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38: The Key to Standing Out In A Saturated Market

31m · Woke + Worthy · 15 Jun 12:00


In true Jess fashion I am going to give it to you straight: just because you have a business doesn't mean that you have a brand. 

I think too often we confuse growing our business as one and the same as growing our brand, but they are entirely two different aspects. 

It's often when we focus on growing our business that we can find ourselves:

  •  Comparing ourselves to other's in the industry, not sure why someone would pick us over another coach
  • Feeling like we aren't original and neither are the programs we want to create (so we don't) 
  •  Don't know what it is that we do differently from anyone else 

And alllll of that just leads to us living in constant fear of the market "being too saturated" which is absolutely false... 

When you place your focus on building a BRAND that is! 

So on today's episode we are talking all about: 

  • What does it mean to grow your brand vs. your business
  • What does it actually mean to grow your brand 
  • The importance of growing your brand 
  • How to stand out online so you NEVER have to worry about the market being "too saturated"
  • Three keys to building a brand that stands out 

Think of it this way...

When you go into a gas station you don't see a no name brands when you go to the cooler section. You see: Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Gatorade, Power-aid, Dr. Pepper. (just to name a few) 

It's the same reason why as consumers the majority of us will trust buying brands that we know, like and trust. 

Remember NO ONE wants a knock off of someone else. The secret to creating a brand that attracts not just clients but did we just become best friends (cue Stepbrothers scene) soul mate clients is by building a brand. 

Not a business. 

A brand that can't be copied.

And the sole reason it can't be copied is because no one can be you, like YOU!

Growing a business will get you started, but growing a brand will get you to 6 figures. If you are ready to grow your business to consistent 5-10k months, while creating content that has soul mate clients sliding into YOUR DM's asking how to sign up...I'm showing you exactly how I built my business to over 6 figures and how you can too! CLICK HERE to apply for the next round of the Awakened Entrepreneur! We officially start on June 21. 

🎧 Thanks for listening! 🎧

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me @iamjesskwasny! And don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!






The episode 38: The Key to Standing Out In A Saturated Market from the podcast Woke + Worthy has a duration of 31:38. It was first published 15 Jun 12:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

More episodes from Woke + Worthy

052: Why You Don't Need Lots of Followers to Make Money




Tell me, have you ever told yourself that when I have "x" amount of followers in my business then I will FINALLY be able to make "x" amount of money?

I know that I used to think that way! I couldn't wait for the day that my account hit 10,000 followers because it meant that I would finally be able to tell my audience "SWIPE UP to register!" Thank gosh to IG for making the link feature available to everyone now. 

So I understand that it can be easy to think that the answer to all of our problems (signing clients and making more money) could be solved by having more followers....only having more followers isn't going to be what solves them.  

Which is why on today's episode we are talking all about: 

  • Why you don't need a large audience to make over 6 figures in your business 
  • Why walking away from an IG account with over 20,000 followers to start from scratch was the BEST decision I ever made 
  • What is a target audience and why it's so important to have a targeted following 
  • How to attract an audience that is ready and wants to PAY you 

Remember while having a large audience may feel good, it's a targeted audience that pays good!  

Are you a coach who is looking to sign high ticket clients consistently online so that you can scale your business to 6 figures? If so, AWAKENED ENTREPRENEUR IS OPEN FOR ENROLEMENT!

This 4 month group coaching program will help you to:

  • organically grow your social media account with 100 -1000's of dream clients, so you can stop spending hours following accounts (that rarely ever end up following you)
  • know exactly how to create content that has your inbox flooded with DM's of: "where can I sign up," and "link please?!"
  • create a program that is EXACTLY what your dream client has been looking, where sales have never felt easier, and neither has filling your coaching spots 

If you are ready to experience your most successful cash months of 2022 yet, this program was designed exactly for you! CLICK HERE to apply! 

 🎧 Thanks for listening! 🎧

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me @iamjesskwasny! And don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!





051: How To ACTUALLY Measure Consistency in Business



Is it just me or have you also felt like you have been talking to crickets these past few months?

Have you felt disappointed and discouraged every-time that you looked at your social media analytics, only to see that your engagement has tanked?  

If so, you are NOT alone my friend!

Through conversations on IG, as well as, with my clients let me know that I am not alone in feeling this way. So I decided to have a conversation about it while also diving into what consistency looks like in terms of our businesses. 

I think too often in business it is easy to forget where we have come from and what we have built because we are so laser focused on where we want to go and the fact that we aren't there yet. 

Which means that it is also extremely easy to overlook everything that we HAVE accomplished. 

Which then often makes "off" months, feel like "off" quarters. Which isn't usually the case. 


On today's podcast episode we are talking all about: 

  • Understanding the seasons in your business
  • So things are slow...and what do you do about it 
  • Analyzing your interaction and how you have been recently showing (or not showing) up on social media
  • Understanding what consistency means to YOU (extremely important) 
  • How to measure your level of consistency


Remember consistently signing clients in your business doesn't just happen over night, it takes time!

The worst thing you can do is beat yourself up between the time that it takes you to get to the next level of consistency that you desire. 

I bet that when you sit down and do the consistency exercise in this episode that you will be pleasantly surprised with where you are at in your business. 


Are you a coach who is looking to sign high ticket clients consistently online so that you can scale your business to 6 figures? If so, AWAKENED ENTREPRENEUR IS OPEN FOR ENROLEMENT!

