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Actionable Marketing Podcast

by CoSchedule: The Only Way To Organize Your Marketing In One Place.

You're listening to the Actionable Marketing Podcast, powered by CoSchedule - the only way to organize your marketing in one place. Weekly interviews, strategy, and advice from marketing geniuses delivered right to your earbuds. For the marketing professional ready to make sh*t happen.


[Best of Season] AMP 144: This is How To Grow Your Blog From Zilch To 1 Million Monthly Views With Leah DeKrey From CoSchedule

36m · Published 15 Feb 11:00

CoSchedule started the Actionable Marketing Podcast (AMP) in 2015 and has recorded and published more than 300 episodes. CoSchedule has worked with some of the smartest minds out there that share their stories with you through this podcast. This season, CoSchedule brings back some of the best of the best evergreen content. 

CoSchedule’s blog and content engine generate more than 1 million views and 20,000 leads every month. How do we do it? Listen and learn.

Today’s guest is Leah DeKrey, content marketing strategist and blog manager at CoSchedule. To know that a million people read the blog posts she writes every month is terrifying, thrilling, and core to CoSchedule’s growth.


Some of the highlights of the show include:

  • Reasons for Successful Blog:
    • Corporate and managerial buy-in
    • Standards of performance
  • Blog Posts: Be different than the rest, as the best
  • 4 Performance Pillars for Blog Posts:
    • Comprehensive; at least 3,000 words
    • Actionable
    • Relevant
    • Content upgrade/value-add included
  • Keyword Domination Strategy: Drive content by Googling around to search and seek high-volume, low-difficulty keywords
  • Measure Success of Content and Blog: Give it time because reaching the top doesn't happen overnight and takes patience
  • What you know now: College system is ripe for disruption, real world is where you learn 90% of what you do
  • Tools to Try: Ahrefs, Google Analytics, and KISSmetrics



  • CoSchedule Blog
  • 10X-Marketing Formula by Garrett Moon
  • Ahrefs
  • Google Analytics
  • KISSmetrics
  • What Is Mobilegeddon & The Google Mobile Friendly Update


Quotes from Leah DeKrey:

“The number one thing that got us kicked off on the right foot was having that executive and managerial buy-in.”

“We aim to be the most in-depth blog posts that you can find on any topic on the Internet.”

“How much is too much? How much time is too much time? You're not alone in wondering those things.”

“Finding those sweet spots of keywords is really important for your content strategy. Otherwise, it's not going to be justified spending so much time.”

AMP 272: The Content Planning Blueprint You Need for Success With Vassilena Valchanova

26m · Published 01 Feb 11:00
When it comes to content marketing, failing to plan is planning to fail. Why do some marketers struggle with content planning? It isn’t easy nor is it always properly valued. Sometimes, content planning gets overlooked.

Today’s guest is Vassilena Valchanova, a digital strategist, trainer, speaker, and blogger. She talks about why it is important to plan content consistently with a repeatable and effective framework by sharing her blueprint for content planning.


Some of the highlights of the show include:

  • Content Planning: Focus on the right things and follow a predefined structure
  • Pros: Goal is to promote products and give people helpful information
  • Cons: Without a clear process for planning content, promotional content fills gap
  • Out of Necessity: Why Vissilena created content marketing blueprint/framework
  • Purpose: Blueprint is a strategy document that helps with daily content planning
  • Process: How Vissilena’s content blueprint strategy works from start to finish
  • How to create your own content planning blueprint/framework for your company
  • Compare/Contrast: Plan different content pieces across different channels



  • Vassilena Valchanova
  • Content Marketing Blueprint: a Building Block for Content Excellence [Content Marketing Plan Template]
  • Andy Crestodina of Orbit Media Studios
  • Animalz
  • Wes Anderson
  • Ben Sailer on LinkedIn
  • CoSchedule


Quotes from  Vassilena Valchanova:

“We don't spend enough time properly planning out what messages we’ll be sharing, what different types of content we’ll be promoting, and how we engage our audience in different channels and in different formats.”

“We start creating content that pretty much feels and looks the same because we're trying to push something out quicker and will go for just an image with a standardized template design rather than focusing on really creating something unique at that point.”

“What the content blueprint does is allow you to document that strategy in an easy-to-use format. ”

“The four different segments will be the mission statement, setting up the goals, channel plan, and topic plans.”

AMP 271: How Can Marketers Win at Content Distribution in 2022 With Sarah Colley

47m · Published 25 Jan 11:00

Content distribution is important, but most marketers struggle to understand how to distribute content effectively and efficiently. They create, publish, and push content out only to move onto the next piece before promoting and distributing the last one.  

Today’s guest is Sarah Colley, a content marketer. She shares how to get started with distributing content or improve your current content distribution practice. It's time to start making distribution a real part of content strategy from the beginning.


