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Fearless Pursuits Podcast: Breakthrough To Success

by Sharon Lee: Mindset & Business Growth Expert

You want success in your life and business don't you? You're tired of struggling and you're ready for content that excites and educates you, motivates and inspires you. Let the limiting belief and business expert guide you! Sit back and listen as we bust through what is keeping you from playing BIGGER in your life and business with knowledge, strategies and empowerment so you can fearlessly pursue your dreams...like your life depends on it!

Copyright: Sharon Lee: Mindset & Business Growth Expert


If I had 90 days, this is the EXACT strategy I’d use to create money as an online entrepreneur

31m · Published 08 Dec 22:59

When one of your biggest focuses is on building a profitable online business, you are only interested in a solid strategy that creates results. What results? 

The results most entrepreneurs want is profit. What if you could actually make a profit within your first 90 days in business? How would that feel?

In this podcast, I thought it would be super helpful if I broke down the EXACT strategy that I personally would use if I were starting all over again as an online entrepreneur. 

Grab yourself a notepad and pencil because I'm giving you my exact strategy to create money as a service-based entrepreneur or a digital creator. It's not hard to do and it's not rocket science so let's get started!


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating, this is what helps the podcast and your fellow entrepreneur.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call


Get Paid For Doing What You Love By Busting Through Your Upper Limit

34m · Published 17 Nov 17:10

Do you want to get paid to do what you love? Do you  want to break the cycle of frustration?

In this podcast, you will learn how to create a blueprint for success, how  to implement the right strategies to create personal and financial freedom, and how to duplicate your efforts to create generational wealth—all while following your true passion and purpose.

Have you been dragging yourself to work day after day? Are you one of those people that believe that getting paid to do what you love is an pipe-dream?  What if I told you that it is more than possible to live the  life you have been dreaming of? If others are able to ignite  their flame and live their passion, then this is possible for you as well. 

Believe it or not, you are not alone in your journey to live a better life, one that you love, with your  paycheck coming from your passion. All you need to do is alter the current direction you are heading in and get yourself on the path to a more authentic life. 

Listen in now to today's episode. 


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call


Reset That Mind: The Hard Truth Of Failure And Success

31m · Published 01 Sep 22:16

It was difficult for me to learn these lessons so I wanted to start by giving you fair warning that these may be difficult to swallow. Growth takes place when we learn difficult things about ourselves. This is where we meet our future selves. 

If you're triggered, then likely you need to hear this message. 

Honestly, we get too comfortable with our internal conversations, our routines and or behaviors and sadly; this is where we begin seeing our demise. 

It's incredibly difficult to be uncomfortable but this is just your primitive brain keeping you safe from growing. 

Today, I want to address what may not seem obvious but once you uncover the truth, you can't go back to mediocrity. My goal here is to help you grow by giving you this mindset shift. If the truth of your deepest desires were known, you realize that the next level of success is waiting. 

BOUNS portion: Also, as a bonus, I'm adding the 7 components to success that I use with my own business and teach to my clients. 

Listen in now to this week's episode.


Links mentioned in this podcast:

The Sales & Confidence Mastery: Grab your code to get 50% off for the month of September. >>> [50PERCENT]


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Messaging, Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call



Let's connect!

Instagram: @FearlessPursuits

Facebook: Fearless Pursuits

The Time-tested Secret To NOT Being Sales-y

32m · Published 26 Aug 22:31

The idea of "being sales-y" can rock your world if you're trying to get leads and promote your business to hopefully make sales. 

I get it, we entrepreneurs have something we want to sell and we want to make some moolah. What you need to know is, you don't have to feel "sales-y" and in this podcast, I'm breaking it all down for you so you can feel more confident to make some sales!

Listen in now to this week's episode.


Links mentioned in this podcast:

The Sales & Confidence Mastery: Grab your code to get 50% off for the month of September. >>> [50PERCENT]


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Messaging, Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call



Let's connect!

