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Awaken & Empower

by Shealyn Ivany

Honest and true conversations on self-development, spirituality, and the intricacies of being human. Hosted by writer and Self-Empowerment Coach Shealyn Ivany, this podcast is for anyone who is ready to unlock their inner wisdom and commit to the journey of deeply knowing, embracing, and honouring themselves. Awaken & Empower is a safe space where we can get real and dive deep into big and meaningful topics like identity and spiritual growth, inner work and mental health, and the meaning of the miracle it is to be here, alive and breathing and taking up space. Listen in for soul-centred inspiration, heartfelt advice, and personal stories that will guide you towards awakening your authentic self and living an empowered life. Join in on this wild and transformational ride! For more, visit

Copyright: Copyright 2021 All rights reserved.


44. Oracle Card Readings to Connect with Your Soul

34m · Published 26 May 11:00

In this oracle card reading episode, you’ll receive guidance to help you connect with your soul.

At the beginning of the episode, I talk about what it means to connect with your soul, and how it can help you understand and empower yourself. I also share an exciting podcast announcement and reveal what’s coming for the show this summer!

I used three new oracle decks for this episode, which you can check out here:

  • Moonology Oracle by Yasmin Boland >
  • The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck by Kim Krans >
  • The Rose Oracle by Rebecca Campbell >

To hear each reading and receive guidance from the one you picked as your own, head to these times in the show:

  • Moonology – 13:26
  • Animal Spirit – 20:44
  • Rose Oracle – 26:36

Each reading was packed with meaning that I hope helps you connect with your soul on a deeper level.

If you’d like to share what you got out of your reading, I’d love to hear from you! You can always email me at [email protected] or you can use my Contact Me page at And you can find me on Instagram @living.embrace

To learn more about the 90 minute oracle card reading and self-empowerment coaching session I offer Messages from Within, visit my Coaching Services at 

Thank you so much for listening!  

43. The Empowerment of Softening into Your Sensitivity

33m · Published 12 May 11:00

It can be incredibly empowering to allow yourself to embrace and soften into your sensitivity. Whether you identify as a highly sensitive person or not, I hope this episode helps you see just how powerful your sensitive side is.

In the episode, I first share a bit of a life update and talk about what’s been going on for me lately mentally, emotionally, and in my work and personal life. Then we dive into the topic of softening into your sensitivity.

I talk about what it means to be a highly sensitive person, my experiences of struggling with my sensitivity growing up, and the growth process of learning to accept your sensitive side.

I also share what I think are the hardest and most beautiful parts of being highly sensitive, how to navigate society’s treatment of sensitivity, and why it’s so empowering to soften into your sensitivity.

Being highly sensitive no longer feels like a burden to me. I’m proud of this part of me, and I see it as a gift. Your sensitivity is your superpower, and you can always choose to soften into it so you can live a more empowered life.

If you’d like to get in touch with me, you can always email me at [email protected] and find me on Instagram @living.embrace. You can also use the Contact Me page on my website at  

For more information on how I can support you as your Self-Empowerment Coach, check out my Coaching Services at 

And if you’d like to be on my email list and receive the Living Embrace Letters, you can sign up at 

Thank you so much for listening! Make sure to subscribe, rate and review, and share the show with someone else you think would love it too!

42. Lifelong Friendship and Growing Through Your 20s ~ with Denise Lord

1h 13m · Published 28 Apr 11:00

In this episode, I had such a fun conversation about friendship and growing up with my best friend of over twenty years, Denise Lord!

We chatted about so many different topics, including…

  • How we met 22 years ago and our fondest childhood memories   
  • What we think helps to maintain strong, lifelong friendships
  • Navigating the intricacies of friendship and the struggles of growing up throughout elementary and middle school
  • The power of having the safe space of friendship throughout high school
  • How the transition to college/university life and navigating our first romantic relationships impacted our friendship and our sense of self
  • The tough experience of certain friendships coming to an end as you grow into young adulthood
  • How friendships can help you grow through the success and struggle of your 20s
  • How Denise’s learning disability impacted the way she viewed herself in grade school, and how she healed from that experience and felt reborn in college
  • Accepting all parts of yourself and becoming more of who you truly are in your 20s
  • Where we see our friendship going in the future

Having this conversation with Denise about the power of friendship and trusting the process of your personal growth was like medicine for my soul. I hope you enjoy listening to us chat about life, reminisce on years gone by, and share our words of advice for anyone who needs to hear it.

I’d love to hear what you thought of the episode! As always, you can visit my website, email me at [email protected], and follow me on Instagram @living.embrace

Thank you so much for listening!

41. Allowing Intuition to Be Your Guide

26m · Published 14 Apr 11:00

Listening to your intuition is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself. In this episode, we’re exploring the intricacies of intuition and how you can allow it to be your guide.

I talk about what intuition is, how it might present itself to you, and some difficulties you may encounter when it comes to connecting with your intuition. I also share how you could go about tuning into and trusting your intuition, and some signs that may signal you’re getting an intuitive nudge.

