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Fearless Pursuits Podcast: Breakthrough To Success

by Sharon Lee: Mindset & Business Growth Expert

You want success in your life and business don't you? You're tired of struggling and you're ready for content that excites and educates you, motivates and inspires you. Let the limiting belief and business expert guide you! Sit back and listen as we bust through what is keeping you from playing BIGGER in your life and business with knowledge, strategies and empowerment so you can fearlessly pursue your dreams...like your life depends on it!

Copyright: Sharon Lee: Mindset & Business Growth Expert


Succeeding during chaotic times: How To Adapt Or Grow Your Business During Covid

38m · Published 18 Dec 00:14

This podcast is a MUST if you want to learn how to grow your business during Coronavirus (COVID-19). In this episode, I'm giving you actual strategies to help you not just get by in your business but instead, how to actually THIRVE and grow your business during this very difficult crisis. 

You know I LOVE talking about hacking the mind because I believe that our mind was created as a tool to help guide us all to abundance.

I completely believe that abundance is our birthright... I really do!

Yet, it's unfortunate how we sabotage practically every inch of the way.

As entrepreneurs, it's important to always be thinking of how to boost our online presence but more than that, we want to be thinking of ways to continue making an impact in our clients lives.

The last thing you want is to have your mind drowning in thoughts of, "where's the money" or "where are the clients?" Thoughts like this are low vibration and don't help us to be creative and find solutions.

That's perfectly normal if this is your knee-jerk reaction and where your mind automatically goes because I'm providing TONS of free advice for you in this week's podcast episode to help you adapt to what's going on in today's world and how you can come out of it all on top.

And it comes back to wanting to make a positive difference in people’s lives, to lift up our local area, and to help people realize they’re capable of doing much more than they might think they can.

My hope is that you're thinking of the same thing instead of making money. At the end of days... when you're on your death bed at 110 years old, you want to look back on your life and know that your life and what you do had more to do with helping instead of *just* making money.

When I consider this higher calling or purpose, it gives me the courage to press on, to keep Kickstart going in the face of seemingly overwhelming odds, and to go on serving the people who depend on me.

So if you’re facing a crisis point or wavering self-belief, try to find your why and then recommit to it. Your clients, fellow coaches, and family will thank you for it. I believe you have the strength to not only endure, but to learn, grow, and thrive. Go prove me right.


Links mentioned in this podcast:

The free Facebook group: Success Society


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Messaging, Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call



Let's connect!

Instagram: @FearlessPursuits

Facebook: Fearless Pursuits

Succeeding during chaotic times (Series) - Building a business alongside caring for children

29m · Published 11 Dec 01:00

If we entrepreneurs want to succeed in our businesses especially during difficult times, we have to become someone new. 

Most of us living today, have never seen anything like this. Learning history in school however, teaches us that our grand parents dealt with economic times that were extremely difficult but we've lived in abundance and richness for so long, we believed it would always be good. 

Now, we're presented with many different situations some of which mean we start a business while we're working a 9-5 or working our 9-5 or business while taking care of children... all at the same time. 

I really felt is was important to unpack this topic. The last thing we need in an already stressed-out, overwhelmed society is to add on fear, complexity and juggling caring for our children all the while handling meetings, calls, texts and any other fire that needs to be put out. 

In this podcast episode, I'm dissecting this topic to help you manage. Grab a drink, sit back in a quiet space and listen to this week's powerful episode to help you succeed in chaotic times. How to build a business alongside caring for children.


Links mentioned in this podcast:

The free Facebook group: Success Society


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Messaging, Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call



Let's connect!

Instagram: @FearlessPursuits

Facebook: Fearless Pursuits

The Most Important Strategies To Master Sales Now

35m · Published 03 Dec 18:32

If you have a business, you more than likely want to master sales. That's exactly what I'm dishing up in this very special podcast episode.

When you're ready to master sales, you'll want to learn the specifics of holding an actual sales call as well as some of the more intrinsic details. When you are working in your business, doing the daily marketing, networking with other professionals, prospects or future clients, you'll want to know that your business isn't just a hobby.

We as entrepreneurs work and work in our businesses and so many unfortunately over-complicate the process and never really learn the basics but most importantly learn what it takes to actually master sales. 

