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Podcast For Hire

by Bob Schmidt

Podcastforhire.com helps businesses gain new customers with micro-podcasts geared toward their clientele. Microcasts are 3-5 minute podcasts and are a powerful way to build authority—listeners can hear your voice, your passion, and your expertise.

Copyright: Copyright Bob Schmidt


E5 City of La Crosse - Adam Lorentz MTU

5m · Published 15 May 14:22
Transcription is for SEO purposes only. To find out more about the city of La Crosse please visit their website www.cityoflacrosse.org to find out more about Podcast For Hire please visit PodcastForHire.com
Adam Lorentz is the director of the MTU for the city of La Crosse and I read a while back that the MTU was going to be getting some new buses house that process going. You good to buses that are coming out now all across now is that there could be some delays now that everyone is going on but we do have two full electric buses that made the news about a year or two ago and were in the process of looking at that any 235 foot pole electric buses with charging stations on Morgan upgrade our infrastructure here at the bus barn connection can handle that. And not only handled but they're getting back try to start innovating for the future electric, but the way that we can ago who want to make sure that we have the capacity now and I think that that I think the best use of money at the plan for now I'm putting that in the short term here. I will plan on extricating five new 35 foot clean, eco-buses, and that's a mixture of different some grandpa came through the state, and also we received one bus and that should be the VW mitigation on that was a settlement that VW had a settlement that actually think that the country and around the state would allocate a certain amount of money we are able to get a bucket that felt deathly needed to be at Fort about this last year but we still have about 15 buses that did replace the useful life and the five that are coming next year can come not good enough. So with the new electric buses. How is that going to help with the fuel costs in the overall budget of the city you know there's still a lot to learn about electric buses were falling very closely with other agencies that actually it will minimize any in the state of Wisconsin Madison probably Madison walked into the bigger ones that are starting the process on the next block. If you have this on the street right now a lot of the things you know the names Coccinellidae Sophos right now were looking at them, reducing the cost per bottle just by having doubt not having that that gas and oil pump through their it's really time will tell. A lot of people feel down, but were really looking at him, the money aspect itself so that you can gauge the environment you're reducing our carbon footprint. So it's kind of a twofold situation of the benefit electric buses and tell me about the technology on some of the newer buses that is obviously anything new is better administrator for the drivers and better for the riders. Right now it is implemented. We have our fleshly and pulmonary ABL system and the ethos of the book of the GPS now and was really convenient for that is that any user can install a free app on their phone and they can see where the buses are in real time and what that does you know we do a little Wisconsin so you know when it's the portable low-end to get snow on the ground. It's nice to know where your buses in real time with the general condition of the table the, you know, standing there in the box where stand in home until the bucket there also. Just about plaintiff from his new dairy and not sure what talk to get on a lot of things that give us a call here and read the old-fashioned map, but the biblical proponent that to look this your buses around and just tap on that stop in for the next buses in their it's really revolutionize that's really set at the head of getting new riders on the box that's more like big city stuff really if you think about it. Yeah, absolutely a you know where were trying to change the culture of transit in the city La Crosse obviously never arrived in the depend on it. Not right as an Indian unit for many years but now we want to break the door and get a lot of those first-time writers and often in order to do that we have to get some of the technologies and some luxuries. No new bus luxury not able to write a new box so all those pieces on panic that is up to have the new ridership and tell me about some of the projects that the MTU is coming up well on this for A product that talked about the infrastructure of spinal route that electric grid not only to how the two buses but also the plan for the future. I'm just for plaintiff and money savings were in a plan for now. If you want to keep digging up the ground and put a new conduit new stations and every time you want to get electric buses, but for the community projects. We had a couple really great ones lined up this year. And of course they got postponed for next year but really trying to branch out and and and and get our faith out there and one only had a really cool project. The school district with your teachers, where family picnic in the community-based Damon that we had students from every one of the Wilson artwork and I plan to wrap a 35 foot box and have them going billboard of the kids our growth of the city and it's just that I really care product showcase the talent that we have here in La Crosse but also to have some mom find transportation system that I can't understand Latino politicians taking call about but feel that the large-scale project for really the last 12 to 18 months and really put a lot of emphasis on local community events. Local media picnics. We do a lot of outreach with him a lot of daycare and school. Korea: a parent is somewhat like a field trip on property but to get rid of the and honk the horn and just learn more about writing and then I will actually do a lot without working through different businesses in the area and will take a bath into a private poster with the their employees and their business just to get people to feel the box and understand about writing about kind of want to think environment where they have somebody looking at that object can do it together and just to show him that the foxes are really viable and efficient, and safe optical

