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How To Think With Dan Henry

by Dan Henry

If you want to be successful, you must learn to think like those that are successful. Self-made multi-millionaire Dan Henry sits down with successful entrepreneurs, authors, thought leaders, and influencers for a candid chat on how they overcame the odds, solved critical problems, and ultimately, how they think. This show helps you up your mind and money game, so you can make mind and money gains.

Copyright: 2022 | How To Think With Dan Henry


How to Join the 3AM Club and Boost Your Productivity

8m · Published 10 Feb 05:00

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Have you ever gotten up before the sunrises and noticed how incredibly calm and quiet it is?

The world is still asleep, no dogs barking or phones ringing. It’s just you in the stillness. I know it’s tempting to go back to bed. 

But, if you get up and get to work on your business, you are a member of the 3 AM Club

Members of the 3 AM Club find themselves capitalizing on this small chunk of distraction-free time. They are plowing through things that have been on the back burner for far too long. 

Some are even creating and building new products and services!

When your mind is rested, clear, and focused, you can be so much more efficient and productive, so grab some coffee and let’s get to work!


In this episode, I am going to cover:

  • How getting up early allows you to be notably more productive in the early hours of the day
  • How to safeguard your productivity throughout the day
  • How a high level of productivity can provide you peace of mind in your personal life


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In today's episode, we're going to be talking about what it's like to get up at 3:00 am and work on your business.

Hey, what's up, everybody? It is about six 30 in the morning. And I fell asleep last night at about eight-thirty, sorry, seven-thirty. I fell asleep at about seven-thirty last night. I had my son. His mother dropped him off around six, and I don't know what it was. I was just extra tired. I think it was because I had just done a millionaire cruise with one of my clients Phil Bohol. He booked a Millionaire Cruise one-on-one for any of you that doesn't know what that is. It's I do one-on-one consulting days on my yacht. It's like a 12 hour day. We just sit down and really dive in. For him specifically, we spent the day basically writing his webinar. I basically wrote his whole worked with him to write his whole webinar, which is his main marketing content to get clients for his company.

And so that's like 12 hours of, you know, of talking and consulting and thinking, I guess I was just really tired because the next day, which was yesterday, I went to bed at seven-thirty, which is pretty early for me. So I woke up at 3 am, and I was like, man, I am like, ready to go, should I go back to bed? You know? And I was like, Nah, screw it. Let me get up. So I got up, had a cup of coffee. My son's right now; he's still sleeping. He probably won't get up to like for another hour or two, but I went upstairs and sat down, and I just realized how calm it was, like nobody's messaging me. And I don't deal with that anyway. I don't let people message me when I'm working on something, you know, because I'm a huge productivity nerd and I don't do that, but there's just something about the fact that nobody can message you nobody's awake, and there's something that unlocks in your mind.

Plus, when you get up in the morning, your brain is clear, you haven't, you haven't filled it with a bunch of muck or gunky yet. It's completely clear, and it's rested. So that's why I like to get stuff done early because I don't give my brain time to get gunked up with stress and things from the day that I'm thinking about, you know, I just like to get to work on something that that I want to work on. So I decided that I was going to get up, I went up here, and I sat down, and I started working on all kinds of stuff that I've been, that I've not had time to get done recently. One of them was reviewing an investment contract and choosing, you know, what type of investment style I want for this particular strategy we're doing, which is a self-directed insurance company.

And then I went and went through the document where I'm basically writing the copy for our new website. We're completely rebranding and doing a new website for And I had to go and write the copy for pretty much all the main pages. And so I did that as well as worked on one of my new webinars for my new Legendary Productivity program, which is a program that teaches you how to have insane productivity. So I worked on that a bit. I did a few other things, and it's like 7:00 am. You know, it's about to be 7:00 am. And I got pretty much everything I needed to get done for the day done. So now I get to work on other stuff like recording this podcast episode, writing out plans for new YouTube videos, or plans for just other stuff in the company.

And I just, I'm sitting here thinking like, man, like, this is really great. Now I don't know if I'd want to do this all the time because I just don't want to live a lifestyle where I get up at 3:00 am every day and I have to be to bed at seven-thirty because you know, I understand there's something to be said for being productive and getting things done, right? Obviously, because I'm a huge productivity nerd, and I'm even developing a whole productivity course, but one thing is not to miss life, not to restrict yourself so much that you can't enjoy life. In fact, to me, the entire point of being productive is so that not just so that you can get things done, but so that you have time to enjoy life and smell the roses, right?

That's, you know, it's easy to be productive when all you do is work, but to be productive and still be able to enjoy your personal time, that's true productivity. And so that's what I really wanted to focus on in our new program that we're releasing and in my life. And so I believe that these, you know, 3:00 am days are good when you have a day where you're really tired, and you're like, man, I could go to bed early, and you go to bed early, you get up basically in the middle of the night, and you just go. And then that night you're going to sleep very well. And you're probably going to go to bed a bit earlier than normal, but when you do go to bed, you're going to really be well-rested. You're going to get up at whatever normal time you get up seven.

I normally get up at seven, and you should be able to get right back into that groove. But I wouldn't do it all the time because, for me, I still want to go out to dinner. I still want to, every once in a while, go have a drink with some friends or go out on my boat and have a little party on the back dinner. I'm not going to go to bed at seven-thirty every night. I'm just not going to do it. So doing it here and there, maybe once a week, once every two weeks, will just boost your productivity, catch you up on things that perhaps, you know, you've been slacking on a bit, or you just have been too overwhelmed to do. And it's just; it's sort of like a vacation from your daily grind, you know? Because throughout the rest of the day, and I've done this before, and throughout the rest of the day, you just find time for more things. Like just staring out the window and looking at the trees or in my case, I look at the Bay here, the ocean, and just taking a moment to appreciate it because you just never do any other time, you know, because you're just grinding, grinding, grinding.

So if you want to join the 3:00 am club, I would recommend that you pick one day every week or every two weeks and not even pick a day, just allow yourself to be open to if you feel tired and it's early, go to bed, don't try to stay up. Don't try to say, well, I really wanted to watch this show, or I really want, or even I really want to get this thing done because I guarantee you, if you go to bed early, get up at like three, and you do that thing is going to get done in a quarter of the time. Trust me. I just blew through a ton of stuff today.

So that is a little tip I'm giving you guys if you want to join the 3:00 am club. I just think you should visit the 3 am club. I don't think you should establish a permanent residence there, but that is up to you. That's just my personal take on it, and I hope you enjoyed this episode. Don't forget to subscribe and make sure you share, and I'll see you in the next one.

How to Write a Book that Attracts Clients in Just One Week with Dana Derricks

42m · Published 08 Feb 05:00

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Have you ever considered writing a book?

I knew I wanted to write a book, and I knew that book could help me grow my business

Looking back now, I realize I underestimated just how helpful that book would be, though. 

Writing a book used to be a significant project that would take years to complete, and it was an exhaustive process dealing with the publisher forcing you to do things a certain way, even if it was clear those things wouldn't benefit you or your book.

At the end of that exhaustive, generic process, you were left holding your book with no real direction on what to do next.

Let me let you in on a secret…

It doesn't matter where you're at, whether you're relatively new at what you're doing or if you've been in the game forever. If you're in business, you should have a book.

Your book can be your best salesperson. It can bring you more potential clients and help improve your closing rates exponentially!  

Let me introduce you to Dana Derricks, author of One Week Author. 

Together we will show you how you can avoid the generic approach to writing a book, streamline the process and share how you can put that book to work for you as you grow your business. 


In this episode, I am going to cover:

  • How your book can be the best salesperson for your business
  • What are the key points to remember when building a marketing system around your book
  • And… How you can work directly with Dana and his team to have your book funnel built!


