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The Self Aware Leader with Jason Rigby

by Jason Rigby

Discover the transformative power of Evolving Leadership with the Self Aware Leader Podcast, hosted by Jason Rigby. Embark on a life-changing journey and empower yourself with cutting-edge insights, strategies, and wisdom from the world's most influential and forward-thinking leaders. Learn how to cultivate self-awareness, foster growth, and unlock your full potential with thought-provoking discussions and actionable advice. Tune in to the Self-Aware Leader Podcast and take the first step towards becoming the exceptional leader you were destined to be.


Ring of Fire Eclipse: How Self-Awareness Fueled Human Evolution and Psychology

13m · Published 14 Oct 22:14

Eclipses, be they solar or lunar, have always captivated human beings with their celestial splendor. From ancient myths and superstitions to modern-day scientific inquiries, eclipses have always been enveloped in an aura of mystery and intrigue. This blog post endeavors to explore the fascinating intersection between eclipses, human physiology, and evolution, delving into how these spectacular celestial events might have shaped our ancestors and potentially continue to influence us today.

Section 1: Eclipses Through the Ages

A. Ancestral Beliefs and Practices

Historically, eclipses were often regarded with awe and fear, perceived as omens or divine interventions. Different cultures developed various myths and rituals to explain or mitigate the perceived dangers of these celestial phenomena.

B. Scientific Understanding

With the advent of scientific understanding, we've come to know that eclipses are merely the result of the celestial alignment of the Earth, Moon, and Sun, causing one to obstruct the light of the other. Despite our advanced understanding, the fascination with these events remains undiminished.

Section 2: Eclipses and Human Physiology

A. Psychological Effects

Eclipses can invoke a range of psychological responses, from awe and wonder to fear and anxiety. The sudden darkening of the sky during a solar eclipse, especially, can stir profound emotions and psychological effects.

B. Biological Clocks

Humans, like all organisms, have biological clocks (circadian rhythms) that are tuned to the regular cycles of light and dark on our planet. The sudden darkness during a solar eclipse can momentarily disrupt these rhythms, although the long-term impacts, if any, remain largely speculative.

C. Vision and Eye Health

Looking directly at a solar eclipse without proper protection can cause serious eye damage, a condition known as solar retinopathy. This underscores the importance of using appropriate viewing equipment and techniques during these events.

Section 3: Eclipses and Human Evolution

A. Evolutionary Impact

While it's tempting to speculate that eclipses might have played a role in human evolution, there is currently no scientific evidence to support this. However, they may have influenced human culture, beliefs, and practices, which in turn might have had indirect effects on social and evolutionary development.

B. Cultural and Social Evolution

The recurrent theme of eclipses in myths, legends, and historical events across various cultures points to their significant impact on our collective imaginations and cultural narratives. Eclipses might have shaped social structures, belief systems, and rituals, thereby influencing our cultural and social evolution.

Section 4: Eclipses, Physiology, and Future Research

A. The Need for Further Research

Understanding the full spectrum of influences that eclipses might exert on human physiology and psychology demands further research, particularly in the realm of long-term and indirect impacts.

B. Exploring New Horizons

Research into the effects of eclipses on human physiology could potentially open new horizons in our understanding of human biology, particularly in relation to how our bodies respond to unexpected changes in environmental light conditions.


Eclipses, both solar and lunar, have played a pivotal role in shaping human history, culture, and possibly even our evolutionary trajectory. The interplay between these celestial events and human physiology is a rich field ripe for exploration, offering potential insights into our past, present, and future as a species.

How to Think 10x Bigger and Achieve Unstoppable Self Aware Growth

18m · Published 01 Oct 20:00

In this enriching episode of the Self-Aware Leader Podcast, host Jason Rigby delves into the game-changing philosophy of a 10x mindset, as championed by the esteemed strategic coach, Dan Sullivan. While there isn’t a direct conversation with Sullivan, Jason shares his insights on how adopting a 10x mindset can be a catalyst for unparalleled growth and efficiency in leadership and beyond.

