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She Leads Confidently

by Karen Barno

Welcome to “She Leads Confidently,” the podcast for the visionary woman, the leader of impact, the change-maker seeking to elevate her life and career. I’m your host, Karen Barno, and each week, we dive deep with weekly interviews featuring influential women who embody the spirit of leadership. They’ll share not just their triumphs but the gritty journey, providing actionable insights to fuel your growth. This isn’t just another conversation; it’s a movement. A space where you’re encouraged to find your “Blue Rose,” that unique drive within each of us. We’ll explore topics from nurturing communication skills and self-care to mastering work-life harmony and accelerating your career trajectory. Our mission? To embolden you to craft the life you envision, both in the boardroom and beyond. We believe in the transformative power of confident women leaders, capable of monumental achievements when they align with their truest potential. So, whether you’re stepping into the leadership arena


Epi. 86 Why Growth Mindset Matter?

0s · Published 12 Aug 19:00
Positivity Always Wins! Why a growth mindset matter? Are you fascinated by what determines a high performer and the rest? What makes Kobe, Kobe? Diana Taurasi, great? Tom Brady a 6th-round draft pick. Stephon Curry is possibly the greatest three-point shooter of all time.  What sets them apart? Easy. Growth Mindset. They believe they are the best at what they do. So, at their core, they believe they are the best and work to achieve that goal. Their self-belief is a powerful tool of the mind.  Successful people in sports, raising children, and relationships are all convinced they are 3-5% better at what they do. For example, Kobe most likely believed he was at least 3% better than the next second-best NBA player. Tom Brady believes he is at least 3% better, and the list continues.  Did you know that when you speak a negative word or expression out loud, it becomes 40-70% more powerful? Just one negative expression can set all the progress you have worked on back. All that hard work disciple goes out the window.  The human mind was designed to lean into the negative versus the positive. Remember, Caveman and cavewoman's brain was all about survival once they left the cave. Therefore, they pondered every NEGATIVE outcome that could go wrong, and that practice continues in most humans.  Why? I think most do not realize they can impact their mindset. They can turn it into a positive mind machine developed to support them versus holding them back. Is it easy? Nope? Is it worth it, YES! Thousand times, yes. Being the driver of your destiny versus being the passenger helps grow your mindset and achieve your dreams faster.  Each person has a Blue Rose. A calling that is unique only to YOU. NO one in the Universe can do exactly what you can do. But that is what makes you a human being in this Universe.  What path will you choose? One of negative or positive thinking? Let me know in the comments.

Epi. 85 What is Your Identity?

0s · Published 29 Jul 23:00
Patterns on replay. What is your identity? People often confuse identity with what they do, their job, position, or pay grade. People never think about who they are at their center. Or are you much more than that?  For instance, are you Barbara, the nurse, the mother, master's student, wife, and the list goes on? Which one? I would argue that people are a compilation of all they have accomplished from birth to death. All the experiences of a life lived to inform them of who they are.  Our stories begin shortly after birth. Children hear adults constantly talking around the, they may not understand the conversation or the words however they get locked into their subconscious as they get older if they hear the same words, to them, it's true. For instance, if a baby is 1 1/2 to 2 years old, an adult says geez, the baby seems slow. or not walking yet, or processing as fast, or is a chubby slow starter. Or, if they are lucky, she hears she seems really smart, advanced, and perfect in everything she does. A superstar. The baby hears this. Plus, all the chatter that surrounds them through their first 8 years can leave a profound impact on the. People evolve and grow. As a human, one of our goals is to evolve. Constantly improve. Now that doesn’t always happen. Often people get stuck in a certain part of their story, and that ‘stuck’ place is where they remain. Never really understanding what they can’t see to move forward. With the passage of time, they lose sight of their dreams. Start settling. Their dream changes to match the reality of where they are today. It becomes a much smaller dream and smaller identity. Learn how to find the belief holding you back and start changing it, healing it. NOW.

Curling toes to stop stuttering.

