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Create A Proneur Podcast

by Rodney Washington

Welcome to the Create A Proneur Podcast where I help creatives either wanting to start a business based on their talents, passions, and interests or expand an existing business to one that expresses more of who they are. Hi, my name is Rodney Washington, author, artist, and entrepreneur and I’m passionate about helping creatives just like you do what lights you up and make a comfortable living while doing it! Each week I’ll be sharing timely business growth, marketing, mindset hacks, and interviews with courageous creative entrepreneurs to inspire you to Get Paid for Your Creativity.


008: Don’t Quit, Taking Care of The CEO Inside!

46m · Published 14 May 15:00

Create A Creative Business That Celebrates Your Ideal Life

Today’s episode is sponsored by my brand new roadmap – 57 Ways To Monetize Your Gifts and Create True Security For Yourself! Includes access to four bonus templates called the Creative Entrepreneurs Path to Cash and map your journey to an ideal business that celebrates the life you want to live.

Download your free roadmap today at

Episode 008 Show Notes

Here’s some of what I covered on this week’s episode:

– If it’s your dream – don’t quit!

– How a debilitating back issue forced me to reevaluate how I was living, including how I was running my business

– How successful entrepreneur takes care of themselves mentality, physically, emotionally and financially

Creating your success plan that includes the following seven points:

1. Get clear about you want using the Work/Lifestyle Template {download yours in the show notes below}

2. Select a business model that works with your ideal life

3. Maintain your faith, if you do – you’ll be guided to the way to achieve your dream – take care of yourself

4. Ask for help

5. Be careful what and WHO you let into your life

6. Be open to a dream being bigger than what you currently believe is possible

7. If you believe in the dream and the path you’re currently on keep going regardless of how “things appear”

Show Notes Mentions & Resources Guide Available at

007 : How To Create A Creative Products Business w/Jane Button

1h 15m · Published 07 May 10:45

Welcome back to Episode 7 of the Create A Proneur podcast! I’m super excited to share this episode with you today because it’s my first interview since launching the new podcast! And I couldn’t be more thrilled to bring you my first guest, Creative Entrepreneur, Consultant, and Educator Jane Button.

Jane took a passion for knitting, made a simple hat and turned it into an empire that’s earned 5 million dollars!

Yep, you read it right, and today she’s sharing exactly how she did it, Jane talked about the importance of creating systems (and her brilliant process), outsourcing, money and time management and how creatives can reframe resistance to marketing and business in general so they can thrive both creatively and financially.

If you create a physical product this is a “must listen” show, so grab your favorite beverage, slip on some earbuds, sit back and listen to every word she has to share!

Create A Creative Business That Celebrates Your Ideal Life

Today’s episode is sponsored by my brand new roadmap – 57 Ways To Monetize Your Gifts and Create True Security For Yourself! Includes access to four bonus templates called the Creative Entrepreneurs Path to Cash and map your journey to an ideal business that celebrates the life you want to live.

Download your free roadmap today at   

If you enjoy this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag me and Jane, @createaproneurpodcast and @janeabutton.
I would also love if you subscribed to the podcast and left a review at

I want to invite you to help contribute to this podcast by submitting a question for the Listener Question of the Week edition of Create A Proneur Podcast. All you have to do is go to and record a question (under 4 minutes or less) that could be featured on an upcoming episode!

In the episode, you’ll hear:

  • How Jane turned her passion for knitted hats into a thriving business by walking into Nordstroms and walking out with a 40K purchase order!
  • The importance of starting small and how to use “small” as the basis for doing proper research to ensure you pick the right product before investing a lot of time or money
  • Why simplifying and being slightly different helps you stand out in a crowded marketplace
  • Why consistently updating your product line with fresh new product is the key to keeping your customers coming back
  • The importance of sharing “your story” and why it’s the best way to market yourself and your creative products
  • Jane highly recommends starting a journal as an absolute “must” for creative entrepreneurs and how having one can serve as a bible for your creative business
  • A fun visual exercise she does with her clients to help them declutter their brain and heighten their creativity
  • Jane shares a saying, “Money can be managed. People can be managed. Schedules can be managed. Time can only be accounted for. ” How to manage your time so you’re business and not the other way around.
  • The simply brilliant productivity hack Jane used to create simple systems that led to the training materials she hands off to her outsource team.
  • Why creative product creators mustn’t rely solely on Etsy and what you should do instead if you want to sell more of your products
  • The importance of getting in front of your ideal customers in person especially if you sell your products primarily online

For full show notes and links, visit:

006 : Take An Inspiration Day and Reconnect With Your Creative Flow

22m · Published 30 Apr 15:00

Today’s episode is sponsored by my brand new roadmap – 57 Ways To Monetize Your Gifts and Create True Security For Yourself! Includes access to four bonus templates called the Creative Entrepreneurs Path to Cash and map your journey to an ideal business that celebrates the life you want to live.