Key Takeaways:

  1. 10x Mindset for Greater ROI:

    • Discussed the essence of focusing only on endeavors that promise a tenfold return on investment, ensuring that time, attention, and effort are utilized to the utmost.
  2. Culture of Continuous Learning:

    • Explored how a 10x mindset fosters a culture of incessant learning and improvement, with every change aimed at making processes faster, easier, cheaper, or significantly larger in scale.
  3. Energizing Progress:

    • Highlighted the motivational ripple effect a 10x mindset can have, not only on an individual but also on the entire team and organization.
  4. Enhanced Teamwork through 10x Focus:

    • Delved into how this approach aids in identifying and leveraging the unique strengths of each team member, fostering a collaborative environment essential for achieving remarkable results.
  5. Creating a New Normal of Growth:

    • Discussed how adopting a 10x mindset shifts the norm towards incessant growth and expansion, cultivating a conducive atmosphere for both personal and professional development.
  6. Self-Reflective Questions for a 10x Advantage:

    • Shared thought-provoking questions to help listeners evaluate their current stance and identify areas where a 10x mindset can be adopted for exponential growth.

Additional Resources:

  • Mention of Dan Sullivan’s work and the Strategic Coach website for listeners interested in delving deeper into the 10x mindset philosophy.

Tune in to explore how a 10x mindset, intertwined with self-awareness, can serve as a powerful tool for evolving leadership, fostering growth, and unlocking one’s full potential. Discover how you can take the first steps towards becoming the exceptional leader you were destined to be by embracing a mindset of abundance and ceaseless improvement.

From Battlefields to Boardrooms: How Leaders Can Control Chaos Like Napoleon

26m · Published 27 Aug 15:51

Leadership & Self-Awareness: Controlling the Chaos Within and Without

The art of leadership, in many ways, is a dance with chaos. As Napoleon Bonaparte, one of history's most formidable military leaders, once remarked, "The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls that chaos, both his own and the enemy's." While many of us are not literally on battlefields, the sentiment holds profound implications for modern leaders in all spheres.

The Chaos Within: Self-Awareness and Personal Mastery

Before a leader can aspire to control external chaos, he must first master the turmoil within. This inner chaos can take various forms: self-doubt, impulsiveness, unresolved past traumas, or the myopia of ego.

  1. Introspection: Begin with regular self-reflection. Take moments of solitude, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, to understand your emotions, motives, and reactions.

  2. Emotional Intelligence: Develop the ability to recognize and manage your own emotions, while understanding those of others. This not only mitigates personal chaos but also enhances interpersonal relationships—a crucial aspect of leadership.

  3. Seek Feedback: Encourage a culture where feedback is welcomed and valued. Often, our colleagues and subordinates observe patterns and behaviors we might miss. Their insights can be golden tickets to personal growth.

The Chaos Without: Leading Through Turbulence

Once personal chaos is addressed, a leader becomes better equipped to manage external adversities. A team, a company, or even a nation will inevitably face periods of turbulence, and it's the leader's role to guide the ship through these stormy seas.

  1. Vision and Clarity: Amidst confusion, a clear vision acts as a lighthouse. It's imperative to communicate this vision succinctly and effectively, giving your team a purpose and direction.

  2. Agility: In an ever-changing landscape, rigidity can be a downfall. Adaptability, on the other hand, allows a leader to pivot strategies when required, always staying a step ahead of the chaos.

  3. Empowerment: Trust your team. Equip them with the tools, knowledge, and autonomy they need to make decisions. An empowered team is more resilient, adaptive, and capable of navigating chaotic situations.

  4. Open Channels of Communication: Ensure that lines of communication are always open. When information flows seamlessly, the chances of misunderstandings and missteps—often the harbingers of chaos—are drastically reduced.

In conclusion, the essence of leadership isn't about avoiding chaos—it's about mastering it. The journey begins with personal self-awareness and culminates in the ability to navigate external challenges effectively. As leaders, let's embrace the wisdom of Napoleon and learn not just to survive amidst chaos, but to thrive.

