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The Self Aware Leader with Jason Rigby

by Jason Rigby

Discover the transformative power of Evolving Leadership with the Self Aware Leader Podcast, hosted by Jason Rigby. Embark on a life-changing journey and empower yourself with cutting-edge insights, strategies, and wisdom from the world's most influential and forward-thinking leaders. Learn how to cultivate self-awareness, foster growth, and unlock your full potential with thought-provoking discussions and actionable advice. Tune in to the Self-Aware Leader Podcast and take the first step towards becoming the exceptional leader you were destined to be.


The Self-Awareness Checklist: How to Better Understand and Manage Your Emotions

17m · Published 27 Apr 13:18

Today's episode is dedicated to mastering your emotional landscape as a self-aware leader. We'll delve into the Emotional Self-Awareness Checklist, which we're giving away for free online, and discuss how you can use it to better understand and manage your emotions. Let's get started.

  1. Identifying Your Current Emotions: As self-aware leaders, it is crucial to be in tune with your emotions. Doing so can lead to better decision-making. Techniques for tuning in to your emotions include mindfulness, journaling, or talking with a trusted friend.

  2. Evaluating Emotional Triggers: Recognizing emotional triggers can help prevent impulsive reactions. Techniques for identifying patterns and events that cause specific emotions include self-reflection and monitoring emotional responses. When you identify a trigger, take steps to minimize its impact.

  3. Practicing Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding. Self-compassion fosters resilience in the face of challenges. Cultivate self-compassion through positive self-talk and self-compassion exercises.

  4. Accepting and Processing Emotions: Allow yourself to feel emotions without judgment. Suppressing emotions can lead to emotional burnout and poor decision-making. Process emotions through meditation, therapy, or support groups.

  5. Developing Healthy Coping Strategies: Effective coping strategies play a significant role in emotional self-regulation. Examples of healthy coping strategies include exercise, hobbies, and deep breathing. Create a personalized toolbox of coping strategies that work for you.

Closing: Thank you for joining us on today's episode of the Self-Aware Leader podcast. We hope you've gained valuable insights and tools to help you master your emotional landscape. Remember, the Emotional Self-Awareness Checklist is available for free online, so be sure to grab your copy and put these techniques into practice. Until next time, stay curious and stay self-aware.

How to Let Yourself Love and Be Loved

14m · Published 26 Apr 16:09

Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of the Self-Aware Leader podcast, where we delve into the depths of our emotions, and explore how understanding ourselves can help us become better leaders and human beings. In this episode, we discuss a fundamental aspect of our lives: love and the right to give and receive it.

It's natural for human beings to crave love and connection. However, some people may struggle with giving or receiving affection, being hugged, or experiencing deep emotions. If you're one of those people, you may unconsciously believe that you're undeserving of love. In this episode, we explore the reasons behind these emotional barriers and how to break through them to embrace love wholeheartedly.

The Emotional Barriers to Love:

Past Trauma or Negative Experiences:
Our past experiences, particularly any form of trauma or emotional abuse, can have a significant impact on our ability to give and receive love. These experiences may have led us to associate love and affection with pain or disappointment, making us hesitant to engage in such emotions again.

Fear of Vulnerability:
Opening up to love requires us to be vulnerable, which can be frightening for some. The fear of vulnerability may stem from a fear of being hurt, rejected, or judged. This fear may hold us back from fully embracing love and affection, as we put up barriers to protect ourselves from potential emotional pain.

Low Self-Worth:
Our sense of self-worth plays a crucial role in our ability to give and receive love. If we believe that we're undeserving of love or affection, we may unconsciously push it away. It's important to acknowledge and work on improving our self-worth to truly embrace love in our lives.

Breaking Through Emotional Barriers:

Self-Reflection and Awareness:
The first step to breaking through emotional barriers is self-reflection. Take the time to explore your feelings and emotions, and identify the root cause of your resistance to love and affection. Acknowledge and accept your feelings, and be open to understanding and working through them.

Seek Professional Help:
If you're struggling to break through your emotional barriers on your own, seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor can be a valuable resource. They can provide guidance, support, and the necessary tools to help you work through your feelings and develop healthier emotional patterns.

