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The Kristen Boss Podcast

by Kristen Boss

The Kristen Boss podcast is for the everyday entrepreneur and business owner. Kristen is a top business coach, best selling author, and specializes in teaching sales, marketing, and mindset. She is the CEO and creator of The Social Selling Academy- the premier live coaching program for today’s social seller. Each week she brings practical tips, strategies, and heart felt truth for what it takes to have success in today’s online space. She brings a fresh and compelling take for the entrepreneur who is looking to serve with purpose, authenticity, and service.

Copyright: 2024


205. Phases of Content Creation

27m · Published 11 Mar 06:00

How often are you looking for a shortcut when it comes to content creation? The allure of shortcuts is undeniable. In today’s episode Kristen breaks down the four phases of content creation. Her insights serve as a reality check, emphasizing the importance of building upon each phase. It's time to align our expectations and mindset to ensure you’re on the right track in this significant aspect of building your business.

Let’s look at a few highlights:

  • Building a solid content strategy requires a commitment to consistency. Consistency is the bridge that connects you with your audience.
  • Comparing your progress to others in the industry is a dangerous game; instead, focus on refining your own content.
  • The key is to build a value vault—working smarter, not harder.
  • Transitioning from a consumer to a content creator mindset is essential.
  • You need to be comfortable with the initial silence, acknowledging that everyone starts with "crickets" before building momentum.
  • The grit and hard work invested in the initial phases lay the foundation for long-term success.

In our race for success, it's easy for entrepreneurs to overlook the basics of content creation, enticed by the allure of quick success. Crafting compelling content demands grit, perseverance, and a willingness to embrace discomfort. The question isn't about avoiding hard work but rather about being ready to invest your time, effort, and energy.

Success in content creation leaves clues – pay attention, adapt, and enjoy the journey of building a strong and lasting connection with your audience.

Did you hear? The Rise Up Summit, happening 4/19-20 in Denver, CO, is the room you need to be in.

Every single component of this in-person event will help you grow your audience, your team, and your paycheck THIS YEAR. In this industry, we rise and grow the most when we have someone doing it alongside us…

Get your ticket now!

Can’t make it in person? Grab your virtual ticket here for $29

Sign-up to receive mindset and encouragement every Monday by joining the Monday Mindset email list:

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

204. Entrepreneurial Mom Guilt

38m · Published 04 Mar 07:00

As moms, we often find ourselves grappling with guilt—whether it's about the food we feed our kids, their screen time, or the amount of outdoor play they get. Add entrepreneurship into the mix, and the guilt seems to multiply. Many women, striving to run successful businesses, share this common feeling of battling mom guilt.

Kristen explores the various layers of mom guilt especially as it intertwines with building a business.

Let’s look at a few highlights:

  • Recognizing that dreaming big doesn’t equate to escaping motherhood.
  • Being a mom and having ambitious goals can coexist.
  • It's crucial to recognize that learning is an investment and not always immediately reflected in tangible results.
  • A common pitfall is measuring our worth solely by financial results and deciding whether our business is “worth it.”
  • While it's noble to care deeply about our families, we must question whether mom guilt serves us positively or becomes a barrier to personal and professional growth.
  • Reflect on your business and time management habits to identify areas for improvement and create more intentional, quality time.

In confronting mom guilt, we empower ourselves to build the dreams we're called to pursue. We can be great moms, friends, spouses, and successful business owners - it's not an either-or scenario. It's time to stop asking if it's worth it and start living the lives we were called to lead.

Did you hear? The Rise Up Summit, happening 4/19-20 in Denver, CO, is the room you need to be in.

Every single component of this in-person event will help you grow your audience, your team, and your paycheck THIS YEAR. In this industry, we rise and grow the most when we have someone doing it alongside us…

Get your ticket now!

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

203. Plucking Up with Special Guest Liz Bohannon

1h 4m · Published 26 Feb 07:00

The pressure to find purpose can be overwhelming, evoking a spectrum of emotions that range from stress and anxiety to downright fear. In today's episode, Kristen welcomes author, entrepreneur, activist, and all-around powerhouse Liz Bohannon. Liz challenges the conventional narrative around dreaming big, emphasizing the need to reframe messages and integrate work that aligns with our purpose. Liz doesn't just talk about finding your purpose; she empowers you to build it.

Kristen and Liz's incredible conversation introduces the concept of "plucking up" – the courage to face failures and learn from them as you construct a purposeful life. She encourages us to find what we love and dismisses the notion that passion or purpose will magically find us.