When you're in the constant mode of "working" instead of "mastering", the results simply won't be optimal. As entrepreneurs, especially a small to mid-size company who is chief, cook and bottle washer, we need to really focus on the importance of mastering sales. 

If you're on board with this understanding, then this podcast episode is perfect for you. I'm going into the detail that will help guide you to the perfect sales conversation so you can have higher conversions in your own sales conversations.


Links mentioned in this podcast:

The free Facebook group: Success Society


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Messaging, Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call



Let's connect!

Instagram: @FearlessPursuits

Facebook: Fearless Pursuits

The Fear That Clients Won't Get The Results

27m · Published 19 Nov 18:25

So many coaches and consultants have a deep-seated fear that their clients won't get results. It's not something that they would openly share but it's on their mind a lot more than their willing to admit.

Not surprisingly, there are many problems with this fear.

Some of which are their vibration and energy that their emanating. It's an interesting reality that our beliefs are creating a "vibe" about us. We don't see from moment to moment just how it affects our ability to be effective in our marketing and even in the session itself. 

In fact, we can "come across" as insecure ourselves. This is particularly a big concern in the sales call or what's often referred to as a discovery call. When you're thinking in your head that you're not sure the prospect will get results, the prospect isn't quite sure why the don't feel like this is a good fit and they go with their gut and say no to your offer. 

This is unfortunately seen in other ways too in the client relationship and in this podcast episode, I'll go into depth on this as well as an exercise that you can do to help get you out of this unconscious fear. 

Fears like these are what's responsible for the failure of many service-based businesses. 

Listen in now as you find out what you can do to eliminate the fear that clients won't get results with your services. 

Links mentioned in this podcast:

The free Facebook group: Success Society


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Messaging, Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call



Let's connect!

Instagram: @FearlessPursuits

Facebook: Fearless Pursuits

The Quickest Way To Create a New Mindset

25m · Published 12 Nov 21:01

The mindset for change requires us to dig deep. The mindset for setting and achieving goals requires us to want it... a LOT! What happens when you've decided you want change but you're not getting the results you want?

Well, you begin second-guessing yourself. You begin judging and wondering if you'll ever change.

Let's stop this self-defeating behavior right now because in this podcast episode, I'm sharing with you the quickest way to a new mindset. 

Once you learn what I'm about to share with you and apply it to your own life, you'll be able to create real transformation in your life or business. When you change your mindset about what's possible for reaching your goals, ANYTHING can happen.

Links mentioned in this podcast:

The free Facebook group: Success Society


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Messaging, Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call



Let's connect!

Instagram: @FearlessPursuits

Facebook: Fearless Pursuits

Make More Money In The Last Quarter of The Year

33m · Published 05 Nov 17:06

Making more money than all of the other months put together CAN happen. How do I know that? Well it's because, this is exactly what the members of the mastermind are doing. There's some major shifts happening for those entrepreneurs who are changing their focus and working on the money-making activities that will make all the difference. 

You might be thinking that it'll take a lot of hustle. That's just not the case. Finishing the year strong financially isn't about struggle or hard work, it's about working smarter. 

If you're interested in making more money in the last quarter of the year, it's really time to learn what you actually should be focusing on to make it happen. 

In this podcast episode, I'm sharing with you what you need to focus on and the shifts you need to make so you'll not only finish strong financially but you'll be on target with some new ideas and focus for the new year too. 

Links mentioned in this podcast:

The 6-Figure Conscious Entrepreneur Community


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Messaging, Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call



Let's connect!

Instagram: @FearlessPursuits

Facebook: Fearless Pursuits

Make More Money In The Last Quarter of The Year

33m · Published 05 Nov 17:06

Making more money than all of the other months put together CAN happen. How do I know that? Well it's because, this is exactly what the members of the mastermind are doing. There's some major shifts happening for those entrepreneurs who are changing their focus and working on the money-making activities that will make all the difference. 

You might be thinking that it'll take a lot of hustle. That's just not the case. Finishing the year strong financially isn't about struggle or hard work, it's about working smarter. 

If you're interested in making more money in the last quarter of the year, it's really time to learn what you actually should be focusing on to make it happen. 

In this podcast episode, I'm sharing with you what you need to focus on and the shifts you need to make so you'll not only finish strong financially but you'll be on target with some new ideas and focus for the new year too. 

