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JoAnn Corley-Schwarzkopf - ReThink Leadership Podcast

It's time to rethink, reimagine leadership for a new generation. As an executive advisor, I help leaders improve their effectiveness by helping them understand how human behavior - the human experience - affects their leadership impact and the results they want to achieve. | Learn more


Are You On Lock Down?

0s · Published 25 Jan 16:04
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Are You On Lock Down?


Mar 7, 2015·4 min read

You can tell from my profile I work in the world of talent management. You know, the talent management that helps companies find, cultivate and keep their best.

At least that’s what most companies say they want. There is a lot of lip service in the world of talent management. I have lots to say about that — but that’s for another day.

Today I want to focus on your talent as the reader. Do you think you have any? What are you doing with what you have? Are you acting as your own talent manager?

In answer to the last question, here’s what I’ve discovered about most people — they aren’t. In fact most people I know are on lock down.

I discovered this when I started conducting creative and innovative thinking workshops through-out North America. For some 15 years, workshop after workshop, 

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My Advice During Covid - Hang On To What's Certain

0s · Published 19 May 17:15

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There is nothing new under the sun...ever heard that phrase. It from a biblical passage, Ecc. 1:9.

Well, in the time of Covid, you might be that true now? These are unpresedented times. We're entering into a new normal (not a fan of that phrase)...but ok, yes things are definitely unsettling and uncertain. And, some elements of life may permanently change...or not. We'll see.

However, there are some very human, historical and universal truths that are settled, certain and will remain unchanged.

While we get tossed about by how we and others are describing this current experience, as someone who lives in the realm of human behavior in life and business, I can say - and I hope this is encouraging- there some things...and I dare say the most important things... that have not changed and will not change.

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2 NonNegotiable Fundamentals of Business Building You Absolutely Can't Avoid

0s · Published 27 Mar 18:47

There is so much noise in the world of leadership and management today. Go on LinkedIn and just see the breath of information in your feed - kinda makes my head hurt. There's so much discussion about what leaders should be doing, what makes a great leader, etc. Do a search on Amazon or Google about leadership and management and millions of results are revealed.

One thing for sure, if you are a senior leader or one that owns a business, there are certain fundamentals you must have in place - above all others. And yet, so many other things are discussed - I call them shiny objects - don't actively advocate and address these fundamentals.

Two in particular are these:

1. If you want to grow a business, you must have a reliable, effective management team.
2. You are the cornerstone of your business, business unit or department.

What's A Cornerstone

My husband is in construction. He has built many a building in his career from a small home to a skyscraper. One building essential every one of them needed was a cornerstone. What is it?

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Is It Time for You to Surrender?

0s · Published 16 Dec 18:31

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The 1 Thing an Employee Training Won't Change

0s · Published 02 Dec 15:26

If you are an HR professional or key decision-maker, please note, "a simple training day" is not going to fix this. Yet many times, that's the choice that's made.

In my experience there are 2 main reasons why: 

1. Key leaders, decision-makers do not understand or appreciate the "human experience" in the work environment.

2. There is a disconnect between how behavior (the human experience) impacts revenue. Therefore the "cheapest" prescription is chosen without being clear on the need and the best remedy to meet it. I call that the spray and pray decision. Let's spray out a bunch of information in a "training seminar" and pray it sticks and fixes things. 

I've said in previous posts, when dealing with employee performance problems, many decision-makers want a bandaid, when surgery is what is really needed. A bandaid seems to be much cheaper... really? And by the way, this is beyond an HR problem as some like to direct is overall a leadership and management problem.

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3 Undeniable Truths That Sabotage Change - Do You Recognize Them?

0s · Published 04 Nov 14:26

Ever heard the phrase "change is hard'?

I think there is a bit of a misunderstanding about that phrase. In reality there is a range of "change capabilities". Depending on the context, change can be in an instant or permanent change can take time.

