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How To Think With Dan Henry

by Dan Henry

If you want to be successful, you must learn to think like those that are successful. Self-made multi-millionaire Dan Henry sits down with successful entrepreneurs, authors, thought leaders, and influencers for a candid chat on how they overcame the odds, solved critical problems, and ultimately, how they think. This show helps you up your mind and money game, so you can make mind and money gains.

Copyright: 2022 | How To Think With Dan Henry


How Entrepreneurs F*ck themselves with Alex Hormozi

1h 14m · Published 23 Jun 04:00
In this video, I talk with the legendary Alex Hormozi, the co-founder of which brings in $100 million per year. We cover the key pratfalls of the entrepreneurial mind, including how to shift out of these mindsets, and even tactics that can drastically help your business go to the next level. This interview is full of tactics that you can implement TODAY like shifting your focus, playing to your strengths, and by knowing what "effort" actually means. An insanely informative interview, plus you get great work out tips as a bonus. ►Where to follow Alex Hormozi: Instagram: @hormozi Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin:

Interview With The World's Best Female Copywriter

1h 15m · Published 22 Jun 04:00


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How A Rapper Made $500K Without Even Releasing An Album with Joey Yak

1h 18m · Published 21 Jun 04:00


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The Ultimate Guide To Networking Through Podcasting With Sebastian Rusk

1h 49m · Published 11 Mar 20:00


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Are you considering starting a podcast?


Maybe you’ve been putting it off because of your busy schedule


Maybe you’re unsure of the next steps to take…


The idea of starting your podcast may feel overwhelming, and you might be wondering just how much a podcast could benefit you and your business…


Your podcast can be the ultimate networking and sales tool for your business when you learn this simple but effective strategy that will allow you to grow your business and attract more clients even without a large following.


If you have been putting off starting your podcast, this is for you!


In this episode, I talk with Sebastian Rusk about how he learned to use his podcast as the ultimate networking and sales tool! Sebastian shares his unique podcasting strategy that will allow you to learn how to use your podcast to create solid relationships, expand your business network, grow your business by attracting clients through your podcast, and so much more! 


In this episode, Sebastian and I cover:

  • How To Create Revenue With A Small Podcast
  • How To Build Your Business Through Your Podcast
  • Why Networking Can Create Opportunity
  • Who Should Be Interviewed On Your Podcast
  • How To Gain Clients Through Your Podcast
  • Why Your Podcast Is The Ultimate Sales And Networking Tool
  • What Is The Biggest Lesson You Can Learn From Gary V


If you got value from what you heard here, please be sure to subscribe and rate this podcast! Bonus points for you if you write a review! ;) 



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Dan Henry: (00:00)

Hey, everybody, Dan Henry here. And in today's episode of the, How To Think podcast, we sat down with Sebastian Rusk, who is the founder of the Podcast Launch Lab, and also his podcast, the Beyond The Story podcast and this interview, it went for over two hours and it was really awesome because not only did Sebastian share a very unique podcasting strategy that allows you to really grow a business network. It's like the ultimate networking tool, even if you aren't an influencer, and even if you don't have a lot of people listening to your podcasts, very unique, you gotta hear this. But he also told some amazing stories like how he was able to land a gig speaking and seeing an insanely big event and conference when they didn't even know who he was. And as well as how he was able to spend an hour with Gary V what he learned from that hour, sitting down with Gary V and how he was able to actually reach out and get ahold of Gary V and just a lot of other amazing golden nuggets on how to network, how to get in front of people and just everything in between.

Dan Henry: (01:12)

You're really going to love it. And don't forget if you'd like to check out our app, How To Think, which gives you your daily dose of wisdom and helps you with your mindset. You go to HowToThink.Com and check that out. Without further ado, let's get into the episode.

Dan Henry: (01:32)

Sebastian, thanks for coming on, man.

Sebastian Rusk: (01:33)

Always a pleasure, Dan, great to be here. I

Dan Henry: (01:36)

I expected you to wear a bow tie.

Sebastian Rusk: (01:38)

The bow tie's been retired.

Dan Henry: (01:40)

I thought you loved bowties?

Sebastian Rusk: (01:41)

The bow tie has been retired.

Dan Henry: (01:43)

I thought that was your thing?

Sebastian Rusk: (01:43)

It's grossly uncomfortable to rock constantly. And I, a lot of my speaking engagements or MC stuff, people ask for it to be included in my agreement. That's that's how much of a thing it's become. And I gotta tell 'em that I've resorted to the Mark Zuckerberg, route of dressing every day. It's one less thing I want to think of.