E2 Randy Nelson Extra Innings - Community Schools

6m · Published 13 May 23:22
Contact School District of La Crosse
807 East Avenue South
La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601
(608) 789-7600
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This is Randy Nelson and this is an edition of extra innings as a retiring superintendent of schools. Many things run across my mind when I reflect on 37 years of education, what's happened in those 37 years. What we been doing in our schools and even what's on the horizon to help facilitate the discussion. I've enlisted the assistance of Mr. Bob Schmidt past radio talkshow host a parent and a friend. Take one of the things that is change. I think a lot since my kids were little to now is is community schools. We tend to have more community schools than we did 15 years ago. One could argue that our community schools have always been committed to schools in that they serve neighborhoods. We believe that neighborhood schools are really important part of who we are but a community school model intensifies what it means to be a neighborhood school and that neighborhood school really sees that's this is where we bring our children love our school whatever staff we love everything that happens inside of our school for involving the PTO, etc. but the community school model is one that actually intensifies it by creating more connections, not just with parents and not just of students but with organizations in that particular neighborhood whether those would be churches or where they would be be businesses creating opportunities for many mentorships resources to come in to play bring them thinking in a place where, especially parents of children who maybe don't feel either welcome or comfortable in other settings can come to their local community school and they can be welcome there, and there are resources there for that to support them, etc. so this is the notion of community school. I'm real proud that how I think were in our third year of community school operations, both at Northside elementary school and also at Hamilton elementary school. So, explain the difference between a neighborhood school and community school that so that the neighborhood school is really about geographic location right, but a community school takes the geographic location and says what does this neighborhood have to offer the school and how can we bring it into the school. For instance, in one of the things we talked about before is in a community school model perhaps partnering with a laundromat or perhaps in bringing in for instance a washer and dryer so that the student a who may not have had an opportunity to have their clothes washed for several days. They can be washed at school. We can take care that we can support that we can support the parent we can support the students. We also talked about making sure that in a community school that we have. For instance, classroom space for adult learning so that parents who, for instance, would like to have a class running there that me know maybe through a partnership with one of our higher Ed agencies Western or Viterbo or UW well that actually in an adult course can be run right there make minutes parenting course. Maybe it's a course on marketing. Maybe it's a corrupt business course we want to turn out to be a hub where that particular parent or any parent can send this is my school and on a drop in here. Both of those schools have a pretty significant opportunity to support a lot of the families in the schools and on the weekends it's that's not unusual for students to be filling up bags of groceries for some of the students in their schools to I need some food over the weekend and so this hub. This opportunity really expands on that particular model. And of course one of the things we want to make sure someplace is an opportunity for our local medical agencies to have an exam room or have a place where students if necessary, and/or parents and people from the neighborhood might be able to once a week be able to see a doctor and come in and see a doctor if they are not feeling well and or an opportunity for a dental chair to be there so that a student could have a quick exam. I'm guessing eyeglasses hearing all that stuff probably titrated. I can totally see great advantage of having community schools. I don't know if our community knows that we have this here know that they really been developing and so couple of years ago we brought the programs and we actually hired about what's called a community schools coordinator and it's really been that person's job over the last couple of years to start cultivating relationships and start making know some of these things happen. I think what's really cool about the community schools model is that we've got Hamilton and we have Northside right now is our community schools. There could be more in the future, but we have those two schools and a well they are community schools there community school programming does not have to look the same. It's not the standardized approach to this. It really is intended to be one that's reflective of what the community in the neighborhood largest thing. For instance at Hamilton we went through the process there of having several meetings with community members and with members in that particular neighborhood what's needed here at the Hamilton school. How can the schools serve to support you better in some of the needs that you have as parents, we received a treasure trove of ideas that actually were starting to bring into play and part of it was to make it a community school provides someone there to provide supports that person who's there is typically one that has other connections in the community. It doesn't need to be a social worker, but is able to support a family who might need a year this family. You might need something else and it's just it's another touching point for families and for parents who need supports along the way. This is part of the role of the community, school, community school is to make sure that we're doing things that the tenant level is much as we can. The playing field so that when that student comes to school. That student knows my mom my dad my guardians however are welcome in this particular school. I'm welcome in this particular school. This is my place. I love this place. I'm learning these things and were backfilling with experiences along the way. So it's a very complex thing that goes on with these and were just in the starting phases of our community schools, but I am really excited about what the future holds for the committee to schools and how they can really really become the hubs of those neighborhoods and go further than that. Thanks, Randy. I'm looking forward to our next extraneous conversation retiring superintendent of schools Randy Nelson is excavating time as a podcast for hire.com