And throughout the episode, I share my personal experiences with intuition and some reflection questions to help you deepen your understanding of your own intuition.

I hope this episode shows you just how empowering it is to allow your intuition to be your guide!

To learn more about the Self-Empowerment Coaching I offer (including the Messages from Within oracle card reading and coaching session mentioned in the episode), check out my Coaching Services at 

And as always, you can get in touch with me at my email [email protected] and on Instagram @living.embrace. You can also use the Contact Me page on my website at 

Thank you so much for listening!

40. The Unlearning and Remembering in Self-Discovery

32m · Published 31 Mar 11:00

In this episode, we’re exploring the concepts of unlearning and remembering, and the role that each can play in your self-discovery journey.

Listen in to learn about what self-discovery is, what it means to unlearn and remember, and how this all combines in empowering ways to help you become more of who you truly are.

I also share a few of my own experiences of unlearning and remembering, and I talk about how these pivotal growth phases helped me move forward in my self-discovery journey.

I hope this episode inspires you to get clear on what is and isn’t serving you, reconnect with the purest expression of who you are, and embrace the wild, messy, beautiful journey that is self-discovery.

I’d love to connect with you! You can reach me at my email [email protected] or by using my Contact Me page at And you can also find me on Instagram @living.embrace

To find out more about the Self-Empowerment Coaching you can receive from me, check out my Coaching Services at  

Thank you so much for being here!

39. Self-Reflection Practices to Gain Clarity on Your Values, Needs, and Desires

18m · Published 17 Mar 10:30

Your values, needs, and desires are integral pieces of who you are. When you understand and honour yours, you’ll be well on your way to living a more authentic and fulfilling life. 

In this episode, I guide you through self-reflection practices so that you can gain clarity on these parts of yourself.

Listen in for information, examples, and reflection prompts that’ll strengthen your understanding about each of these concepts and help you get clear on what your values, needs, and desires are in this phase of your life.

I encourage you to give yourself space and time to move through these reflection questions in whatever ways feel effective to you. Write them down, sit with them, and listen to the whisper of your intuition so you can come to your most authentic answers.

If you want to continue building your awareness and discovering how to live in alignment with your values, needs, and desires, I’d be honoured to support you. Check out my Coaching Services at to find out how I can serve you as your Self-Empowerment Coach.

I’d love to connect with you! You can reach me at my email [email protected], through my Contact Me page at, and on Instagram @living.embrace

Thank you for listening! I’m so very grateful for you.   

38. Oracle Card Readings for When You’re Feeling Stuck

39m · Published 03 Mar 11:30

Do you ever feel stuck in life, in your own mind, in a certain situation? When you feel stuck, how difficult is it to shift your mindset? What do you do to help yourself feel free again?                 

One of my favourite ways to liberate myself from this way of thinking is to read oracle cards. They always help me shift my perspective and my energy, and they serve as a powerful reminder that I’m only as stuck as I think I am.

So if you’re feeling stuck and you’re looking for a way to free yourself, this episode is for you! I talk about the experience of feeling stuck, and I pull three oracle cards that each provided empowering guidance and fit so perfectly into the theme of getting unstuck.

I pulled one card from each of these oracle decks:

  • Work Your Light Oracle by Rebecca Campbell >
  • The Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell >
  • The Divine Feminine Oracle by Meggan Watterson >

To hear each reading and listen in on the card you picked as your own, head to these times in the show:

  • Work Your Light – 12:53
  • Starseed – 20:07
  • Divine Feminine – 27:12

I hope these readings touched your heart in some way, and if you came to this episode feeling stuck, I hope the card you chose gave you some insight into how you can free yourself.

I’d love to hear how your reading resonated with you! You can get in touch with me at my email [email protected] or use my Contact Me page on my website at You can also find me on Instagram @living.embrace

For more information on the Messages from Within oracle card reading and self-empowerment coaching session I offer, head to my Coaching Services at 

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out my latest blog post, “Empowered Living: A Heart-Centred Guide to Self-Empowerment” on my website at And download your free Self-Empowerment Journaling Bundle at 

Thank you so much for listening!

37. The Sacred Acts of Mothering and Connecting with Your Soul Purpose ~ with Alexandra Dimitrovici

1h 16m · Published 17 Feb 11:45

In this very special episode, I had an enlightening conversation about motherhood, intuition, and soul purpose with the woman who started as my first official coaching client and is now one of my dearest friends, Alexandra Dimitrovici!

Alex is an Intuitive Life and Matrescence Coach, a mother of two, a wife, a lawyer, and a certified NLP beginner practitioner. She recently started a blog about motherhood and spirituality which can be found on her website She is passionate about everything metaphysical, and about raising awareness on maternal mental health. 