Dan Henry: (02:02)

But, your voice is, it's like dark chocolate. Has anyone ever told you that, like I'm jealous of your voice?

Sebastian Rusk: (02:10)

I've been told I have a great face for radio.

Dan Henry: (02:16)

Phenomenal, and you're a standup comedian. I forgot about that.

Sebastian Rusk: (02:19)

I did you know, I don't think I told you, I have not been doing it when I think, oh, I just started doing it last time I had you on the show a couple months back. But dude, I wrestled with that for like five years. I'm like, I've been writing material. I can get on stage in front of 10,000 people and rock. I mean, I did traffic and conversions for like four years for how many people, no problem, like, that's my playground. Ask me to get in front of 50 people in a bar on a Tuesday at night at 10 o'clock and tell 'em jokes, terrified.

Dan Henry: (02:47)


Sebastian Rusk: (02:48)

So I started hitting up local comics cuz the Miami comedy scene pretty pretty it's it's a growing scene and I hit up one of the comics and I said do you do this full time?

Sebastian Rusk: (02:57)

She goes, no, I'm a speech therapist. That's my big girl job. And I said, how'd you start doing this? She goes, I went to an improv class and then my group of graduating people from the class we all put some skin in the game and said, let's go to an open mic. And if you go, you don't have to pay, but if you don't go, you have to pay. So we all went and I was hooked immediately and I said, great. I mean, you're funny. You're obviously doing a great job of it. And she goes, I go, how long ago is that? She about a year and a half ago. I go, let me ask you a question. Here's where I'm at. I'm terrified had her on the podcast. So we had a conversation about this and I said, I'm terrified about this. And she goes, let me explain something to you.

Sebastian Rusk: (

The Mindset Of Scaling To 1 Million A Month With Andrew Stickel

2h 5m · Published 11 Feb 20:00

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Are you struggling to grow your business?


From tackling day-to-day operations, handling employees, and overcoming unexpected or unforeseen issues…


It can be difficult to find the time to work on your business instead of working in it!


You may already know entrepreneurship can be challenging, especially if you're striving to grow your business alone. 


If you have been struggling to grow your business, this is for you!


In this episode, I talk with Andrew Stickel about the mindset and skill required to build and scale a successful business. He shares his insight into investing in yourself and your business through coaches and mentors, and he shares the mindset that has allowed him to grow his business to a massive 6-figure company that is projected to do 24 million this year! 


In this episode, Andrew and I are going to cover:

  • How To Approach Done For You Services
  • What No One Tells You About Coaching Clients
  • How Selling High Ticket Is Easier
  • What Can Happen When You Accept An Unexpected Opportunity
  • How To Go From 300K to 3 Million
  • What Is The Biggest Challenge With Employees
  • How To Deal With Piracy and Competition


If you got value from what you heard here, please be sure to subscribe and rate this podcast! Bonus points for you if you write a review! ;) 



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Dan Henry: (00:00)

In this episode of the, How To Think podcast. We had Andy Stickel on, who is the founder of Social Fire Starter. He does marketing for lawyers and he was able to go from a 1 million a year business to a 4 million a year business to now a million dollars a month and projected 24 million this year. And we sat for about two hours and we talked about a lot of things. We talked about growing businesses. We talked about mindset. We talked about managing and dealing with employees and just everything in between as well as how he got started. And we told a lot of awesome stories about growing and leveling up. And I really think that you're going to enjoy this sit down interview. So with that said, let's jump right in.

Dan Henry: (00:57)

Andy Stickel.

Andrew Stickel: (00:58)

How's it going, man, been a while.

Dan Henry: (01:00)

And it has been a while. Yeah. Yeah. I'm really excited you came on because you were my client for like years.

Andrew Stickel: (01:09)

I take, I take pride in being your number one client.

Dan Henry: (01:11)

You are like, you are, You are. So, it's really cool because I recall like when we started working together, you know, you were very ground floor and now you're just, you're just absolutely crushing it. I mean, you did, I know that you did. What did you do last year with your, cause you have a software. You have a coaching company, you have it done for you agency, and last year was good, but this year's like ridiculous. Like what'd you do last year?

Andrew Stickel: (01:40)

Yeah, so we did, we did 4 million last year. When I started with you. We were at about a million, I think. And that was 2000... When was Ad Con? It was Ad Con.

Dan Henry: (01:49)

Oh that's ancient history.