E3 Referral Staffing Solutions - What is the first step to finding the right job

4m · Published 11 May 17:00
For more information on Referral Staffing Solutions visit our website at https://www.referralstaffingsolutions.com/
200 Mason St STE 18, Onalaska, WI 54650
Transcription is for seo purposes only.
What is the first step to finding the right job. The first of the finite upper really identifying what's important is incredibly important to look at, like water, the dealbreaker and what the ideal one other thing that we talk to you with prospective employees is what works with your life. You know what schedule are you looking for what okay what echolocation all that stuff sounds kind of no-brainer – but we can have a perfect job but you have to drive our everyday and not just not doable. It's important to identify the items that are not going to work for you and those items that are really really important you and they are done will will look at the ideal list and left me ideal to make sure never cutting any corners and not looking at any position that Joan match the dealbreaker in their idealist decide what organization, for that matter shall be how important this is to have a good resume having a good resume is very important. Many companies use artificial intelligence to cancer resume before a person ever sees them at referral English and we do look at resumes regardless if they're good or not. We do know that people are not professional resume writer. Generally, it is very important to make sure that you're still Butler clearly identified on your resume so that what you are missing great opportunities with those organizations that do use artificial intelligence to rescan resumes prior to having conversation so there are a lot of different choices out there for finding a job and for finding employees. Why did you start referral staffing referral for English and because I noticed with the other agencies I've worked with that. It was becoming more of a cookie-cutter black-and-white option for for all companies and I didn't feel that that was the best approach. I felt like the best part is really a customized approach for each client. Because each client has different needs in the area of the biggest area that I know that room for improvement and is often vilified a thing of the artificial intelligence that I had mentioned can really break down those hard skills and break down the basic skills are needed. But if there's a personality conflict a personality issue that something that artificial housing will not identify. And that's really where we come in. We can understand the culture understand that the person that employees will be working with and for in your very best to find the right person is going to match not only from the Hartfield standpoint but also from the Fox guilty and flaky and the culture you mention hard skills and soft skills. What does that mean so hard skills is basically the skill set that could be working with Microsoft office that could be working with a caliper or Nick micrometer. It could be programming against the machine, the Hartfield are the black and white, math, reading, writing that type of thing. The soft skills are more of the personality side more of the conflict resolution more of the emotional intelligent lady bid the way that you respond to different situations different scenario. We all had a revised or updated literary someone in our life that we just did not see eye to eye with it doesn't necessarily mean that the applicant is wrong or you're wrong just the way that you guys handle situations with your thoughts skills. Many doesn't mesh with that person is important that both off don't line up the when there are challenging situations that happen in the workplace. It will be handled appropriately and everybody go home feeling good about their day

E2 Referral Staffing Solutions - Why would a business hire you

3m · Published 04 May 17:20
For more information on Referral Staffing Solutions visit our website at https://www.referralstaffingsolutions.com/
200 Mason St STE 18, Onalaska, WI 54650
Transcription is for seo purposes only.
Why would a business need to hire you many reasons choose to work with referral staffing solutions and one reason would be the timing though the economy has recently changed the think of right now I you identify the account we had time to go through phone interview internal interviews and really screen out of town but not going to be the right fit shall be both internal and external clients basically of people coming and looking for jobs and people that are looking for you to help them to fill those jobs. Why would somebody go to you to have a job filled rather than doing it on their own. Right now everything one of the biggest reasons with with the current economic date with covid 19 with the uncertainty that is a major reason like you are coming to. Currently, there are many different rules and regulations that are changing on a daily basis. So many people that are in the HR side of things are spending their days digging through the information trying to understand it making taking care of our current employee with that. They don't necessarily have the time to do the recruiting and breathing, but the needs are still there for the week that we also have the that has been a massive increase in their needs, but are nervous to hire on their own because they don't know how long another great fighter we can step in weakness, for we can really help bridge that gap and it doesn't turn into permanent and if they don't, we can help those individuals with another opportunity, protesting continue to shift and change and evolve. So I asked how referral staff helped out a business, how does it help out an individual looking for a job so we help D. The jobseekers that come to us in many different ways. One of the most important thing to know is that when they come to a wanted money and number two when they come to what we can look at their skin or fat look at their need for and look at their want and compare multiple different job putting out 15 resume one resume and one application of multiple different job and the best opportunity with you important one application, multiple opportunities and one of the biggest reasons that employees come, once all this back to normal. Is it going to be easier or harder to find a job. Don't know yet. I can say that the effect based on the number of baby boomers that are going to be leading the job market. I think that it going to stay in employees market for a very long time. I think there's a little road right now but I think by the end of 2020. Beginning in 2021 think they're probably going to be getting back to a tight labor market like they have been for a number of years just needed a number of people are going to be retiring and the number of doctors are going to be filled