Let's look at a few highlights:

  • Kristen and Liz Liz explore the role of curiosity in unlocking a growth mindset, activating the mind, and fostering creativity.
  • Liz challenges the notion that purpose has to be grand, encouraging individuals to find joy in the ordinary and love their average selves.
  • Failure is an inevitable part of being human. While it may never feel good, reframing our perspective can prevent it from being the end of the world.
  • The story behind how Sseko morphed from a wholesale company to a direct sales/network marketing company
  • Liz shares the power of a driven community, highlighting the importance of collective ambition. This conversation isn't just about individual goals but celebrates the need for community.

It's a conversation filled with insights, challenges, and opportunities for personal growth that will undoubtedly fill your cup and inspire you to embrace your purpose and own your average. It's not just about goals; it's about collective ambition, community, and the pursuit of purpose—whether big or small.

Listen to Liz's Podcast Plucking Up

To learn more (and shop!) about Sseko Designs head over to their website

Did you hear? The Rise Up Summit, happening 4/19-20 in Denver, CO, is the room you need to be in. Every single component of this in-person event will help you grow your audience, your team, and your paycheck THIS YEAR.

In this industry, we rise and grow the most when we have someone doing it alongside us…

Which is why for the month of February ONLY, you get a FREE ticket for a friend when you buy a General Admission ticket.

Get your ticket and one for your friend now!

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

202. The New CEO

39m · Published 19 Feb 07:00

As entrepreneurs, we wear multiple hats, navigating through various roles to ensure the success of our businesses. However, sometimes, we find ourselves stuck in positions that hinder our creativity and impede our overall growth. Kristen found herself immersed in various roles that were draining her creativity.

In today's episode, Kristen shares her journey of self-discovery and growth, highlighting the pivotal decision to hire a CEO and relinquish her role to reignite her creative spark. Little did she know that the perfect candidate was under her roof – her husband, Scott Boss. The conversation with Scott delves into the dynamics of their partnership and how offloading specific tasks has allowed Kristen to channel her energy into strategic aspects of the business.

Listen in as they discuss:

  • Recognizing when and where to fire yourself, bringing in someone who can elevate the role and contribute to the success of your business.
  • The concept of success in terms of bringing new visions and ideas, thinking of better ways to serve, and ultimately creating a positive impact on the lives of others.
  • Discuss the importance of going beyond just business success and how every decision contributes to a larger purpose.

Owning a business is undoubtedly challenging and filled with uncertainties and self-doubt. Kristen and Scott's candid conversation reminds entrepreneurs that firing oneself from specific roles can unlock greater creativity and growth. As they redefine success through the lens of entrepreneurship, the journey becomes not just about business but about making a meaningful difference in the world.

Listen to Episode 184: 10x is Easier than 2x with Dr. Benjamin Hardy

Did you hear? The Rise Up Summit, happening 4/19-20 in Denver, CO, is the room you need to be in. Every single component of this in-person event will help you grow your audience, your team, and your paycheck THIS YEAR.

In this industry, we rise and grow the most when we have someone doing it alongside us…

Which is why for the month of February ONLY, you get a FREE ticket for a friend when you buy a General Admission ticket.

Get your ticket and one for your friend now!

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

201. Growing Your Capacity for More

28m · Published 12 Feb 07:00

From the moment you sign up to be an entrepreneur, a familiar companion settles in – the ever-present emotion of uncertainty. Kristen acknowledges this reality but emphasizes a crucial insight – it's not just about the uncertainty itself; it's about how you choose to show up in the face of it.

In today’s episode Kristen emphasizes a powerful truth – the more certain you are of yourself, the better equipped you are to handle the uncertainties that entrepreneurship inevitably brings. It's a mindset shift that empowers entrepreneurs to face challenges head-on.

Here are a few highlights:

  • She sheds light on the stark reality that only a small fraction of time is spent feeling like you're "crushing it." The journey involves signing up for both the good days and the bad days.
  • Entrepreneurship is not always a safe space; it frequently involves discomfort. Kristen delves into the "freeze pattern" – the tendency to resist growth when leaving the safety of the familiar.
  • Exposure to greater levels of doubt becomes a catalyst for expanding our capacity.
  • When faced with uncertainty, Kristen advocates for the skill of "zooming out." It's a mental shift that prompts entrepreneurs to ask themselves, "Will this matter in a month? Two years? A week?