Andrew Stickel: (01:49)

I hired you a, you know. Okay. So you know, the whole story about how I saw, I knew who Dan Henry was, and I was like, this guy's a douch bag. Like I don't. And then, so, and then I bought, and then I went to Ad Con cuz I live in Lakeland, which is, I don't know, like an hour from here. And I'm the type of person. And this is one of the secrets of my success, is that I understand that I can learn something from everybody and Ad Con was gonna be there. And I was like, all right, it's cool. I think you were doing like a Black Friday deal or something on Ad Con. So I got, I got a ticket for it. And I went to Ad Con and I was watching you. And I was like, this guy actually does just know what he's talking about. Like, it's pretty clear this guy actually knows a thing or two here.

Dan Henry: (02:27)

So, you know, what's funny about that is I talked to Tai Lopez once. And he said that when he was starting out, cuz he's very different now, just like I'm very different now

Andrew Stickel: (02:37)

When he was starting out, he was like Peer 1 and like,

Dan Henry: (02:40)

Yeah, like ridiculous what he is doing now.

Andrew Stickel: (02:42)

So smart. Yeah.

Dan Henry: (02:42)

So when he started out with what he was doing, he said that he knew his market, his market was like 18 to 25 year old males. And that basically, if he was to act all smart, they would get turned off. So he kind of had to act, I mean,

Andrew Stickel: (02:57)

He played dumb.

Dan Henry: (02:58)

He played dumb. He kind of acted like a douch because he was, I hate to sell this, but he was selling to douches. So, that was his strategy. And I always thought like, wow, to put your ego aside, and be able to do that. And do it because you know, that that's what, how you're attacking your market. And you know, you're smarter, you know, you're more, you know you can articulate yourself in a more intelligent way, but you suppress that cuz you know your market. I think that like that's a lot of discipline there. And so, but like I think anybody, you kind of get sick of that market, you grow out of it. And when I started realizing that I could attract, you know, better people, not that there's anything wrong with being, I mean, I was male in 18 to 25 at one point. But you know, when you I didn't want to work with people that just wanted like Lamborghinis and stuff. You know, I wanted to work with people who wanted to create great products. And so I changed my whole thing a bit and, just like he did and a lot of people do so. But yeah, yeah. I was, I've heard that a lot. Like

Andrew Stickel: (04:02)

Yeah. I mean, I just didn't yeah.

How To Build A Multi-Million Dollar Podcast with David Shands

56m · Published 04 Feb 20:00

what it takes to create an amazing podcast that will attract a loyal audience, how to avoid making the most common mistakes most new podcasters make, and he'll share how to monetize your podcast without getting overwhelmed with the details!>>> Get Daily Success Mentoring By Becoming A Member At How To Think<<<


Are you dreaming of starting your podcast?


Podcasts have become an increasingly popular way to share your knowledge and really connect with your audience…


But, it might feel overwhelming as you think of where and how to start!


You might be wondering what your podcast should be about, what kind of tech you’ll need, and how to publish your podcast


You might be wondering how to monetize and create an income from your podcast…


If you’ve been looking for the answers to those questions, this is for you!


In this episode, I talk with David Shands, founder of The Social Proof Podcast. David shares his insight into what it takes to create an amazing podcast that will attract a loyal audience and allow you to monetize your podcast without getting overwhelmed with the details, and shares how to avoid making the most common mistakes most new podcasters make!


In this episode, I am going to cover:

  • How You Can Promote Your Offer Through Your Podcast
  • What Are The Three Most Common Podcasting Mistakes
  • How Loyal Listenership Provides Unseen Value
  • How To Use This Growth Hack To Get More Listeners
  • How To Use This Trick To Getting A Well Known Guest On Your Show
  • Why Success Is Based On Ability
  • And… So Much More!

If you got value from what you heard here, please be sure to subscribe and rate this podcast! Bonus points for you if you write a review! ;) 



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Dan Henry: (00:00)

Everyone welcome to the How To Think podcast with your host, Dan Henry. And today we have an amazing guest on, his name's David Shands, and he is the founder of Sleep Is For Suckers, The Social Proof Podcast, and the MorningMeetup.Com. He has a seven-figure podcast, meaning he generates, seven-figures, over a million dollars from his podcast. And during this show I really dug in and, you know, really expanded on the mistakes that podcasters make, and really how to think about starting a podcast beyond just the little piddly tactics and really dived into the strategy and the mindset behind a successful show. And I really think you're gonna love this episode. Also this show is sponsored by HowToThink.Com, where you can get daily success mentoring, keep your mindset on track and grow your thinking so that you can grow your success. Let's go ahead and jump into the interview.