0s · Published 21 Jul 11:00
Mindset matters. After walking off the stage after my Power of Positivity presentation, an older gentleman sat discreetly by the exit waiting patiently to speak with me. The story he told me brought tears to my eyes, and 100% confirmed what I always knew…the amazing power of the mind.  I often talk of my speech impediment, where I have trouble saying the letters R and S. How my English teacher encouraged me to do public speaking. Not letting a ‘small’ issue cause me not to go after my dreams. At that time, my speech was an impediment as not a small issue until she showed it was.  This gentleman told me was a paid speaker who has spoken worldwide. Both across the pond and in America. He spoke deliberately as he told me about his amazing career. He told me how my presentation hit home, and he had to tell his story.  He has a speech impediment as well. When he was in school, HIS English teacher encouraged him not to quit. She told him that if he trusted her, she could show him how not to stutter when he spoke. Of course, he waited eagerly for the miracle she was about to offer. She told him to curl his toes when he got up to speak. He had no idea how that would work, but he tried it. And he DID NOT stutter. And from that moment on, when he does public speaking, he curls his toes. What an amazing story! Mindset matters.

#83 Why are YOU not a Millionaire?

0s · Published 13 Jul 23:00
Confessions of a Life Coach I was recently asked that, and it caused me to pause. One of my customers asked me ‘How am I not a millionaire?’. I had to ask her why she thought that. She stated how much I changed her life, and why am I not sharing my gift. Why am I not helping more people? What a great question. What is it? Why do I not share? It comes so naturally to me. I can see people as they could be if only, they believe in themselves.  Too darn many women do not see their greatness. They undervalue, undercharge, and don’t think they are worthy for people to pay for your services.  She believes the Universe is mad at me. Why? I don’t share my gift with others and the Universe believes it's wasted talent. Could be right, could be wrong. I know everyone has a unique talent and it's up to them to share. It's up to them to step into the gift they have been given and be serious about it. Take yourself seriously and stop getting stuck in the BS. Stop being average when you can be extraordinary. Stop accepting crackers and cheese (see my opined TIKTOK post to see what I mean.) Your time to become the women you are capable is NOW. Time to Find Your Blue Rose.

Fear being Seen in Your business?

0s · Published 21 Jun 12:00
Patterns may be getting in your way. I fear too many women want to be seen while fear being seen. This dichotomy creates chaos in many ways. It rules people's lives, and most don’t know it. Heck, it took me years to see the pattern I was running. Do coaching, someone comments, I stop advertising. When someone says they listened to my podcast I would stop for a few weeks. Then reengage. It has wreaked havoc in my life both professionally and in business.  Many women over 50 spent their lives being told to be seen but not heard. Conversely, as they age they want to be seen and heard. Often, they get caught in feeling empowered and fear of being seen. Being seen does mean different things to different people. For me, it meant getting yelled at for ‘being a showoff.’ That’s how my mother viewed it. My dad on the other hand thought it was pretty cool. This fear has held me back in so many ways it pains me to think about it. Can you relate? What patterns do you have wrapped around being seen? (function(d,s,id) { var js; var fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = ""; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, "script", "aweber-wjs-1568348248"));

Epi #81 Energy Healing and Your Past Stories

0s · Published 16 Jun 19:00

Epi #80 Healing Masculine & Feminine Energy

0s · Published 02 Jun 23:00
Importance of Healing Your Energy Vulnerability ALERT - the importance of Energy Healing Spending the majority of time in masculine energy instead feminine.  I know, I know I coach high earners and expect them to open up. However, I believe it’s time to start addressing, on a deeper level, issues women over 55 faces on a daily basis. As an energy healer, I understand the role energy plays in our life. Oddly I never realized I spent a considerable amount of time in masculine energy on steroids. In my day job, I leaned more to the take no prisoner, no collaboration, I got this, know it all, and the list goes on. Which is odd because I am a softy within. However, my father was a ‘guys guy’ who have 1 boy and two girls. Both girls grew up as tomboys. I was never good at school, and I know that was a major disappointment to him. More about that in a different podcast. I realized by living in the masculine I am blocking creating, listening, being, passive, and intuition. Spent way too much time doing, and producing. Task-oriented, competition, talking, intellect, and sadly forcing. This explains why I don’t manifest as much or as often because I focus on forcing the issue instead of letting it happen. I was blocking my energy, my spiritual connection, and never realized it.  Time to step onto the path and clear the energy. First, clear my blocks using Reiki (I’m a Reiki Master), be grateful for everything, love myself with no regrets, and ignite my possibilities.

Epi #79 Does Your Money Mindset Keep You from Moving Forward?