Links mentioned in this podcast:

The 6-Figure Conscious Entrepreneur Community


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Messaging, Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call



Let's connect!

Instagram: @FearlessPursuits

Facebook: Fearless Pursuits

The Perfection Monster Is Keeping You From Success

17m · Published 29 Oct 15:00

You are fed up and you're looking for ways to overcome the perfectionism anxiety. You've been wanting to stop being a perfectionist for a while now because you recognize how it is preventing you from achieving what you need to and want to do in your life as well as your business.

One of the first things we have to do in order to stop being a perfectionist is to acknowledge it. That's right! It's the elephant in the room and it's causing all sorts of mind drama like doubt and even procrastination.

You realize this perfection monster is feeding your fears. These fears just grow and grow until they're SO big that you find yourself not doing half of the things you want to do, right?!

Are you beginning to see how this perfectionism lifestyle is keeping you living a small life?

In this podcast episode, I'm breaking it down for you so you can really see what the perfection monster is doing in your life but the best part as with all of my podcasts episodes, I'm sharing with you what you can actually do about it.

Let's get started!


Links mentioned in this podcast:

The 6-Figure Conscious Entrepreneur Community


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Messaging, Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call



Let's connect!

Instagram: @FearlessPursuits

Facebook: Fearless Pursuits

How To Establish Yourself As An Expert Online

24m · Published 15 Oct 16:02

Growing your online business can be anything you want it to be. That may seem strange when all you're looking for is a magic bullet, a strategy or just the "right" formula to make it BIG.

Here's the thing, you get to decide what strategies you do. Some entrepreneurs are willing to pull out all of the stops while other entrepreneurs aren't willing to go the extra mile because of fear and confidence issues. 

The first step is knowing what to do, the second step is to ask yourself if you "can" do it. The next step is to plan for what you can do now but work on any advance strategies to really establish yourself as an expert

To establish yourself as an expert in your online business, and by the way, I'm typically talking to coaches, consultants and freelancers here, but you'll need to understand that being visible online is your only option. 

Certainly as I said before, you get to decide your plan. This could be anything from organic marketing methods to using your resources to create ads on Google, YouTube, Facebook or even Instagram. 

The choice is yours so in this podcast, I'm sharing with you the exact steps you can take starting TODAY to position yourself as an expert online in your industry. 

Let's get started!


Links mentioned in this podcast:

The 6-Figure Conscious Entrepreneur Community


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Messaging, Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call



Let's connect!

Instagram: @FearlessPursuits

Facebook: Fearless Pursuits

How To Grow Your Online Audience Quickly

25m · Published 08 Oct 15:00

It would be odd to hear an entrepreneur say they don't want to build their online audience so I'm going to bet it's a topic that you're interested in. If that's the case, I'm breaking down what you can do TODAY to actually GROW your online audience quickly.

This isn't rocket science either. It's really just a matter of refocusing your energy and following a few steps.

More than that though, it's a mindset switch. The reason I say this is because many people are struggling first off with changing how they promote themselves and their business. They simply don't want to try anything different. 

That's normal human nature. The truth is, there's a better way that's more targeted ant that's what I'll be showing you today. 

The other aspect of this is, entrepreneurs sometimes don't have the confidence to do this. Yes, it WILL take confidence but when you're all in, you won't bat an eye at following through with this kind of work. 

Seriously, if you want to grow your online audience, I mean you can DOUBLE it... even QUADRUPLE it, if you do what I'm breaking down for you in this podcast episode. 

Links mentioned in this podcast:

The 6-Figure Conscious Entrepreneur Community


I'm always happy to bring you information each week to fuel your entrepreneurial soul. Stop by next week for another great episode and be sure to take a moment to give this podcast a 5 start rating.

Hi, I'm Sharon Lee, a Life Coach & Business Growth Expert | Messaging, Mindset & Sales Expert

"Let your mind help you breakthrough to success."

Grab your free consultation call with me to learn how we can work together to create the transformation in your life or business.

Click Here. >>> Free Consultation Call



Let's connect!

Instagram: @FearlessPursuits

Facebook: Fearless Pursuits

Fearless Pursuits Podcast: Breakthrough To Success has 115 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 66:35:43. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 26th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 2nd, 2024 06:12.

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