Dan Henry: (01:07)

So, so I was on your podcast. And it was amazing by the way. And I love, first of all, it's a very, very popular podcast. And we spoke after I was on your show and it was just crazy how, you know, most of the time when you ask people, like how do you start an awesome podcast? Like, how do you grow your podcast? They have this like blueprint and plan that seems so like, you know, template-y and cookie-cutter strategy, but you were just like, the advice you gave me was just insane. You were just like, I just make it really good. And, you know, and I was like, we gotta talk about this. So I'm gonna press you a little bit on it, you know? So gimme some stats, man, on this podcast, Social Proof Podcast. How big is it?

David Shands: (01:56)

So we are the number. We, kind of, it, it changes every day, but hovering between six and 12 top entrepreneurship podcasts in the country. We are, you know, somewhere between 30 and 50 top business podcasts in the country as well. And yeah, I think we have an amazing impact, so we don't have the, maybe the biggest podcast in the world, but it's very, very effective because anybody that comes on the response that they get is incredible. Right? Because, you know, I just, I have a genuine curiosity for you know, for people in their stories and it's been financially rewarding. So I don't know how we're measuring like bigness.

Dan Henry: (02:45)

Well, I mean, I know it's super popular because when I was on it, my whole social, everything blew up. I saw you on, I saw you on Social Proof Podcast, you know, and I don't normally get that much of a response, but I know you've built quite a business out of it. I don't know like how you wanna define how big your business has grown because of the podcast.

David Shands: (03:04)

It's a seven-figure podcast.

Dan Henry: (03:05)

So it's a seven-figure, but now how many people can actually say that they make seven-figures, over a million dollars from their podcast. That's insane.

David Shands: (03:13)

Yeah. Yeah. It's pretty cool, man. It's pretty cool. What's really cool is I'm not like a natural salesperson. So I don't know if I would have been able to make seven-figures from having a product and putting it in a funnel and running ads to it. And you know, things of that nature. Now we do, we do, you know, some of that with our, The Morning Meetup, we run ads to it, things of that nature, but it's all driven by the podcast. But what's cool is I, I don't have to sell a product. I just have to sell my personality and sell the questions that I ask, but, but not even to regular people. I just, like YouTube is going to be a five-figure check every single month. And it just keeps growing, but I don't have to sell anything. I just gotta get to talk to Dan. And then people like it and they put ads in the YouTube and the audience, they don't have to pay anything. They don't have to buy anything unless they buy something from you or, you know, they buy, you know, the Morning Meetup or whatever. But I don't have to like hard sell anybody on anything.

Dan Henry: (04:09)

What do you, what is your main source of revenue from the podcast?

David Shands: (04:12)

It's a blend man. So the audio side is, you know, a five-figures. Youtube...

Dan Henry: (04:18)

What do you mean by audio side?

David Shands: (04:20)

So, you know, you have, so a podcast is an audio experience. So when people listen to it on Apple or Spotify, we upload it to a hosting platform. And that hosting platform sends it to Apple, Spotify, Google, iTunes, all that kind of stuff. And companies put ads in the audio, but it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the YouTube, which is the visual side.

Dan Henry: (04:44)

So you're just talking about the money you make from, you're not talking about like actually referring people to products, pro

From the Streets to Private Jets with Nehemiah Davis

1h 42m · Published 28 Jan 20:00

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Do you believe you can achieve anything you set your mind to?


You might believe that your circumstances or your environment are the reason you can't achieve your goals and dreams.


If you knew the first step to achieve those goals, was to simply believe it was possible for you!


If you could follow in the footsteps of someone who had already achieved those goals and replicate their steps and their processes...


Would you take that first step and believe that you could accomplish that goal?


If you struggle to believe you can achieve your goals and dreams because of your environment or your circumstances, this is for you!


In this episode, I talk with Nehemiah Davis about how he overcame the odds stacked against him when he grew up in challenging circumstances. Nehemiah shares how changing his mindset allowed him to go on to create an eight-figure company and accomplish his many goals in spite of his challenging start in life, and shares how his first step to success was simply believing that he could achieve anything!


In this episode, Nehemiah and  I cover:

  • Where The Seed Of Change Was Planted
  • Why There's Another Way To Create Success
  • What The Two Layers Of Financial Literacy Are
  • How To Have Success With Event Space Rentals
  • What Is True Success
  • What Happens When You Give Back
  • How Investing Creates And Sustains Wealth
  • What One Piece Of Advice Can Change Your Perspective
  • And… So Much More!