I've learned over the years that change can be immediate, but transformation... does takes time. And this is a crucial mind-set for leaders when trying to achieve operational change of any kind. Unrealistic expectations lead to lots of unnecessary stress and poor planning and can waste time, money and talent.

So, What About Change is Hard?
What is hard...really what leads up to change. Getting to the point of change is the tough part. Here's what I mean.

In the work I do, helping companies achieve better results through leadership and management development, I help decision-makers get to the point of deciding to initiate their benefit.

Even with all the evidence and constant discussion about the epidemic of incompetent or bad managers and with virtually everyone agreeing that good managers are needed...getting decision-makers to the decision of employing management training is tough. If it wasn't, it'd be pervasive. In fact, almost every company would have it as a part of their business development plan.

But we know that just is not happening. Ever wondered why?
Think about it for a moment. Why is the decision to do something so obviously needed so difficult to do?

Well, the ultimate answer I believe is fear. But there's more. And the more... are 3 undeniable truths about change. I call them "change saboteurs"

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People Don't Leave Jobs - They Leave Relationships

0s · Published 02 Nov 14:01

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"People don't leave jobs, they leave bosses.'"

This is a very popular phrase that circles around the HR and management community a lot...and in fact has been doing so even during the time I was a recruiter some 25+ years ago. And, in all that time has consistently proven to be true.

However, I'd like to frame this truth in a different way. People don't leave jobs, they leave relationships. Because, in essence, that's what we're talking about. Leaving anyone, boss or not, is leaving a relationship.

What they are leaving is the way they are being treated.

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Do You Carry This Critical Point of View in Your Business?

0s · Published 19 Oct 20:10

If not, you're missing out...

One of the elements of business I'm becoming more and more committed to - for myself and clients - is that of simplicity.

I'm also devoted to spend my time providing insights and information from a different point of view that provides meaningful value...that is if you spend your precious time reading my the end of each post you'll think, "Well, that was worth it."
From my experience, that different point of view is seeing business through a very simple lens. Here's the lens: all things business are derived from human behavior.  It has become a very defined view over the years and its benefits are enormous for this who are willing to see as I do.

2 Simple Principles of Business You Should KnowBecause of this refined view, I see business in a much simpler way than I did when I first started my own business some 20+ years ago.

After working with thousands of employees and their managers throughout North American over those past years, I've observed and have narrowed down the main, overriding issues to success in business and they are human behavior and relationships... and note how one naturally impacts the other in business outcomes.

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The Dilemma of Creative Thinking in the Workplace

0s · Published 08 Oct 13:53

"If we all think alike -- no one is thinking very much." 
- Walt Whitman
Let me get straight to the point. One key element contributing to the dilemma of creative thinking in the workplace is fear of diversity -- fear of "too" different.  You see this "too different" causes discomfort. This is the "get out of our comfort zone" we don't consider and resist.

The comfort zone we usually address is pushing ourselves to grow, moving beyond where we currently are as our choice on our terms. This is the one most familiar when we use that phrase.

But, there's another. I call it "the diversity "dis"comfort zone". This   one allows others -  much different than us -  to come into our zone and be truly who they are even if it causes discomfort and in some cases we have to do the work to be accepting, receiving, embracing no matter the level of that discomfort. 

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6 Reasons Why Your Managers Are Failing

0s · Published 08 Oct 13:14

I'm gonna cut to the chase.

I've observed for many years a cyclical epidemic. Managers who don't know how and are not managing ...and are not helped in any useful, sustainable way.

And continues.

As a business owner, senior leader or HR professional, if you've experienced this on any level I want to help you diagnose why.

Now, I don't want to insult your intelligence. Perhaps to you the 6 items below are obvious and you've sought help and just haven't found the right resources to fully fulfill your needs. I'll address that in a minute.

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JoAnn Corley-Schwarzkopf - ReThink Leadership Podcast has 25 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 0:00. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on October 28th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on March 25th, 2024 09:12.

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