Practice Self-Compassion and Empathy:
As you work on breaking through your emotional barriers, it's essential to practice self-compassion and empathy. Understand that healing and growth are a process, and it's okay to stumble along the way. Treat yourself with kindness and patience, and extend that same compassion and empathy to others as well.

Develop Trusting Relationships:
Building strong, trusting relationships with friends, family, and romantic partners can help you feel more comfortable with love and affection. By surrounding yourself with supportive and loving individuals, you'll begin to feel safer and more secure in your ability to give and receive love.


Embracing love and affection in our lives is a vital part of our emotional well-being and overall happiness. By identifying and working through our emotional barriers, we can learn to love wholeheartedly and become more self-aware, compassionate leaders. Remember, as a human being, you have the right to love and be loved. Don't let your emotional barriers hold you back from experiencing the fullness of love that life has to offer.

How to Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Financial Success

17m · Published 25 Apr 16:08

Welcome to another episode of The Self-Aware Leader Podcast! In this insightful episode, we delve deep into the world of emotional money resistance and negative money beliefs. As a leader, you're undoubtedly aware of the impact that money has on your personal and professional life. However, our relationship with money is often fraught with emotional baggage and limiting beliefs that can hinder our growth and success. Tune in to uncover the keys to breaking free from these restrictive patterns and cultivating a healthy, empowered relationship with money.

Understanding Emotional Money Resistance

Emotional money resistance is a term used to describe the subconscious barriers we build around money due to our past experiences, societal conditioning, and personal beliefs. These barriers often manifest in the form of negative emotions such as guilt, shame, or fear when it comes to earning, spending, or saving money. This resistance can lead to self-sabotaging behaviors, preventing you from reaching your full financial potential.

Breaking Down Negative Money Beliefs

Negative money beliefs are deeply ingrained thoughts and ideas that shape our perception of money and dictate our financial behaviors. Some common negative money beliefs include:

Money is the root of all evil.
Rich people are greedy and selfish.
I don't deserve to be wealthy.
Money can't buy happiness.
These beliefs often originate from our upbringing, societal influences, or past experiences. They can be difficult to challenge and change, but doing so is essential for personal and professional growth.

Transforming Your Relationship with Money

To overcome emotional money resistance and negative money beliefs, consider these steps:

Identify and acknowledge your money beliefs: Reflect on the thoughts and emotions that arise when you think about money. Recognize the beliefs that may be holding you back, and make a conscious effort to address them.

Challenge your beliefs: Challenge the validity of your negative money beliefs by looking for evidence that contradicts them. For example, consider wealthy individuals who have made a positive impact on society, or remind yourself of the many wealthy people who are genuinely happy and fulfilled.

Replace negative beliefs with positive affirmations: Create empowering affirmations that counteract your negative beliefs, and repeat them daily. For instance, instead of thinking, "I don't deserve to be wealthy," tell yourself, "I am worthy of abundance and financial success."

Develop a healthy money mindset: Cultivate gratitude for the money you have and the opportunities it affords you. Focus on the value you provide to others through your work, and view money as a tool that enables you to make a positive difference in the world.

Set clear financial goals: Establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) financial goals. Creating a clear vision for your financial future will help you stay motivated and maintain a positive relationship with money.


The journey to overcoming emotional money resistance and negative money beliefs is a deeply personal and transformative one. By identifying and challenging these limiting beliefs and adopting a healthier, more empowering mindset, you can unlock your true financial potential and become a more effective, self-aware leader. Don't miss this powerful episode of The Self-Aware Leader Podcast for more strategies and inspiration to help you on your journey to financial freedom and success.

How to Lead in a Polarized World

13m · Published 24 Apr 12:12

Welcome to another episode of the Self Aware Leader Podcast, where we explore the intersection of leadership and spirituality in today's rapidly changing world. In this episode, we tackle a critical issue affecting not only leaders but everyone living in our polarized society: how to be politically neutral and maintain a balanced perspective.

Navigating the Political Landscape:

In a world that seems to be more divided by the day, being a self-aware leader requires the ability to step back and view the broader picture. It is easy to become consumed by the constant barrage of news, opinions, and debates surrounding politics. As leaders, we must learn to maintain neutrality and avoid being swept up in the emotional currents of these discussions, while still being informed and engaged in the issues that affect our world.