If you got value from what you heard here, please be sure to subscribe and rate this podcast! Bonus points for you if you write a review! ;) 



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Dan Henry: (00:05)

Hey everyone, welcome to How To Think today. We have Nehemiah Davis on, who is the founder of the Circle Of Greatness. He's the author of, Step Into Greatness. The recipient of the Steve Harvey's, Good Neighbor Award author of three books. And you were actually on the Steve Harvey show where you proposed to your wife and you are the proud owner of an eight-figure company, even coming from modest, if we can say childhood you know, you didn't really have advantages. You didn't have any of that. And you still were able to come in. In fact, you know, from what I'm reading here, you had kind of a challenging life. I mean, your father was in prison for 30 years. Died in prison. You were kicked out of a couple private schools. Yeah. I mean, this is not a, it's not like you had like a good start. And so I appreciate you coming on the show today.

Nehemiah Davis: (01:01)

Happy to be here, brother.

Dan Henry: (01:02)

To share with us like how you, as you put it before we started, you created something out of nothing.

Nehemiah Davis: (01:07)


Dan Henry: (01:08)

Thanks for coming on, man.

Nehemiah Davis: (01:08)

Oh, happy to be here, bro. Yeah.

Dan Henry: (01:11)

Awesome. So, so tell me about this. You, your father was in prison for what, 30 years?

Nehemiah Davis: (01:16)

30. My entire, since I was two, he committed murder. Well, allegedly, he said he didn't do it, but that's what they put 'em in life, life in prison for that.

Dan Henry: (01:24)

Wow. Wow. And, and so growing up, I imagine that was not the healthiest, most supportive environment. You're you're raised by your mother.

Nehemiah Davis: (01:33)

Yeah. I was raised by my mom and grandma, but they did such a good job at raising me meaning based on what they know and what they had. They did a phenomenal job. I never felt like I missed the father because they just did a great job. Like showing me different things. Now, again, they couldn't teach me about finances. They couldn't teach me about how to own businesses. They didn't teach me anything about those things, but just giving me the proper upbringing, my mom trying her best. Yes. But for the black household, we used to being fatherless households. It's not really, it's not nothing new. We're used to, you know, I don't wanna say dysfunction cuz every family isn't dysfunction. But a lot of times we didn't grow up with father. A huge amount of households are fatherless. Right. Especially my, in all my friends. So.

Dan Henry: (02:20)

And, and did you grow up you grew up in Philadelphia?

Nehemiah Davis: (02:22)

Yeah. Yeah. West Philadelphia born and raised.

Dan Henry: (02:24)

Born raise. Yeah. I know the song. So was this did you grow up in like a like lower middle class? Poor?

Nehemiah Davis: (02:32)

I grew up in the hood, like, so I grew up literally in the hood. Drug infested neighborhood, outside, they prostitutes around a corner selling drugs. My inspiration was to be a drug dealer because when I used to go on the courts play ball, I just watched them hustle Coke all day. I'm like, man, they had cars, they had money. They got all the, you know, I thought success was clothes. You know, clothes, jewelry, cars, cuz that's what I saw. And I thought that was my life until my mom got married. She moved to a different, better neighborhood in west Philadelphia, which was a more affluent neighborhood. And at that time, so funny affluent, that house was $65,000. That, that was how much the house was.

Dan Henry: (03:12)

You're the Fresh Prince.

Nehemiah Davis: (03:13)

Yeah. Fresh Prince. So I'm living large, but where it really changed my life did a three, well, 180, I always talk about 360, mean you turn into the same spot. But I moved went to a private school where it was only 30 African Americans out of a thousand people. And I used to see everybody go to school. They were driving to school, their parents own hospitals, they own all type of stuff. So my favorite quote, "Once your mind expands into a new concept, or idea it's hard to go back to it's original way thinking." So I saw these rich kids. I'm like, who said that? Oliver Wendell Holmes. So I saw these..

How To Get Massive Mental and Physical Gains With William Myers

1h 59m · Published 21 Jan 20:00

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Do you believe health is wealth?

You might have heard that phrase before, but have you ever paused to consider how your health or lack thereof impacts your dreams, goals, and ambitions...

Imagine what it would feel like to have the mental and physical energy you need to tackle your daily goals and responsibilities without the need for a midday nap or another Red Bull…

Amazing, right?

Now imagine what it would feel like to watch those goals and dreams slip through your fingers after years of hard work, all because your health is declining from years of grinding it out without proper rest and nutrition.

One truth remains…

You can pay for your health now, or you can pay for it later, but choosing to pay for it later will be far more costly than you think.

If you’re someone who struggles with diet and fitness in your day-to-day routine, this is for you! 