0s · Published 17 May 08:00
What keeps you stuck in place? Does your money mindset hold you back? Too many women have a malfunctioning financial thermostat. What exactly is this? The self-belief that you can only earn xxx amount of money. For instance, a business owner holds a belief that in order to make $500,000 people must work 16 hours a day 7 days a week. This person doesn’t have any desire to work 16 hours a day so they will never make more than $200,000. Another person could never seem to break the $75,000 line. Every time she would get close something would happen. Pay raise delayed, she went for a title instead of, and finally changed jobs. She could never understand how her friends made more than her, yet she worked harder than most. After some discussion she realized that no one in her family ever made more than $75,000-80,000. After some coaching she was able to reset her thermostat to $200,000 just to start. How? To change 1) understand what the number represents 2) where did it come from family? relatives? friends? TV show etc. 3) how she defined work and 4) her value system. Work is however you define it. What working hard may meant to you could mean something completely different to someone else. Or you can thing $300,000 is a ton of money yet your best friend thinks $3 million is a lot of money. Money is the exchange of energy from one person to another. Believe that money is unlimited, and it will be. Conversely believe it is hard to earn and keep and that will play out as truth. What is your financial thermostat? Look at your income over the past 5 years and there is your answer. Have a question? Reach out on my FB Group, Next Level Confidence and ask. Is your life in balance? There are 7 key areas that should be in balance to master your life. Take charge of designing your life, today.

Epi #78 Stop the Victim Mindset

0s · Published 06 May 20:00
ReIgnite Your Possibilities Are you ready to move away from the victim mindset? Too many women find comfort in victimhood. Now I know saying ‘find comfort is a trigger from some of you. However, staying stuck in the past as a victim will not help ladies go where they deeply desire to be.   It's hard to put the past back in the past but there are tools and techniques to learn Being stuff in victimhood holds people back from going all-in on their dreams. They believe they can’t achieve their magnificent vision, so they continue to play small. Playing small really serves no one. When in fact that creates an even larger victim footprint.  Instead commenting to that childhood victim and healing her is the path to take Regardless of how painful that road may be. I have spent years healing my past and yet the victim still shows up uninvited. Also, with her negative self-talk about what a loser I am. I've had to learn how to ignore that voice and instead go to the voice that tells me I'm amazing. How wonderful I am. Yes, it's my subconscious and I've had to work hard to train that talk but I did. Yet it still dips into the negative on occasion. #Subconciousisreal One of the first steps in learning to quickly close off that negative self-talk. This takes commitment, patience, and a strong desire to reclaim your power. When my clients decide it's time to own their power it's because they understand the power of the subconscious and the past.  Reigniting a new story that better supports the person you want to be, rather than the person you are is a wonderful, scary, fulfilling, hard yet joyful journey.  Reclaim your power and Reawaken to your Possibilities. 

Epi #77 3 Keys to Build a Successful Business

0s · Published 20 Apr 08:00
How to Succeed in Business There are three keys to building a successful business. Consistency, Discipline, and a Burning Desire. Without these key elements, it can be a challenge. Consistency means meeting your commitments to your customer and yourself. If you have a podcast and you commit to a weekly broadcast then you have to train yourself to meet that goal. If you have a weekly show in your Facebook group you have to keep that commitment. When you don't then that negative' voice starts talking. After one or two flubs it's easy to just keep saying, it's just who I am to never complete the task, be successful I'm just a loser. When that voice kicks on most times it wins. So be CONSISTENT and you'll win. Discipline is doing things that you don't want to do at that moment in time. It's having a plan and taking action on that plan. When you add discipline to the mix success will happen. Finally, your burning desire to achieve your goals must be what propels your forward. You need to know how the end game looks and keep moving forward towards that goal. When you add these three driving forces to your tool chest success will be yours. Ready? It's time to take your Confidence to the Next Level and Find Your Blue Rose. If you need some tips check out When following these 3 keys to building a successful business you know what you desire and how success looks achieving your goal becomes easier to achieve. These are key elements that are like baking a cake. If you leave out one of the ingredients the cake stinks. But if you put in all the key ingredients and you do it with love success will follow you. If you're looking for business building and confidence tips check out my Facebook Group

She Leads Confidently has 101 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 9:54:21. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 23rd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on April 6th, 2024 14:43.

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