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BNI4Success Podcasts

by Cys Bronner

Each week at BNI4Success, BNI's Greater Los Angeles regions, we'll talk about referral networking that works! We'll discuss networking tips, strategies and action steps that are designed to help entrepreneurs and businesses work together to create quality referral business and explore new opportunities.

Copyright: © 2024 BNI4Success Podcasts


Cys Bronner hosts The Positively Remarkable Forum with Guest, Dave Palmer, Speak Up For The Poor - Podcast 41

12m · Published 28 Mar 19:00

On recurring Mondays, you are invited to attend the Life is Positively Remarkable Forum on Zoom. The Forum will be at 9:00 AM Pacific

Guest Host: BNI Executive Director Cys Bronner

Guest Speaker: Dave Palmer, Speak Up - Podcast 41For The Poor

Topic: Show That You Care

BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

Core Value #1 – GIVERS GAIN® Podcast 40

2m · Published 24 Mar 19:00

Cys Bronner, BNI Executive Director, CRO and THE Constant Social Media Networker, discusses #BNI Core Value – GIVERS GAIN®
We give because we understand that in a community, what we do, others will do, and we all benefit.


Hi, I’m Cys Bronner, BNI Executive Director for BNI’s Greater Los Angeles regions, BNI4Success. 

Today, I want to talk about BNI’s Core Value #1 – GIVERS GAIN®

It should be no surprise that our first Core Value, is also the driving philosophy of BNI. 
 Over time, I’ve learned that Givers Gain® can mean many things to many different people. But ultimately, it’s based on the age-old philosophy of “What goes around, comes around”. 

In my mind, it’s more than a reciprocal tit-for-tat statement. It is how we lift up others around us. It’s the philosophy of sharing the gratitude of abundance with our business partners. It’s the benefit that even the smallest farmer knows, the garden grows best when the seeds are pollenated.

When I look at our 7 Core Values, I also see that it’s the strength within some of the others, like Building Relationships and even Accountability. 

Givers Gain® isn’t just a throw away motto, it’s a part of BNI’s DNA. Everyone all levels understands that this is organizations guiding core value, and that’s a pretty incredible thing to be a part of, isn’t it?  

If you’re looking to gain more insights into BNI and really bring the most results to your chapter and business, let me be a part of your network.  Subscribe or follow 
I’m looking forward to hearing how Givers Gain® is woven into your life. 

In networking: The more memorable (positive and helpful) you are, the better the results. 

Questions? Feel free to call Actionsteps4Success Founder and BNI Executive Director Cys Bronner 866-889-3466 or email her at [email protected]
Her motto: BNI, making word of mouth marketing work for you

Click for more information or to join a BNI chapter in the Los Angeles area 

BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

The Visitor Host Coordinator - Podcast 39

5m · Published 04 Mar 00:00

Have you ever heard the phrase, “It takes a village”? 

You most likely have and know that in BNI, it takes a team of business professionals to provide a warm, welcoming, and positive referral environment. 

I’m Cys Bronner, Executive Director for BNI’s Greater Los Angeles regions, BNI4Success, and today, I'm going to share with you just one of our important coordinator roles for every BNI chapter, the Visitor Host Coordinator 

As members, we know that there’s a whole lot going on to help us get the most success from our membership, but did you know that there’s a whole lot more going on to help you become members? Most likely not, you were busy receiving the best Visitor Experience you could. I know this because if you didn’t have a positive Visitor Experience, you would not have moved on to your next step – the Member Experience. 

So, let’s take a look at how it all happened….

·      You registered in advance to attend a meeting.

·      There was a Visitor Host Greeter at the meeting to welcome you in person or online.

·      There was also a Visitor Host – might even be the same one – who introduced you to others, helped you get settled, and made sure that you knew what was going on during the meeting. 

·      Then, near the end of the meeting, the Chapter President invited you to spend some time with the Visitor Host Orientation Specialist (we call that role the “Closer”) who answered any questions, gave you information about the things you should know but didn’t ask, and invited you to apply for membership consideration. 

·      After all that, you got some good old-fashioned follow up by phone, text, email, What’s App, whatever from the aptly named Visitor Host Follow Up Specialist. 

Whew! That’s a lot of gears in the machine, isn’t it? 

It is! But what you didn’t see is that there is a very important team leader making sure it all takes place and hums along the track for you. Of course, it’s the Visitor Host Coordinator. 

Like all of our BNI Coordinators, they oversee and guide that team towards successful completion of the various aspects in their specialized team or unit. 

Without them, you would lose the liaison to the leadership team or worse your Visitors - your potential referral partners – wouldn’t have anyone ensuring that the Visitor Host Team works together efficiently. 

In our region we have something called “Monday Communications”, it’s a great way to start the week for our chapter with each team leader, including the Visitor Host Coordinator, and touch base by email, BNI Online™, in person or phone. 

Personally, I think using the BNI Online™ meeting room is the most efficient, but I also think the best method is the one that you’ll use.  