E17 Chris Jones 1 Word - COVID19 2 and baby name

8m · Published 01 May 18:13
Chris Jones is well known for his appearance on America’s Got Talent when he made the impossible happen: Known germaphobe Howie Mandel shook hands with Heidi, Howard, and Mel live. Since his first TV appearance, Chris has performed on shows like The Steve Harvey Show, Windy City Live, Good Day Chicago, Penn and Teller, Scam School, and the Adam Carolla Show.
Transcription for seo purposes only
Chris Jones podcast were back is the second time that were doing this or doing it that will you honestly most of our podcast have been just as we been social distancing, but this is the true social distancing one word Chris Jones podcast reason is that it's true, is because we have to be social distancing now because the way the world is shut down. Chris, the only thing running in and yeah and that you know that the people out there delivering Amazon to psych, Amazon, post office, UPS, FedEx, all those guys are out there men and women are out there delivering packages to everybody and that is people like us that are staying at home and leaving our packages at home. You don't like them they are great for that, and I loved it all. And I will become the perfect payoff. It was something as it was a pleasant home is worth the wait. Or not. Lately you instead of being in front of an audience you doing a different type of audience to see you on Facebook live all the time now showing off how to do some different things and on the other day as a plan you in your beautiful bride mother to be our planes and foosball and it looks like you cheated for the first couple, but I'm sure that you probably end up winning that game I did when when there's a camera on her discrete I don't know well you know what I totally think her to also today there are two against one right. I used to be in front of people like to. That's the whole thing yeah it was my right, you don't need makeup and I'm arty like. I learned how to do magic trick. Watching you watching your IDE or Facebook videos I taught how to turn a small coin into two large going to need to change it. So you're going to bronze coins. Whatever you want from the magic that you know I mean, that's so cool in those traits. They say that I hundred one? Which is true but you buying for only two tricks you though. I read the book. Have you so have you ever done magic in front of people I know that you know that you do as I kiss your you know, me just a magician as if you well, but you're basically listed as a comic right yeah last night and magic was a fundraiser for young boys and family counseling and his parents created a foundation anti-bullying and they give money to first responders. The two things he cared about was being nice people, not bullying, and the character by what we should and women purchased on the greater foundation I went to Burlington, Wisconsin, and that little coffeehouse did poetry and they played in the band and I did magic and I get a card trick and I had a few drinks and beautiful, like the fact that he got a drink, absolutely. Well, you would know that because you're a college graduate from from Utah Valley University Wisconsin crossed and I don't know if I have a lot of people know this about you or not but you were a new model when you're here, but you also gave a scholarship seedless scholarship at UW well because you graduated from here. I had a really great teacher, Dr. Ronald he called me about the blue I never met before, my guess reach out to the school and he says were trying to get new faces in the ring at your 78. Waiver. If we can, so I'm trying for anyone coming from out of state to get that thing discount price that's my hope that you pretty cool to come back to the cross. I think timber said a lot world is open again on the back of the car that you make sure that I'm available for those for that time because I know the last time you're in town. I think we got we got together we did a podcast from him Riverside Park and submit. Remember, people were eating lunch, and a minute staring at them they just walked away or like five and you videotape the two did you ever do anything of it at all I have. I thought yesterday that the people thing, according to just go draw your old furniture. Like all that I went to Japan and never edited into the video like literally like I need to get on that. Speaking of Japan, and the owners of rain sucks her friend Shane is in Japan now and is in there for a couple years but I saw that he liked the post that you posted about you being a dad in your holding a doll baby doll baby girl doll upside down by the foot. Great that you do it that way, did you how did you do that you just come out of a hat. So did you do that, just for a fact not know but when I went to the girl we just want to help each other so I can write but it was a black light hanging by one leg but my friend you like. I got the girl yeah yeah either way that can be applied. Is it scary to have a daughter. You have got I think I'm going to do my best to say look like she's gorgeous how did I get hurt line my ass off. I yeah look out the guys are just charmers like how you dad Marriott because he was nice was polite and patient. I know you your very book smart you what you do a lot of reading and stuff. If you ever thought of writing a book I need to have my page is set up a lot in this room literally with the dog and just get to typing away how ADD is Chris Buckley's rainy days I will. But you know YouTube doesn't stop and then I might have been writing for while it is a reward to get some coffee and then on I had been drinking since my wife is pregnant like literally since we found out that she is weak, 15 and 15 weeks we shared My carbonate yeah good for you have you can pick out a name yet know. So please, we need to ground and meet some girl names. I think what is got a girl name that the thing to be awesome for for Chris and Stacy's baby give Chris an email and it's one word got Joan Miller and whoever raises enough money for the name of their choice that will but like it college or career fund and that you can name the child so I explained to explain this to me explain this to him to us right now. So if somebody has a name that they want to you is someone I like I really want daughter you give us enough money. I think that will Let them go to her college career even want to name honey and you pay five grand so how do something about making a donation to the to the baby Jones file all have to give them my then know which day but yeah we will make it happen because if you want to name a kid doesn't belong to you, you're okay with me and live type of person is the one word Chris Jones podcast podcast