Some of the highlights of the show include:

  • What is content distribution and what works with content distribution right now?
  • Repurposing: Seems to be everybody's standard definition of content distribution
  • Sarah’s Definition: Creating the right content and giving it to the right people
  • Content Distribution: If you don't have distribution, you don't get your content out
  • Underinvestment: Creating tons of content, but not taking time to distribute it
  • Follow Formula: Put article in a core distribution channel and places that share it
  • Build Better Relationships: Get to know new people who can spread your content



  • Sarah Colley on LinkedIn
  • Write Destination Agency
  • Help A Reporter (HARO)
  • Fiverr
  • HubSpot
  • Google Analytics
  • Bitly
  • Ben Sailer on LinkedIn
  • CoSchedule


Quotes from Sarah Colley:

“It's about building conversations around content. It looks a lot different. It's harder to implement, but when you do it right, it really works.”

“A lot of people focus on distribution in terms of traffic and getting seen by as many people as possible. I totally disagree.”

“You can do a lot of distribution for free, completely free, but it just comes down to time.”

“My best strategy is just developing relationships with people that have audiences and people that don't, people that may eventually have an audience.”

AMP 270: The Top SEO Trends That SaaS Marketers Need to Know About in 2022 With Georgios Chasiotis From MINUTTIA

37m · Published 18 Jan 11:00
The landscape for search engine optimization (SEO) changes constantly, so staying on top of trends is extremely important but not always easy for sustained success.

Today’s guest is Georgios Chasiotis, Managing Director of MINUTTIA, about what to focus on with SEO in 2022. He shares insight into what SEO tactics should be used or are overused, especially when it comes to software as a service (SaaS).


Some of the highlights of the show include:

  • Past, Present, and Future: SEO and SaaS marketing trends and tactics
  • Where are things at right now? Not multi-dimensional or complex
  • Alternative/Comparison Pages: Not aligned with website identity, but abused
  • Organic Search: Find more ways to be creative and bold about things
  • 2021: What separated top SEO performers from struggling SaaS companies?
  • More/Better Experience: Google rewards websites that are trustworthy
  • Vanity Metrics: Not only way to measure success based on user experience
  • COVID Impact: Were there any behavior changes? Higher expectations
  • Future SEO Tactics: Which will become less important or effective in 2022?
  • Guest Blogging: Is it effective for reciprocal linking? Georgios advises against it
  • Content and Links: What most brands and websites compete against



  • Georgios Chasiotis on LinkedIn
  • CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer
  • Ben Sailer on LinkedIn
  • CoSchedule


Quotes from Georgios Chasiotis:

“Unfortunately, what I see is pretty much all websites are doing what every other website is doing.”

“Try new things, experiment, and fail a lot of times in the process of discovering new ways of generating interest and demand for our websites.”

“SaaS companies have struggled when it comes to organic search.”

“Everyone can play the content and backlinks game. Not everyone can build a brand and not everyone can create a wow moment for their website visitors.”

AMP 269: Understanding the HERO System to Create Better Video Ads With Matt Johnston

36m · Published 11 Jan 11:00

When was the last time you saw an awesome online or social video ad? Did it impress you so much that you thought about buying the product or recommend it to someone? These days, a list of truly memorable video ads are few and far between.

Today’s guest is Matt Johnston with Guide Social, an agency that creates ads for all kinds of brands and products. Using and understanding the HERO System makes for memorable video ads that resonate.


Some of the highlights of the show include:

  • Common Causes: Why most video ads fall flat or underperform
  • HERO System: Content checklist for social video ads to gain traction
    • Hook
    • Empathy
    • Response
    • Over-deliver
  • 4 Rs Process: Helps people work through video script to mirror customer journey
    • Relate
    • Rile
    • Reveal
    • Release
  • Offer Opportunities: All businesses exist to solve problems
  • Results: Warm leads and increased conversion rates create affinity/PR affect
  • Social Video Ads: Brands that nailed it include Harmon Brothers, William Painter



  • Guide Social
  • Producing Empathy by Matt Johnston
  • HERO System by Matt Johnston
  • Matt Johnston on LinkedIn
  • Hydroviv
  • Shark Tank
  • Harmon Brothers
  • William Painter
  • ClickFunnels by Russell Brunson
  • Ben Sailer on LinkedIn
  • CoSchedule


Quotes from Matt Johnston:

“The biggest mistake that people make is that they focus way too much on features and their product and things like that rather than focusing on the avatar and empathy and trying to connect with that person and tying it back to their pain.”

“The reason that someone will buy something from you or sign up to be a lead in your company is - it has everything to do with their own selfish needs and desires.”

“If you want to move them to act, you need to emotionally resonate with them.”

“Nobody cares about what you sell. They care about opportunities that are available to them to solve their problems.”