Why Doing the Difficult Makes Your Day Remarkably Better: Embracing Daily Challenges

11m · Published 25 Aug 12:58

There's a secret that many successful leaders embrace but seldom openly share. They commit to doing the hard things every day, particularly the tasks others might shy away from. And, just like the principle of compound interest, this daily dedication to challenges accumulates over time, leading to exponential growth and success. Let's dive into some of these practices.

1. Physical Exercise: The First Victory of the Day

Starting the day with physical exercise is akin to winning your first battle. Whether it's a morning jog, lifting weights, or yoga stretches, putting your body to work sets a powerful tone for the day. It doesn't just benefit the body but sharpens the mind. It sends a clear message to our psyche: "If I can conquer this, I can conquer the tasks ahead."

2. Having Difficult Conversations: Facing Discomfort Head-On

Evading tough discussions may offer temporary relief, but it's akin to a band-aid on a wound that needs stitches. It may cover up the problem for a while, but it won't heal it. Leaders who are willing to have difficult conversations, be it with colleagues, employees, or partners, exhibit immense courage. These conversations, though uncomfortable, are pivotal for growth, understanding, and progress.

3. Doing What Other Leaders Won't: Setting a Distinctive Example

Leadership isn't just about guiding teams and making decisions. It's about stepping into roles and situations others might avoid. Whether it's taking on a challenging project, supporting a teammate in dire straits, or even admitting when they're wrong, true leaders consistently demonstrate they are prepared to go the extra mile. In doing so, they not only set a high standard but also build an environment of trust and reliability.

4. The Power of Compound Interest: Small Steps to Massive Gains

All of these daily challenges might seem taxing and even overwhelming at times. However, embracing them every day can lead to incredible long-term results, much like the principle of compound interest in finance. When you invest in your growth, capabilities, and resilience daily, the "interest" or growth you earn compounds over time. Each challenge you embrace and overcome adds to your "principal" amount, which then earns its own "interest" or growth.

In conclusion, as a leader, every day provides an opportunity to set yourself apart, to embrace challenges, and to pave a unique path to success. By doing the hard things, by diving into discomfort, and by consistently investing in your growth, you harness the profound power of compound interest in your personal and professional life. As you continue on this journey, remember that every challenge embraced is a step towards exponential growth. Embrace the hard, celebrate the growth, and lead by example.

Crafting Marketing Messages That Convert: The 3C Formula Unveiled

16m · Published 23 Aug 14:20

In today's saturated market, standing out from your competition is essential. It’s not enough to simply list your product or service’s features—you need to clearly and persuasively communicate the unique value you provide. This requires a strong, focused marketing message that grabs attention, builds trust, and motivates action.

Below is a three-step guide to crafting a marketing message that will resonate with your target audience. It’s designed to help you clarify your message, provide context that supports your value proposition, and create a vivid, memorable image of your solution in action.

Step 1: Clarity - Precisely Explaining the Problem You Solve

First and foremost, it's crucial to clearly define the problem that your product or service solves. Being vague here is a lost opportunity. Potential customers need to immediately understand and relate to the issue you’re addressing.


  • Write a clear, concise statement that articulates the problem you solve.
  • Use language your target audience uses and understands.
  • Test your problem statement on people outside of your industry to ensure it’s clear to those unfamiliar with your space.

Example: Instead of saying "We offer comprehensive financial planning tools," say "We help young families create a secure financial future without the stress of complex planning."

Step 2: Context - Supporting Your Value Proposition with Unique Selling Points

Now that you’ve defined the problem, it’s time to convincingly communicate why your solution is the best choice. This is where your unique selling points (USPs) come into play. USPs are specific, tangible benefits that set you apart from your competitors.


  • List 3-5 unique selling points that are both relevant to the problem you’ve identified and distinct from what your competitors offer.
  • Use data, testimonials, or specific examples to support each USP.
  • Keep these points focused and concise.

Example: "Our tool simplifies financial planning through easy-to-use templates, provides real-time budget tracking, and offers personalized advice from certified financial advisors."