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>>>Click Here to Get Your Copy of Danas Book, One Week Author!


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Dan Henry (00:00):

Hey, everybody, in today's episode, we're going to be speaking with Dana Derricks on how to write a book in just one week.

Dan Henry (00:13):

All right, everybody. I have a very special guest today. Mr. Dana Derricks, a good friend of mine, and he's made multiple millions in entrepreneurship and online marketing. And he's a 13-time author. The guy knows how to not only write books but make money from books. And I'm excited to bring him on because, you know, one of the ways at that we get clients is through my book, Digital Millionaire Secrets. So I know the value of a book, a well-written book, and especially a book that can grow your company and get you more clients. So I'm excited to bring Dana on and talk about, you know, exactly how to write a book quickly and a bunch of other stuff about, you know, marketing and making money with books. Dana, how are you doing?

Dana (01:20):

Dan! I'm doing awesome, man. Before I say anything else, can I just give you a quick shout out on how awesome the intro is? Oh, like the coolest thing ever,

Dan Henry (01:28):

Thanks, man. I was like, well, I gotta make an intro that that gets people on their toes and just isn't like some elevator music, you know? So that's awesome. But yeah, man, so you have a new book out called One Week Author, and you're absolutely crushing it. So I'd like to, you know, and probably a lot of people that follow me, know who you are, but just in case there's anybody that doesn't if you could just give a quick background on you know, what you've done and why people should listen to you from my audience that would be great.

Dana (02:05):

Yeah, definitely. So long story short, I've been in the internet space for the last 12 years full-time, and I have kind of built up a little bit of a marketing empire. I guess on number one on copywriting. I'm one of the best copywriters that are out there. I've written copy for Dan for just about any of the big, huge names in internet marketing you can think of. I've written 13 books, as Dan has said, and I've discovered a lot when it comes to books that I'm excited to share with you guys. And I've made for myself several million dollars over the past few years, plus many millions for clients and students. So I've been doing this a long time, and I've seen a lot. I've seen pretty much everything, probably much like Dan has. And Dan and I kind of are in a similar spot where we're, we are younger than some of the OGs in the space, but we do know what the hell we're talking about.

Dan Henry (03:04):

We're like middle-aged, ha.

Dana (03:05):

Yeah, we are, we're like a midlife crisis, on the verge of, or something like that in this space. But yeah, no, so that's me. And I'm excited to hang out with Dan and you guys.

Dan Henry (03:17):

Awesome. Awesome. And, you know, I, it took me about 30 days to write my book. And so I'm super interested to see how, you know, your approach to doing it in a week. But before we get into that, let's talk a little bit about what kind of money can be made from books. Because if you look at our space, you see guys like Russell Brunson and, you know, just I mean, Tony Robbins, you know, a lot of guys who lead with a book. And so do I, you know? And basically, you buy the book, you get a lot of great value out of the book, the book teaches you something, and then if you want more help, you buy a product or sign up for a service or do further business.

Dan Henry (04:04):

And a lot, a lot of books are like that. You know, I mean, I'm pretty sure a Rich Dad, Poor Dad has some sort of offer, you know, after you read that book, I think they have some sort of coaching offer. So a book can really bring a lot of money in for your company. Our book, I think we've done six or 7 million directly from people buying the book and then signing up for our coaching program. So let's talk a little bit about what you've seen and what's possible in terms of a book growing a company.

Dana (04:41):

So you're living proof. A book is one of the best selling tools, in my opinion, that there is. In my opinion, a book is the best salesperson on earth. It's a better salesperson than me. There's a number of reasons for that. And like mainly is it can be everywhere. It can be a million places at once. It can be delivered instantly through audio or digital. And so that is why I am so sort of heavily invested in books. And that goes back to something. I got a nugget out of one of Dan Kennedy's books. And back when I was doing, you know, kind of just my copywriting gig, and that was he said that he would not entertain sending out a proposal or even discussing a potential project, a copywriting project with a client unless they had read at least a copy, one of his books.

Dan Henry (05:41):

Right. Well, we tell people that too. We say you either have to read the book or at least watch our webinar otherwise.

Dana (05:47):

Yeah. You guys see why right? So as soon as I read that, I'm like, Oh, geez, that like that's money in the bank. So I'd already written a book. So then I basically made that a rule. I would not get on a call with any potential client had they not read my book. And so that really like doubled my closing rate right there because all the heavy lifting was done. So you guys are kind of living in that now with Dan, but as far as the potential to make money on the back end of books, Dan's proving just how lucrative that is. But if you just look at it from a generalist kind of like scope, what are all of these big names in our space have in common? Like all of them, they have a book, and most of them have many books, right? So I don't think that it's fair to say that the only reason they're successful is because of their books. But I do think that they wouldn't be where they are, had it not been for their books.

Dan Henry (06:42):

Oh yeah. I mean, you mentioned double the close rate. We actually did a study on we took everybody that bought our program, and we looked at, okay, did they read the book or did they watch the webinar or did they

Why Audio is Taking Over the Education World

12m · Published 03 Feb 05:00

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How do you consume educational content?

Traditionally throughout history, knowledge was passed down from one generation to the next through storytelling. Over time we progressed to manuscripts and then books. 

Using audio and video is still relatively new when you think about the history of humankind. 

Until recently, I considered video to be the best way to share knowledge, and it is how I have shared nearly all the content I create. 

Then it hit me…

Today, as a society, we are almost always on the move. Think about that for a minute.

When was the last time you were able to properly consume a video while working out, driving, or cooking dinner?

Sure, you can listen to a video while you drive, but you can’t be looking at the screen every time you hear, “Now look at this.” 

How well are you able to see the video on your phone while it’s bouncing along to the rhythm of your feet pounding the treadmill?

That is why I know audio is taking over the way we educate ourselves and, I want to share how you can use this to help grow your business.


In this episode, I am going to cover:

  • Why using audio-only will eliminate distractions for the consumer
  • How audio-only content will streamline the process of content creation and delivery 
  • Why creating audio-based content is excellent for hyper-creative people and even those that are camera shy


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In today's episode, I am going to show you why audio is taking over the online education world and what you could do to leverage it.

Hey everybody, Dan Henry here, and it's a beautiful Thursday morning as I'm recording this. And I'm excited because I want to talk about why audio is taking over the educational world. Recently, there has been a new social media app that has come out called Clubhouse, and I think it's caused an awakening, and it's inspired me. And here's, I'm going to tell you my whole master plan, okay? So the world of audio is it's always fascinated me. I actually went to school for audio engineering. And to me, audio is, in its most pure form, the fastest, most frictionless way to teach somebody anything. And if you're good at explaining things, you don't need a whiteboard or fancy graphics or to be on camera. You know, that stuff that can help keep people's attention. But if you're really good at explaining things, and you're good, as my father would say, a good orator, then you will be able to keep people's attention and still just use audio.

And we see that in Clubhouse, it's this app where it's all audio, there are these rooms. People are talking, teaching, dropping knowledge, and people are staying in these rooms for hours, absolute hours. I mean, I've seen rooms go for days, and people are just, just stuck listening, and they can't turn away. And that inspired me because one of the companies that I'm starting soon here is called, and, you know, I sat down, and I thought about it. And let me just tell you sort of my plan. And then I'll show you how I switched gears. Once I realized how much audio is taking over the education industry and why it will allow for faster growth.

So my plan with was you get daily mentoring. And I was planning on doing it audio-only for the beginning, but you get daily mentoring from me on how to succeed at anything in life by changing the way you think. So daily mindset mentoring, you know, two, three minutes, audio clip delivered to the how to think app on your phone every single day, so that you can start your day. Because if you start your day poor, you're gonna have a poor day. If you start your day good, you're going to have a good day. And so that morning mentoring session, as short as it may be, will really help you develop a good mindset and a good frame for that day, but as well over time, chip away at that enemy within. That enemy inside yourself that is keeping you from greatness and giving you these limiting beliefs. We're going to chip away at that every day with a little bit of mentoring from how to think.