AMP 268: The Art of Generating More Customer Reviews With Denise Blasevick From The S3 Agency

29m · Published 04 Jan 11:00

Who do you believe more? A marketer, your best friend, or complete stranger who bought your product or service and offers an honest opinion? Good or bad—what customers say matters.

Today’s guest is Denise Blasevick from The S3 Agency. Denise explains how to generate more positive reviews and how to handle negative reviews (or if you should deal with them at all).


Some of the highlights of the show include:

  • 4- vs. 5-Star Reviews: Set expectations to humanize real customers’ opinions
  • Consumer Behavior Impact: More and more people read and trust reviews
  • No Comparison: Brand sites with positive reviews get others to buy from you
  • Negative Reviews: Unrealistic for companies to get none; acceptable for some
  • 1-Star Reviews: Determine whether it’s worth trying to mollify bad review
  • Legitimate Review: Try to do something about your product/service if you can
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): Contact biggest fans to review and recommend
  • Don’t Nag or Beg: Mistakes made when marketers try to get more reviews
  • Review Acquisition: Find natural points, cultivate journey, and reward randomly
  • Authentic Incentives: Give people guidelines to personalize focus of reviews
  • Metrics: Quantify and measure growth of impact with reviews of actual sales



  • Denise Blasevick on LinkedIn
  • Denise Blasevick on Twitter
  • The S3 Agency
  • Mike Michalowicz
  • Ben Sailer on LinkedIn
  • CoSchedule


Quotes from Denise Blasevick:

“Some people aren’t worth mollifying.”

“If they have a legitimate point, try to do something about it in terms of the way you deliver your product or service, if you can.”

“The volume has to be right. The kinds of reviews have to be right, and the stars have to be right.”

“Your sixth sense online is reviews.”

AMP 267: How to Productize Consulting Services and Differentiate Yourself in a Crowded Market With Max Traylor

29m · Published 28 Dec 11:00

Market consultants sometimes struggle to consistently meet expectations. Maybe it’s because they offer too many services in too many areas of expertise. The lack of focus leads to less differentiation in the crowded market and inability to set premium prices.

Today’s guest is Max Traylor, author of the Agency Survival Guide. Max talks about how consultants and agencies can avoid pitfalls by productizing their services. Get paid on perceived value.


Some of the highlights of the show include:

  • Productized Consulting Services: Powerful way to package and sell services
  • Productization: Means doing things in steps for marketing and sales consulting
  • Consultants and Agencies: Consistency is not their middle name
  • Results: Quality of work, mental health, business impact, price premiums suffer
  • Strategy Over Implementation Services: Charge whatever, as much as you want
  • Sans Management: Make more money with less effort via strategic focus
  • Why productized approach? People experience two different sides of a business
  • Limiting Belief: Doing of things out of fear and hunger gets marketers paid
  • Imposter Syndrome: Are you good enough to sell your knowledge and process?
  • Get Started: Charge for proposals to accelerate experience charging for strategy
  • Advice: You can sell everything to anyone if you try 5 times; no need to be good
  • Ideal Client: Who are you talking to and will pay most for what you’re good at
  • Fulfillment: Limit sacrifices, simplify business by selling less, contributing more



  • Max Traylor - Productized Consulting Services
  • Max Traylor’s Agency Survival Guide
  • BEERS with Max Podcast and Blog
  • HubSpot
  • Ben Sailer on LinkedIn
  • CoSchedule


Quotes from Max Traylor:

“You use the same things and you go through the same steps so that you can set and meet expectations every time.”

“If there’s no consistency in what you do, you don’t experience price premiums. You’re never known for that one thing.”

“We spend a lot of time developing self-worth and an attachment to the thing that we’re doing.”

“Fill your calendar with conversations with people that will pay you the most for the thing that you are uniquely good at.”

AMP 266: How to Fix Invoicing Issues and Get Freelance Writers Paid on Time With Matt Saincome From OutVoice

51m · Published 21 Dec 11:00

Freelance writers know that getting paid can be difficult, and managers of freelance writers know why processing those payments is difficult to get paid on time or at all. Some companies don’t have simple invoicing systems or solutions for fixing what’s wrong with their invoicing processes.

Today’s guest is Matt Saincome, Co-Founder and CEO of OutVoice and The Hard Times. OutVoice is a freelancer/writer invoicing platform that pays them with one click. Matt explains how to fix invoicing issues and get freelance writers paid on time.