Kristen concludes with a powerful reminder – overcoming hard things grows your capacity. She urges entrepreneurs to embrace doubt, discomfort, and challenges as opportunities for growth. The journey is not just about surviving, it’s about continually expanding the capacity to achieve more.

I'm doing a FREE Social Selling Success in 2024 webinar TODAY, Monday 2/12.

At this webinar, I’m going to be sharing how the industry has changed THIS YEAR (yes, it’s always changing, and you need to stay up to date to maximize your success...)

Plus exactly what you SHOULD and SHOULDN’T be doing to grow.

And because I’m all about getting you into ACTION, I’m going to share checklists that will help you cut through the confusion, break up with analysis paralysis, and start implementing immediately.

Sign up now! Replays will be sent to all who register:

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

200. Sisterhood Sabotage

28m · Published 05 Feb 07:00

Entrepreneurship is not just about business, it's about forging connections and building a community. Yet, we often find ourselves hindering our own ability to connect with others. It's time to reflect on how we might be getting in our own way and blocking the path to meaningful relationships.

In today’s episode Kristen explores the concept of "sister sabotage," drawing from personal experiences and shedding light on the importance of connection and self-awareness. Kristen has uncovered invaluable insights that have reshaped the way she navigates personal and professional relationships.

Here are a few highlights:

  • Entrepreneurship isn't immune to mean girl behavior – the drama, gossip, and torn friendships that can hinder professional growth.
  • We are all guilty of carrying stories that hinder our sense of belonging. These narratives, left unchallenged, can impede personal and professional growth.
  • Assumptions about others can be detrimental to our professional relationships. Kristen encourages you to confront the stories you have about people in your circle.
  • There's power in vulnerability. By shedding light on our insecurities and acknowledging our imperfections, we create space for authentic connections to flourish.
  • By challenging the stories we tell ourselves, we open the door to new possibilities and create room for genuine connection and understanding.

The stories we carry, the assumptions we make, and the insecurities we harbor can all serve as barriers to authentic connection. Remember, it starts with you – acknowledge your stories, get vulnerable, and build a community where success is rooted in genuine relationships.

The Social Selling Leadership School is OPEN! The SSLS is a 14-week Advanced Leadership Certification program for Network Marketers. This program was designed to give you everything you need to be a confident and transformational coach for the people you serve and help your team get massive results. This is the ONLY Coaching Certification program built specifically for the social selling market. Find out more and join here:

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

199. The Subtle Settle

23m · Published 29 Jan 07:00

Starting a business often stems from a combination of determination and desperation. People, dissatisfied with their current situation, establish the courage to initiate transformative change. However, as they overcome obstacles and achieve a semblance of stability, a subtle shift occurs. The initial desperation fades, and a sense of complacency can set in.

Kristen has identified a consistent trend, which she refers to as the "subtle settle." This refers to the initial burst of motivation and drive that propels individuals into their entrepreneurial journey, but gradually diminishes over time.

Here are a few highlights:

  • What begins as a journey fueled by determination and ambition can gradually lose momentum, leaving entrepreneurs feeling stagnant and uninspired.
  • Kristen emphasizes the importance of maintaining clarity of vision and staying connected to the underlying purpose that drives you forward.
  • Ask yourself tough questions: Why is it important to go all the way? What meaning does this journey hold for me? What discomfort am I willing to endure to attain my goals?
  • True growth requires a willingness to embrace discomfort and confront the obstacles that stand in the way of success.

It's time to stop using scarcity as the fuel in our businesses, to stop looking behind and start focusing on the future. Remind yourself why you embarked on this journey in the first place. Don't succumb to the guilt of the subtle settle; instead, reconnect with your vision.

The Social Selling Leadership School is OPEN! The SSLS is a 14-week Advanced Leadership Certification program for Network Marketers. This program was designed to give you everything you need to be a confident and transformational coach for the people you serve and help your team get massive results. This is the ONLY Coaching Certification program built specifically for the social selling market. Find out more and join here:

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

198. 2024 Time to Hustle?

21m · Published 22 Jan 07:00

If you've ever felt caught in the rear-view mirror of your business, constantly looking back at "what was," it's time for a change. Dwelling on the past doesn't contribute to your growth. Instead, fix your eyes ahead, embracing a future-focused approach that propels you toward success.

While the term "hustle" might evoke thoughts of burnout and excessive effort. In today’s episode Kristen provides the essential reminder of what hustle truly means. It's about getting your head in the game, picking up your pace, and being ready to fully engage.