And so that was the plan. Then, you know, I thought to myself, well, perhaps I can add extra courses, extra content into the app that, you know, maybe they'll be upgrades and things like that. Solo masterclasses, maybe there's a solo masterclass on investing or a solo masterclass on developing confidence, et cetera, et cetera. And I thought you thought about it in my head. I was like, man. This is going to take so long to create all these videos. We're going to have to create all these masterclasses, and we'll put them in there. And you know, I want to fly some guest experts out to do masterclasses with a guest expert. And I'm thinking, all right, I'm gonna have to fly them out. And then we're gonna have to set up all this lighting, and you know, there's going to be so much to do. And then I thought about it. I was like, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait one, darn tootin' second. What if everything was audio? Think about that. And I talked with my team about it, and everybody's ears perked up.

And I said, think about this for a second. People are on the go right there. Their phones are glued to their face. They're constantly on the go. They got AirPods in, you know, even when you have time to sit down and watch a video, you're not fully paying attention. For instance, for me, every morning, I take a morning knowledge walk, and I listened to an audiobook, and I've learned a lot of what I know from listening to audiobooks, audio-only. Some of the best information ever perpetrated in the world, maybe perpetrated, wasn't the right word. But most of the best information we have in the world, almost all of it came from books. I mean, how do we pass down knowledge for hundreds of years? Through books, and only recently do we have things like YouTube videos, but for the most part, knowledge has been transferred in our society, in our civilization, and in our species through books.

And that's the thing is, if you can teach somebody something with your words and you don't need illustrations, you don't need video. And you're good at that. You give that person a lot more access to the information because it's a lot easier to learn when it's audio-only. It's a lot easier to, you know, I'll be sitting there, maybe I'll cook myself something, or I'll be on a walk, or I'll be at the gym. I can't watch video lessons at the gym. That's a distraction nightmare. But I can, and I do whenever I'm at the gym, whenever I walk in the morning, I always listen to things. That's how I learned things so quickly. And it's all audio-only. And so I thought to myself, well, you know what, whether it's me, whether it's guests if all the additional courses and upgrades and all the content at how to think was 100% audio only how quickly we could grow that content?

How much more content could we put out? How much more help could we give, and how much more opportunity could we give to people to easily access that information more frequently. And, you know, maybe I would have had this idea a year ago and said to myself, wow, you know, people like video, blah, blah, blah YouTube, blah, blah, blah, but with Clubhouse coming out, and I mean, you know, how much audible and things like podcasts are growing, I really don't think that that would be a negative. If anything, it would be a positive because it gives you, again, more access and more frequency to learn than video. And so I made a decision that all the additional courses, any upsells we do, anything is going to be 100% audio-only. And that will allow me or my team and I to produce far more content.

If you say, Dan create a course on investing. What's your approach to investing? Or Dan create a course on how to build massive confidence. What would, you know, what would you say? Well, I would probably say it's going to take me a couple of weeks. I'm going to have to map it out, and then I'm gonna have to schedule it for my video guy to go into the of

How to React When Things Are Out of Your Control

10m · Published 01 Feb 05:00

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How do you respond to situations that are out of your control?

When you have no way to modify the situation, and the outcome is completely out of your hands, it can be frustrating and even scary.

The truth is you have two choices

You can break down, let the frustration of the situation break you down, and make you focus on how much you can not change.


You can focus on what you can do to make the best of your situation.

Understand, it is up to you to see that you are never without a choice. You can choose to let the negative hold you back, or you can choose to make the most of what you have and keep pushing forward even if it seems like the odds are against you!


In this episode, I am going to cover:

  • How to think about your choices when things seem to be out of control
  • How looking at your options can show you another path to take 
  • How changing your focus can help you to gain control again


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In today's episode, we'll talk about how to react when things are out of your control.

All right. So sometimes, in life and business, things get out of our control. We can't do anything to change them. We just have to wait, or we just have absolutely no way to modify the situation. And so, how do you react? Do you sit there and just freak out? Do you sit there and woe is me, or do you do something a little bit different? Well, I'll give you an example from my life recently. We are launching a new company called Plan Tomorrow. I designed my own productivity planner because all the planners that I've seen on the market are just, they're just full of fluff.

It would take a week to learn how to use them, and that's not very productive. So I was like, I need to make a simple planner for, you know, entrepreneurs, CEOs get done type of people, get it done type of people, people that just want to be productive. And so I developed it and, you know, we made a waiting list. We put some content out, showing the planner. People are freaking out over it, they love it, and we have a huge waiting list for this. But there's a problem. My planners, which are on a cargo ship from China, are stuck off the coast of California in Customs. And because of all, I don't even know the because completely, but, you know, I guess there were some issues with the freight forwarding and this and that. And because they're so backed up right now because of COVID and all this security stuff, it's just. We have absolutely no idea when customs is going to release them.

And so we have 2,500 planners sitting in customs. We have another 7,500 planners sitting in China right now, waiting to be shipped. And we don't want to ship them yet until we figure this shipment out. And we were ready to launch at the first of the year. You know, we're like sitting here, and I'm not going to launch the company and start selling this thing, and you buy this planner because it's a custom planner. It's a bougie, you know, really, really nice planner. It's not going to be cheap. It's probably the heaviest planner you've ever felt and the thickest. It's really, really nice. And I wanted to make it like a luxury, quality item. And so with that quality, you know, I'm not going to let you buy this planner, and then you gotta wait a month and a half to get it.

I'm not going to sell it until those planners are sitting on the warehouse floor right down the street in Clearwater, Florida, at the distribution center that we engaged with. That's when I'll start selling them because I want people to get their stuff right away when they buy it. And so right now we've gone through, we've talked to everybody. There's nothing we can do. All we can do is wait for the customs office to get to it. And Lord knows when that'll be, so what am I doing right now? How am I reacting? How am I solving the problem? Well, here's the thing. There's nothing I can do. Yeah, I'm still creating YouTube videos and content, and even this podcast episode right now, I'm telling you about the planner. You can go to, you know, I'll leave a link in the show notes where you can go to get on the waiting list.

But it's That's a little waiting list for it. The eventual website will be I think that's just like, it's got like a preview page for Shopify right now. But, you know, the marketing's ready, everything's good to go. So what have I done?

So what I've done is because I cannot launch this yet, because I'm waiting for those planners, I've taken my focus, and I have engaged some people to build out some additional things. Cause, you know, in the beginning, I thought, well, I don't need certain things for this company, right? I can start selling now, and I can add things later. Like there's all kinds of stuff you can do. You can do extended email sequences. You can do chatbots. You can do, you know, Harmon Brothers style video. I mean, there's all kinds of stuff you can do.

And so I've begun engaging people and other companies to help with those things to get that done since we have time. The other thing is I've started to work on my next venture, which is You know, I was going to put that off a bit before I really dug into it. But since I can't really do anything right now for the planners, and since my current company,, is doing really well. And, you know, I mean, we're doing stuff with that too. I've got, I mean, the operations of that company are tight now. And you know, we're doing a complete website redesign and email sequence redesign. So it's, you know, all that's going well operationally. My focus was supposed to be on Plan tomorrow, but look; planners are where they are.

So I'm working on what I can work on in the time being. I'm working on We're flying a developer out next week to sit down and wireframe the entire app out. And just in case you haven't heard yet, is a, you know, I normally to help mentor people, we charge a five-figure investment at, and that's because we have quality products. So I wanted to be able to put something out, not just for entrepreneurs and business people. But for people that just want to succeed at things in life, because over the course of my life, you know, and I don't talk about this that much, but, you know, I've been able to do some pretty cool stuff, you know, in a short amount of time.