Some of the highlights of the show include:

  • Payment Problem: There has got to be a better way, and now there is one
  • Publisher Problems: Tough business to make money, ad landscape has changed
  • Revenue-based Solutions: People don’t update/upgrade their tools elsewhere
  • Results: Businesses with inefficient tools, resources become rusted in place
  • Clicks and Revenue: Relies on effectively paying and retaining freelance writers
  • Mission: Waiting for check to pay rent? OutVoice positively impacts people’s lives
  • Paid or not on purpose? Reason is ancient, not automated/tiered invoice systems



  • OutVoice
  • The Hard Times
  • Matt Saincome’s Email
  • Matt Saincome on Twitter
  • Matt Saincome on LinkedIn
  • Mailchimp
  • DoNotPay
  • Ben Sailer on LinkedIn
  • CoSchedule


Quotes from Matt Saincome:

“The problem is very clear. It’s the way that content creators are paid for freelance work is stone-age-level bullshit. It’s nonsense. It shouldn’t be done this way.”

“People don’t get around to upgrading their tools elsewhere, and there’s these really intense inefficiencies that fester in their businesses.”

“OutVoice uses automation, CMS integration, and a more purpose-built invoicing solution.”

“If you have better tools, you’re going to like your co-workers a little bit more. You’re going to like your job a little bit more.”

AMP 265 - How to Use YouTube to Drive Real Business Growth with Adrian Lurie From Dragonfruit Media

29m · Published 14 Dec 11:00

Does your business have a presence on YouTube? Maybe it does not show much value or potential for it. YouTube may not be the best fit for the products and services that your business sells. How can you create content on YouTube to not miss opportunities to reach potential customers? 

Today’s guest is Adrian Lurie from Dragonfruit Media, a video marketing agency that specializes in working with businesses and creators specifically on YouTube. He explains why your business should be on YouTube and how to drive measurable business growth from it. 


Some of the highlights of the show include:

  • YouTube Marketing: How to drive real, meaningful business growth
  • Still skeptical? Video content marketing proof:
    • 50% of Internet users look for videos on product/service before visiting store
    • Video is 50 times more likely to get organic page ranks than plain text
    • Landing pages with embedded videos have 20-30% higher conversion rates
  • YouTube Statistics:
    • Second most visited web site (#1 is Google)
    • Third most visited search engine
    • Second largest social media site (#1 is Facebook)
  • Roadblocks: Slow down, establish trust to drive measurable growth, make impact
  • 3 Content Categories: Discoverable, community focused, conversion focused
  • Engagement/Impression Metrics: Profitable action on YouTube to make purchase
  • Why be on YouTube? To align video content with business goals from the start
  • 4-step audience-focused content process:
    • Take persona view
    • Develop value proposition
    • Create content categories
    • Come up with video concept



  • Dragonfruit Media
  • Dragonfruit Media Email
  • TubeBuddy
  • BidIQ
  • Ben Sailer on LinkedIn
  • CoSchedule


Quotes from Adrian Lurie:

“Video is clearly a centerpiece of all online content and is becoming only more and more of such.”

“The nature of video is highly emotional and it engages more sensory perception than any other media.”

“Search your competitors on YouTube. At least one of them probably has a successful YouTube channel. They’re doing it and you’re not. They’re beating you.”

“Anyone can grow on YouTube. You have a million content marketers or SEO experts who all have hundreds of thousands of subscribers and they are all saying the same exact thing.”

AMP 264: How to Apply the Content Fuel Framework and Never Run Out of Ideas With Melanie Deziel

25m · Published 07 Dec 11:00

Marketers are creative people that tend to have a lot of ideas. So why is coming up with ideas when content creators, marketers, and problem solvers need them most is so difficult? There are a lot of reasons, but also a lot of simple solutions. 

Today’s guest is Melanie Deziel, Director of Content at Foundation Inc. and author of The Content Fuel Framework. Melanie breaks down flawed assumptions about creativity in content and marketing and shares practical tips and processes to replace those assumptions to think more creatively and create better content.


Some of the highlights of the show include:

  • Content Fuel Framework: System helps come up with creative content ideas
  • Ideation: Why is it difficult for marketers to resolve problems, lack processes
  • Creativity Constraints: Systems, guardrails, processes enable genius moments
  • Step 1: Stop thinking of content idea as single thing that is completely undefined
  • Step 2: Bring focus and format (i.e., article, video) to life and more organized
  • Outcomes: Content ideas become renewable resource, not limited supply



  • Melanie Deziel on Twitter
  • Melanie Deziel on LinkedIn
  • Storyfuel
  • Foundation Inc.
  • The Content Fuel Framework
  • The Organized Mind
  • Ben Sailer on LinkedIn
  • CoSchedule


Quotes from Melanie Deziel:

The Content Fuel Framework is essentially a system that you can use to tap into your creativity when you need to come up with content ideas.”

“We are much more creative, much more productive, and much more efficient when we have some level of organization around the way we approach coming up with content ideas.”

“Stop thinking of content idea as a single thing that is completely undefined. It has parameters.”

“Creativity just seems so inherently unstructured that it’s like sacrilege to suggest that we put some limitations on it to help us get there.”

Actionable Marketing Podcast has 113 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 61:15:38. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 20th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on April 5th, 2024 02:14.

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