This way the Visitor Host Coordinator can find out the status of the follow up, discuss what’s been working and what hasn’t with the greeters, update any Greeter Chat Host quick notes or ask about Visitors being put into BNI Connect AND a little due diligence conversation about the guests who may have already registered. – Remember to pass that info on to the leadership as well. 

Btw, that meeting is an important one to find out if a team member will be out and decide how you’ll shift a little so that every visitor to your chapter is still getting the best Visitor Experience ever! 

I always like to ask if a Visitor was given an application (online or otherwise) and how that conversation went.

more at:

BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

The Go Green Coordinator - Podcast 38

8m · Published 02 Mar 04:00

(Thank you to Murali Sundaram, Executive Director, BNI Chennai for his inspiration)

Have you heard the management principle what gets measured gets done?

Absolutely true. In business world we need to measure and monitor all our activities thereby we will know whether we are moving in the right direction

I’m Cys Bronner, Executive Director for BNI’s Greater Los Angeles regions and today, I'm going to share with you one important coordinator role for every chapter called the Go Green Coordinator 

The Go Green Coordinator is vital for the success of every member because we all come together, and we help each other in participating in various BNI chapter activities 

Another job as The Go Green Coordinator is to tell all our members whether all of us are putting our efforts in the right direction - that's the reason in BNI we have created a system called traffic light system, like the traffic light has a green amber and red.

In BNI we have created a very interesting Benchmark or measurement system based on traffic lights called The Power of One Report. 

This terrific tool tells all the members whether we are going in the right direction

If you are The Go Green Coordinator for your chapter (or maybe being considered for that role,) let me share with you what are the things that you can do before the meeting during the meeting and even after the meeting because only when you are very clear on your particular role you can actually help other members also to perform at the best possible way 

Number one is every month your regional office will be sharing the Traffic Light style colors in the Power of One Report of all the members. You’ll want to talk to your chapter Leadership. your president will share this with you or they will ask the Regional Office to add you to the distribution list. 

Before the meeting get the entire data of all the members what are their scores, where are they right now.  Any member more than 70 points they are in the green! 

Members who are between 50 to 70 are amber, or yellow if you prefer. 

30 to 50 points places your referral partner in the red 

As those chapter members who have accumulated less than 30 based on their activities, they become Gray members 

Remember that, you know it's very important that once you get that report to communicate to the Mentor Coordinator and of course, individually to every member either via phone e-mail WhatsApp whichever is convenient to you 

maybe explain the members why becoming green is really important you know why green is important 

you know because if you are a green member above 70% - 70 points it means you are highly contributing member - when you contribute you actually enhance your visibility and thereby enhance your credibility 

you are telling every member in the chapter that you are a more responsible member ready to understand everyone's business and ready to contribute 

Remember our Givers Gain philosophy 

So being a green member is one way of exhibiting your givers gain principle to the entire chapter 

So maybe as a go green coordinator you have to explain the benefits of why every member must become green thereby, they can enhance their visibility and credibility and also their profitability 

So, talk to members. 

If some members are struggling to become green maybe you can break down the entire report and tell them “You know, this month just focus on adding five more points” 

Don't give them big numbers, give them only +5 points to add up in their score and motivate them as they move forward. You can even give them one activity to help make that happen. 

Do One-to-Ones with those members who are

BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

BNI Decoded with Cys Bronner and Susan Goodsell

44m · Published 03 Feb 01:00

Double Your Size; Quadruple Your Referrals

BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

BNI Decoded, Host and Feature Presenter Cys Bronner - Action Steps 4 Member Success

31m · Published 10 Jan 19:00

BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

Always Be Connecting

4m · Published 25 Dec 18:00

Cys Bronner, BNI Executive Director, CRO and THE Constant Social Media Networker know that small business owners and professionals are faced with high and lows of generating income. To help create a constant pipeline of business, she recommends ABC, Always Be Connecting! 

BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

Are the Ho Ho Holidays Holding You Back?

4m · Published 20 Dec 21:00

Cys Bronner, BNI Executive Director, CRO and The Constant Social Media Networker asks if you closed your business just a little too early (and often!) for the holidays. We all deserve a break but sometimes if can lead to a bigger step backwards than we imagined.

 Hullo, I’m Cys Bronner, BNI Executive Director and the Constant Social Media Networker and today I want to ask you, have you closed your business just a little too early (and often!) for the holidays?

I love the holidays, don't you? 

For me it's the spirit all around us, it's a true Givers Gain™ embodiment and that's wonderful to see and have all around you. 

For me it starts around Halloween. I absolutely adore seeing everybody all dressed up whether it's spooky or cutesy, big or small, I have the opportunity to open the door and share some goodness with them, stickers or sweets, smile and wave and wait for the next one. 

Thanksgiving is another one to share my table with the people around me that I love and are close to my heart is just as amazing and giving as helping to feed our community. 

Then December, wow December, in our home as in many there's a frenzy of decorating and gifting and feeding and gift wrapping and so many, many, things that I just can't even begin to list like holiday parties and mixers and business get togethers, all the way through to New Year’s Day. 

In fact, the more I look at this month by month the more I realize that August is the only month on the calendar without a holiday that I am personally aware of, but I usually take the first week of August off to do some type of community gifting so it's not just December is it? 