Including I won some martial arts tournaments. I was able to, you know, work, do some pretty cool work in the music industry. I got to work on some records for some popular music artists. And you know, I built out my entire studio, and I've just done a lot of little things besides become a multimillion-dollar entrepreneur, investor, speaker, and bestselling author. I mean, that's all cool stuff too, but I've done a lot of little things that, you know, people still want to learn to do, like playing guitar, and building something, and just losing weight. I lost like 30 pounds recently. So in all of that, there's an engine that runs all of that, and that's your mind. You know, the way you think about things and how you position your mindset is what makes all those things actually happen. It's you know, yeah, you can learn tactics and techniques and you can all that. But if the engine isn't solid when you pour gas in it, it's not going to run, and the engine is your mind.

And so, and by the way, if you're saying, "Oh, well, here Dan goes about mindset. I don't need mindset help". Well, then you, my friend, are the person that needs the most mindset help of all. You know, I always try to elevate my mindset, and I always see flaws in my mindset, and accepting that you have flaws in your mindset constantly is actually a sign of a strong mindset, believe it or not.

But anyway, I digress, the point is will be an app you can sign up with a membership where you'll get daily mentoring from me on how to succeed at anything in life, by changing the way you think, and I'

How to Become Smarter by Creating a Second Mind

12m · Published 27 Jan 05:00

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Is your mind operating with stock programming?

Let me explain. 

The beliefs we are raised with are often carried into our adult lives. These can be beliefs about religion, politics, money, really any aspect of life. 

Those beliefs come from our parents, friends, family, and experiences as we are growing up. They are meant to guide us and protect us from harm

This is the stock model of our minds.

 While some of those beliefs serve you, some could be holding you back from reaching your full potential. 

Let me share what I call the Second Mind

Learn to challenge your beliefs and upgrade your mind!


In this episode, I am going to cover:

  • Where the minds’ default programming comes from and how it can hold you back as an adult
  • Why it’s important to challenge your beliefs and make them your own
  • The Second Mind technique; what it is, and how you can use it to upgrade your mind


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In today's episode, we're going to talk about how to become smarter by creating a second mind.

All right, so what could I possibly mean by creating a second mind? So here's the deal. When you grow up, when you go through life, you have a set of beliefs that are instilled in you from your interactions with your parents, your environment, your friends, your family, things you see on TV, music, movies. You've watched things you've heard people say, and these beliefs become your default programming, the default beliefs in your mind, and what happens with most people, they go through life, and they never ever challenge their default beliefs, sort of like buying a brand new motorcycle and never changing the pipes, never changing the grips, never doing one thing to it. I don't think I know a single motorcycle owner that hasn't done some sort of modification or upgrade to their bike. And it's the same thing with your mind. You know, your mind requires upgrades.

It requires you can't just go with the stock programming. And the reason why you shouldn't do that is because it's not yours. It was given to you. It was just put in your brain. It really wasn't yours, especially the first 20 years of your life. And when you go through life, and you don't challenge those beliefs, you don't grow, you don't learn, and you do not become smarter, or at least as smart as you could have become. And when you challenge your beliefs, you create new opportunities, new ways to grow and think better. And so I have a little technique that I created, and this is a practical technique.

This isn't woo woo, I call it the second mind, and how it works is this whenever I'm dealing with something, or I have a belief, no matter how strongly I believe that thing, I close my eyes, and I go, okay, I believe this thing I create a second mind. And that second mind challenges the first mind and says, "Are you sure? Why do you believe that? What evidence do you have? What about this? What about that?" And then I take that mind, and I go, and I try to find evidence to argue it. 

Actually, one thing that I'll tell you that I did back in college was I took a debate class. And I talked to my teacher one day, and I really wanted to, we had like these, you know, competition debates and I really wanted to win the debate. And I asked her, I said, "You know, what's your number one tip for winning this?" And she looks at me, and she says, "Listen, the number one thing that will...", like, there are all kinds of debate techniques, but she said, "The number one thing that will allow you to be a good debater is to learn to let go of bias. To learn to be non-biased because if you're biased, then all those debate tactics don't really work. Like you won't be able to work them. You have to learn to remove bias." 

And I said, "Well, how do you do that?" And she says, "It's simple, practice arguing with people," or not argue she didn't say argue. She said, "Practice debating people on a particular belief from both sides." I said, "Well, what do you mean?" She says, "Well, for instance, let's say you are a Christian, okay? Or you believe in God, right? Or you're a Republican or your Democrat, whatever it could be anything. Let's say you're a Republican. When you're in the presence of other Republicans, argue from a Democrats' perspective. And when you're in the presence of Democrats, argue from a Republican perspective and try to win."

I said, "So let me get this straight. If you're a Republican, or if you believe in God, you're supposed to argue with some random person about, you know, that God doesn't exist or that, you know, whatever those conservative-liberal views are, you're supposed to argue?" She says, "Yes. Now, listen, I'm not telling you to do that if you don't personally want to do that, but you asked me, how do you win the debate? That's what you asked me." I said, "Yeah, that is what I asked you." She says, "Try to argue something that you at your core do not believe in and try to win the argument from the other side.  And once you do that, you will learn to, at least in the context of the debate, learn to let go of bias. Learn to use actual debate tactics. Then whatever your actual bias is, you can then use your new-found power, your new-found debate technique, to better argue that what you believe because if you don't understand the other side's perspective, then it's going to be very difficult to argue it." 

So if you don't understand why somebody would say God doesn't exist, then you're not going to be able to properly argue that he does exist and vice versa. You have to be able to argue the other side. It's sort of like that old saying you shouldn't tell your kids not to smoke pot unless you've at least tried it once that way, you know what it's like. There's a lot of arguments like that, and so I, that was one of the things that reminded me of. And I thought it was very interesting and so I tried it, and I got kind of addicted to it. 

I would go to these parties and, you know, I would do stupid stuff. Like if I loved Marvel and you know, or I love DC, I'm a DC guy. I would argue that Marvel was better. And then if I was around, you know, Marvel people, I would argue that DC was better. And then I would do things with the politics. And I would do things with just whatever the topic was. I would find somebody, and I would debate the other side. And it really helped me understand how to properly, not just debate, but think. And that's what eventually led me to the second mind concept was that, Oh, and by the way, I did win the debate. I did win the debate after she told me to do that.

But this is what led me to the concept of the second mind is, here's, what's going to happen. You have a belief, and you create a second mind that debates your first mind's belief, whether or not the second mind wins, here's what happens. You validate your belief and learn how to better argue it, or you discover that that belief is false, and you adopt a new, better belief.

For instance, I used to think that people wouldn't buy a consulting from me for more than a thousand dollars. Well, I had that belief for a long time, and so I never charged more than a thousand. I never even tried to learn. And then I thought in my mind, like, you know, I, in my second mind said, "Well, maybe you can, you know, what makes you think you can't?" My first mind said, "Well, because I just know it." And my second mind, "So what do you mean you just know? You can't just say that you just know it. Have you looked it up? Have you tried, have you consulted anyone? Have you talked to anyone that charged more than you? Have you had conversations?" And my first mind said, "Well, no, I kind of just like, thought that," and my second mind went, "Well, that's just absolutely just ignorant. Like, basically you have that belief, but you just have it. You never, like actually went out and tried to do your due diligence on that belief." And my first mind went, "Oh, I guess so." Right? 

Cause here's the thing. When you have

How to Find The Cheat Codes to Life (They Are Everywhere)

12m · Published 25 Jan 05:00

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Do you want to learn the secret behind the wealth that I have built?

I'm frequently asked how I have been able to achieve so much at my age. 

See, I learned I needed to learn from those that had gone before me.

