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The Kristen Boss Podcast

by Kristen Boss

The Kristen Boss podcast is for the everyday entrepreneur and business owner. Kristen is a top business coach, best selling author, and specializes in teaching sales, marketing, and mindset. She is the CEO and creator of The Social Selling Academy- the premier live coaching program for today’s social seller. Each week she brings practical tips, strategies, and heart felt truth for what it takes to have success in today’s online space. She brings a fresh and compelling take for the entrepreneur who is looking to serve with purpose, authenticity, and service.

Copyright: 2024


187. The Push/Pull Relationship

18m · Published 30 Oct 06:00

We often talk about the "why" behind our business, but do we take it seriously enough? Without a compelling reason to pursue your vision, it can feel like a chore. Your "why" is the fuel that keeps you going, even when things get tough. It's the emotional connection to your vision that makes it more than just a distant goal. Kristen goes deeper into the importance of establishing your vision and its direct correlation to the push-and-pull dynamic.

When the daily grind begins to feel exhausting and pointless, it's time to sit down with your future and your vision. To make your vision a reality, you need to be willing to invest in yourself. This means not only investing time and effort but also aligning your desires and priorities with your vision.

Let's look at a few highlights:

  • A well-thought-out vision is more than just a vague idea of what you want to achieve. It's a clear and detailed picture of your desired future, something that resonates with you on a deep level.
  • When you find yourself grinding every day, feeling exhausted, and questioning the purpose of your efforts, it's time to sit down and reevaluate your emotional connection to your why.
  • It's not just about marrying the vision; you must also marry the workload commitment. Are you willing to invest in yourself, both in terms of time and energy? How serious are you about making your vision a reality?

If you find yourself in a constant state of push, it's time to revisit your vision, connect with it emotionally, and assess your commitment to the workload. By aligning your desires and priorities with your vision, you can shift from daily exhaustion to meaningful, purpose-driven action. So, ask yourself: "How serious am I about making my vision a reality?"

Elevate your holiday sales with our Monetize & Maximize Holiday Sales Guide, your ultimate resource for proven, organic marketing success. Don't miss out on the chance to boost profits and drive sales this season.

Introducing the Social Selling Leadership School: A 12-week Advanced Leadership Certification program for Network Marketers. This program was designed to give you everything you need to be a confident and transformational coach for the people you serve and help your team get massive results. This is the ONLY Coaching Certification program built specifically for the social selling market. Find out more and join the waitlist here!.

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

Connect with Kristen:

If you're ready to learn the simple process of running your social selling business online, you have to check out Kristen's live group coaching program! The Social Selling Academy:

186. Body Positivity + Anti-Hustle

26m · Published 25 Oct 06:00

Many of us constantly struggle to balance self-acceptance and self-improvement in a world flooded with body standards, diet culture, and societal pressures. The battle between body positivity and the idea of hustling for a better version of ourselves can be a sensitive and complex one. Today's episode is an invitation to Kristen's journey and how you might be thinking about these two philosophies.

Let's look at a few highlights:

  • Kristen shares how the endless chase for an ideal body meant she often neglected her actual health needs.
  • The insidious diet culture had her trapped in a cycle of self-loathing. She was led to believe that loving yourself meant staying stagnant, and any desire to change was an act of self-hate.
  • Body positivity is not a free pass to neglect one's health.
  • Anti-hustle is not an escape from hard work.
  • Acknowledging that just because something feels uncomfortable doesn't mean it's hustle, and we can't walk away. In any endeavor, if you want to build something sustainable, you will have to work hard.

Balancing these philosophies means recognizing that we can treasure our bodies and self-worth while striving for improvement. It's a journey of discovering that loving oneself should never be an excuse for complacency. That hard work is often the path to a healthier, happier, more authentic life. So, let's look at our habits, address the areas where we've made excuses, and make the changes necessary to achieve actual, sustainable results.

Introducing theSocial Selling Leadership School: A 12-week Advanced Leadership Certification program for Network Marketers. This program was designed to give you everything you need to be a confident and transformational coach for the people you serve and help your team get massive results. This is the ONLY Coaching Certification program built specifically for the social selling market. Find out more and join the waitlist here!.

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

Connect with Kristen:

If you're ready to learn the simple process of running your social selling business online, you have to check out Kristen's live group coaching program! The Social Selling Academy:

185. Financial Literacy for Families with Scott Donnell

40m · Published 16 Oct 06:00

Teaching our kids about money is not only about helping them gain financial confidence and steward it well, but it's also about equipping them with valuable life skills. Kristen welcomes Scott Donnell, author of Value Creation Kid and creator of the app Gravy Stack to explore the concept of raising value-oriented children and introduce you to a unique approach to financial education that promises a brighter future for your family.