Cultivate Emotional Intelligence:
Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our emotions and those of others. In the context of political neutrality, emotional intelligence is essential in helping us separate our emotions from the facts, opinions, and arguments we encounter. By developing our emotional intelligence, we can engage in political conversations with empathy and understanding, without being swayed by our emotions or biases.

Practice Active Listening:
Active listening is a skill that goes beyond just hearing what others say. It involves truly understanding the speaker's point of view, asking clarifying questions, and providing feedback. By practicing active listening, we can engage in political conversations with an open mind and a genuine interest in learning from others, regardless of their political stance.

Find Common Ground:
As self-aware leaders, our goal should be to build bridges and find common ground with others, rather than fueling division. Look for areas of agreement or shared values, even if they seem minor in comparison to the disagreements. By focusing on commonalities, we can foster open dialogue and cultivate understanding between people with opposing views.

Embrace Humility:
Humility is a key aspect of spiritual growth and a vital trait for leaders. Recognizing that we do not have all the answers and being willing to learn from others, even those with opposing views, allows us to maintain political neutrality. Approach political discussions with humility, acknowledging that your perspective is only one piece of the puzzle.

Stay Informed, Not Consumed:
It is crucial for leaders to be well-informed about current events and political issues. However, becoming consumed by the 24/7 news cycle can be detrimental to our mental and emotional well-being. Establish boundaries for consuming news and political content, and make time for other activities that nurture your spiritual growth and personal development.


Being a self-aware leader in a polarized world is no easy task, but it is possible with intention, empathy, and humility. By cultivating emotional intelligence, practicing active listening, finding common ground, embracing humility, and staying informed without being consumed, we can navigate the political landscape with grace and wisdom. Remember, as leaders, our goal is to bring people together, inspire growth, and contribute positively to the world around us.

It's Time to Cut Toxic People Out of Your Life: Here's How

11m · Published 23 Apr 20:32

In today's episode, we delve into the difficult but necessary task of cutting toxic people out of your life. This is a crucial step for becoming a better leader and achieving a healthier, more balanced life. Let's dive in and learn how to identify and eliminate toxicity from our lives.

Identifying Toxic People
The first step towards cutting toxic people out of your life is identifying who they are. Toxic individuals display some common traits, such as:

Constant negativity
Manipulative behavior
Lack of empathy
Excessive drama
Be aware of how these people make you feel when you interact with them. If you consistently feel drained, stressed, or belittled, it's a strong indication that you're dealing with a toxic person.

Setting Boundaries
Boundaries are essential for maintaining healthy relationships and protecting your mental health. When dealing with toxic individuals, it's important to establish clear boundaries to minimize their negative impact on your life. Some ways to set boundaries include:

Communicating your limits clearly and assertively
Limiting the time spent with toxic people
Avoiding sharing personal information with them
Learning to say "no" when necessary
Assessing the Relationship

Take some time to assess the relationship with the toxic person in question. Consider the following questions:
Does this person bring any value to your life?
Do they support your personal and professional growth?
Is the relationship worth the emotional toll it takes on you?
If the answers to these questions are predominantly negative, it's time to consider cutting ties with this person.

Cutting Ties
When you've decided to cut a toxic person out of your life, approach the situation with care and consideration. Here are some steps to follow:

Gradually reduce contact: Slowly minimize your interactions with the toxic person, making it easier for both of you to adjust.

Be assertive: If the toxic individual confronts you, be assertive in communicating your decision without engaging in unnecessary conflict.

Seek support: Surround yourself with supportive friends and family members who can help you through the process.

Focus on growth: Use the newfound space in your life to focus on personal and professional growth, becoming a better leader and individual.

Moving Forward
Once you've removed toxic individuals from your life, it's important to continue focusing on your own growth and well-being. Cultivate healthy relationships, surround yourself with positive influences, and continue working on your self-awareness and leadership skills. Remember, taking care of yourself is the foundation for becoming a more effective and compassionate leader.