In every aspect of life, there are people who have done what you want to do. They have created a road map if you will. All I needed to do was look for the pitfalls in their map and avoid them.

It’s a cheat code of sorts.

We each have a limited amount of time on this earth. Why waste time making the same mistakes others have made when we can learn from them?

Learn to find the cheat codes that others have left behind and make the most of what you can learn from them! 

In this episode, I am going to cover:

  • The systematic approach to finding the cheat codes in your area of interest
  • How to find cheat codes that can save you years of trial and error
  • How to know whose advice you should follow and whose you shouldn’t


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In today's episode, I'm going to teach you how to find the cheat codes to life, and believe it or not; they are everywhere.

All right. If you ever play video games, what's one of the coolest ways or the fastest ways to win at a video game? It's to go on Google and find the cheat codes, right? You find the cheat codes you put in the cheat codes, and now you get all these power-ups, superpowers things to make the game easier to play. And I get it. Sometimes, you know, people don't like to use cheat codes. They like to play the game as it is, but let me just tell you, when it comes to life, we only got about 70 or 80 years on this planet. And if you can get a cheat code to life, you should absolutely take it. And here's what I mean. There are cheat codes everywhere, because look, when you are, and this is why it's difficult for us to quickly evolve as a species is because maturity happens through age, right?

Just like a whiskey or a wine can only achieve a certain taste or quality through aging, so as with humans. When you are, you know, a kid, most children are only so mature because they just haven't been around on the planet long enough to experience situations that increase their maturity. When you're in college, and you're a young kid, and you know, that 30 or 40-year-old friend of yours or uncle or whatever, is like, Hey man, you know, let me give you a piece of advice, you never listened, right? We never listened. Ah, yeah, whatever, we think we know it all. And then when we get into our thirties or forties, we're like, wait a minute. That was true. And now I feel like it's my duty to tell a 21-year-old this same thing, because man, I wish I would have taken that advice when I'm 21.

And we get stuck in this infinite loop where, you know, we make all these mistakes, even though we have people telling us not to make them, but we're very resistant to that. And so here's something that I started doing a long time ago that really allowed me to skip a lot of mistakes and discover that the codes to life because, you know, where I'm at right now in my community, I'm the youngest person in my community. Most people in my community, you know, where I live, these are all anywhere from two to $5 million houses. They're all like old doctors. They've been, if they've got either old money or old businesses, they've been around for a long time. I'm the youngest one.

Whenever I go looking at some of these condos, like, I'm looking at a couple of condos right now. They're in the $2 million range, nobody in my age bracket. I'm 34. Most people can't afford that, at least down here. And so, you know, I'm finding that if I want to live in a building with, you know, more young people in a younger community, it's challenging because there are just no young people living there. And, and I keep getting asked by realtors and things like that. They say you know, how did you achieve this? How did you build this wealth so quickly? And I said, well, it's not really me. I just listened to people that had already done it. And I decided to actually take that advice prior, instead of waiting 20 years and figuring it out for myself.

And this is what I mean by that because there has to be a systematic, you can't just take people's advice that are older than you. That's a terrible, terrible way to look at it.

So let me give you a structured, systematic way to look at it and how to really find the cheat codes to life. What you want to do is you want to look for people that have done things in the realm of what you want to do and have achieved goals that you have that are much older than you. And you want to look back, and you want to find interviews from those people, talking about what mistakes they made. And then you want to find mistakes that you hear appear in multiple, multiple interviews from different people that have achieved that goal. And let me give you one particular example.

I used to think the debt was bad, meaning just pay cash, right? Because when I grew up, I had that belief instilled in me. Oh, just pay cash, don't spend money you don't have. You know, all this terrible, terrible advice that I later found out was terrible. But I didn't understand that debt could be a good thing. It's not always a bad thing. Let me give you a hardcore example.

I would listen to interviews where entrepreneurs would say; I wish I took on debt. I wish I took on debt. I wish I took on debt. I didn't understand how to use debt properly. And I'll give you a perfect example. There was an opportunity for me to purchase a home cash. And I thought, well, you know, I could buy this home in cash, and I don't owe anything. But I thought about it. I listened to some of these interviews. And then I went out, and I talked to my financial advisor, and I said, help me understand this. Why would I not buy this cash? And so he says to me, well, think about it in terms of math.

If you buy a house in cash, what are you saving? You're saving about 3% because that's what interest rates are right now, right? So you're saving 3%. Now, if you were to not pay cash and you were to take that same amount of money, and instead of paying cash, you got a loan. So now you're paying 3%, but you take that same money you would have bought, or that you would have put into the house, and you put it into an investment fund. Like a managed real estate fund or a debt fund or something that pays, say 15%. Well, now you're not saving 3%. You're making 12. So what that means is if you take that same amount of money and you put it into a fund that pays you 15% a year, you can take three of that 15%. And that pays for the 3% that you would've paid on the money for the house. And so when you buy a house in cash, you're not saving 3%, you're losing 12%. 

That's what's happening. And I didn't realize that cause I would always listen, Oh, you don't want to have debt. And so that's what I started doing. And you know, when I bought the yacht for Millionaire Cruise, I did have to buy it cash just for the purposes of the deal. But we're doing a recapture loan where I basically, it's like a reverse loan, so there will be a loan on it. And, you know, I found a fund that I can put my money into that literally has such a good return that I take that money. I put it into that fund. And the return I get from the fund pays for the payment on the boat. So we found a government-backed contract for a food service company, a company that literally pays, it's like a six-month loan, and it pays 16%.

So let's just do the math here. Let's say I took just 1 million, right? Let's just take it to 1 million. And I put it into that. That's going to give me a $160,000 return in six months. Now the payment on the boat is about ten grand a month. Well, that means in six months, I will have paid for 16 months of the boat payment. So let me run that back for you. $1 million. Okay. Let's do the math times 16%. It's $160,000. And I get that in six months, and that is 16 months' worth of payments on the boat. And now that I have that money back in

How I Am Creating a New Company in 60 Days

13m · Published 20 Jan 05:00


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I've been on hundreds and hundreds of coaching calls with entrepreneurs, startup entrepreneurs, small business owners.

You would think that on these coaching calls, the majority of the questions would be marketing and business-related.

Surprisingly, those are not the questions I get

Most questions I have been asked are mindset related questions

At times I have seen people struggling with one issue or another in their business, and they don't realize that the struggle is because of a mindset issue.

This is not unique to entrepreneurs. It is a universal issue that everyone struggles with.

That is why I am creating my new company,


In this episode, I am going to cover:

  • Why I am creating, and what it can do for you
  • What the enemy within is, and how you can learn to overcome it 
  • And... how to get on the waiting list for and be one of the first 500 users!


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In today's episode, I'm going to go over how I'm creating my brand new company,, in just 60 days.

Hey, everybody, in today's episode, I get to announce a brand new company that I'm starting, why I'm doing it, and how I'm going to try to do it in 60 days. I don't know if I'm going to make that deadline, but even if I don't quite make it, it'll still be pretty darn fast. So why am I creating What is it, what's it about, and how am I creating it in 60 days? 

So I've been on hundreds, and hundreds of coaching calls with entrepreneurs, startup entrepreneurs, small business owners, you know, because my current company, that's what we do. We help entrepreneurs grow online businesses. And specifically, we help them either sell their advice online or sell their products services for a premium price. So whether you're an agency or a coach or a course creator, you have a mastermind, you know, we help you do what we've done and grow that business online.

And so that's who I primarily have spoken to, and the reason I'm setting the stage for that is because one would think that on these coaching calls, the majority of the questions would be marketing and business-related. However, it doesn't matter how much I've charged, right? I mean, you know, I charge regularly $55,000 for consulting, you know, direct consulting with me. And you think even at that high of a price point, you know, even at that level, you'd get like really technical marketing questions or advertising questions or what have you. And I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that 99.999999999% of the questions I get are not marketing. They're not advertising, and they're not even business-related. 