Download your free roadmap today at

I was reading the blog recently of a good friend and colleague who posted a suggestion that I really took to heart, and I wanted to share it with you in today’s lesson; Take an inspiration day.

You would think as photographers, private chefs, writers, bloggers, visual artists or whatever your creative passion that we have much to be inspired by, and to a larger extent this is true, but as with any creative pursuit you are going to hit roadblocks.

For example, dealing with client issues, collecting payments, handling paperwork, scheduling appointments, hiring and firing assistants, the list goes on and on. 

Operating a creative service business is enough to test the mental resolve of any entrepreneur, let alone one whose enterprise is centered on constantly developing creative solutions for clients, don’t you agree?

Over time our creative wellspring can become severely depleted especially if we don’t have good self-care practices in place.  So in today’s podcast, I want to share with you a few tips that will help to re-fill your creative tank and allow you to become re-inspired.

Show Notes for this Episode

Subscribe & Review in iTunes
Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!

I would be eternally grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!

Connect with me Instagram and Facebook!

005: The Passion Based Business Plan Part 2

1h 4m · Published 23 Apr 15:00

Welcome back to the podcast! 

In episode 4, I introduced you to the Idea Work/Lifestyle Template, and if you haven’t already you can get your copy inside the free gift 57 Ways To Monetize Your Gifts, the link to that template and the one I have you for you today is inside that PDF.

Again you can grab your copy at or in the show notes

Just a quick recap from Episode 004: The Passion Based Business Plan Part 1.

On that episode, I asked four questions to consider as you’re laying the foundation for your ideal work lifestyle. The first…

When you think of a typical day in your ideal life what’s happening? For example: What’s your morning like? What are you doing in the afternoon? What time do you stop working?

Where do live? By the beach, in the mountains, do you split your time between two or more places living and working as a digital nomad?

  • Describe your day-to-day work/life experiences?
  • How much time do you spend serving clients?
  • How much time do you allow yourself to create new content?
  • How much personal time do you have?
  • How are you spending that personal time?

What are the top 3 personal goals you want to accomplish in the next 12 months?

  • How deep are you going with your clients? Again, the more you emphasize service and the quality of that service, the more you can charge?
  • What transformation do your customers expect?
  • What can you deliver that’s unique to you?
  • Do you see yourself meeting clients live or on the internet?
  • How many clients or customers are you currently serving?
  • How many do you want to serve?

I encourage you not to gloss over these questions but to take them seriously because getting clear on how you want to live effects the choices you make, everything from deciding what to sell, who you want to work with, to how you’ll find prospective clients and customers.

But more importantly how you’re structuring your business to support your ideal life.

For example, you might think that running a membership site could be your ticket to financial freedom, but in reality, you might discover that being responsible for a large group of people constantly asking for your direct support too daunting.

Mind you I’m not telling you to shelf the idea of a paid membership community. But as you’re trying to figure out what works best you, you want to know the areas and potential pitfalls of a particular business model before you decide to jump in both feet.

So again, do take some time and work on the Idea Work/Lifestyle Template before moving on the Income Idea Generator sheet, also found in today’s sponsored freebie.

You’ll find it under Monetizing Your Gifts Key #32

For the sake of time I’m not going to read all 20, you can see the complete list when you download it.

Instead what I want to focus on today is the Income Generator Exercise template located under Key #36 and that’s what we’re going to work through on today’s episode then you can refer back to the Income Idea Generator sheet for additional ideas and inspiration.

So let’s get started:

Income Generator Exercise!
The single fastest way to generate more cash is to create a synergetic match between what you love, your talents, skills, and gifts and match them to the desires of the people you currently serve and you hope to serve in the future.

In this worksheet, we’ll explore your current resources (i.e. equipment, current clientele, education/knowledge, etc) and the deliverables your clients have told you their willing to pay for.

What do I have? List your resources, people, equipment, knowledge, connections.

This can be people you know also don’t underestimate the power of your network, everyone from the people you follow and who follow you on social media to your email list (both personal and professional) Your next joint venture partner could be a direct message away.

Obviously, you’ll to list all of your education and I’m not necessarily talking degrees here, I’m talking certifications, workshops, books you’ve read, coaches, mentors or other teachers you’ve studied with.

  • Have you been interviewed on any podcasts? List them.
  • Spoken at any networking groups? List them.
  • Of course, if you’ve delivered any kind presentations both large or small, even if you think it’s insignificant, list it.
  • Are you a published author? Contributed any writing to blogs, or anthologies or reports? List it
  • Do you have a Facebook group? Podcast? Or an active blog
  • What equipment do you have that’s necessary to perform your business?