In this episode, I talk with Will Myers about some of the most common mistakes and misconceptions about health and fitness. Will shares his insight into just how simple it can be to include a healthy diet and fitness routine into your already busy schedule without taking too much of your time!

In this episode, Will and I cover:

  • How To Avoid Splitting Your Circle Of Focus
  • What Goes Into The Mindset Of Bodybuilding
  • What Common Diet Misconceptions Could Be Affecting Your Weight Loss 
  • Why Meals and Meal Timing Are Key
  • What Is The Biggest Weight Loss Mistake You Can Make
  • Why You've Got To Be Resourceful
  • How To Make Your Mindset Shift To Make It Happen
  • How It's Possible To Have It All
  • And… So Much More!

If you got value from what you heard here, please be sure to subscribe and rate this podcast! Bonus points for you if you write a review! ;) 



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Dan Henry: (00:00)

Hey, everyone. Welcome to the How To Think podcast, where we interview people who have done amazing things in life. And we sit down and talk to them and figure out how they did them, and what kind of mindset and paradigm shifts they made upstairs to really make that change and how they think. And today, we have an amazing guest. His name is Will Myers. He's a professional trainer, he's a bodybuilder and nutritionist. And the guy is absolutely amazing. He is actually my personal trainer that I met about six months ago. And we created this arrangement where I would help him with his business and he would train me. And in my time with him, I've experienced just insane gains in my personal health weight loss, building muscle. And I just wanted to invite him on the show to talk about it.

Dan Henry: (00:54)

And so over this I think it's a couple-hour interview, we talk about building muscle. We talk about losing weight, especially if you are a busy entrepreneur, we talk a lot about misconceptions and really some awesome tactics. Again, especially if you're busy and you're focused on, you know, trying to build a business or accomplish a goal, but you still want to be in shape and you still want to further your health goals. This is an absolute must-watch. And as always, if you're interested in getting daily success mentoring, you can go to HowToThink.Com and sign up to get daily mentoring with that said, let's hop right into the interview and get this party started.

Dan Henry: (01:45)

What's up, Will, how you doing man?

William Myers: (01:48)

My man. Doing good. Real good.

Dan Henry: (01:49)

So I had to bring you on because you know, a lot of times I bring people on the show who have like large social followings or what have you. And but that doesn't always mean they have the best information and

William Myers: (02:02)

That's true.

Dan Henry: (02:02)

Yeah. And I've been working with you now for how long, how long have we been working out together? Six months?

William Myers: (02:10)

I think. Yeah. We're crossing into that six months.

Dan Henry: (02:11)

Yeah. So, so I'm gonna, actually, if you look at the picture this is what got me and I'll, I'll let you tell the story of how we met in a moment, but you, you are a high-level, high-level, personal trainer, bodybuilder and your transformation from basically a skinny guy that I always tell you, you look like that, that dude at the beginning of Ironman One. That skinny dude in the cave. You know, but that transformation from that to the picture on the right is just absolutely insane. And how long did that take?

William Myers: (02:51)

That was about three years.

Dan Henry: (02:52)

Three years.

William Myers: (02:53)


Dan Henry: (02:53)

And that was completely clean. No gear, no steroids.

William Myers: (02:56)

Absolutely. Yeah. All natural.

Dan Henry: (02:58)


William Myers: (02:58)

Food and hard work, man.

Dan Henry: (02:59)

And I know, I know a lot of people are not gonna believe that because they just don't. They always associate it with that, but I've been working out with you for six months and we've been, you know, talking and I've like, I just know because I've, you know, I've, we talk about it and we meet people that are on and off and.

William Myers: (03:18)

Right. The difference is crazy.

Dan Henry: (03:20)

Yeah. The, yeah, because you, you see that, that immediate over vascularity and, and all that, you know? You did it naturally with food, an

How To Un-F@#$ Your Mind With John Whiting

2h 5m · Published 14 Jan 20:00

>>> Get Daily Success Mentoring By Becoming A Member At How To Think<<<


What would your life look like if you could control your thoughts and emotions?


Few learn to manage their thoughts and emotions in a way that allows them to be genuinely in control…


The truth is if you can’t control your emotions, you can’t manage money, a business, or a team.


Maybe you’ve found yourself regretting decisions you made based on your emotion…


Would you agree you’d be able to make better decisions if you were able to think logically rather than getting caught up in emotional decision-making?


If you find your emotions control you more than you’re controlling your emotions, this is for you!


In this episode, I interview John Whiting and discuss how learning how the mind works taught him to change the way he thinks. John shares what he learned about controlling emotions and how you can apply these same principles in your life!