Here are a few highlights:

  • The truth is, hustling isn't about mindlessly running in circles; it's about being future-focused.
  • Complacency has become prevalent, it's essential to acknowledge that success isn't about things getting easier. It's about getting better at doing hard things.
  • With success comes embracing grit, hard work, and the sweat equity needed to elevate your skills.
  • Standing out requires a thoughtful and strategic content strategy. It's not just about selling; it's about providing value and building a community around your brand.
  • If every time it gets tough, you find yourself searching for the easy way out, it's time to reevaluate your approach

Redefine hustle as a force that propels you forward, guiding you toward success through intentional efforts, hard work, and a commitment to continuous growth.

Entrepreneurship doesn't guarantee immediate returns; it demands consistent effort and hard work. Valuing hard work means understanding that shortcuts rarely lead to sustainable achievements.

Right now, as a new year has just begun and your team is feeling motivated, excited, and ready to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty…This is THE perfect time to take advantage of the high energy and get your team in momentum for 2024. So, mark your calendar for Tuesday, January 23rd at noon CT and register for my FREE webinar: Lead to Succeed in 2024:

Replays will be sent to everyone who registers!

In the webinar, I will be covering:

  • 3 things you CANNOT skip if you want to see your team reach their goals
  • The mistake MOST leaders are making (and how to avoid it)
  • The crucial leadership skills that will help your team gain traction and stay in momentum all year long
  • …And more.

Introducing the Social Selling Leadership School: A 12-week Advanced Leadership Certification program for Network Marketers. This program was designed to give you everything you need to be a confident and transformational coach for the people you serve and help your team get massive results. This is the ONLY Coaching Certification program built specifically for the social selling market. Find out more and join the waitlist here!.

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

197. RE-AIR Time Inventory

20m · Published 15 Jan 07:00
Have you ever panicked over not having enough time to get everything done, only to feel even more stressed out because you wasted what little time you DID have panicking over not having any time? Or have you ever sat down, determined to engage with your audience on social media - only to find that an hour has passed and you haven’t accomplished anything?

Don’t worry. It happens to the best of us. But the good news is that there’s a strategy that might help you out, and Kristen’s here to tell you all about it. It’s called creating a time inventory. And it helps you get ultra-specific about how much time you truly spend on important tasks. And how much time you’re really just wasting.

Here’s what you can learn in this episode:

  • Kristen’s strategy for beating procrastination and the anxiety that accompanies it
  • Why it’s important to assign and designate your time
  • The difference between being busy and being productive
  • The importance of allowing yourself grace when working toward breaking bad habits

Being purposeful with your time can seem difficult at first. But once you are aware of exactly how much time it takes you to complete tasks that earn you money, then it becomes easier to carve that time into your busy schedule. Having hard facts in front of you should help to limit the stories you tell yourself when you feel stressed out over a lack of time.

Introducing the Social Selling Leadership School: A 12-week Advanced Leadership Certification program for Network Marketers. This program was designed to give you everything you need to be a confident and transformational coach for the people you serve and help your team get massive results. This is the ONLY Coaching Certification program built specifically for the social selling market. Find out more and join the waitlist here!.

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

196. RE-AIR Goal Drama

21m · Published 08 Jan 07:00
You may be a goal setting pro who never reaches their goal. Or maybe you don’t even know where to start when thinking about setting a goal. Today, Kristen is going to help clean up any drama that you may have around setting and working towards a goal. Because if you don’t have a healthy relationship with setting goals, you will avoid setting them altogether. And that means no growth in your business or yourself.

Here are a few highlights:

  • What happens when you write down your goal and make it specific
  • How to know how to set your goal parameters and timeline
  • How to avoid hustle when working towards your goal
  • What to do when you find yourself in drama while working on your goal
  • The questions to ask yourself if you don’t hit your goal
  • Why you must see failure as a necessary milestone

There’s a big difference between a “goal setter” and a “goal getter.” A goal getter takes action and learns about themselves in the process. Because the true result of setting a goal is what you reveal about yourself and how you learn from that along the way. It’s so much more than hitting a milestone! Listen now for more.

Introducing the Social Selling Leadership School: A 12-week Advanced Leadership Certification program for Network Marketers. This program was designed to give you everything you need to be a confident and transformational coach for the people you serve and help your team get massive results. This is the ONLY Coaching Certification program built specifically for the social selling market. Find out more and join the waitlist here!.

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

The Kristen Boss Podcast has 258 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 138:33:16. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 30th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 7th, 2024 07:12.

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