E1 Referral Staffing Solutions - We make people comfortable

4m · Published 28 Apr 00:44
For more information on Referral Staffing Solutions visit our website at https://www.referralstaffingsolutions.com/
Transcription is for seo purposes only.
One thing that we do is we make people very very comfortable so they can give us the answer
is that maybe they wouldn't give if they were out interviewing with client directly to get more of
the real answer. That way you people become good question. A good quest and I think it is like
to think that we do so they best but so everybody been to what men right very low food. There's
a different right there difference when you walk in the woodland birds on the walking difference
when you walk into a Casey's general store versus the quick trip right like one of them you feel
welcomed one of my show I can and can we really want to be the quick trip we really want to be
the festival. The one thing that we do when one candidate derive a great sound to make it feel a
little more personal. We care about you and coffee or water which isn't really a big thing for child
make them feel comfortable with where they're at. That's kind of the first portion of that we want
to know what you really want. Let's talk about that unit even meet you Nell Ford having a
conversation. I don't know if it's a skill that can be taught, necessarily, is definitely one of those
soft skills that we look for when were interviewing for internal candidate work for reprocessing
pollution want to make sure that the people have that ability to build some reporter wish I
candidate shall be new marker is the owner will fully staffing's. Why did you start your own
agency reprocessing pollution because I thought out there for an organization to really help
multiple company I saw the need to have partnerships with organizations in the area and I really
noticed that not a one stop shop is very important to understand and get to know each client
and each individual me and cut my program for that I am having a one-size-fits-all approach and
that's what referral was employed as well get to know our client get number supervisors that are
hiring more employees and not just Elkhart but also those soft skills that are so what is her
staffing and recruitment agency. What is it what's it all about. We are a matchmaker be what we
do is we identify a client needs. We talk to them about areas where they're struggling or areas
where they could get additional help within their company within their department. We really get
to know what soft skills are needed, as well as what Hartfield are needed. We we can look at
the resume and maps of Hartsville pretty easily like a computer system can essentially do that
for you where we really specialize it will get those soft skills and understanding what the needs
are to make a successful match not only with Elkhart silk but with the well not just a quick
match. It's a long-term sofa looking for jobs or cost me money to come in and talk to referral
seven absolutely not. Absolutely not. We do not charge any of our jobseekers anything that we
offer. What's the difference between the fully staffing solution's in one of the big names in
everybody's hurdles we really come from either approach per client versus having a one-size-
fits-all approach and what that means is we we get to know our client get to know what the
needs are get to know the culture really of the company that were were looking for candidates
for the we can match not only the yellow but that employee has, but also the culture that is
going to fit with the company

E1 LeaderEthics Wisconsin what is LeaderEthics

10m · Published 21 Apr 15:53
For more information on Leader Ethics Wisconsin please visit their website at leaderethicswi.org
Transcription is for seo purposes only,
What is leader ethics Wisconsin. Thanks for the opportunity to chat about this Bob leader ethics Wisconsin is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization is committed to promoting ethical leadership among elected officials. We believe that there are four principles that define ethical leaders truthful the transparent with public information. Their unifier's rather than dividers in the work to the best of their ability to represent their entire constituency, and as such we don't believe ethical leadership is tied to any particular political party, or even to any particular legislative policy because an ethical leader can approach those things. Following those principles and have options and how they can demonstrate it so leader ethics Wisconsin is there to bring about increased awareness and the need for this in our elected leaders then tell me who is Lee Rasch well you know I I lived in the Chicago area for a number years and prior to coming to La Crosse I worked at a large community college in the suburbs. It was a good college in many ways, but it was not founded on what I would call ethical principles, they lacked integrity, and in some of their hiring practices and marketing practices, and it was really the catalyst for me coming up to La Crosse and in 1989 and I assume the role of president that Western technical College and what I realized is that many of the practices that I brought with me to Western practices that I learned in suburban Chicago and so I actually spent several years trying to unlearn things that I had been doing in the past and learn things in a new way that I felt was better reflecting what the college needed and what I needed to demonstrate and solve those are things that I worked on over the years in an effort to be more character-based and a servant leader and practice Lee. What's the difference between leadership and servant leadership and ethical leadership. I think the terms are somewhat interchangeable in my view, those four principles are critical for not just Anna in the political world really the kinds of things that ethical leaders servant leaders follow and practice in business, education, healthcare services and so those are the things were trying to promote as expectations for elected leaders