Cutting toxic people out of your life is an essential step towards achieving personal and professional growth. It's a difficult but necessary process that can ultimately lead to a healthier, more balanced life. By identifying toxic individuals, setting boundaries, assessing relationships, and cutting ties when necessary, you'll be well on your way to becoming a more self-aware and effective leader.


How to Be a Gen X Leader in a Millennial World

26m · Published 22 Apr 14:45

In today's rapidly evolving world, the workforce is seeing a significant shift in demographics. Millennials now constitute the majority of employees, and this presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for Gen X leaders. As a Gen X leader, it's crucial to understand and adapt to the distinct characteristics, values, and preferences of millennials. By doing so, you will not only build a strong, cohesive team, but also create an environment that fosters growth and innovation.

Embrace and Leverage Diversity
The millennial generation is the most diverse in history. As a Gen X leader, it's important to recognize, respect, and embrace the differences among your team members. Create a work environment that values the unique perspectives and experiences that each employee brings to the table. By doing so, you will foster a sense of belonging and unity, while also encouraging creativity and problem-solving.

Encourage Collaboration and Teamwork
Millennials place a high value on collaboration and teamwork. As a leader, it's essential to adapt your management style to facilitate open communication and cooperation. Create a culture where employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas and opinions, and encourage cross-functional collaboration to drive innovation and problem-solving.

Offer Opportunities for Personal and Professional Growth
Millennials are a generation of learners, eager to grow and develop both personally and professionally. As a Gen X leader, it's essential to provide opportunities for ongoing learning and development. Invest in employee training programs, offer mentorship opportunities, and support continued education to help your team members stay engaged and motivated.

Provide Regular Feedback and Recognition
Millennials thrive on feedback and recognition, so it's important to create a culture where accomplishments are celebrated and constructive feedback is provided regularly. Schedule frequent check-ins and performance reviews, and recognize your team members' hard work and contributions, both individually and as a team. This will help to foster a sense of accomplishment and motivation.

Prioritize Work-Life Balance
Work-life balance is a key value for millennials, and as a Gen X leader, it's important to respect and prioritize this aspect of their lives. Encourage your team members to set boundaries, take breaks, and find ways to recharge outside of work. By promoting a healthy work-life balance, you will not only boost morale and job satisfaction but also increase productivity and retention.

Adapt to Technological Changes
As digital natives, millennials are comfortable with technology and often expect to use the latest tools and platforms in their work. Stay up-to-date with emerging technologies and be open to incorporating them into your workplace. This not only demonstrates adaptability but also helps your team to work more efficiently and effectively.

Foster Social Responsibility
Millennials are driven by purpose and often seek employers who share their values and commitment to social responsibility. As a Gen X leader, it's important to align your organization's values with those of your employees, and actively engage in social initiatives that resonate with your team.

Being a Gen X leader in a millennial world requires adaptability, empathy, and an open mind. By embracing the diverse perspectives and values of millennials, fostering a culture of collaboration, and prioritizing personal and professional growth, you will not only create a thriving and engaged workforce but also drive innovation and success in your organization.

Gen X Leaders: The Future of Business

24m · Published 21 Apr 14:19

Generation X, born between 1965 and 1980, occupies a unique position in the workforce. As the group is sandwiched between Baby Boomers and Millennials, Gen X leaders have experienced the evolution of leadership styles, technology, and workplace culture. Today, their leadership is instrumental in bridging the generational gap, fostering inclusivity, and adapting to the rapidly changing world. This article will delve into the diverse perspectives that Gen X leaders bring to the table, focusing on adaptability, empathy, and the importance of emotional intelligence in effective leadership.

Adaptability: Navigating the Changing Landscape

Gen X leaders grew up witnessing significant technological, economic, and social changes. As a result, they possess a high level of adaptability and resilience, which is crucial in today's fast-paced and uncertain world. With the rise of the digital age and globalization, Gen X leaders have successfully embraced new technologies and adapted to various management styles, making them effective leaders in navigating the changing landscape.