Many businesses slow down during the holidays, while others struggle to reach those year-end numbers. But what do they have in common? Existing business relationships!

One thing I see that many businesses or entrepreneurs do is take their current business relationships and set them aside saying “oh let's get together or meet after the holidays are over”. I even see our BNI chapters stop meeting for several weeks during this time of year - it happens during the summer too - and it just boggles my mind. If these are the businesspeople that I've worked so hard and close with during the other times why would I meet with them less and basically close the door to my business with them?

It reminds me of a story Dr. Ivan Misner once told, about how a chapter didn’t believe that meeting weekly was really necessary, so they asked if they could try meeting every other week for 6 months and test it out. After 3 months, the chapter President told Dr Misner that the referrals had dropped by 50% and would like to return to meeting weekly. So, there you have it, if you want more referrals, meet more often! 

4 Ways to Make the Most Out of the Holiday Season 

1.    Keep your usual business commitments and meetings on calendar – don’t disappear for 2 months! 

2.    Still swamped? Set up a planned meeting for after the holiday. Reach out to at least 4 people (1 for each week of January!) you’ve been meaning to catch up with.

3.    Is it a slower time of year for you? Host a Holiday Coffee & Cocoa morning at your office for your network and their business friends too. 

4.    Set aside time to reassess your goals for the coming year. Make adjustments to your schedule, if your January pipeline isn’t up to the goals you set. 

Thank you so much for being a part of today’s session. I look forward to hearing from you in the comments about how your holiday and other times of the year went!

BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

Did You Forget The “R” in CRM?

5m · Published 12 Dec 01:00

Relationships are important in business. You work hard to create them, are you keeping them too?
 Cys Bronner, BNI Executive Director, CRO and THE Constant Social Media Networker wants to share networking with a mindset of Givers Gain and positive steps to make sure that you are not unintentionally letting your business relationships “fall through the cracks”.

Hullo, I’m Cys Bronner, BNI Executive Director and THE Constant Social Media Networker and it’s important to me to introduce myself to you that way since our topic deals with a little bit of the old, and the new. 

Sometimes our new way of doing things make way for ignoring our older and more traditional ways, and it’s not always by choice. On many occasions, it’s as simple as allowing things to “fall through the cracks”. 

There’s been a lot of talk on the internet and in our organization about “Benign Neglect” let’s look at that.  

Dr. Ivan Misner describes Benign Neglect as “taking many forms. It’s any decision you deliberately or unconsciously make that allows a person in your sphere (or an activity associated with that person) to move towards the back, which in turn allows someone else to step a little bit closer to you.

I've been talking to a lot of people in the last 2 weeks about how to avoid this and really build our relationships. I've been asking them what it is they do to build their business relationships particularly during a busy, busy, time of year and the response I get predominantly is my CRM does it, my social media posts are automated, I send out birthday cards through my CRM 

I think we've lost some old marketing mechanisms or terms as well as what relationship really means in CRM so 1st let's define CRM

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a technology for managing all your company's relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers

So, it’s a software, or tool. 

If you are using your CRM merely to send out automated items like cards or posts on your social media what you're doing is institutional advertising – and that’s great, institutional advertising certainly has its place, and I would keep doing it. 

You're not you’re NOT, building a relationship. I know you're saying oh that's very old school you don't know what you're talking about everybody's doing social media and I'm going to say you're right everyone is I do it but what makes you stand out? What creates that business relationship? 

It's what you do between and around the items that promote you and your brand. There are so many different mechanisms to make your business strong and if you just focus on one, you're most likely missing relationship opportunities. 

I’m going to suggest just one way to use your CRM to really make it a Customer RELATIONSHIP Manager, to get the most out of what you are already using it for and create the deeper business you want. 

1.    Take a good look at everyone in your contact list.

2.    Select the people you know or wish you knew better

3.    Use to CRM to create a “tickler” 4 months prior to the annual birthday or other outreach to the individual, then block out 30 minutes on your calendar weekly for each of these. 

4.    During your scheduled 30 minutes each week, reach out to the contact by phone, postcard, email, or any method that requires your personal touch to let them know they are on your mind. 

After a while those 30 minutes will move from one person a week to 2 in that same time frame, because you are more comfortable with it. 

BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

Cys Bronner and Dave Rittenhouse Guest Speakers at the Positively Remarkable Forum

26m · Published 01 Nov 21:00

Cys Bronner and Dave Rittenhouse, BNI Co-Executive Directors Positively Remarkable Forum feature speakers
The pillar of strength they are speaking about is "Enjoy a little Craziness"

Be Positive and YOU will Be HAPPY!

BNI Executive Directors and ActionSteps4Success Co-Founders, want you to know there’s no time like the present to start building your business through referral marketing as long as you Enjoy A Little Craziness!

BNI4Success Podcasts

The Voice of BNI Greater Los Angeles; Where we’ll talk about referral networking that works!

BNI4Success Podcasts has 62 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 20:09:22. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 26th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 21st, 2024 23:13.

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