In my experience, we can forget or gloss over our accomplishments and resources which is a huge disservice to us and that’s why I felt it important to include in this exercise because I want you to have a constant reminder of what you have available at your fingertips, moving on…

Who am I? And I want to invite to expand your response from external skills or talents, think internal characteristics like.

Are you empathetic, or highly intuitive? Are you a natural connector, do you love breaking down complex ideas making it easier for people to understand?

  • List your accomplishments
  • What have you accomplished that people would love to learn?
  • What are your top 3 insider secrets or tips? Don't underestimate this, this could be your secret sauce!


  • What does my ideal customer want and how do they want it delivered?
  • Do they want to work with me one-on-one?
  • Do they want classes, workshops or boot camps, private or group retreats?
  • Do they want items shipped directly to their home?
  • Do they want an online forum? Email access? Home study program?

Now I realize these questions may be a little trickier to answer unless you’re already working with your ideal people. In that case, you can reach out to them preferably by telephone and ask them.

If not, again you have your network list you just created and start by reaching out to people that you feel would be a fit to work with you.

Finally, what can I do to wow my customers and turn them into repeat clients? This is really important so don’t skip this. The deeper you can go, the higher you can elevate the level service to meet and exceed their expectations the easier it will be to charge premium prices.

Now as an extra special bonus I have another template for you called Your Personal Income Portfolio In Less Than 30 Minutes!

You can use to take one core idea, talent or service, and explore an additional four ways to generate income, for a total of 5 income ideas you could employ in your business.

Let’s recap today’s episode:

Listen to Episode 4 if you haven’t already, download and complete the Ideal Work/Lifestyle Template.

Next, download the Income Generator Exercise to get clarity on your resources, network, talents, and skills.

Finally, review the Income Idea Generator (featuring 20+ ideas) to inspire you and the Personal Income Portfolio In Less Than 30 Minutes referring back the Income Generator Exercise and Income Idea Generator

Lastly, you can get your hands on all of the templates discussed on this podcast episode as well as episode four by going to or in the show notes for today’s episode.

Show Notes for this Episode

Subscribe & Review in iTunes
Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!

I would be eternally grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!

Connect with me Instagram and Facebook!

004: The Passion Based Business Plan Part 1

34m · Published 16 Apr 15:00

The inspiration for this episode of the Create A Proneur podcast comes from Monetizing Your Gifts Key #24 – Design your business around the type of lifestyle you want to live, not working yourself to death and accepting whatever little moments of joy and fun you can grab. 

Spend some time thinking about how you want to spend your days, how are dividing your work time, play time, family time… etc

Where are you living? On the ocean or in the mountains? What are your personal goals? Do you want to start a family? Spend more time outdoors engaging in physical activity?

Uncover this out using my complimentary Ideal Work/Lifestyle Template located in the free program I’ve created for you.

If you haven’t done so go to the show notes for this episode at to get your copy.

The sponsor for today’s episode is my free audiobook and PDF 57 Ways to Monetize Your Gifts and Create True Security for Yourself

In the meantime, I’m going to go over this simple and enlighting exercise with you on the podcast so if you’re currently driving or can’t otherwise access the worksheet you can download it later and then come back and listen to this episode again when you have some time.

In order to create your work/lifestyle you want, you have to first define what that is.

This template to begin crafting the kind of work/lifestyle what that could look like.

Getting clarity now will help you on your journey while you exploring all the ways to create new streams of income so let’s dive in.

When you think of a typical work day in your ideal life what’s happening?

>> For example: What’s your morning like? What are you doing in the afternoon? What time do you stop working?

>> Where do you live? By the beach, in the mountains, do you split your time between two or more places living and working as a digital nomad?

>> Describe your day-to-day work/life experiences? How much time do you spend serving clients? How much time do give yourself to create new content? How much personal time do you have? How are you spending that personal time? What are the top 3 personal goals you want to accomplish in the next 12 months?

>> How deep are you going with your clients? Again, the more you emphasize service and the quality of that service, the more you can charge? What transformation do your customers expect? What can you deliver that’s unique to you? Do you see yourself meeting clients live or on the internet? How many clients or customers are you currently serving? How many do you want to serve?

Start with these questions first and then in part two of The Passion-Based Business Plan I’m going to review a simple and fun exercise that will help your next income generating idea in Less Than 30 Minutes!

