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Best of dorris meets - The Innovator's Podcast by hidorris

by hidorris - co-creating user-focused products with design-led methods

"dorris meets" is your go-to-podcast on Innovation, Design and Entrepreneurship: Our Co-Founder Chris goes deeper into exploring the Future of Work, InnovationDesign, Workshops and share lots of secret tips and parts of our own toolbox with you. From time to time the two invite special guests to get inspiration and listen to thrilling stories about design and innovation.

Copyright: © 2024 Best of dorris meets - The Innovator's Podcast by hidorris


#15 Sustainable Innovators - dorris meets POOL founders Rune and Kristian

46m · Published 26 Mar 15:00

Rune and Kristian are the Danish founders of Berlin-based sustainable fashion startup POOL. Like „Spotify for clothes“ they offer an inspiring range of fashion pieces to expand your boundaries of style and try out something new. 

Having worked in fashion for a long time, Rune decided it was time to fix the industry. While fashion brands are still stuck in the system, POOL has been set up to change existing patterns of behaviour and create a systemic change for a more sustainable world.

What we talked about:
3.33 Checkin: What is your favorite fashion piece at the moment?

6.33: Endless access to High-end Menswear: The concept of POOL

12:45 Changing User Behaviour and the Importance of sustainable business models for the Fashion Industry

17:25 The Cultural aspect of fashion and the reasons to start POOL

22.45 The next goals: Berlin has been a perfect starting point but Europe is next

27:46 The effect of renting out fashion - Why spend so much money on a statement piece you only wear once? 

35:57 Where the idea for POOL came from and insights into the broken fashion industry

42:42 Kristian’s and Rune’s goals for 2021

👉 Useful links:

POOL Instagram:

POOL Inventory on Instagram:

Rune on LinkedIn:

Kristian on LinkedIn:

🚀 Additional stuff:

Our Get Things Done 2021 Package in cooperation with CHRISWEIER digital creatives 🇩🇪: Löse deine größte Business Challenge in nur 4 Wochen und starte 2021 mit Deinem digitalen Produkt richtig durch!

Lerne ganz nebenbei, wie Du Innovationen vorantreiben und user-zentriertes Denken entwickeln kannst 👉

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#14 Sustainable Innovators - dorris meets frischepost Founder Eva Neugebauer

45m · Published 21 Feb 08:00

🇩🇪In dieser Episode von „dorris meets“ treffen wir Eva, eine der beiden Gründerinnen von frischepost.

frischepost wurde im Juli 2015 in Hamburg mit der Idee gegründet, regionale Höfe und Betriebe bei der Direktvermarktung zu unterstützen und Kunden eine 100-prozentige Transparenz beim Einkauf von Lebensmitteln zu bieten. Mittlerweile gibt es die leckeren und nachhaltigen Produkte von frischepost nicht mehr nur in Hamburg, sondern vielen weiteren Regionen Deutschlands. 2020 war trotz COVID-19 ein wahnsinniges Erfolgs-Jahr für das junge Unternehmen, das auch in diesem Jahr wieder viel vor hat. Mit Eva sprechen wir über die Anfänge von frischepost, Herausforderungen beim Gründen, die frischepost Crowd-Funding Kampagne, Trends wie Nachhaltigkeit und Bio-Lebenmittel und natürlich die Expansion von frischepost an weitere Standorte in ganz Europa.

Worüber Eva und ich gesprochen haben:

3:52 - Checkin

5:56 - Wie alles begann: Von der WHU direkt zur Gründung einer Direktvermarktungsplattform für Landwirte mit dem Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit und Bioernährung

11:30 Vom Proof-of-Concept zum finalen Produkt - Über Strategie und Entwicklung von frischepost

17:43 Wie die Gründerinnen den Trend zu Nachhaltigkeit, Bio und Online-Lebensmittelbestellung früh erkannt haben  

19:59 Rückblick auf das unglaubliche Jahr 2020 - Das Wachstum im Bereich der B2C-Kunden und damit verbundene Herausforderungen 

27:21 Wie frischepost es schafft, die familiäre Firmenkultur auch an anderen Standorte zu etablieren

33:55 Über das veränderte Kundenverhalten durch COVID-19: Abo-Boxen und Selber-Kochen

37:15 Wie Jule und Eva sich als Co-Founderinnen aufteilen und sich dabei optimal ergänzen und welche Hürden die beiden schon zusammen gewuppt haben

42:54 Wie es 2021 mit frischepost weitergeht - Die Expansion an 5 neue Standorte

🛒🍏Auf geht's zu Mit dem Gutscheincode Frischepost10 erhaltet Ihr als Neukunden 10% Rabatt. Viel Spaß beim Einkaufen!