This 4 month group coaching program will help you to:

  • organically grow your social media account with 100 -1000's of dream clients, so you can stop spending hours following accounts (that rarely ever end up following you)
  • know exactly how to create content that has your inbox flooded with DM's of: "where can I sign up," and "link please?!"
  • create a program that is EXACTLY what your dream client has been looking, where sales have never felt easier, and neither has filling your coaching spots 

If you are ready to experience your most successful cash months of 2022 yet, this program was designed exactly for you! CLICK HERE to apply! 

 🎧 Thanks for listening! 🎧

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me @iamjesskwasny! And don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!





050: Why Your Content Isn't Converting and What To Do About It



Let's be honest creating content can feel like a full time job...in fact for some of us it is. 

So what ends up happening when we are creating content consistently, yet not signing clients consistently? 

We hate it...that's what.

And the more that we hate it, the harder the creation process feels, the harder the process feels, the less we want to do it, the less we want to do it..the less clients we sign. 

So we end up getting ourselves into a creative funk and don't know how to get out of it. 

What I have come to learn by working with almost 100 clients, is that there are usually 2 reasons why our content isn't converting:

  • We don't understand the different levels of awareness (buyer phases) of our ideal clients 


  • We understand the levels of awareness but not how to talk/write content to each level to warm them up through our content 


Which is why on  today's episode I dive into:

  • The three levels of awareness of your ideal client 
  • Two most commonly created types of content and the ONE critical type that is missing 
  • The most overlooked part of our audience and why overlooking them is costing us money 
  • Why you don't need a large following to make more money 
  • How to warm up and build trust with the following you already have 



Here's the thing...you don't actually need more followers to make more money. You just have to speak to the ones that you already have. You are sitting on a gold mine and don't even know it yet. 

PS. Want to learn how to create epic content that turns your loyal followers into loyal buyers? In my FREE 3 day BITCHHHH, I'M BOOKED bootcamp I am showing you how to write copy so compelling it takes you from crickets to clients. So if signing dream, where have you been all my life clients off of a single post is your jam...I'll see you there. CLICK HERE to register!

🎧 Thanks for listening! 🎧

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me @iamjesskwasny! And don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!





049: How the Stories We Tell Ourselves Effect Our Lives


I am going to be brutally honest with you....lately life has felt like a bit of a shit show! From selling our townhouse, temporarily moving in with my parents, finding the perfect rental, planning to move into our fifth wheel before moving into the perfect rental all while running a business has made me feel a little like a chicken with my head cut off. 

Needless to say, it's felt like a LOT!! 

What's made it feel even worse is the fact that I was telling myself that it was a lot. I have been constantly caught up in feeling like there is so much to do, and not enough time to do it. And the more that I told myself that...the more that I believed it and the more true that it felt. 

Our lives are the reality of the stories that we tell ourselves. Our beliefs create our thoughts, our thoughts create our action and our action create our reality. Since my thoughts have been rooted in stress, anxiety, pressure...what do you think my current reality has felt like?



And soooooo much pressure...

As someone who has been deeply immersed in personal development, mindset and energy work for over the past 5 years I am no stranger to the ways in which I self sabotage. And these past few weeks my saboteur has been the one running the show. 

Which is why on  today's episode I dive into:

  • How to identify patterns that are keeping us stuck in our lives and/or businesses 
  • How the change the stories that you are telling yourself 
  • Gaining clarity on what it is that you DO want to feel 
  • How to catch yourself when you feel you are slipping back into old patterns 
  • My top tip to get you back into alignment 


The silver lining to all of this is that we really are more powerful than we will ever give ourselves credit for. Where we are today is a sum of our beliefs, the stories we have told ourselves and what we believe to be true for us. And if where you are at currently isn't where you want to be, you have absolutely EVERYTHING that you need inside of you to change it. 

You just have to decide that your story is worth changing. And once you do, watch how quickly your life changes! 


PS. Want to learn how to sign clients consistently through social media while working less than 5 hrs/day? Awakened Entrepreneur starts on Sept 19th! This is my 4 month program that shows you everything you need to know to consistently sign clients and build a 6 figure business. CLICK HERE to apply for the next round! 

🎧 Thanks for listening! 🎧

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me @iamjesskwasny! And don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!





048: How to Create Your 6 Figure Business Strategy - Part 2


There is no one size fits all when it comes to strategy and how to run your business. There is only ONE way and that way is the way that is PERFECT for you. 

Which also happens to be a strategy that is completely unique to you, your energy, your lifestyle, your vision and what you want to create.

Yet so often what ends up happening is that instead of creating our own business strategy we follow what is either taught to us or what we see working well for someone else. What often ends up happening when we do this is one of two things:

  1. The strategy works for awhile, until it doesn't work at all 
  2. We follow it and we have complete resistance to it, but continue to follow it 

Both of which contribute to a lack of inspiration and motivation for your business which just creates more resistance for you. 

So how do you create the perfect strategy for you? 

FIRST you stop by trying to following someone else's strategy and second you START finding your own. 

Which is exactly what I am helping you discover on today's episode and why we talk all things:

  • what is the MICRO strategy for your business
  • the four components that make up the micro strategy for your business 
  • why how you support yourself both in AND outside of your business is crucial to your success
  • how to sell multiple offers at a time as a multi passionate entrepreneur 
  • why understanding the levels of awareness of your audience is key in your content strategy 
  • discovering which way you like to sell MOST so you can sign clients consistently 


Remember: A vision without action is a dream and action without a vision is just work. It's when you combine both your vision and action that you end up seeing it through to fruition! 


🎧 Thanks for listening! 🎧

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me @iamjesskwasny! And don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!





Every Podcast » Woke + Worthy » 38: The Key to Standing Out In A Saturated Market