Step 3: Creative - Helping the Visitor Visualize You Solving the Problem

A powerful marketing message doesn’t just tell—it shows. This step is all about painting a vivid picture of how your product or service will improve your customer's life. This ‘visualization’ can be created through storytelling, examples, or imagery.


  • Use a compelling story or scenario that shows your product or service in action.
  • Consider before-and-after visuals, such as images, videos, or infographics.
  • Use emotional and sensory language to make the scenario as relatable and tangible as possible.

Example: "Imagine a Sunday evening where instead of drowning in spreadsheets, worrying about retirement savings, or stressing over upcoming bills, you're relaxing with your family, secure in the knowledge that your finances are in order and your future is bright. That's the peace of mind we bring to young families every day."

In conclusion, crafting a winning marketing message is about more than just saying what you do—it's about clearly articulating the problem you solve, substantiating your solution with unique and compelling selling points, and painting a vivid, emotional picture of the positive outcome you deliver. By following these three steps—Clarity, Context, and Creative—you’ll be well on your way to a marketing message that not only stands out but also converts.

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How to Stay Calm and Make Smart Leadership Choices Under Pressure

14m · Published 21 Aug 13:54

In this episode, host Jason Rigby delves into the essence of effective leadership—being decisive in the midst of uncertainty. Drawing parallels between the battlefield and boardroom, Jason explores how leaders can navigate chaotic and stressful situations with composure and logic.

Key Points Covered in This Episode:

  • The physiological impact of stress on leaders
  • Emotional hijack: how stress affects Decision-making
  • Strategies for making decisions under uncertainty
  • The iterative decision-making process: taking small, informed steps
  • How to overcome analysis paralysis and act with conviction

Featured Quotes:

“In both the battlefield and the boardroom, uncertainty is a constant. Leaders must be comfortable under pressure and act with logic and decisiveness.”

“The full picture is rarely clear, but effective leaders cannot afford to be paralyzed by a lack of complete information.”

Resources Mentioned:

  • Book: "Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win" by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

Personal Update on Myself and Show

7m · Published 19 Aug 18:32

In this candid and heartfelt episode, I share a personal update about what has been happening in my life over the past few months. From launching a new podcast called "Recovered Addict" to experiencing significant growth in the spiritual podcast, and embarking on a health journey by adopting a plant-based diet.

New Podcast Spotlight:

  • Recovered Addict Podcast

    • A fresh perspective on recovery and life through the lens of someone who has lived it.
    • Listen on Spotify
  • Higher Density Living Podcast

    • Exploring spiritual growth and understanding, one enlightening episode at a time.
    • Listen on Spotify

Introverted Leaders: The Quiet Strength That Drives Innovation

9m · Published 13 Jun 20:48

Introverted leaders are often overlooked, but they have a unique set of strengths that can be incredibly valuable in the workplace. In this video, we'll discuss the strengths of introverted leaders, how they lead, the challenges they face, and how to overcome them.

Introverted leaders are often good listeners, deep thinkers, and highly empathetic. They are also detail-oriented and enjoy digging deep into problems to find well-considered solutions. These strengths can make them incredibly valuable in leadership roles, where they can use their ability to listen, think, and empathize to build strong relationships with their team members, make sound decisions, and solve problems effectively.

However, introverted leaders also face some challenges. They may be misunderstood by their colleagues, who may see them as aloof or lacking in dynamism. They may also feel pressure to be more extroverted, which can be draining and counterproductive. Despite these challenges, introverted leaders can be incredibly successful in leadership roles. By being proactive in communicating their style and preferences to their teams, and by embracing their unique strengths, introverted leaders can create a positive impact in the workplace.

If you're an introverted leader, or if you're interested in learning more about introverted leadership, I encourage you to watch this video. I hope it will help you understand the strengths of introverted leaders, how they lead, and how to overcome the challenges they face. Thanks for watching! I hope this helps!

How the Serenity Prayer Can Help You Be a Better Leader

9m · Published 05 Jun 18:28

In this captivating discussion, we unravel the layers of the Serenity Prayer and reveal its practical applications for leaders facing challenges and uncertainty. We explore the three key components of the prayer: acceptance, courage, and wisdom, and illustrate how they can transform the way leaders navigate complexity.

