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Stories From Women Who Walk

by Diane F Wyzga * Podcaster * Communication Problem Solver * Story Strategizer * Founder Engaged Storyism® Method

Daily 60 Seconds doses of hope, motivation, time out, imagination, wisdom, healing, story prompts, & more! Diane-on-Mic episodes offer tips on storytelling & communication problem-solving. Guests with true-life, practical, funny, heartbreaking, insightful human experience stories from (mostly) women walking their lives while Life walked them & the lasting difference their journeys have made. You’ll see yourself here. I’m your host, Diane Wyzga. "Come for the stories - stay for the magic!"

Copyright: Commencing 2019, Diane F. Wyzga, Quarter Moon Story Arts, Stories From Women Who Walk


60 Seconds For Time Out Tuesday: Walking In Wonder.

2m · Published 06 Oct 10:00

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is 60 Seconds, your daily dose of hope, imagination, wisdom, stories, practical tips, and general riffing on this and that.

I remember a week-long hike with Alan in the autumn of that year on the Appalachian Trail as it wound its way through Virginia. In the beginning the watching was all large landscape and vistas. Over time the eye sought out the smaller and then smaller wonders: a decomposing log, the color of a fallen leaf, the chirp of a bird, a pile of feathers that stood witness to an owl hunting, the smell of fog, and so on.

What my partner Alan and I felt was a sense of the mysterious, a lack of words in the presence of something larger. I’ve never forgotten that sense of awe as we slowed from hiking to ambling to pausing. I remember feeling calm, ease, tranquil as we stood together in wonder - how each and every leaf, blade of grass, ray of sunlight was its very own individual creation.

I’ve come to learn that there are no duplicates in nature. All nature asks of us is to feel the wonder so we can bring it home to our own well-being. 

Question: What could walking in wonder do for your well-being? 

This is the place to thrive together. Come for the stories - stay for the magic.  Speaking of magic, would you share a nice rating/review on Apple Podcasts and when you come back bring your friends and rellies. You’re invited to stop by the website and subscribe to stay current with Diane, her journeys, her guests, as well as creativity, imagination, walking, stories, camaraderie, and so much more: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Mer’s Waltz from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

All content and image © 2019 - Present Quarter Moon Story Arts


60 Seconds: Turning An Idea On Its Head.

1m · Published 05 Oct 10:00

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is 60 Seconds, your daily dose of hope, imagination, wisdom, stories, practical tips, and general riffing on this and that.

I was mindlessly turning a sand timer over and over watching the grains fill one half of the glass and then the other.

What’s a sand timer? Basically, an ancient device used to measure the passage of time. 

We’re taught to see the sands of time running out. But what if we turn that teaching on its head? The seasons are changing here in the Western Hemisphere; so we’re getting less day light and more night dark. It’s not a loss of one so much as a gain of the other.

Likewise, what if instead of seeing the sand running out we see it forming a new pile so we turn it over and begin anew?

This is the place to thrive together. Come for the stories - stay for the magic.  Speaking of magic, would you share a nice rating/review on Apple Podcasts and when you come back bring your friends and rellies. You’re invited to stop by the website and subscribe to stay current with Diane, her journeys, her guests, as well as creativity, imagination, walking, stories, camaraderie, and so much more: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Mer’s Waltz from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

All content and image © 2019 - Present Quarter Moon Story Arts

Diane-On-Mic: Impermanence, King Solomon And The Ring.

9m · Published 02 Oct 10:00

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is Stories From Women Who Walk: true-life, practical, funny, heart-breaking, insightful human experience stories from women who are walking their lives while their lives walk them and the lasting difference these journeys have made. You’ll recognize yourself in stories of adversity, challenge, fear, discovery, adventure, expression, and more. Why? Because, the sorcery of stories is this: they help each of us to be seen and heard, to understand and be understood. I’m your host, Diane Wyzga.

Driving to the recycling center over the weekend I saw a pickup truck parked by the side of the road with a red spray painted sheet draped over the whole of it. The spray painted words read: "COVID kills 200,000 + ..... Socialists."  Now I don’t know if those men, women and children labeled themselves as socialists or just human beings caught in the crossfire.

What I do know is that at times our 1st Amendment Right of Free Speech can feel irksome at best. What can you do besides breathe deeply because here in The Great State of Washington we cannot drive around with a hood-mounted Uzi to express our particular dissatisfaction with this or that.

I’m reminded of something my teacher Thich Nhat Hanh said when asked, “When will the Vietnam War end?”   He said, “All is impermanent. The war will end.” “But when?” “I cannot say when it will end; but I can say that it will end. Meanwhile, we live mindfully in the present moment.”

Thay’s response brings me in mind of a story, the story of the Great King Solomon and the ring.  Once upon a time the great King Solomon ruled over the ancient United Kingdom of Israel.............