They're almost all either mindset questions, or the root of the problem ends up being mindset. And this is just something I've seen over and over and over again, you know when somebody asks a question and I really really dig down into what's going on, what's driving them to ask that question.

It comes down to things like patience or not understanding how hard they have to work at something, or, you know, not believing in themselves. I mean, these are always at the core root of almost every single issue in business. And I started to notice this. And so I started to really, you know, the one thing that my clients and just my friends and everybody has always said, they said, you know, Dan, you just have this insane mindset. You know, you've developed this crazy mindset to get all this, to do what you've done in such a short amount of time. 

And I never really thought about it, cause I've always thought, well, I just work hard. And my team is great. And I have a great team. I have great employees, I've grown, I've got, you know, great customers. And I don't, I try not to take all the credit because it wasn't for my team, my customers, and just, I mean, a certain amount of luck, right?

I mean, if it wasn't for the internet, if it wasn't for social media, perhaps I never would have grown what I've grown. So, you know, I try not to take all the credit, but I will say that every time I have achieved something great in business or overcome a major challenge, it always has come back to me, correcting, tweaking my mindset, which allows those technical and practical things to flow, or to be executed easier. It's sorta like your mind's the engine, and if the engine is not running, then, you know, the nice wheels and the paint job and all that, it doesn't really matter because the car doesn't go anywhere. And if you don't have confidence and you don't have perseverance, none of that business marketing tactics stuff's going to work. 

And so I thought about this, and I was like, all right, this is something that everybody needs help with. And it's universal. Like, it doesn't matter what business you're in, or even if you're not an entrepreneur business person, maybe you want to be an athlete, or maybe you want to be a songwriter. It doesn't matter what it is. It all comes down to the same core mindset traps, the same mindset issues that need to be nurtured. 

And so I thought, you know, I really want to create a company that gets me to the next level of personal fulfillment. I want to do something bigger than just teach people to make money. Or at least just teach people marketing funnels and all this. You know, I want to serve at a higher level. And so I opened up my computer, and I went to GoDaddy, and I said, all right, this is just fate. You know, I'll check it. And if it's available, then it's meant to be. And so I type in, and the domain is available as a premium domain for like three grand. And I go, holy moly bought. I said three grand I'm in.

So I buy, and I started thinking of, you know, what I'm going to do with it. And I get on coaching calls, and I really opened my mind, and I try to try to understand the root problem. I called some friends of mine who are, you know, they work heavily in the mindset space. And I just spent the last several months really diving deep into how I can help people build and shape a better mindset so that they can achieve anything in life by changing the way they think because that's what did it for me. And that's ultimately what has helped my clients. I allowed them to think about things in a different way, which allowed them to take all the things I taught them or things even that they already knew how to do and execute them and actually make them work.

And so what I decided to do was create a company wherein contrast to what I currently do, we currently, you know, we charge a premium price to become a client at You know, we're definitely not the cheapest. And, you know, if you're the best, nobody expects you to be the cheapest, if you are the cheapest, nobody expects you to be the best. So, you know, we definitely, it is a serious investment to work with us, but I wanted to be able to help more people in a way that would do my part to change the world, even if it was small and not just, you know, help the few, but also be able to help the many.

And so, my plan for is to offer daily mentoring. So basically, you can absolutely succeed in anything you want to succeed at in life if you know how to change the way you think. And I want to provide daily mentoring where you sign up to; we're going to start it at $7 a month. It'll probably go up from there, but we're going to start it at $7 a month, at least for the first 500 members. And I'm going to sit down, and I'm going to record daily. It's going to be audio-only. And I'm going to record daily mentoring sessions for people who want to just really develop a winning mindset so that they can win at any game. And right now, I'm going all out. We're going to have a web app, an Android app, and an iOS app all developed all at the same time. So that when we launch, you can download it on your smartphone. 

You can download it on your iPhone, Android, web, what have you, and take it with you. Take that mentoring with you and be able

How to Leverage the Hidden Power of Money

13m · Published 18 Jan 05:00

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Do you know how to leverage your money?

I’m not talking about leveraging in the way you might be thinking.

Money can have incredible power over us. That power can cause us to make some costly decisions in both our businesses and our personal lives.

Let me ask you a question.

If you are at a low point in your business, sales are down, and you are feeling stuck, what would you do?

Would you double down on your business, invest everything you can into learning the skills you need to keep moving forward?


Would you cut back, wait to invest in yourself and your business, and do your best to keep scraping by, hoping things will be better next month?

If you chose the second option, there’s a good chance you won’t have your business much longer because the money is leveraging YOU!

I’m going to show you how money can leverage you and what you can do to take your power back so you can leverage money instead!

In this episode, I am going to cover:

  • The most common limiting beliefs when it comes to money
  • How allowing money to leverage you can cause you to make costly mistakes
  • How you can take back the power money has over you


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Hey everyone, in today's episode, I'm going to talk about how to leverage the hidden power of money so you can make super accelerated progress and success through life and business.

So here's the thing about money. Money has power. It has immense power now you may be thinking that in this episode, I'm going to talk about how to like leverage money or, you know, leverage loans or how to turn money into more money. But that's not what this episode's about. You see, money has this incredible power over us. It controls us instead of us controlling it. And when I realized that money controlled me and it really should be me controlling it, that's when I really started to make a massive shift in my life. I'll give you some examples.

My personal trainer and he also works at my company, Brandon. Every morning he comes to my house at seven-thirty, we lift weights, and then we go to the office, and he works at the office. And several months ago, probably like five or six months ago, he got injured, and he messed up his back.

And keep in mind, this guy is also a professional undefeated MMA fighter. He's trying to get to the UFC. His whole life, he has dedicated everything to martial arts, everything to MMA; the dude has, I mean, he's gone on he's fought at literally like the top promotions right under the UFC. And he's an incredible fighter, and he puts absolutely so much effort into his MMA career.

And he got injured one day. He messed up his back, and he wasn't sure, you know, what was going on, but it stopped him from getting, he can't, he can't take fights. He can't even train. He literally cannot train MMA. He hasn't trained in six months. And so I said to him like six months ago, I'm like, "Dude, you need to go get an MRI." And he's like, "Yeah, but an MRI, so expensive. And you know, I think if I just go to physical therapy, everything will be fine. Like, I know people that have..." You know, Blah Blah Blah. I'm like, "Yeah, but you gotta know for sure what's going on. What if you have a really bad slip disc or something? Like, you know, you really have to know." And he's like, "Oh, I think I'll be fine." I'm like, "Okay."

Keep in mind, though, like his whole life revolves around MMA, and this injury is stopping him from doing MMA. So this morning, I come in, and I had another talk with him last week about it. I said, "Dude, you really need to get an MRI. It's been like six months. You're not getting any better. You haven't fought. You have barely trained. Every time you try to go train, it hurts more, and then you can't train again for another couple of weeks." And he's like, "Yeah, yeah, you know, you're right." So he finally, you know, this morning, he says, "Hey man, I got the MRI." I'm like, "Really? Well, what happened?" He says, "Well, I have two slipped discs; both are bad. Ones really bad, and it's literally touching the nerve." And I'm like, "Oh, I told you you should've got that MRI."

So now he has the MRI, and he's able to go to an orthopedic surgeon next week and get a recommendation on whether you know surgery or a different type of physical therapy or whatever. And now he can actually, now that he knows what's going on, he can actually start making real progress towards fixing that so that he can get back to his MMA career. 