Key Points:

  1. Understanding the Serenity Prayer:

    • Delve into the essence of the Serenity Prayer and its historical significance.
    • Explore the profound meaning behind the prayer's three key components: acceptance, courage, and wisdom.
  2. Embracing Acceptance:

    • Learn the power of accepting what cannot be changed and the impact it has on leadership.
    • Discover strategies for cultivating acceptance in challenging situations.
  3. Cultivating Courage:

    • Uncover the role of courage in leadership and its ability to propel us forward.
    • Gain insights on developing courage and overcoming fears as a leader.
  4. Tapping into Wisdom:

    • Explore the wisdom that resides within and its significance for decision-making.
    • Learn techniques for accessing inner wisdom and integrating it into leadership practices.
  5. Practical Applications for Leaders:

    • Receive actionable strategies for incorporating the Serenity Prayer's principles into daily leadership practices.
    • Understand how embracing serenity, courage, and wisdom can enhance leadership effectiveness and well-being.

Conclusion: In this thought-provoking episode, we have explored the timeless wisdom of the Serenity Prayer and its usefulness for leaders. By embracing acceptance, courage, and wisdom, leaders can navigate challenges with grace, make wiser decisions, and foster a sense of serenity amidst uncertainty.

The Power of Affirmations for Leaders

5m · Published 08 May 01:53

Welcome to our latest episode, where we'll be diving deep into the world of affirmations and their incredible impact on leadership. If you've ever doubted the power of positive thinking, it's time to reconsider. Affirmations have been used for centuries to help people transform their lives, and today, we're exploring how they can do the same for your leadership journey.

In this episode, we'll discuss the role of affirmations in leadership, share some powerful examples, and guide you on how to create your own personalized affirmations. So, buckle up, and let's get started!

The Power of Affirmations:

Affirmations are short, positive statements that help to reprogram our subconscious minds, enabling us to replace negative beliefs with empowering ones. They can help us achieve a higher level of success, improve our self-confidence, and strengthen our leadership abilities.

As a leader, using affirmations can help you develop a mindset of abundance and gratitude, allowing you to navigate challenges with grace and resilience. One such affirmation, shared by one of our podcast listeners, is, "I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me, and I trust that more is on the way."

The Science Behind Affirmations:

Research shows that our brains are wired to respond to repetition, and by consistently repeating affirmations, we can rewire our neural pathways to create a more positive outlook. This shift in perspective can lead to improved decision-making, enhanced creativity, and a greater sense of well-being – all essential qualities for effective leadership.

Affirmations for Leaders:

Here are some powerful affirmations that can help you embrace your role as a leader and manifest success:

  1. "I am a confident, capable, and compassionate leader."
  2. "I inspire and empower others to reach their full potential."
  3. "I am open to new ideas and embrace change with grace and flexibility."
  4. "My leadership style is authentic, and I lead by example."
  5. "I trust my intuition and make wise decisions for the benefit of my team."

Creating Your Own Affirmations:

To create personalized affirmations that resonate with you, follow these simple steps:

  1. Identify the areas in which you want to grow or improve as a leader.
  2. Transform these goals into positive, present-tense statements.
  3. Ensure your affirmations are concise, clear, and actionable.
  4. Repeat your affirmations daily, preferably out loud or in writing, and visualize yourself embodying the qualities they describe.


Using affirmations as a leader can help you cultivate a mindset of abundance, resilience, and gratitude, allowing you to navigate challenges with ease and inspire others to do the same. By creating and consistently practicing your own leadership affirmations, you can unlock your full potential and lead your team to greater success.

For more insights on using affirmations for leadership success, be sure to tune into our podcast episode, where we discuss this topic in greater detail and feature inspiring stories from successful leaders who have harnessed the power of affirmations. Don't miss out – subscribe to our podcast today!

The Self Aware Leader with Jason Rigby has 452 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 212:53:10. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 20th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 11th, 2024 06:11.

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