Here we are, at the end of the road but not the journey. Thank you for listening to this Diane-On-Mic episode of Stories From Women Who Walk. I hope you are encouraged by the story Gam Zeh Ya’avor and will share it with others who may need a hand up. Meanwhile, please stop by every Monday through Friday for 60 Seconds, Time Out Tuesday, Story Prompt Friday, and on Thursday for longer guest interviews and Diane-On-Mic episodes. You’ll find us on Simplecast or your favorite podcast platform. Come for the stories - stay for the magic! And speaking of magic, would you leave us a nice rating and review on Apple Podcasts. When you return bring your friends and rellies. You will have wonderful company as we walk our lives together.

Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Entering Erdenheim from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

All content and image © 2019 - Present Quarter Moon Story Arts


60 Seconds For Story Prompt Friday: Surfing A 7 Story Building

1m · Published 02 Oct 10:00

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is 60 Seconds for Story Prompt Friday with questions carefully chosen to help you collect stories in the oral tradition or spark your own writing. Either way, you'll say, "Thanks for the memories."

A brand new world record for the biggest wave ever ridden by a woman has been set by Brazilian surfer Maya Gabeira in Portugal. This monster wave measured 73.5 feet (22.40 meters); like surfing a 7 story building!

It was the biggest wave surfed by anyone in the 2019-2020 season, overshadowing the top male surfers in the process and earning Gabeira a new Guinness World Record. 

Story Prompt: In light of such outstanding achievements we might forget or minimize our own. What in your life has earned you your very own Guinness World Record? Write *that* story. 

 Practical Tip: If you wish share your story with someone or something: your journal, your animal companion, the trees in the woods, your loved one. All that matters is you record your very own Guinness World Record moment. 

This is the place to thrive together. Come for the stories - stay for the magic.  Speaking of magic, would you share a nice rating/review on Apple Podcasts and when you come back bring your friends and rellies. You’re invited to stop by the website and subscribe to stay current with Diane, her journeys, her guests, as well as creativity, imagination, walking, stories, camaraderie, and so much more: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Mer’s Waltz from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

All content and image © 2019 - Present Quarter Moon Story Arts

60 Seconds: A Practical Tip For Being Lost And Found

2m · Published 01 Oct 10:00

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is 60 Seconds, your daily dose of hope, imagination, wisdom, stories, practical tips, and general riffing on this and that.

Of late I’ve been hearing friends and colleagues say, "I feel lost. I can't explain it. What do you think it means?"

I don’t know but I can guess. At least for me it means that I’ve lost sight of my way, my True North self, as if I’m turned around in Murkwood Forest. The good news is that I’ve been here before and can find my way out.

What’s the map? On October 1st, 2011 I began a journal of 365 Days of Small Steps. One small step entry every single day. At the end of that first year I’d created a journal of some 1100 pages. A decade later I continue to create my own way of knowing.

Here’s a tip: Create for yourself some document with this heading: 365 Days of Small Steps. Each day make an entry that is yours and yours alone. When feeling lost dip back into your pages and know how far you’ve come. When the year turns and you do it all over again, take time to fully relish how you allowed yourself to be lost and found.

This is the place to thrive together. Come for the stories - stay for the magic.  Speaking of magic, would you share a nice rating/review on Apple Podcasts and when you come back bring your friends and rellies. You’re invited to stop by the website and subscribe to stay current with Diane, her journeys, her guests, as well as creativity, imagination, walking, stories, camaraderie, and so much more: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Mer’s Waltz from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

All content and image © 2019 - Present Quarter Moon Story Arts


60 Seconds: My Camino Shadow Beckons.

1m · Published 30 Sep 10:00

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is 60 Seconds, your daily dose of hope, imagination, wisdom, stories, practical tips, and general riffing on this and that.

A pilgrim walks the Camino from East to West, sun behind, shadow in front. No matter how you chase it there’s no overcoming the shadow.    

However, there might be another way. What do I mean? In my mind’s eye I see my pilgrim self clear as day, certain of my purpose which is to walk, giving myself over to walking, and becoming that which I do.

These past 3 years after moving to Whidbey Island have been full to overflowing and I’ve forgotten in some measure what it is to give myself over to the rhythm of walking - every day. Now, my shadow beckons and it’s time to follow.

Question: what forgotten longing beckons you?      

This is the place to thrive together. Come for the stories - stay for the magic.  Speaking of magic, would you share a nice rating/review on Apple Podcasts and when you come back bring your friends and rellies. You’re invited to stop by the website and subscribe to stay current with Diane, her journeys, her guests, as well as creativity, imagination, walking, stories, camaraderie, and so much more: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Mer’s Waltz from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

All content and image © 2019 - Present Quarter Moon Story Arts


60 Seconds For Time Out Tuesday: Stillness.

1m · Published 29 Sep 10:00

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is 60 Seconds, your daily dose of hope, imagination, wisdom, stories, practical tips, and general riffing on this and that.

Boy howdee! Are we in the deep doo-doo of it! I don’t even have to say what the deep doo-doo is and you already know.

Now what? First, we look to nature and her unerring rhythms. We observe how the seasons are shifting around us. As Rebecca Onion reminds us: “In so doing, you can anchor yourself in place and be a witness to the way nature is actually responding to change, instead of dwelling on the disasters that might come.”

And then, take a moment to breathe:  

Be still and know who you are.