🚀 Additional stuff:

Our Get Things Done 2021 Package in Kooperation mit CHRISWEIER digital creatives 🇩🇪: Löse deine größte Business Challenge in nur 4 Wochen und starte 2021 mit Deinem digitalen Produkt richtig durch!

Lerne ganz nebenbei, wie Du Innovationen vorantreiben und user-zentriertes Denken entwickeln kannst 👉

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#13 Sustainable Innovators - dorris meets Tomorrow and Leaders for Climate Action

51m · Published 30 Jan 13:00

In our first episode of the new season about „Sustainable Innovators“, Chris meets Olivier Corradi from Copenhagen, and Philippe Singer from Berlin. Olivier is the founder of Tomorrow, a startup creating tech to empower people and organizations to understand and reduce their carbon footprint. Philippe is one of the Co-Founders and Managing Director of Leaders for Climate Action (LFCA). LFCA is an entrepreneurial community that drives climate action and has already won more than a thousand companies around Europe to support their cause. 

We are discussing the need to convince not only individuals but also companies to move to action: get aware of our carbon footprint, offset what we cannot change immediately, change our behavior and show climate leadership. 

3:11 - Checking in

5:08 - Philippe about how Leaders for Climate started, the concept of the entrepreneurial community and the Green Pledge

10:47 - Olivier about Tomorrow’s mission and their first project Electricity Map which today is also used by Google

14:52 - Olivier about their latest product Bloom: A B2B-focused tool to automate the carbon accounting of companies

18:15 - Discussing the role of politics in climate change

22:54 - How data visualization can nudge behavioral changes

29:15 - How companies can use Bloom to reach their Sustainability KPIs 

34:15 - Offsetting vs. changing behavior

38:28 - Tomorrow’s experiment with their B2C app North and how Bloom evolved from there

41:55 - Move to action: How you can start to reduce your carbon footprint right now

47:17 - Olivier and Philippe about their goals for 2021

What we touched upon:

Philippe’s book recommendation: Nathaniel Rich - Losing Earth 👉 Buy on Amazon

Become a Member of Leaders for Climate Action

Olivier’s company website: Tomorrow

Start reaching your Sustainability KPIs with Bloom: Bloom integrates with software you already use to automatically track and visualize your company's carbon footprint in real time, giving every business the tools to thrive in a climate-conscious world and show climate leadership.

Check out Electricity Map, a live visualization of where your electricity comes from and how much CO2 was emitted to produce it

Recommended App: Klima

🚀 Additional stuff:

Our Get Things Done 2021 Package in cooperation with CHRISWEIER digital creatives 🇩🇪: Löse deine größte Business Challenge in nur 4 Wochen und starte 2021 mit Deinem digitalen Produkt richtig durch!

Lerne ganz nebenbei, wie Du Innovationen vorantreiben und user-zentriertes Denken entwickeln kannst 👉

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#12 - Chris & Pär: How Design can help us solve complex business challenges

41m · Published 25 Sep 07:00

In this week’s podcast Pär is back and we dive right into a very spontaneous talk about how we can use design to solve complex business challenges. Inspired by an article in Harvard Business Review ( we elaborate on the role of Leadership when introducing new thought models as Design Thinking or new processes as Design Sprints. 

We discuss how a designer’s approach can help solve problems in order to build more successful and more meaningful products and services for our customers and what you as a Leader need to know to guide your teams along a new path.

1:48 Checkin about existential issues 😅

5:21 The role of design in our business world - what does that even mean?

12:05 How teams can handle a change of perspective to solve their challenges

16:30 How to take away the fear of change when being faced with a different kind of work process - The role of Leadership 

22:00 Co-Creation in a multi-disciplinary team - How to make people feel comfortable 

26:24 Facilitating the new process and guiding your team to open up for innovation

32:21 Admitting that we don’t know (everything) - The art of allowing failure

38:39 Checkout: Wrapping up with Pär

More info:
👉Our Innovation Playground Copenhagen

👉"The Innovator's Program": A comprehensive experience that will teach you Design Thinking principles, the toolsets and methods.

