GMOs, herbicide-tolerant GMOs, and desired trait GMOs

  • Health and environmental risks associated with GMOs and glyphosate-based herbicides

  • Lack of accountability in government regulation and corporate influence

  • Personal impact on Zen's family, including allergies, seizures, and behavioral issues

  • Positive outcomes observed after transitioning to GMO-free and organic diets

  • Anecdotal evidence of health improvements in children and adults after switching to organic diets

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  • Importance of being mindful of food choices and understanding the cumulative effects of exposures over time

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Take the first step towards holistic healing and discover the freedom that comes from living in alignment with your true self. Tune in now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Connect with Adrienne:



  • Living in a state of "please and appease" due to societal conditioning

  • The impact of denying one's essence self on health and well-being

  • Recognizing the role of anger as a form of suppressed authenticity

  • The importance of embracing authenticity and vulnerability

  • Gender stereotypes and societal expectations affecting women's expression

  • The connection between physical health and emotional well-being

  • Overcoming perfectionism and societal pressures

  • The significance of pacing life in alignment with cyclical rhythms

  • Understanding the body's signals and addressing root causes of health issues

  • Creating safe spaces for healing and self-expression

  • Reclaiming community and sisterhood for support and empowerment

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πŸ‘‰ The importance of listening to your body and advocating for your own health needs.

Connect with Alexa:

Instagram: @arenayd10


  • The emotional rollercoaster of long-distance relationships: coping mechanisms and growth.

  • Uncovering the hidden impacts of birth control on mental and physical health.

  • Practical tips for prioritizing self-care amidst life's challenges.

  • Understanding and addressing gastrointestinal health concerns.

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  • Overcoming obstacles to maintaining a healthy lifestyle in college or during major transitions.

  • Advocating for one's health needs and seeking personalized care.

  • Reflecting on past experiences to inform present and future well-being.

  • Building resilience and finding strength through adversity.

  • Cultivating mindfulness and listening to your body's cues for optimal health.

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