To cultivate adaptability, Gen X leaders must:

Be open to change and continuously learn new skills.
Foster an environment of innovation and creativity in their teams.
Encourage collaboration and communication across generations.
Embracing Diversity and Inclusivity

Gen X leaders value diversity and inclusivity in the workplace, and as such, they seek to create environments where individuals from different backgrounds and cultures can thrive. By fostering a culture of acceptance and belonging, Gen X leaders contribute to a more innovative, creative, and effective workforce.

To enhance diversity and inclusivity, Gen X leaders should:

Actively promote diversity in recruitment and promotion processes.
Ensure that employees from diverse backgrounds feel valued and supported.
Implement training programs to increase cultural competence and understanding.
Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: The Heart of Effective Leadership

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's emotions and the emotions of others. Empathy, a key component of EI, allows leaders to understand their team members' emotions, needs, and perspectives. Gen X leaders' emphasis on empathy in the workplace fosters a sense of trust, loyalty, and collaboration among team members.

To strengthen empathy and emotional intelligence, Gen X leaders can:

Practice active listening and strive to understand others' perspectives.
Share their own emotions and vulnerabilities to create an environment of psychological safety.
Offer support and guidance to team members during challenging situations.

As the world continues to evolve, Gen X leaders stand at the forefront of change, blending the best of traditional and modern leadership styles. Their adaptability, focus on diversity and inclusivity, and emphasis on empathy and emotional intelligence make them uniquely equipped to guide their organizations through uncertain times. By nurturing these qualities, Gen X leaders can create work environments that foster innovation, collaboration, and success for generations to come.

Conquer Your Destiny: The Road to Massive Success is Paved with Self-Awareness (Part 2)

14m · Published 20 Apr 14:45

Welcome back to the Self Aware Leader podcast! In this second part of our discussion on conquering your destiny, we'll be focusing on the importance of self-awareness in achieving massive success. We believe that with the right mindset and self-awareness, everyone has the power to create their own destiny. Let's dive deeper into how you can turn your dreams into reality by cultivating self-awareness!

Step 1: Cultivate Self-Awareness

The foundation of personal growth and success lies in self-awareness. To manifest the life you desire, you need to understand your strengths, weaknesses, emotions, and beliefs. Start by examining yourself and asking, "What do I genuinely want?" and "What is holding me back?" Reflect on your life experiences, lessons, and values to gain insight into your unique path forward.

Step 2: Embrace Your Authentic Self

True success comes when you embrace your authentic self. By accepting and owning your truth, you'll begin to unleash your full potential. Trust your instincts and follow your passion, as this is the key to staying motivated and resilient in the face of challenges. As you continue to grow and evolve, never lose sight of who you truly are.

Step 3: Set Clear Goals

Achieving massive success requires a clear vision of what you want to accomplish. Break down your ultimate goal into smaller, achievable milestones to help you stay focused and maintain momentum. Remember that every step, no matter how small, brings you closer to realizing your dreams.

Step 4: Develop a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is crucial for overcoming setbacks and continuously evolving. Embrace the idea that you can always learn and improve. View every challenge as an opportunity to grow and develop new skills. Push your boundaries and seek feedback from others to accelerate your personal growth.

Step 5: Surround Yourself with Support

Success often involves collaboration. Seek out those who inspire, uplift, and challenge you to be your best self. Surround yourself with mentors, peers, and friends who will support your journey and provide valuable insights. Together, you'll be unstoppable.

Step 6: Take Consistent Action

Consistency is key in turning your dreams into reality. Take daily action, no matter how small, to move closer to your goals. Stay disciplined and persistent, even when the going gets tough. Remember that small steps add up to significant progress over time.

Step 7: Celebrate Your Successes

Don't forget to celebrate your achievements along your journey. Acknowledging your progress boosts motivation and cultivates a positive mindset. Give yourself the recognition you deserve, and remember that every accomplishment, big or small, is worth celebrating.


The road to massive success is paved with self-awareness, authenticity, and a relentless pursuit of growth. Remember that your life circumstances do not define you; you have the power to conquer your destiny. Embrace your unique journey, and let your passion and determination guide you towards the life you've always dreamed of. Stay self-aware, stay motivated, and keep pushing forward – success is waiting for you!