You’ll find the template for that exercise also inside the free mini-course, 57 Ways to Monetize Your Gifts if you complete today’s template you can take a crack at that template. You’ll find the link under Monetizing Your Gifts Key #31

I’ll cover it greater depth in a special bonus episode of the podcast, coming out this week to make you don’t miss it if you’re listening to this on iTunes or Spotify make sure to subscribe that way when it publishes you’ll be notified.

You definitely want to make sure to stay tuned because in that bonus episode I’ll review the single fastest way to generate more cash by creating a synergetic match between what you love, your talents, skills, and gifts and match them to the desires of the people you currently serve and you hope to serve in the future.

I’ll also review 21 opportunities you can add to your portfolio to start generating more income.

Lastly, before we wrap if you enjoy the podcast, not just today’s but all of the episodes so far I’d greatly appreciate it if you rate the show and leave a review on iTunes or whatever platform you’re listening to the show.

Your ratings and reviews and more people find the show and it inspires me to create more episodes with topics that you most want to listen to.

Ok, so until next time thank you for listening, I know you have a lot of choices of where to spend your time, but I want you to know that I greatly appreciate you taking the time to check out the Create A Proneur Podcast!

Until next time create yourself as the entrepreneur you were born to be and add your extraordinary gift to the world.

Connect with me Instagram and Facebook!

003 : 57 Ways To Monetize Your Gifts My Top 5

46m · Published 05 Apr 07:19

The world is changing, each of us is being called to embrace true self-sufficiency. Traditional jobs as we know them are rapidly changing. You may be thinking about starting a side business of your own, or you have one already and you’d like to make your venture more successful.

In either instance please hear me when I say,

Entrepreneurship is a skill that can be learned, as a matter of fact, it’s rapidly become the key to our financial survival.

Even if you have a currently have a job, you have no guarantees that you’ll be able to keep that job, so - it’s vital that you adopt an entrepreneurial mindset now while you’ll your employed.

In my free audiobook and PDF, I share 57 Keys to Monetize Your Gifts and get on the path to creating True Security For Yourself!


In this episode of the podcast, I share my top 5 favorite ideas that you can employ immediately to Monetize Your Gifts

Show Notes For This Episode

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002 : Believing In Yourself To Create The Life and Business You Want

46m · Published 05 Apr 06:59

To create your dream life you need two things:

  1. A dream that you believe in
  2. And a belief in yourself that you can achieve it


Let’s start with number one, a dream that you can believe in.

Everything that you have in your possession including the device that you’re listening to this podcast on and including this podcast episode started out as a dream in someone's imagination.

Dreams drive creation

Every book we read, film we watch, piece of music we listen too, plate of food we eat, article of clothing, car we drive, home we live in, the vacation we take, even the job or career we have, assuming we went to school to get an education to get the job we have started out as a dream at some point in our life.

That’s why I say that dreams “drive creation” and once we understand that and become intentional we can dream more purposely.  

To help you with this process I created a free downloadable worksheet - Future Pacing Your Dream Life and you can get that by going to, show notes page

So the question you might have is “how do I create a dream I can believe in?”

I believe it starts with allowing yourself to pay attention to what speaks to you.


Get Paid For Your Creativity: 57 Ways to Monetize Your Gifts and Create True Security For Yourself FREE DOWNLOAD

Show Notes For This Episode 

Connect with me Instagram and Facebook!

001 : 3 Questions I Like To Ask Every Creative Entrepreneur

38m · Published 05 Apr 06:20

Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Create A Proneur Podcast! My name is Rodney Washington your host and guide and I'm thrilled that you choose to check out my show. 

Before I launched my photography career in 2005 one of the first things I did was reach out to professional photographers whose work I deeply admired.

I wanted to learn how and why they chose to become professional photographers and how they got started in the business. Gratefully, some responded to my requests for advice, others ignored me, never the less I was committed to learning from the best so I pressed on.

So assuming you either currently have a business or you're at least kicking around the idea to start one I felt it only fitting I launch the podcast addressing how and why I started my entrepreneurial career.  

If you could ask someone you admire what prompted them to walk the entrepreneurial path what would you ask? 

Here are the three questions I like to ask Creative Entrepreneurs:

  • When was the exact moment when you knew you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
  • What was going on when you realized there was no turning back?
  • Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your younger entrepreneurial self?


So how about you? I'd love to know how you'd answer one or more of these questions. If you do there's a chance to have your response featured on a future episode of the podcast.

Talk to me on Speakpipe at: 

EPISODE FREEBIE Get my free audio & PDF program:

Get Paid For Your Creativity: 57 Ways to Monetize Your Gifts and Create True Security For Yourself

Show Notes For This Episode 

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Create A Proneur Podcast has 28 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 22:59:41. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 24th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on July 30th, 2023 05:16.

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