think that this way, if you are buying service or or product from a local company do you expect that the company will operate the ethical leadership if you're school that where you can still has an administrative you expect that person to be an ethical leader. People don't always deliver to the level that you hope. But there's an effort and an expectation that they would. So the question we would ask, why don't we carry those same expectations in the political arena and those of the things were trying to talk about in the direct Scott commit example of one of the member eventually well. Each chapter holds a member of an quarterly. I think one good example would be right brewed a vice president at their own power Cooperative, who was also a former leader, president of the state Senate in Wisconsin. His topic was countering political tribalism and that's an important topic today because the more we become partners in our beliefs than the farther we are away from being able to unify our efforts and to represent our entire constituency, so is a really good presentation. There was a lot of good interaction and we was good to hear from someone who's who's been there. What your goal for leader ethics was constantly in all, the goal is more than anything else. It is getting citizen involvement in raising expectations that are ethical leaders are elected leaders can be ethical leaders and you know we we provide a a citizens guide for 2020 is something that we shared with our members because we want them to realize there are big things and small things they can do in the state of North Dakota, for example, the state is dominated by one political party, and the fact they are ranked very low nationally in terms of transparency, a group of citizens they call themselves the bad ass grandmas. They took upon themselves to start a process to pass a new constitutional amendment that would improve transparency and implement an ethics commission. They were outspent more than 10 to 1 in that effort. This was in 2018 yet the legislation passed and it shows that when citizens take it upon themselves to the right thing they can produce really good results. So we want to share those stories with our members. How is a pandemic, telling of who is ethical and who is not ethical in the political arena will you know the pandemic is really calling out the importance of ethical leadership. We think of it this way when we need at a time when we are facing a threat, nonpartisan threat. It's a threat that's affecting potentially all of us so we need to look at those four principles we need ethical leaders at the federal and state and local level who were truthful giving us straight information. We need leaders who are transparent with public information and this is particularly difficult because in a pandemic like this. The conditions may be rapidly changing and so it's difficult to present something as accurate information. Knowing that it might evolve and change in a short period of time, but ethical leaders can be straightforward and how they present things and do the best they can. Transparency it's really important that we are unifying at this time, we should not be trying to divide our perspectives in the political and partisan views. We really need to represent the needs of the entire country or state in this effort. In a course that means representing our entire constituency in the process of not taking sides or singling out groups for favorable treatment or blaming. So at this time and that in a pandemic we really need ethical leaders to shine. So why would somebody want to become a member of leader ethics Wisconsin. But first of all, membership allows you to be a part of the effort and it's a simple process if you go to our website, leader, ethics WI.org on the homepage. There is a button since joining the press that button and you can follow the steps and you can become a member. It's a very affordable effort $25 a year. In fact, if you are age 23 or younger. It's $10 here. Your goal is to be as accessible for auspice not just those that have money, but by becoming a member, you get a monthly newsletter called the ethics report where we give examples of good ethical leadership in practice and examples that are not so good. We invite you to those quarterly chapter events. We also give every chapter an opportunity to hold a candidate development workshop and such. Try to develop the next generation of ethical leaders starting with local school boards, city Council. So those are things that happen if you become a member of leader ethics Wisconsin gives you a chance to be a part of that process. Why is $25 to join and we had a lot of discussion on this and I was a conscious decision by the board in your organization to make engagement and leader ethics. Wisconsin is available and is affordable for everyone. And we didn't want to have funds coming from private organizations or individuals that would raise questions about who's pulling the strings on this effort, we want this to be something that a citizen led and grassroots in every way. Do you think it's possible to change expectations with leader ethics Wisconsin were not naïve about this. We understand that the challenges are huge. But if we stay persistent with this. We think over time we can make that difference I think back to an example of when I was a freshman in college and I was sitting in psychology class and I had a portable ashtray in my left hand and I was chain-smoking cigarettes and I wasn't the only one there were others in the class to. In fact, the air was blue when you think of that image today. It just seems so foreign. But you know the change in that expectation didn't happen in one piece of legislation. It didn't happen in one year. It happened in lots of ways at the legislative level at the organizational level over many years. We think if we stay persistent with this and we continue to have the conversation, consistently in many different communities over time. Yes, we can bring about the change and we can see better ethical leadership in the political.