The foundation of financial literacy begins at home. Teaching our kids about good money skills is a fundamental responsibility of parenthood. It's about helping them understand the value of money, its purpose, and how to manage it wisely.

In today’s episode, Kristen and Scott dive deeper into:

  • This approach goes beyond the conventional money lessons. It introduces three types of value: material value, emotional value, and spiritual value.
  • These skills aren't just about money; they are life skills that prepare children to thrive in the world. The value creation mindset is the antidote to entitlement, instilling a strong work ethic and a sense of responsibility.
  • A simple but effective three-system approach to financial education.
  • Normalizing money conversations at home creates a healthy attitude toward finances. Children become more comfortable discussing money, making informed decisions, and understanding its role in their lives.

Investing in your children's financial literacy isn't just about money, it's about their future and the future of your family. The return on your family's investment can be immeasurable. By breaking generational chains of financial instability and fostering responsible, compassionate individuals, you're creating a legacy that will benefit your family for generations to come

Take theFamily Money Skills Class and get the support and guidance needed to financially thrive as a family. The program includes a self-paced course, fun activities, and an active live community for support. Get the GravyStack app for 30 days free when you take the Money Skills Class!

Find out more about the GravyStack app here.

Scott’s Book Value Creation Kid

Listen to Smart Money Podcast

Follow Scott at

Introducing the Social Selling Leadership School: A 12-week Advanced Leadership Certification program for Network Marketers. This program was designed to give you everything you need to be a confident and transformational coach for the people you serve and help your team get massive results. This is the ONLY Coaching Certification program built specifically for the social selling market. Find out more and join the waitlist here!.

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

Connect with Kristen:

If you're ready to learn the simple process of running your social selling business online, you have to check out Kristen's live group coaching program! The Social Selling Academy:

184. 10x is Easier than 2x with Dr. Benjamin Hardy

53m · Published 09 Oct 06:00

In the world of personal and professional development, the pursuit of exponential growth and success is a common goal. But how do we truly achieve it? In a captivating discussion, Kristen is joined by Dr. Benjamin Hardy to explore the profound concept of 10X growth and its transformative power in entrepreneurship.

This thought-provoking conversation will give listeners invaluable insights into how exponential growth can be achieved by focusing on quality over quantity.

Listen as Kristen and Ben talk about:

  • The concept of 10X growth challenges our conventional understanding. It's not just about achieving ten times more of what we already have; it's a profound shift in mindset and strategy.
  • 10x is about delivering exceptional results, producing high-value work, and creating outstanding experiences.
  • You must focus on expanding what he defines as your four most important freedoms – time, money, relationships, and purpose.
  • 10X doesn't mean relentless hustle. It's also about recognizing when to rest, rejuvenate, and recharge. A well-rested mind and body are essential for maintaining your mindset and sustaining exponential growth.

As you let your future self shape your present actions and choices, you'll discover that 10X is a path to lasting success, fulfillment, and impact in all aspects of your life and business. Embrace the 10X mindset, and watch your life unfold in unexpected ways.

Dr. Benjamin Hardy is an organizational psychologist, keynote speaker and best-selling author who focuses on the psychology of exponential growth and transformation, future self science, and entrepreneurship.

Ben’s new book, 10X Is Easier Than 2X is now available for purchase at

Subscribe to Ben’s newsletter -

Introducing the Social Selling Leadership School: A 12-week Advanced Leadership Certification program for Network Marketers. This program was designed to give you everything you need to be a confident and transformational coach for the people you serve and help your team get massive results. This is the ONLY Coaching Certification program built specifically for the social selling market. Find out more and join the waitlist here!.

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

Connect with Kristen:

If you're ready to learn the simple process of running your social selling business online, you have to check out Kristen's live group coaching program! The Social Selling Academy:

183. The Dopamine Problem

23m · Published 02 Oct 06:00

In today's world, we've grown accustomed to instant gratification. With just a click or a tap, we can access answers to our questions, order products for same-day delivery, and receive immediate feedback on our actions. This convenience, while undoubtedly beneficial in many ways, has created a society that is dopamine-dependent, and it's profoundly influencing behavior, particularly in the realms of business and personal development.

We crave the quick fix, the instant result, the satisfaction of a click or a swipe. This dependence on dopamine has significant consequences, particularly when it comes to our aspirations and goals. In today's episode, Kristen dives into how this dopamine dependency can play a role in your business.

Let's look at a few highlights:

  • There's no such thing as a one-click business or an overnight success. However, the allure of instant gratification often distracts us from the path of patience and perseverance.
  • We want instant results, and we want them overnight. Marketers are well aware of this tendency, and they often cater to our desire for quick wins and immediate satisfaction.
  • Adopting a delayed gratification mindset involves the discipline to work steadily toward a goal, even if the rewards are not immediate.