#11 - Mikael Colville-Andersen: Why Design is the Answer to Urban Challenges

1h 5m · Published 06 Sep 12:00

This is a very special podcast episode. First, we are recording from our office in Copenhagen and then we have a guest again. But he is not just A guest, he is THE Mikael Colville-Andersen

Mikael is “The Pope of Urban Cycling”, once born in Canada, now a native citizen of Copenhagen. He works as an Urban designer with his own company and mobility expert all over the world and also hosts an urbanism documentary television series called “The Life-Sized City”. Mikael has held multiple talks around the world about the importance of cycling in the city, including two TED talks and he has published several books, among them “Copenhagenize - the definitive guide to global bicycle urbanism”. 

Chris chats with Mikael about how our cities have been changed in the past century, how Copenhagen and Amsterdam have become the role-models for urban planning worldwide and how we as citizens can re-conquer urban space. We talk in detail about how design is the answer to urban challenges why the strategy of cross-pollinating ideas in multi-diverse urban planning teams is the ultimate key.

This autumn, Mikael’s book „Copenhagenize - the definitive guide to global bicycle urbanism“ is being published in German language. Until then you can buy the English version here.

More info:

Listen to Mikael’s TED talks: Bicycle-Culture by Design and The Life-Sized City

For German viewers, ServusTV is broadcasting his Life-Sized City series regularly, just follow the Life-Sized City-Facebook Group to stay in the loop:

Watch more of Mikael’s clips about bicycling and urban planning on his YouTube Channel:

Check out his websites and

What we touched upon in the podcast:

4:40 Copenhagen is the most bike-friendly city in the world - What have they done differently than Hamburg & Stockholm?

9.50 Bike usage rose from 0.2% to 7% in Seville: How to re-think a city and how to make use of best practices

17:34 Cycling Culture in Copenhagen - Why Design is the answer to solving Urban Challenges

22:33 Should Designers plan our cities? The importance of cross-pollination of ideas between engineers and urban designers and multi-diverse teams to solve urban challenges

28:20 Copenhageners are the most well behaved cyclists in the world and how nice little tweaks make bicycling even better

30:15 How to figure out what works - Prototyping by Copy & Paste // How a small city in Russia became the Russian Copenhagen 2.0

34:09 The importance of Desire Lines - The Origin of Urban Planning and why the citizens are the actual urban experts // Respecting urban movements // User Resarch in Urban Planning

44:00 Is the answer to the traffic of the future the bicycle? Which role does new tech play?

50:22 Integration of bicycles with public transportation and Copenhagen’s amazing system to take bikes on the train // How we interact with our cities. 

57:23 The Live-Sized City

01:01:43 Mikael’s next dream project 

#10 - Our Top 5 Tools for Awesome Online Workshops & Meetings

48m · Published 14 Aug 12:00

Today Chris & Pär are talking about our favorite tools to make online meetings and workshops an awesome experience. They are introducing their top 5 and revealing more valuable insights about when to use tech and how to choose tools. How can you make a remote workshop more interactive and joyful? How can you engage people in front of their screens, how can you prepare best and reflect afterwards. And coming back to innovating, how can we break things and invent a new experience.

What we touched upon:

4:44 This week's discovery: A great tool to increase your production

12:05 Chris about when tech is useful and when it isn’t (for a workshop, meeting & team collaboration)

17:02 Online meeting etiquette

18:15 Top 1: Our Favorite Video Conferencing Tool

25:20 Top 2: Our Favorite Online Whiteboard

32:02 Top 3: Our Favorite Tool for Interaction with your participants

38:30 Top 4: Our Favorite Tool for Workshop Preparation and Evaluation

40:53: Top 5: Our Favorite Non-Digital Tools

The ToDon’t List, download here: (Apple) or (Android)




Google Forms / Typeform: and

Experiment with Playdoh or Lego: and


More 🔥stuff for you:

Our Miro Template for the Perfect Meeting:

Join our Innovation Design Workshop:


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#9: Deep Dive: The perfect (remote) meeting, Part 2 - With free Miro template

47m · Published 17 Jul 12:00

This is part 2 of our Deep Dive „The perfect (remote) meeting“. We are introducing a process and all the tools you need to lead your next meeting to a successful outcome. Starting with good preparation using a tool called „IDOARRT“, then jumping right into your meeting topic with the Sailboat (or in Pär’s case, the Plane) exercise followed by an ideation session and developing an action plan at the end. This meeting outline can be used for a mass of different goals and issues. Take all or just some of our discussed methods and try it yourself. As a guideline, we have published a free Miro Board for you. Just grab it, listen to our latest episode and follow us along.