E4 City of La Crosse Mayor Kabat - COVID 19

9m · Published 15 Apr 16:54
Transcription is for SEO purposes only. To find out more about the city of La Crosse please visit their website www.cityoflacrosse.org to find out more about Podcast For Hire please visit PodcastForHire.com
The city of La Crosse 2020 vision podcasts were set up to talk about things the future. However, in a time of crisis. In the time of the coalbed 19 needed to talk about was going on around us today. Mayor Tim Kabat is our guest and Mayor wherein unprecedented times now, with the coveted 19 and basically the shutdown of not only it out neighborhood cities states that the country is basically shut down Mayor Raga little hello I know that you know more than 100 years ago Spanish influenza back in 1918 and all that it was probably somewhat of a similar situation, but there's not a lot of us alive back then. So for all of us. It really is never experienced before, and I am one of the things I'm really impressed with our earlier larger area community is that people are taking seriously and trying to do the right thing by staying home and meeting interaction, and only making essential travel. So I think we all stay strong and keep itself will be able to get back to normal a little bit quicker Mayor what is the city of La Crosse doing in order to help the citizens. The few areas imagine our critical services email the emergency response and law enforcement to our streets and things like water and sewer service are our garbage pickup and recycling transit service. You know those things are are staying pretty much as it is been a few changes to those services. But for the most part, those are operating in the memory load and those are critical services that the community relies on having been drinking water in and waste disposal on all hats on board's efforts really continue to meet me make some changes to how staff can provide those services. So you been really gotten split shifts and she to schedule so that we don't have all of our team operating in the same place at the same time. Their goal is spread them out and have some folks that are on call versus being not even the officer in field so we made those changes but I think the most part that's not something that you would notice that your turn on your tap water are you know your your weekly garbage pick up whatever goes again are gone as planned, then the other working on the other efforts that we've done the will treating this obviously is a public health emergencies gone to our emergency operations center in a different structure for how the cities organize our fire chief and police chief fire are emergency managers in the brilliant stepped up to take the lead and so we do have a group that still working on our the operation but we've added no folks, now that work on logistics of trying to find in secure that personal protective equipment and other supplies and things that we can help with our our healthcare providers to secure whether that's again master gloves or grounds or whatever the case may be, hand sanitizers in those types of things so we really focused on trying to balance you know keeping our our stirrup services going and also just making sure that our public and our employees are very limited exposure and keeping them safe. Mayor Tim Kabat and I talking about the coalbed 19 and Mary surprised with the size of our community and how we've done better than other communities our size at stopping the spread and that having a slower amount of growth of people that have the coalbed 19 virus have been very impressed with that and I don't know that it really surprised, but I do feel like we we have lot of people taking very seriously and trying to follow the governor secret homeowner and people staying home keeping those social distancing good hygiene practices when they are having to go out. So I I'm hopeful that we can keep this momentum going to turn talk today I believe are 26 cases in nonsexual not had any guests here La Crosse County and then think just about anybody that has been a concern case has recovery so you want to keep that going. Again, it's really because the head of the other places around the country known around the world have experienced this people stay at home and avoid crowds and practice social distancing another you guys guys out there don't wear a mask Republican thing people are arguing that an I think that's what I'm seeing good results here in La Crosse County that we do have a lot of folks that are still on the to do this thing whether that's essential worker travel for groceries or the like… Doing good here and I hope we can keep it up I hope will start to see those numbers now actually start to go down at some point, Mayor one of the big questions I think a lot of people have is there's a lot of small businesses that are based in La Crosse and that are run out of homes and out of some of the great spaces that we have here La Crosse. What is the city of La Crosse doing to help out those small businesses we knew early on, especially when all the governor's order to close the bars and restaurants movement there will be a lot of hardship from a lot of people hurting big time as you said down that one of the things in La Crosse just such a special place in the amount of food that we have that are here owned locally that people in our community are loners, and so we knew that this would be some very dire times for walls owners in them policy for the employees. So we started to reach out, you know, we have one great staff in our our planning departments. They started reaching out to businesses going on trying to understand the impacts and what things the city could do to help out. So we have put together a grant program will not not a large amount of money but hopefully enough funding to get people can buy them some time and get them over the hump until larger efforts from the federal government and state government kicking button got out to a maximum of $25,000 business grant funding to help people out so that the city Council that last week and I think a big challenge is just going to be about the number of businesses that we already heard from ethically last column for more than 100 businesses here La Crosse that are interested in that assistance. And so will have to see how far dollars can go. That's one thing that again. We really wanted to show our business community that the city of La Crosse. Now scanning them as much as we possibly can in helping Naaman and employees follow the links for information are on the city's website at La Crosse duck will want people more information or questions or whatever they can glory. Men between Andrea and Jason are now calling parent or their tongue people trying to work with folks on that conducting similar challenges. The SBA loan almost thinking very bureaucratic program really just trying to make it when I can oversimplify it to make it just very cold so that there's not a lot of hoops to jump through Mayor Tim Kabat you have any words of encouragement for the community as a whole. Staying home being really diligent and strong even myself. I know where times and I recall going just a little stir crazy inside, but it is for the larger group because more people involved in them mostly for healthy and I find there are people out there that the signal think David exposed this and catch this virus with the difficult for them so you want to stay strong and really almost together as a community and encourage our residents to continue. Again, I just been so impressed and thankful that people are taking this very seriously and when there are absolute vessel. I think I wish everybody had their healthy and safe and I continued to practice the social distancing in good hygiene will get through this together.