Now think about this for a second. This MRI cost him 500 bucks between going to the doctor, getting the prescription, and going and getting the MRI done; it cost him 500 bucks. And he said to me, "Man, it was really tough spending $500 in one day." I said, "Spending $500 in one day? So you just don't like the idea of spending 500 bucks in one day?" And he's like, "Yeah, it was tough." I'm like, "Well, how much have you spent on physical therapy over the past six months?" So he calculates, it's like 1500 bucks. I'm like, "So you spent 1500 bucks over the course of the past six months on treatment that may not have even been the appropriate treatment, but you've just spent $500, you know exactly what's wrong." He's like, "Yeah, I guess that doesn't make any sense at all." I'm like, "No, it doesn't."

Money has so much control over your life over our lives. And in Brandon's case, just the idea of spending $500 in one day was just; money had so much power over him that he literally delayed it for almost six months just because he didn't like the idea of spending $500 in one day. That is how much power money has over us. Keep in mind again, this guy has dedicated his entire life to this thing that this injury is stopping him from achieving, but money has so much power that it delayed him from getting that MRI over 500 bucks. That's crazy.

And so I said to him, "Brandon, if you had like, remember, remember your last fight?" He hasn't fought in a long time and, and he won his last fight. He's won all his fights, he's undefeated, but he like really smashed the guy the last time. And I said, "Do you remember how good you felt when you got out of that ring, and you had won?" And he's like, "Yeah!" I'm like, "Let me ask you something, what would happen if a wizard came up to you right after that fight, and he said, Brandon, you must give me $500 right now. If you don't, your MMA career is over. If you do, you can continue. What would you say?" And he's like, "I'd give him 500 bucks." I'm like, "Alright, so what's the difference between that and this?" He's like, "You're right. There is no difference."

You know, that's the thing, guys. You have a business, right? That you want to grow or you want to start a business, but you'll pay $70,000 to go to college to learn how to make 50 grand a year from somebody who probably makes less than that. And that's okay because commercials and your parents and all these narratives in society tell you to go to college. Yeah, go to college, but you won't pay five or ten or even 20 or 30 grand to an actual millionaire that can teach you how to do exactly what you want to do. Hell, that's literally insane that somebody would care so much about their business, but they won't pay somebody who knows what they're doing to show them what they're doing, or they won't pay for a good accountant. Right? Like I know people that make a ton of money. They could save a ton of money if they had a better accountant, but they don't because they're like, oh, that accountant's so expensive.

Well, yeah, but if that accountant saves you $50,000 and that accountant costs 10, you've made 40 like it's math, brother. Like, you know what I mean? So the thing is, is money has such a hold over our lives that it stops us from getting what we want in life because we're so scared and we're so freaked out at just those numbers, right? Like I remember, I've spent multiple times, I've spent 30 to $40,000 on a mastermind, and it was a lot to write to send a wire for 30 grand. But you know, I've gaine

How NOT to Pitch Investors

15m · Published 13 Jan 14:00

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Most of the time, it takes months to get a meeting with an investor.

After waiting all that time, you would think that people would come prepared, with a straight to the point, clear pitch.

Some people do, but most end up realizing they just thought they were prepared

And at that point…

It’s too late. They have already wasted 10-15 minutes allotted for the meeting, the investor is not interested, and they find themselves back at square one.

I want to help you avoid that painful and discouraging experience

I’m going to share some things you can do to make the most of the time you have with your potential investor, but more importantly, I’m going to share what NOT to do


In this episode, I am going to cover:

  • How to structure your pitch and get straight to the point
  • Storytelling: When it’s appropriate and when it’s not
  • And… What a potential investor is likely to think about while listening to your pitch


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In today's episode, I'm going to cover how not to pitch investors when you're trying to raise money for your startup.

All right. So how do you pitch investors? How do you not pitch investors? When you're trying to get money for your startup or growing your business, or getting your business to the next level, how do you pitch? So I just want to let you guys know that this is gonna be a brutal episode. I was in a Clubhouse room the other day, and I was super humbled to be invited to the stage with guys like Grant Cardone and, you know, Kevin Harrington and some other, you know, A, A plus players, and investors. And basically, they were pitching us on, you know, investing in their business, and some of us took deals, and some of us didn't take deals. I got one potential deal. And you know, then I held a room where I let people pitch me directly. And here's the thing. I kept seeing the same thing, and I want to cover the finer points of it so that when you guys go, especially if you have to wait months to get a meeting with an investor, I want you to not make these mistakes because you're going to get 30 seconds.

You're going to wait three, four, five, six months. You're going to get in front of an investor. You're gonna start talking. They're gonna play with their phone, roll their eyes. And then, two minutes later, you're out the door, and that's it. And you're going to be devastated. And so I don't want you to be devastated.

So here we go. The best thing you can do when you pitch an investor on your startup is here's what I got. Here's what I want. Here's what you get. Okay? So let's break that down. Here's what I got. This is my product. This is who it serves. This is what it helps them do. This is what we have in revenue. This is how many sales we have, right? Like, don't start talking about your personal life. Don't start talking about your background. Don't give a story unless that story directly illustrates the need for the product.

That's the only exception. And that's a great exception, but you know, sometimes we hear these stories, and we're thinking, all right, this has to do with the product, right? Like in order for the product to make sense, we have to hear this story. And then the story won't have anything to do with the product. You know, like if you own a t-shirt company that sells nerdy t-shirts, I don't need a backstory. Say, I have a t-shirt company. We sell nerdy t-shirts. We did $250,000 last year, and we need 150 grand so that we can buy a new machine to produce faster and for a price or a lower cost per shirt. If you give me this 150 grand, we'll give you 15% of the company. Boom, done.

And then if the investor wants to, is intrigued by that offer, and intrigued by the product, and intrigued by the proposition. Then the investor may ask you about you. And at that point, they will care. You got to understand, nobody cares about you before you pitch, right? Like you're one of 6 billion people on the planet. Nobody cares. Nobody cares about you, your background, your kids, your life story. Nobody cares. Okay. Now, if you present a product or an offer that interests them, then they care a lot. Because now they want to know who's behind that product. Who's running the show. Who's who is the captain of the ship, and will that captain sink the ship or keep the ship afloat. That's when they care. So a lot of people get that backward.

And so let's go back. Here's what I got. Here's what I want. Here's what you get. Right? So here's what I got. I got, you know, this company, these are our sales, this is what we sell. This is why people buy it. This is how we were able to sell. I want this much, right? I want this much money. Here's what we're going to use it for. Here's how it'll help grow the business. And here's the equity percentage that we're willing to give up, done. And then, the investor will ask follow up questions. And that's where you get to talk about your personal life, this, that and the other thing if it's relevant. So that's the best possible way to pitch.

And, you know, I personally went through that as well as Kevin went through that, Grant went through that. We all went through it multiple times, along with other really smart investors. And, you know, and then I did my own room. We had Maxwell Finn on, we had Blake Noubar on, we had, you know, Tyler Jordan, we had a lot of people on, and we all said the same thing here is how you pitch. And every single time someone came up to the stage, nine times out of 10, they completely ignored the advice.

So think about this, like, from an investor's standpoint. If I tell you, and most of the time we don't, investors don't tell you how to pitch, right? That's a bonus. But imagine we tell you how to pitch, and then you completely ignore the advice, and you just do your own thing. Well, guess what? Now we're thinking, okay, well, now if I get into business with this person, and I say, "Hey, you know, do this," like, you know, here's a strategy. Cause a lot of times, people are also looking for strategic partners, not just money. So again, if you want me as a strategic partner for your business, and I give you something to do, and I say, "Hey, here's this thing." And you don't follow the instructions. Well, I don't want to be a strategic partner with you.