To truly achieve our goals and build lasting legacies or businesses, we must embrace delayed gratification, cultivate discipline, and be prepared to weather the storms that come our way. In our pursuit of personal and professional growth, we must remember that the most substantial achievements often come from enduring the journey and being prepared for both the highs and lows along the way.

Introducing the Social Selling Leadership School: A 12-week Advanced Leadership Certification program for Network Marketers. This program was designed to give you everything you need to be a confident and transformational coach for the people you serve and help your team get massive results. This is the ONLY Coaching Certification program built specifically for the social selling market. Find out more and join the waitlist here!.

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

Connect with Kristen:

If you're ready to learn the simple process of running your social selling business online, you have to check out Kristen's live group coaching program! The Social Selling Academy:

182. Content Entitlement

23m · Published 25 Sep 06:00

The content we consume and create on social media platforms has become an integral part of our daily lives. We are constantly bombarded with content from all corners of the internet. Whether we are the creators or the consumers of this content, there are two distinct categories that many of us find ourselves falling into.

In today's episode, Kristen unpacks creator content entitlement and consumer entitlement. These categories often lead to frustration and unmet expectations, but with a mindset shift, we can find a newfound approach to content creation and consumption.

Let's look at a few highlights:

  • Content creators often crave validation through likes, follows, and shares, which can sometimes breed a sense of entitlement.
  • Success in content creation requires patience. Consistency, quality, and quantity are vital, but instant success is rare.
  • Embrace a giving mentality on social platforms. Engage with others' content just as you'd like them to engage with yours. It's a mutually beneficial approach.
  • We often expect free access to content, from advice to entertainment. While this expectation isn't inherently wrong, it can promote passive consumption without reciprocation.

Content entitlement comes in two forms, and it's crucial to recognize which category you might fall into. Whether you're a content creator or a consumer, clarity in how you use, create, and consume content is essential. Reframing your mindset, understanding the effort required, and fostering a culture of support rather than entitlement can lead to a more meaningful social media experience.

Introducing the Social Selling Leadership School: A 12-week Advanced Leadership Certification program for Network Marketers. This program was designed to give you everything you need to be a confident and transformational coach for the people you serve and help your team get massive results. This is the ONLY Coaching Certification program built specifically for the social selling market. Find out more and join the waitlist here!.

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

Connect with Kristen:

If you're ready to learn the simple process of running your social selling business online, you have to check out Kristen's live group coaching program! The Social Selling Academy:

181. The Bridge of Consumer Trust

14m · Published 18 Sep 06:00

Social media serves as a vital tool in the realm of social selling. Still, it frequently raises questions among social sellers about the optimal strategies and how to navigate the constantly shifting terrain. Social selling is more than just offering products—it's about constructing a sturdy bridge of trust.

Kristin explores the essential strategies and invaluable insights that can pave your way to success and ultimately impact your social selling business through the power of social media.

Let's look at a few highlights:

  • It's not just about selling but building a relationship based on trust and credibility.
  • One common mistake in social selling is focusing solely on your products. Trust goes beyond that. It's about positioning yourself as a reliable source of information and assistance. Share your knowledge, experiences, and insights.
  • Trust isn't given; it's earned. Multiple referrals are your path to building trust. One good referral sets the bar for your credibility. When customers have a positive experience, they return again and again.
  • Offer solutions to problems, share valuable content, and engage in meaningful conversations.

Social selling is about more than products; it's about building trust. By focusing on converting, engaging, and sharing valuable content, offering examples, and leveraging the power of referrals, you'll build a bridge of consumer trust that strengthens your relationship with your audience. Trust is the currency of social selling, and with patience and authenticity, you can watch your social selling business thrive.

Introducing the Social Selling Leadership School: A 12-week Advanced Leadership Certification program for Network Marketers. This program was designed to give you everything you need to be a confident and transformational coach for the people you serve and help your team get massive results. This is the ONLY Coaching Certification program built specifically for the social selling market. Find out more and join the waitlist here!.

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

Connect with Kristen:

If you're ready to learn the simple process of running your social selling business online, you have to check out Kristen's live group coaching program! The Social Selling Academy:

180. Unlikely Places

10m · Published 11 Sep 06:00

During a recent walk, Kristen came to a profound realization as she stumbled upon a flower pushing through a crack in the concrete. This flower persevered against all odds, and it got Kristen thinking about the remarkable places, especially in her business journey, where she's experienced growth against all expectations. Like that resilient flower, our personal and professional growth often emerges from the most unlikely circumstances.

Consider the moments in your life, especially in your business, where you've experienced significant growth in unexpected circumstances. These are the times when you discover your inner strength and tenacity, breaking through barriers that might have seemed impossible.