Find our Miro Board here:

What we talked about:

2.10: Checkin in with another weird checkin question, it’s Pär’s turn

5:15: Recap of Part 1

8:25: The Sailboat Exercise & The importance of converging with voting

16:20: Chris about good How might we questions and why they matter

19:08: Ideating in just 5 minutes

27:10: The Double Diamond Model: Converging and Diverging

29:11: Pär explains the Import-Effort Matrix

31:50: How to move from Ideas to Actions

40:10: Checking out and why you should always do a checkout

#8 The Perfect (Remote) Meeting - A Deep Dive by dorris Founder Chris & her Swedish Partner Pär

40m · Published 08 Jul 07:00

This is the first time Pär and I are doing a Deep Dive Podcast looking into the details of some great tools to prepare and run the perfect meeting. We do not only talk about techniques, tools and the process but also share our most favorite tools with you. Our intention is to feed you with the best insights and advice and enable you to build your own expertise and toolbox. 

To follow our chat and use what we are talking about, you are invited to check out our Miro Board we prepared and make us of everything in there. 

Next week we are going to follow up on what we have learnt, build on that and go on in the process of a perfect meeting with the second part of the Sail Boat Exercise and an enjoyable ideation session.

What's inside this episode:

5:10 Why meetings often suck

10:55 Why we love to do checkins and you should, too

14:58 Extra tips on checkin experiments we have been doing

18:01 Introducing the Miro Template and a tool called IDOARRT to plan your perfect meeting

25:35 The Sail Boat Exercise I (or use an Airplane instead): Start with something positive

33:39 Dealing with side-discussions

36:21 Outlook to the second part of our Deep Dive Podcast next week 

#7: About Remote Team Leadership, our Urban Mobility Challenge, the Future of Health and Urban Gardening

44m · Published 09 Jun 16:00

This time Pär and Chris exchange exciting Copenhagen tips and start with the question whom each of them would choose as an imaginary friend. Pär comes up with a really elaborate approach to answer this and also talks about a must-read book tip. 

Our two hosts then get deeper into the topic of Leading Remote Teams, useful tools and processes and discuss how to prototype a workshop. 

Before turning to some hot trends influenced by COVID-19, Chris and Pär also mention their free Urban Mobility Challenge coming up next week, an online workshop for curious minds in the Mobility Sector. You can still register for that by using this link:

2:06 Chris is sharing some tips for Copenhagen

2:59 Checkin: Pär’s favorite imaginary friend & a book tip 

6:26 Checkin: Chris about her imaginary advisor

8:36 A Black Mirror episode you have to watch

9:13 The power of cross-functional teams and how to make them work

15:38 The Aristotle Project by Google: Why high-performing teams need only one thing

19:54 The Team Canvas and why it is such a mighty tool for team alignment

23:53 Our Urban Mobility Challenge is coming up on 16th June, register now!

27:09 Pär about his Urban Gardening project

28:10 Current trends influenced by COVID-19 

31:53 At-home-workouts with Peloton

34:29 How Pär is going to prototype and test his new leadership program

37:58 Checkout: How to stay productive in your home office

Helpful links:

Our Urban Mobility Challenge in cooperation with BLOXHUB:

Daniel Kahnemann, Thinking Fast & Slow,

Black Mirror Episode „Be Right Back“,

Project Aristotle by Google,

Team Canvas Templates:,,,

#6 New: dorris Founder Chris & her Swedish Partner Pär about Networking, Leadership and recent happenings

41m · Published 18 May 08:00

This is the pilot episode of a new "dorris meets" format. dorris Founder Chris meets every two weeks with her Swedish partner Pär to chat about recent projects, things that inspired them, stuff they prototyped, about learnings and surprises. 

This week the main topic was how COVID-19 has changed our ability to network and what we think our workplaces are going to change when everybody is back at the office. Or isn't. Because there might not be "the" office any more. Pär talks about a Leadership programme he is currently designing, Chris shares her latest update on her Futures Design project and both chat about great books everybody should read.

2:20 Proximity Bias: Networking in times of COVID-19

8:40 Pär about current opportunities to re-discover leadership qualities

11:40 How is our workplace going to look like „after“ COVID-19?

18:00 The magic of Remote Workshops

19:28 How Pär is designing a leadership programme online

22:48 Chris about her addiction to prototyping

30:55 Chris about her current work on the future of sports and fitness (bespoke Futures Design Camp)

34:48 Pär’s about what he recently re-read (book tip)

37:14 Chris about her favorite book at the moment

Pär’s book tip:
Switch by von Dan and Chip Heath 

Chris’ book tip:
Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber by Mike Isaac


Best of dorris meets - The Innovator's Podcast by hidorris has 25 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 19:46:54. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 26th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on March 26th, 2024 22:22.

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