In this episode, I am going to cover:

  • Why You Must Think Outside Of Your Emotion
  • How Expectation Makes You Drunk
  • Why You Should Focus On Playing A Bigger Game
  • Why You Need To Get Clear On Your Destination
  • You Must Become The Person That Deserves Success
  • And… So much more!


If you got value from what you heard here, please be sure to subscribe and rate this podcast! Bonus points for you if you write a review! ;) 



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Dan Henry: (00:00)

Hey, everyone. Welcome to How To Think the show where we take a look at people who have overcome the odds and done amazing things with their life. And we explore how they think so that we can learn how to be more successful ourselves. Today, we have John Whiting on the show. John went from at the lowest possible point in his life where he was literally contemplating suicide to completely changing how he thought, the entire way he viewed how the mind works. And as a result, created a million-dollar business and multiple actually million-dollar businesses. And literally just completely turned his life around. And it was so impactful for him that he began teaching other people, this sort of different way to look at the mind. And it's very deeply rooted in controlling your emotions and using them as a tool rather than allowing them to prevent you from getting what you want in life. And so that's what we're going to explore. And of course, as always, if you would like to get daily success, mentoring, go to HowToThink.Com and sign up. It's an amazing app where you will get a daily success audio each and every day to keep you on track and show you how to work towards a more successful you. So with that said, let's get into the interview.


Dan Henry: (01:34)

What's up, John?


John Whiting: (01:35)

What's up, dude?


Dan Henry: (01:36)

Bulletproof Entrepreneur. How you doing, man?


John Whiting: (01:38)

Good brother. How are you doing?


Dan Henry: (01:39)

Pretty good long drive over here. Right? Incredibly long drive.


John Whiting: (01:43)

All 30 minutes of it, baby.


Dan Henry: (01:45)

Well, that was easy. So I'm, I'm so happy to have you on the show because we've been doing business together for some time and I just wanted to get you on here because we've had some pretty crazy conversations...

John Whiting: (01:57)



Dan Henry: (01:59)

Outside of a microphone and to a degree I'd like to get some of those conversations on a microphone. Not all though. But so listen, I, you know, I wanna start with sort of like where, where you came from because you, you know, you have this company, a Bulletproof Entrepreneur, and it's a successful company. You teach entrepreneurs how to improve their mindset and the way they think and their mental game, which I'm all about that. You know, we do that, How To Think. Yours is very, very specific though. And I like it because it's very, it's and correct me if I'm wrong, but it's very based, or at least it's somewhat based, in stoicism, correct?


John Whiting: (02:42)

Yeah. A lot of the same principles.


Dan Henry: (02:44)

So just real quick for, for those that may not know what that is. Can you just quickly define what stoic is and why, especially an entrepreneur may want to consider looking into that.


John Whiting: (02:58)

So ultimately non reactive, right? So as entrepreneurs, we get bullets shot at us constantly, right? Not to be too punny a Bulletproof Entrepreneur, but ultimately, you know, how you respond or react to those bullets coming at you determines what happens, right? So the less reactive you are to external forces, whatever it may be, the more, the better decisions you're gonna make, just like Warren Buffet says, if you can't manage your emotions, you can't manage money. You can't manage a business, you can't manage a team so on and so forth. So the less reactive that we are and the more calm, cool, collected, logical and methodical that we are pretty much, that's why Warren has a hundred mil, hundred-billion dollar net worth. So it's worked for me as well so,


Dan Henry: (03:42)

So, in essence, are you saying basically to not be emotional?


John Whiting: (03:46)

It's a tool, emotions are a tool, right? So it's either you can be caused over your emotions or effect to your emotions. So emotions, I'm not saying, throw them out. What I'm saying is you, there's a time and a place to demonstrate certain behavior, your certain emotions, and many times the things that get us in the biggest trouble is when we reactively do something that we then look back and say, Hmm, probably shouldn't have done that. Right. And so the more causative that we can be over that usually the better decisions, therefore, the better actions are for the better results.


Dan Henry: (04:18)

So like stoicism would then be the art of being able to make a decision and essentially letting only logic rule, how you make that decision and not let emotion get into it. Is that, is that

How To Change Your Thinking And Change Your Destiny With Eli Wilde

2h 5m · Published 07 Jan 17:00

>>> Get Daily Success Mentoring By Becoming A Member At How To Think<<<



Do you believe you can change your destiny by changing how you think?


Imagine what it would feel like to know you can change the outcome of your life and business by simply changing the way you think...


When you understand that your thoughts control your actions...


You can begin to see how you can alter the course you're on.