In today's episode, Kristen:

  • Challenges you to think about the environments that try to stifle our progress and ask yourself a crucial question: What aspects of our circumstances can we control and change?
  • Encourages you to ask yourself: How badly do you want to achieve your desired outcomes? Your commitment and determination are the fuel that propels you forward. The stronger your desire, the more resilient you become in the face of adversity.
  • Reminds you to embrace each season, knowing that even the most unlikely places and challenging times can yield beautiful growth.

As you navigate your life paths, remember that your growth often occurs in the most unlikely places and seasons. Embrace resistance, take control of your environment, and persevere with determination. You may be surprised by the lovely things that can bloom within you, even in the unlikeliest of places.

Introducing the Social Selling Leadership School: A 12-week Advanced Leadership Certification program for Network Marketers. This program was designed to give you everything you need to be a confident and transformational coach for the people you serve and help your team get massive results. This is the ONLY Coaching Certification program built specifically for the social selling market. Find out more and join the waitlist here!.

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

Connect with Kristen:

If you're ready to learn the simple process of running your social selling business online, you have to check out Kristen's live group coaching program! The Social Selling Academy:

179. Going Alone

24m · Published 04 Sep 06:00

In life, especially in entrepreneurship, we often face the challenging question: "How do you keep going when your friends and family don't support what you're doing?" It's a question that resonates with many of us at various points in our journeys. We feel like nobody is cheering for us, and there is no one in our corner. It can be an isolating experience, but it doesn't mean you're truly alone.

Let's look at a few highlights:

  • When you choose growth, you attract those who value growth just as much as you do.
  • You have the power to choose the kind of life you want to lead, and sometimes that means going it alone.
  • If you surround yourself with people who adopt a victim mentality, you'll find it challenging to break free from that mindset.
  • Ultimately, the decision to go after your dreams, even when it feels like you're going alone, is a choice to live a life of growth.
  • Embrace the journey of going alone because, in doing so, you open yourself up to the extraordinary life you deserve.

You might spend your energy trying to convince others of the validity of your dream. You're exhausting yourself, attempting to gain support and validation from those around you. It's essential to realize that as you evolve and chase your dreams, you've changed. Your perspective and priorities have shifted. But here's the thing: Your dreams are valid, regardless of whether or not others acknowledge them

Join us for a live 3-day training designed specifically for network marketers with ambitious aspirations, aiming to expand their teams and boost their earnings, all while sidestepping the usual recruitment hassles and exasperation. Over three days of The Recruit Reboot, you'll immerse yourself in a no-nonsense, "mind-blowing" training experience that promises to revolutionize your team-building approach. It will guide you out of any recruitment slumps you may be experiencing. The best part? This invaluable training opportunity is FREE. Save your spot here.

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

Connect with Kristen:

If you're ready to learn the simple process of running your social selling business online, you have to check out Kristen's live group coaching program! The Social Selling Academy:

178. Desires and Priorities

24m · Published 28 Aug 06:00

Have you ever caught yourself saying, "I really want..."? We've all been there. That longing for something, whether a new skill, a healthier lifestyle, a successful business, or more money in our savings accounts. Have you noticed that your actions often don't quite line up with what you say you want? Kristen shares her own experience with the struggle of desires and priorities.

Let's look at a few highlights:

  • We often think we want something, but our actions might reflect a different level of commitment. We often lack clarity; therefore, we lack action.
  • Often, you'll find that the barrier to prioritization isn't external—it's internal. It's not that you don't desire it, but you're hesitant to commit to the work it entails.
  • Prioritization is based on values. Kristen emphasizes that what we value, we prioritize. It's easy to like an idea, but committing to it requires more. Sometimes, we are unwilling to do the work, so ask yourself, "Why."

Embrace the stories, doubts, and vulnerabilities holding you back. Challenge yourself to explore why your desires aren't currently a priority and take steps to change that narrative. By bridging the gap between what you say you want and the actions you take, you'll discover a newfound consistency that propels you toward your goals.

Why is this not a priority right now? What steps can I take to change that? Remember, when you make something a priority, everything starts falling in line. It's a powerful realization that can reshape your path.

Introducing the Social Selling Leadership School: A 12-week Advanced Leadership Certification program for Network Marketers. This program was designed to give you everything you need to be a confident and transformational coach for the people you serve and help your team get massive results. This is the ONLY Coaching Certification program built specifically for the social selling market. Find out more and join the waitlist here!.

Thanks for listening! Do you have a question about network marketing? Kristen can help! Drop your question here, and she just might answer it live on the podcast: https:/

Connect with Kristen:

If you're ready to learn the simple process of running your social selling business online, you have to check out Kristen's live group coaching program! The Social Selling Academy:

The Kristen Boss Podcast has 258 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 138:33:16. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 30th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 7th, 2024 07:12.

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