E16 Chris Jones 1 Word - COVID19

10m · Published 05 Apr 16:52
Chris Jones is well known for his appearance on America’s Got Talent when he made the impossible happen: Known germaphobe Howie Mandel shook hands with Heidi, Howard, and Mel live. Since his first TV appearance, Chris has performed on shows like The Steve Harvey Show, Windy City Live, Good Day Chicago, Penn and Teller, Scam School, and the Adam Carolla Show.
Transcription for seo purposes only
One word Chris Jones podcast this month talking about what's on everybody's mind these days. Of course, talking Cove at 19th and Chris actually has a special guest with him though much better half of the of the equation there. Stacy is joining him for the first time Stacy, welcome to the podcast so things nowadays you guys basically have a whole life that's change you guys just got married, you're pregnant with their first child. You guys bought a house now were dealing with the pandemic and we all have to kind of shelter in place. How he has been dealing with that I think were doing pretty good I'm doing great. I really really enjoyed being your state how all department where there is so big and kind that will tell you what the few times that Chris is one I see the post on Facebook that he won so that's what friends are for. You have the option of talking your cell phone ringing with the TV or typing it in and I can't tell for ship and I can't talk so I'm like no I like I like the thousand points on the final Jeopardy in my five round my colleague like I can you please hey you probably way more colleges than anybody I know right like college that I got for the figure you think Dick Baker know nothing. So how is the one that you want the chess games. Oh, I can beat my wife and shut public connect for little that were killed or pre-Mac that you go talk our Stacy got a passenger married to a hypnotist as he ever uses hypnotic presence in order to win games that think about. She talked about everything. All that is what you what you call a Chris no birthing you don't get yeah childbirth there you go you can you can learn that and that could be a whole mother side gig for you. Yeah you could see that you would be created yeah I want to be like oh we are feeling pain. You don't feel pain like. So how are you guys doing with the Cove at 19 and I'll be the quarantine and all that cool though I've been working and where to figure out ways to family and not only so a lot of meeting place for learning and they said and trying to be created a new date that and then I will be our main using our work walking and I was when I left the room. The more than seven people on my show book called like some schools are saying you can't performance so July and even then it should be online. Really well so I thought about doing like tell it like tele-type shows I have. I think a lot of performers really like their audiences and you feed off their laughing. Your timing comes in there laughing like Stephen Colbert and all he lately chose to do and she chose without audience and it is it doesn't hit the no really doesn't and especially like with yours and when you call people from the audience to come on up and do and to do things so would probably be a lot different than in a situation like that. So you think that were doing the right thing with the we know quarantine and the shutdown of basically the country code. Stacy and people will know that talking about that kind of thing that people who do think they are so think I think that's how it is well not anymore. What I know one thing that you know so that is very easily. I think that's the question people ask me if it's good or bad, and I wanted to compare it to other like people in Italy are going around and gone the people were outdoor China was monitoring people from their car and they were experiencing separate them immediately. I think you have to find the middle Like you should to some degree Of people who are going out but you shouldn't lock people up with their family because they have house America doing it. I am course, we could do better. All excellent faces that yeah but it other countries and look at the science that says people are getting sick as a hoax and you think you're going to survive this country or as a world with this policy to go next. But you know you can't stop human spirit working get better over. Cannot want to get back to state of normalcy. Yeah, I think I think I think that if we don't have a long talk about. I think that's really key part like the amazing work that are doing that if the we don't slow it down, but a lot of black and I think the fourth likely examined how they do things in a lot of ways examine our policies not possible like just caring for healing in this country and nothing more. Like all the way to go about it because they sound exactly like the sun and people need more than what the government is hopeful that we can come out of having a more solid and yeah a lot of these ideas like everyone hundred dollars check. The socialist idea is a good idea if you were out of work. Give them money to put into the economy like that US dollars here. You know Stacy is your right Chris, but Stacy, the nail on the head with the slowdown in reflection I think that that's what a lot of us need to do in order to to survive and to be it out to be right of mind. You know, and so I want to be healthy, go to the hospital and not be found by people coronavirus give birth and be healthy the kid to be healthy so that one find reason to for someone else will be okay about. Right now without a fight. Without any support. I can't even what that would be like in reality think any words or parting words of the of encouragement and hope for people out there that everything think the thing itself getting into a very hopeless negative outlook of being overwhelmed by things everything to think about the potential you can take advantage of that and get your stuff and enable anything that is your not writing a disease or your family and also indecisive because it can be really overwhelming for find that that one and I think it really really condemning you. Can you talk like a new Chris I wanted to say ditto but with I concur you don't have a dog think about getting a dog that yeah I think that a lot of people who make you love me right now and go shopping online right now and I take it dog or cat out of the foster stable life from being euthanized and the home with your finger help

BBBS - What is the process Big Brothers Big Sisters

3m · Published 28 Mar 12:07
Find 7 Rivers BBBS online at 7riversbbbs.org Transcription is for SEO purposes only.
Many people are interested in becoming a big brother big sister, the oldest, largest and most proven mentoring organization in the nation at seven Rivers big Brothers big sisters were helping all you to achieve their full potential wear really just looking to create and support matches that night, so it's a process to becoming a big brother big sister, it's a bit of a robust process. We ask that you plan on committing at least a year to year. Matt's first start by applying either online or you can tap into our offense for street downtown exactly and fill out a paper copy if you prefer that will set up an interview with you and then it is really just to gather information on your interests and likes and dislikes that we can best pair you with the little that is similar to you and so the so that way is long lasting relationship exactly what we do from there yelled to a online and in person training in your and on and then on I and will do reference checks, and background checks. After that we will send you info on potential literals that we think would be a good match for you on. We have a lot of kids looking for matches and will work with you to find the best match for you after you get matched will set up a notch meeting and not really my favorite part because we get to discuss with the bag in the let all why we believe will be a successful match and sort of get them excited about being a successful match and they get to understand you know their similarities and why they are match together after that. It's really just maintenance so you'll receive ongoing support and training from the big Brothers big sisters agency that you're working with, and will do to start will do monthly check and just see how the matches going and sort of team with you on any challenges you might encounter in your match and celebrate the successes of your match with you. We also will be connecting with parents and Littles once a month just to be supporting the match from every angle, really. We also host events once a month and these events can vary from rockclimbing or welding or ice-skating or even just watching a movie that gives us the opportunity to interact with the matches moderate matches interact with each other. The robust process we just outlined is my big Brothers big sisters has been proven to be the most successful mentoring program because we put a lot of effort and time into creating and supporting the matches and that is why we've been proven to creating one-on-one mentoring relationships, igniting the power and promise of our you to find out how you can become a big brother big sister contact seven Rivers big Brothers big sisters at 608782. 2227 in the cross or 507-452-2227 Winona you can also find us on 17 Rivers BBBS.org

Podcast For Hire has 145 episodes in total of explicit content. Total playtime is 15:34:51. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on October 26th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on March 24th, 2024 02:20.

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