If you have been looking searching for a way to change your course in life or business, this is for you!


In this episode, I interview Eli Wilde and discuss how he changed his thinking and changed his destiny. Through adversity, Eli built an amazing life and business for himself. He shares his insight into business, relationships, success, and how you can apply these same principles in your life!


In this episode, Eli and I cover:

  • How to cultivate imagination and leadership
  • How fear can make you play small in life
  • Why balance and positivity are key to success
  • Why your goals and values must be in alignment
  • What single thing you should avoid in sales
  • What three things you can do to improve influence
  • And... so much more!


If you got value from what you heard here, please be sure to subscribe and rate this podcast! Bonus points for you if you write a review! ;) 



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Dan Henry (00:00:00): 

Hey, everyone. Welcome to the How To Think podcast. My name is Dan Henry and I'm your host. And this is the show where we take a look at extraordinary people. We sit down with them and we analyze how they think to learn how to become more successful. Today, we have Eli Wilde on, who used to live in a very bad part of town with his mother growing up in poverty and ended up getting a job with the Tony Robbins Corporation and becoming one of their top speakers at that organization. And then from there built an amazing life and business for himself. We sat down for two hours and talked about all kinds of things, business, relationships, success, and everything in between. And I really believe you're going to enjoy this episode. And as always, if you would like to get more outta life and you would like to be more successful, you can go to and sign up for our daily success mentoring. You can download the app and begin your journey now to becoming more successful with that said, let's hop into the episode and get started. 


Dan Henry (00:01:16): 

Hey, everybody. Welcome to How To Think the show, where we take amazing people who have achieved something incredible in life. And we deep dive into what makes their brain tick and understand what makes people successful upstairs. So today we have an amazing guest on Mr. Eli Wilde. How you doing brother? 


Eli Wilde (00:01:38): 

I'm doing great, man. Nice to see you again. 


Dan Henry (00:01:40): 

I've been waiting to get you on here forever. 


Eli Wilde (00:01:42): 



Dan Henry (00:01:43): 

So real quick intro for those that may not have heard of you, you, first of all, you're one of the most effective and just completely proficient speakers and communicators I've ever met in my fricking life. 


Eli Wilde (00:02:02): 

Thank you. 


Dan Henry (00:02:02): 

I mean it's just insane how articulate you are and how, how influential your words can be. And that makes a lot of sense, because you were the number one salesperson for Tony Robbins. You; it was like 3,300 seminars you did for him? 


Eli Wilde (00:02:18): 

3,400 while working for him, but I did a lot during that same time outside of his, his organization. 


Dan Henry (00:02:26): 

Wow, so like thousands and thousands of talks you've done? 


Eli Wilde (00:02:27): 

Yeah. Yeah. 


Dan Henry (00:02:28): 

Wow. That's amazing. So we're gonna get into that, but I have a question that I want to ask you first, before we jump in. All right. I'm sitting here with almost Superman. You were almost Superman. Could you tell us more about that? 


Eli Wilde (00:02:42): 

Yeah. And that's, that's what kind of started my a journey. And you know, I mentioned like a fam I won't mention her name, but I got to connect with a lot of famous people when I first got to Los Angeles. I, I grew up small town in Maryland, went to school, moved to Colorado. And this girl that I had been dating in Maryland had moved to California, Los Angeles, and we lost contact and we broke up and she wasn't talking to me, which is whatever. And I end up going out, I'm in Los Angeles and I go out to a party. And this guy, this homosexual man is coming up to me, hitting on me. And he's very clear that he's hitting on me. And I'm like, oh, I'll have the girlfriend drink the girlfriend's. He's like, why'd you move to LA? 


Eli Wilde (00:03:19): 

I'm like the girlfriend girl. So I bring up the word girlfriend like a hundred times and he's like, kind of not getting it. And he is like, oh, where from? I was like, from DC. He goes, oh, me too. And he is like, where'd your girlfriend go to school? I was like, American, me too. Everything was like me too. I'm like, all right, dude. And he goes, what was her name? And I said her name, and you should have seen his eyes. He's like, oh my God, they were best friends. So this is 2002. 


Dan Henry (00:03:40): 

Now you're talking to him, right? 


Eli Wilde (00:03:41): 

So we're connected. And he's like, that was my best friend in college. Can you please connect us? So I connect them. And the three of us become like best friends and his name's Paul Nelson. And he was working for Mosaic. They managed like Jim Carey, a lot of big team talent. One of his main guys back then was Tom

How To Think With Dan Henry has 95 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 45:10:16. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 26th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on September 2nd, 2023 13:11.

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