Working predominantly with mothers seeking to stop living on auto-pilot and start living more fulfilling lives, Alexandra’s heart-led, empowering nature combined with her pragmatic mind is what sets her coaching apart. By uniting motherhood and spirituality, she helps her clients find deeper meaning in all aspects of their life so they can attract the life that they not only desire but they deserve. Comparing her coaching sessions with “water flowing in a river”, her clients have said that she helped them realize their worth, come back to a sense of “home” and that her powerful intuitive hits were accurate and helpful during sessions.

We talked about so many big topics, including…

  • How the universe (and a Google search) brought us together
  • The power of intuition in bringing about transformative shifts in your life
  • The importance of staying connected to your true self in motherhood and why the term “selfless” is problematic
  • What being an intuitive life and matrescence coach means to Alex and how she intuitively supports her coaching clients through the shift into motherhood in a holistic way
  • Healing the mother wound and debunking the perfect mother myth
  • The energy shifts that come with choosing to surrender instead of force
  • How to deal with the noise of the anxious mind so you can hear the whispers of your intuition
  • The empowerment found in connecting with your soul purpose
  • The powerful role of receiving coaching in your self-development journey to help you reconstruct your future and answer the question “what now?”
  • Alex’s number one piece of advice for mothers and women everywhere

No matter what your relationship with motherhood is, I have a feeling you’ll find some empowering takeaways in our chat. Alex had an abundance of wisdom to share and our conversation was infused with so much love!

To find out more about Alex’s current coaching offerings and to download her e-book “4 Tips to Go from Burnt-Out to Thriving Mom”, visit her website You can also connect with her on Instagram @the.mothering.myth

To check out my new blog post “Empowered Living: A Heart-Centred Guide to Self-Empowerment”, go to And you can download your free Self-Empowerment Journaling Bundle at 

As always, you can reach out to me at [email protected] or by using my Contact Me page at You can also find me on Instagram @living.embrace

Many thanks to Alex for sharing this space with me, and thank you for listening in!

36. 3 Ways to Deepen Your Self-Empowerment

33m · Published 03 Feb 12:30

Self-empowerment is the key to unlocking your truest self and your most authentic life. In this episode, we’re exploring what it means to be empowered and 3 impactful ways to deepen your self-empowerment.

First, I share an update on what I’ve been learning from the struggles that came with January, and how it has contributed to deepening my soul work and my healing.

Then I talk about what self-empowerment is, how it feels to live disempowered and empowered, and my own experiences of making this shift myself and facilitating it for my coaching clients.

And finally, we dive into the 3As of deepening your self-empowerment: strengthen your self-Awareness, take aligned and authentic Action, and receive loving Accountability. I share what each of these mean and talk about how you can welcome them within yourself and in your life.

I hope this episode shows you just how accessible your own self-empowerment really is, and how worthy of it you are.

If you feel ready to deepen your self-empowerment in some transformative ways, I’d be honoured to support you on that journey. Check out my Coaching Services page at for everything you need to know about what I can offer you as your Self-Empowerment Coach.

To connect with me, you can email me at [email protected], use my Contact Me page at, and find me on Instagram @living.embrace

And to download the free resources I mentioned in the episode, head to 

Thank you so much for listening! If you love the show, make sure to subscribe, leave a rating and review, and share it with someone who you think would love it too!

35. Navigating the January Transition, Honouring Hard Emotions, and Celebrating One Year of Podcasting

36m · Published 20 Jan 12:30

Welcome to the first Awaken & Empower episode of 2022!

If you’ve had a tough time transitioning to the new year, you’ve been feeling any hard emotions, and you’re in need of some encouragement and reassurance, this episode is coming straight from my heart to yours.

In this episode, I get real about the struggles I’ve been facing this month, why this January has felt different than the last few Januarys, and how I’ve been easing instead of jumping into the new year. And I share some reflection prompts to help you think about how the pressures of January show up for you and how you might go about releasing them.

We’re also diving into the concept of emotional bypassing. I talk about the powerful effects of allowing yourself to feel all your feelings, my own experiences of shifting from bypassing to honouring my hard emotions, and some words of encouragement for anyone going through a tough time emotionally right now. I also included some reflection prompts that’ll deepen your reflection on this topic so you can strengthen your emotional awareness.

And lastly, in celebration of the one year anniversary of Awaken & Empower, I share my thoughts and lessons learned during my first year of podcasting! I talk about where it all started, the process of bringing it to life, and the empowerment found in acts of creation.

In the episode I also share my words for the year, and I’d love to hear yours too! If you’d like to share or chat about anything else, you can always reach me at [email protected], on my Contact Me page at, and on Instagram @living.embrace

If any part of you feels ready to deepen your connection with yourself and live a more meaningful life, I’d be honoured to provide you with guidance, support, and a safe space to explore your inner and outer life. You can find everything you need to know about the Self-Empowerment Coaching I offer on my Coaching Services page at 

Thank you so much for being here!

Awaken & Empower has 64 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 37:36:22. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 22nd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 22nd, 2024 10:40.

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