Instagram: @FearlessPursuits

Facebook: Fearless Pursuits

Sales Objections: I don't have the money (series I)

23m · Published 18 Feb 21:23

Sales objections happen every-single-day to very talented coaches, consultants and freelancers. One thing we know is that if you rely on having conversations with your prospect in order to get clients and make money in your business, you definitely need to get good at sales.

Just because you receive a sales objection in your discovery call does not mean the conversation is over. That's where the real work begins. 

This podcast episode is the beginning of a brand new series all about sales objections and the first in the series is all about the most COMMON objection that we tend to get and that is, "I don't have the money" OR heard another way, "This is too expensive, I can't afford it".

Most entrepreneurs simply give up when they get to this part of the "money conversation" but what the need to do instead is get more proficient at sales. 

I know, I know, you're dreading the whole concept of a sales call aren't you?!

Don't worry, I've got you covered. Listen to this podcast episode to find out how to overcome the objection, "I can't afford it."


Links mentioned in this podcast:

The free Facebook group: Success Society

The Sales & Confidence Mastery: Grab your code to get 50% off for the month of February. >>> [50PERCENT]


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Messaging, Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call



Let's connect!

Instagram: @FearlessPursuits

Facebook: Fearless Pursuits

Sponsorships: off for this episode

Mindset Blocks: I'm really bad at sales, how do I fix this? (Series IV)

29m · Published 05 Feb 19:07

If you think you're bad at sales, listen up! This podcast episode is designed with you in mind!

Most entrepreneurs don't think of themselves as a sales person or a marketer for that matter and this is a problem. 

It's because most people envision a "sales rep," as an annoying telemarketer or a smarmy used-car salesperson. That's not me saying that by the way. Hollywood propagates these generalizations in movies all of the time which don't necessarily help us. Unfortunately we've had our own experiences about sales people which only feed into our beliefs about what a sales person really is.

When it comes to thinking of ourselves as a sales person for the sake of enrolling someone into our digital course, group coaching program, or 1:1 consulting or coaching program, we tend to feel really uncomfortable in having a sales call or discovery call. 

If you're an entrepreneur who needs to have these kinds of calls in order to make money in your business, this episode will touch on the mindset blocks and issues most people have around sales. Furthermore, I'll discuss in depth the actual discovery call structure as well as some ways to sell yourself so you can get more clients.

Let's dive into the mindset blocks to help you to become better at sales so you can have those sexy pay days in your biz!


Links mentioned in this podcast:

The free Facebook group: Success Society

The Sales & Confidence Mastery: Grab your code to get 50% off for the month of February. >>> [50PERCENT]


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Messaging, Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call



Let's connect!

Instagram: @FearlessPursuits

Facebook: Fearless Pursuits

Mindset Blocks: Will people pay my prices? (Series III)

38m · Published 29 Jan 00:47

When it comes to money mindset blocks, there's no doubt entrepreneurs struggle with a variety of them. In the money mindset block series, we've covered several of them and todays topic which is really a question that get's posed to me very often, "Will people pay my prices?" is a topic I'm excited to expand on. 

As if entrepreneurship wasn't difficult enough with all of the various marketing strategies, dealing with sales conversations and onboarding new clients but we also struggle with our mindset. 

The weakest link, is often ourselves when it comes to growing a thriving business and I want to help you put a stop to it. 

So let's dive deep into the psychology of money and how you should position yourself with the best chance at making more money as well as impact to make a difference in people's lives. 

In this episode, I'm sharing with you several ways to look at this money mindset block to help you eliminate it and charge the price that feels abundant. 


Links mentioned in this podcast:

The free Facebook group: Success Society


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Messaging, Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call



Let's connect!

Instagram: @FearlessPursuits

Facebook: Fearless Pursuits

Mindset Blocks: Are There Enough Clients? (Series II)

40m · Published 21 Jan 19:55

We're continuing on with the mindset block series and today we're diving deep in this podcast episode answering the question: "are there enough clients?"

We've all been there as we're building our businesses, wondering if our industry is saturated. This thought is pure and simply... a mindset block. We can't allow our mind to get carried away with such thoughts. 

