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Ep 31 - My 5 Biggest Launch Lessons

18m · Choose Your Own Biz · 06 Jul 15:49

Launches can be fun and terrifying and exhausting all at the same time. So why do we do them? Often, it’s the appeal of being able to bring a good amount of revenue into the business in a short amount of time. Over the past five years, I have done dozens of launches of my own programs and other people’s programs that I am an affiliate for. While I love the revenue they bring, there are a few things I've learned that have made a big difference in how I approach my launches. In this episode, I am sharing my 5 biggest lessons from launching that you can apply today in your business.

The episode Ep 31 - My 5 Biggest Launch Lessons from the podcast Choose Your Own Biz has a duration of 18:18. It was first published 06 Jul 15:49. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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Every Podcast » Choose Your Own Biz » Ep 31 - My 5 Biggest Launch Lessons