Be still and know.

Be still.


This is the place to thrive together. Come for the stories - stay for the magic.  Speaking of magic, would you share a nice rating/review on Apple Podcasts and when you come back bring your friends and rellies. You’re invited to stop by the website and subscribe to stay current with Diane, her journeys, her guests, as well as creativity, imagination, walking, stories, camaraderie, and so much more: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Mer’s Waltz from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

All content and image © 2019 - Present Quarter Moon Story Arts

60 Seconds: Arriving Viana On The Camino.

2m · Published 28 Sep 10:00

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is 60 Seconds, your daily dose of hope, imagination, wisdom, stories, practical tips, and general riffing on this and that.

Several years ago today I arrived in Viana on the Camino after setting out 8 days before from St. Jean Pied de Port, France, over the Pyrenees Mountains into Spain. How far have I walked? On average 12 miles a day. It’s not so much the distance I’ve covered on foot; it’s more the walk of my life. Amidst all my complaining about how everything hurts, the weight of my pack, whether I make a good pilgrim or not, the uncertainty of the weeks ahead, I’ve been given the Gift of Years - the long game view.

Nothing prepares you for the Camino; you set out and there you are facing yourself, your Bad Mind Radio, quiet, church bells, sheep, farmers, villages, pilgrims, crowded dorm rooms, snoring, wet clothes, fatigue, humility, laughter, vino tinto, achievement, support, nature, emotions, and deep rest. And then? And then, I set out to do it all over again making the path by walking, the path that will never be trod again. 

This is the place to thrive together. Come for the stories - stay for the magic.  Speaking of magic, would you share a nice rating/review on Apple Podcasts and when you come back bring your friends and rellies. You’re invited to stop by the website and subscribe to stay current with Diane, her journeys, her guests, as well as creativity, imagination, walking, stories, camaraderie, and so much more: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Mer’s Waltz from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

All content and image © 2019 - Present Quarter Moon Story Arts


60 Seconds For Story Prompt Friday: When Practice Becomes Second Nature.

2m · Published 25 Sep 10:00

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is 60 Seconds for Story Prompt Friday with questions carefully chosen to help you collect stories in the oral tradition or spark your own writing. Either way, you'll say, "Thanks for the memories."

Down the hill from my home is a boy who has been growing into a teenager. I’ve watched him playing hoops in the driveway against a backboard nailed to the garage. When he was younger he would practice setting up each shot, one by one: a lay-up, a bank shot, maybe a free throw. Over time he began to master a jump shot, even a slam dunk. He practiced until the moves became second nature.  

I’ve been thinking about him as I continue to wrestle with the voices in my head having righteous, opinionated, judgmental conversations with my decidedly wretched neighbor and her equally wretched aunt. And then I catch myself. Minutes or more of my life have been squandered churning over what I should have said, could have said. Is this the way I want to live the time that’s left to me?  

So, I practice with the intention that compassion and  loving kindness might become second nature. Will it take a lifetime? I don’t know. I’ve not yet lived a lifetime. I can tell you this though: I’m definitely scoring more baskets!  Swish!

Prompt: What are you practicing that’s beginning to pay off, become second nature? Write that story! 

Practical Tip: Share your story with someone or something: your journal, your animal companion, the trees in the woods, friends, companions, master mind group.   All that matters is you practice and share the story. 

This is the place to thrive together. Come for the stories - stay for the magic.  Speaking of magic, would you share a nice rating/review on Apple Podcasts and when you come back bring your friends and rellies. You’re invited to stop by the website and subscribe to stay current with Diane, her journeys, her guests, as well as creativity, imagination, walking, stories, camaraderie, and so much more: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Mer’s Waltz from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

All content and image © 2019 - Present Quarter Moon Story Arts

60 Seconds: Reconciliation

1m · Published 24 Sep 10:00

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is 60 Seconds, your daily dose of hope, imagination, wisdom, stories, practical tips, and general riffing on this and that.

In the fall of that year the Guerette brothers taught me how to fire a shotgun in the backwoods of Fort Kent, Maine, hunting beer cans and bottles propped on a fence post.

They were sharpening their sights for the upcoming deer season and while I was invited along I couldn’t reconcile the hunting they would be doing with the wonderful meals their French Canadian mom put on the table those winter months: venison steaks, chops, stews, soups, and burgers.

Trillium Woods where I often walk will be closed to hikers soon; deer season opens mid-October. And while I wish for each of the deer to rest safe and sound in their grass hideaways I’ve come to reconcile that a couple three may be taken for supper in the winter months to come. 

Question: How has Time changed you?

This is the place to thrive together. Come for the stories - stay for the magic.  Speaking of magic, would you share a nice rating/review on Apple Podcasts and when you come back bring your friends and rellies. You’re invited to stop by the website and subscribe to stay current with Diane, her journeys, her guests, as well as creativity, imagination, walking, stories, camaraderie, and so much more: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Mer’s Waltz from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

All content and image © 2019 - Present Quarter Moon Story Arts

Stories From Women Who Walk has 993 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 59:22:19. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 21st 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 30th, 2024 00:40.

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