We then are dealt the double wammy with feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt. The actions or I should say inaction of procrastination set in and we go into a cycle that takes in a direction for so many of failure and the end of their business. 

There are many issues that our inability to take action out of fear and indecision cause as it relates to the success of our business. The most important is, our inability to create value in the marketplace. 

It's not your fault though. As you're scrolling on social media, you're seeing people talking about their success and you see people doing the exact same thing you're doing and you're wondering if there are any clients for you.

So grab your favorite drink, sit back and listen as I descent this mindset blog and provide very valuable shifts to get you thinking and moving in a different direction.


Links mentioned in this podcast:

The free Facebook group: Success Society


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Messaging, Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call



Let's connect!

Instagram: @FearlessPursuits

Facebook: Fearless Pursuits

Mindset Blocks: I have fear of success how do I overcome this (Series I)

33m · Published 14 Jan 19:11

A client confides in me in a session, "I have fear of success, how do I overcome this?" This is the first mindset block in a five-part series here on Fearless Pursuits Podcast.

The first answer as I'm working with this client is telling her that she's not alone. I went on to tell her that every-single client I have, indeed has secret fears. Most of these fears are around failing and not being good enough.

This type of fear is a lot more popular than you might think. There's a lot of interesting psychology around this that I won't get into simply because it's not as helpful. 

Instead what I do in this podcast episode is help you understand what's going on in your mind and that a mindset block like this can interfere with your goals and take your spirits down. It's interesting to note that there are 8 human fears that we all rotate between at one point or another.

Learning what these human fears are is helpful if we're truly interested in mastering self-coaching. 

The very concept of self-coaching is so powerful as we go about our days interacting with other people. I like to call them, "emotional trainers". These people are absolutely fantastic at getting under our skin and making us work harder at keeping our cool but more importantly, some of these people can actively get in our way as we're working to become more successful.

The people or emotional trainers are one thing but it's the circumstances in our days that trip us up. We're doing our best to be a success in everything we do then... WAM! We get hit by a curve ball that takes us on an uncomfortable ride that can make us second-guess ourselves and what we're doing. 

In this podcast, I'm helping you to understand yourself better so you can go to work and coach yourself out of this particular fear. The fear of success goes deep and it's important to know how to lead ourselves out so we can see the other side to success. 

If you're ready to get into this mindset block and set yourself free from the fear of success, listen now to help you overcome this common fear!


Links mentioned in this podcast:

The free Facebook group: Success Society


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Messaging, Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call



Let's connect!

Instagram: @FearlessPursuits

Facebook: Fearless Pursuits

Succeeding during chaotic times: How do I make more sales during Covid? (Series)

37m · Published 07 Jan 19:50

Entrepreneurs ask me all of the time, "Sharon, how do I make sales during Covid?" You see, these coaches, consultants and entrepreneurs were out there in the physical world networking and growing their revenue by making relationships.

Now that the pandemic is here to mix things up in our lives and make life a bit more crazy, we can't necesarily go out in the world and network in person to make sales like we used to. 

I thought this was a pretty important setback that I wanted to do a deep-dive on. That's why I'm doing a series on "Succeeding during chaotic times" and in this episode, we're going to talk about how to make sales during social distancing.

So far we've talked about raising children while working and last week we talked about "How To Adapt Or Grow Your Business During Covid". This is the final episode in the series where I'm answering this question, "How do I make sales during social distancing?"

A lot of entrepreneurs are rebuilding their businesses while many other entrepreneurs are just getting started because of an unexpected lay off.

What we as coaches, consultants and entrepreneurs need more than anything are sales. We have hopes and dreams and we're not going to let a setback like a pandemic beat us and crush our goals and dreams.

If you're ready to make more money in 2021, even in stressful, chaotic times; this is the podcast episode for you.


Links mentioned in this podcast:

The free Facebook group: Success Society


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Messaging, Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call



Let's connect!

Instagram: @FearlessPursuits

Facebook: Fearless Pursuits

Fearless Pursuits Podcast: Breakthrough To Success has 115 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 66:35:43. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 26th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 2nd, 2024 06:12.

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