So again, understanding and comprehending what an investor is telling you, and then just blatantly not doing it that way. I remember this one time. I said, "Don't tell us about your personal life. You know, tell us about your product. And then if your personal life fits into that product, fine." Right? And then the very next speaker gets up, and he's like, "Hi, you know, I'm, so-and-so, I'm from this city. I have this sexual orientation, and I'm this race..." And blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, "What does that have to do with your product?" He says, "Oh, well, nothing. I just want you to know who I am." I'm like, "Didn't you just listen to what we said?"

You know, like if you sell a product where those elements of your life directly fit into the product, right? You know, then it makes sense. But if you're just randomly telling us stuff about yourself and how much of a go-getter you are, and you know, all this stuff, it's like, no one cares. They don't care until they care about the product. Then they care about who is behind the product.

So the other thing is, think about one more thing. We, as an investor, we have to have faith in you, right? We have to have faith in you. And if we know that you have not done the research to at least read a book on how to pitch, well, then who's to say like, why would you do the research and put the work in to know how to grow your company, how to grow your sales, how to manage a team. Like if you, if you get on there and you pitch, and you're just so terrible at it, and you're not even following a structure, well, you didn't take five minutes to Google, how to pitch. Like you didn't do that? Well, what makes us think that you're going to do anything decent with the business? All right. These are th

How I Made 6 Figures in One Day On Clubhouse

12m · Published 11 Jan 05:00

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"I'm not a fan of social media personally because of the fact that I love giving value. I love posting on social, but I don't like the friction." 

Now more than ever, we live in a culture fully immersed in social media.

Everyone has a favorite platform or two, but each platform has its drawbacks…

I love sharing value, but I find that all the posting criteria and guidelines really take away from my ability to give value in the way I would like to.

I recently discovered the newest and most exclusive social media app, Clubhouse.

It gives me the freedom to keep it simple, show up and provide value in the best way possible…

LIVE, no distractions, just me delivering value!

And because I can share value without all the limitations and posting criteria, the other platforms have…

I made six figures in a single day without selling or pitching anyone!


In this episode, I am going to cover:

  • Clubhouse; The newest and most exclusive social media app and why I love it
  • What makes Clubhouse so beneficial to your business
  • And… How I made six figures in just one day without selling or pitching anything!


If you got value from what you heard here, please be sure to subscribe and rate this podcast! Bonus points for you if you write a review! ;) 



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In today's episode, I'm going to cover how I did six figures in a single day by using the new social media app Clubhouse.

So Clubhouse, Clubhouse. Has anybody heard of Clubhouse? It's a brand new social media app. It's invite-only; people are going nuts over it. Let me explain what it is first, and then I'll explain why I like it and believe in it. And then, finally, I'll explain how I was able to generate six figures in a day. And honestly, we're generating money from it all the time. So this is a new social media app that is designed to basically just be live audio, sorta like user-controlled radio. So if I had to call it something, I call it social radio. You know how we have social media? As opposed to media, you know, media is, is controlled by companies and conglomerates, and, you know, production companies and social media is controlled by the users, right? We make the media, well, it's the same thing with Clubhouse instead of a radio show or company, we make the radio.

So you download Clubhouse, and you get on a waiting list. And then if somebody on your phone and I'll cover this, maybe in a YouTube video on how to actually get into Clubhouse. But essentially, yeah, I'll cover that in a separate video, but basically, once you're on Clubhouse and it is hard to get in, it's very hard to get in right now. It's invite-only; somebody has to give you an invite. I've seen people selling their invites for, you know, a thousand to $3,000. I can talk about how to hack your way into Clubhouse on my YouTube channel, which would be henry. I'll be releasing that video coming up soon. But essentially, once you're in, there are rooms, and you can start a room, you can join a room, you can schedule a room. And these rooms are where people come on, and it's just their face in a circle, and they can talk, and you mute yourself while other people talking, you unmute yourself when you want to talk, and there are three sections to it.

If it's your room or you get invited to the stage, you have the ability to talk, and there's a stage, right? So if it's your room, you start the room. Then you're automatically on the stage. If somebody is in the room and you promote them to the stage or invite them to the stage, then they can speak. Or you can speak if you get invited. And then below that, it'll say followed by speakers. It has a list of everybody who is in the room, who's followed by the speakers, and then below that, it has a regular audience. And if you're in either one of those, you can't speak, unless you get invited to the stage, or you raise your hand, and they approve you to come to the stage. And so you just talk, it's not recorded. In fact, it's against Clubhouses TOS to record it.

And so it's all live, right? And there are two elements to this app that make it highly addictive and highly, it's going to blow up. I wish I would have been an early investor. I wish I would've known about it. But essentially, you have two elements. Number one is extreme FOMO. And that is a combination of it being hard to get into and the fact that it's live, it's not recorded. You don't want to miss anything. So when people are dropping tons of knowledge, you don't want to be out of the conversation. You know, so you end up staying on the app for hours and hours and hours. Me and Anthony Morrison, and, you know, I mean, really it's just everybody. We're just, I mean, even guys like Grant Cardone, Tai Lopez. I'm yawning right now 'cause I'm so tired from how long I've been on that frigging app.

You just spend like, I mean, Billy Gene held a 12-hour room the other day. I couldn't believe it. And you just don't want to miss anything. Plus, when you get invited to the stage, and you're dropping bombs, you end up just gaining a ton of followers because people hear you speak, you drop bombs, you know, you drop value, and when people click on your profile, and they follow you. Now you can't direct message people. You can't click on links in the profile. It's really just audio. And I think that's amazing because it makes it simple. So that's what the app is. And I'll go a little bit more into it on my YouTube channel where I can, like, I have my overhead camera, and I'll show the app, and I'll go through the app. It'll be awesome. That said, here's why I love it.

I'm not a fan of social media personally because of the fact that I love giving value. I love posting on social, but I don't like friction. Like for Tik Tok, right? I gotta make these little videos, hit myself in the face with a frying pan, and I've only got five seconds to do it. You know, LinkedIn, I don't even know how to use the frigging dashboard for LinkedIn. You know, Instagram, Oh, I got 15 seconds, and oh, the video's gotta be square. And if I post to IGTV, then you know, you got to add these things, and it condenses it. And it's just really hard to put out content in a, you know, and then YouTube, you gotta do video, right? You gotta do a video. So like, just to put value out, just to put content out, it's hard because I have a lot to say, I can ramble off all kinds of stuff all day long. But if I got to have the friction of filming a video, making this, making that, oh, it's gotta be square, oh, it's gotta be this, then it slows that down. It's a bottleneck 'cause I can't just flow. I just can't go, you know? All these logistics has to happen.

So the reason I love Clubhouse is I just pick up the phone, I talk, that's it. It's done, right? I can just give pure value. I don't gotta think about keywords. I don't gotta think about, you know, the algorithm. I don't gotta think about, you know, what videos are trending. I don't gotta think about any of that. I just give value. And so that's why I like it. Again, on my YouTube channel, I'll cover more of how to get followers, how to actually hack the rooms and get the most followers per room, all that.

So the next thing is how we made six figures from it. So here's the great part when you get on Clubhouse, right? If you drop value, if you know what you're talking about, people will reach out to you, and they will want to buy your stuff, period. And here's why I've been doing these rooms lately. And my handle, by the way, is @DanHenry if you want to come into them where I basically give free coaching, right? I give, I just bring random people up to the stage, and I give free coaching. And here's what happens. The person I give the coaching to gets blown away, and when they reach out to my team and they want to join either my main coaching program or my mastermind. People that listen in that didn't get invited to the stage. They go, wow, Dan knows what he's talking about. Holy crap. And then they do the same thing.

The other day held a room, and I ended up selling two entries into our mastermind, which is $55,000 per year, plus a ton of entries into our Digital Millionaire Coaching p

How To Think With Dan Henry has 95 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 45:10:16. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 26th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on September 2nd, 2023 13:11.

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