Conquer Your Destiny: How Anyone Can Achieve Massive Success

4m · Published 19 Apr 13:49

Welcome to the Self Aware Leader podcast! Today, we're diving into a topic close to our hearts: how anyone, regardless of their life circumstances, can achieve massive success. This idea is grounded in the belief that with the right mindset and self-awareness, each individual has the power to create their own destiny. Let's explore how you can conquer your destiny and turn your dreams into reality!

Step 1: Cultivate Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is the cornerstone of personal growth and success. To create the life you desire, you must first understand your strengths, weaknesses, emotions, and beliefs. Begin by taking a deep look at yourself and asking, "What do I truly want?" and "What is holding me back?" Reflect on your life experiences, lessons, and values to gain insights into your unique path forward.

Step 2: Embrace Your Authentic Self

Success comes to those who embrace their authentic selves. By accepting and owning your truth, you will begin to unleash your full potential. Trust your instincts and follow your passion, for it is the key to staying motivated and resilient in the face of challenges. As you continue to grow and evolve, never lose sight of the person you truly are.

Step 3: Set Clear Goals

In order to achieve massive success, you must have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish. Break down your ultimate goal into smaller, achievable milestones. This will help you stay focused and maintain momentum. Remember, every step, no matter how small, brings you closer to realizing your dreams.

Step 4: Develop a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is essential for overcoming setbacks and continuously evolving. Embrace the idea that you can always learn and improve. View every challenge as an opportunity to grow and develop new skills. Keep pushing your boundaries and seek feedback from others to accelerate your personal growth.

Step 5: Surround Yourself with Support

Success is often a collaborative effort. Seek out those who inspire, uplift, and challenge you to be your best self. Surround yourself with mentors, peers, and friends who will support your journey and provide valuable insights. Together, you'll be unstoppable.

Step 6: Take Consistent Action

Consistency is the key to turning your dreams into reality. Take daily action, no matter how small, to move closer to your goals. Stay disciplined and persistent, even when the going gets tough. Remember, small steps add up to significant progress over time.

Step 7: Celebrate Your Successes

Along your journey, take time to celebrate your achievements. Acknowledging your progress not only boosts your motivation but also cultivates a positive mindset. Give yourself the recognition you deserve and remember that every accomplishment, big or small, is worth celebrating.


The road to massive success is paved with self-awareness, authenticity, and a relentless pursuit of growth. Remember that your life circumstances do not define you; you have the power to conquer your destiny. Embrace your unique journey, and let your passion and determination guide you toward the life you've always dreamed of. Stay self-aware, stay motivated, and keep pushing forward – success is waiting for you!

Can You Trust Your Business to Support You? Fear vs. Trust

12m · Published 18 Apr 14:44

As a self-aware leader, it's important to consider the relationship between your business and yourself. After all, you pour your time, energy, and resources into it, but can you trust it to support you in return? In this podcast episode, we explore the concept of trust and fear in relation to business.

Fear can be a major obstacle in business. It can hold us back from taking risks and making important decisions. But the opposite of fear is trust, and when we trust ourselves and our business, we can overcome fear and move forward with confidence.

So, what does it mean to trust your business? It means having faith in your own abilities and the ability of your business to provide for you. It means having a clear vision and goals, and a plan to achieve them. It also means having the right systems and support in place to ensure that your business is operating effectively and efficiently.

But trust is not just about having everything figured out. It's also about being able to adapt and pivot when things don't go as planned. It's about having the resilience and flexibility to navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

Ultimately, building trust in your business starts with building trust in yourself. It requires self-awareness and self-reflection, as well as a willingness to learn and grow. As a self-aware leader, it's important to regularly assess your own mindset and beliefs, and to seek out resources and support when needed.

In this episode, we explore how to cultivate trust in your business, including:

  • Defining your vision and goals
  • Developing a plan to achieve them
  • Building the right systems and support
  • Embracing resilience and adaptability

By understanding the power of trust in business, you can create a stronger, more sustainable foundation for your business and yourself as a leader.

Credit: This blog post was inspired by the article "The Opposite of Fear is Trust" by Lisa Jacobs, which can be found at

The Self Aware Leader with Jason Rigby has 452 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 212:53:10. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 20th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 11th, 2024 06:11.

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