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She Leads Confidently

by Karen Barno

Welcome to “She Leads Confidently,” the podcast for the visionary woman, the leader of impact, the change-maker seeking to elevate her life and career. I’m your host, Karen Barno, and each week, we dive deep with weekly interviews featuring influential women who embody the spirit of leadership. They’ll share not just their triumphs but the gritty journey, providing actionable insights to fuel your growth. This isn’t just another conversation; it’s a movement. A space where you’re encouraged to find your “Blue Rose,” that unique drive within each of us. We’ll explore topics from nurturing communication skills and self-care to mastering work-life harmony and accelerating your career trajectory. Our mission? To embolden you to craft the life you envision, both in the boardroom and beyond. We believe in the transformative power of confident women leaders, capable of monumental achievements when they align with their truest potential. So, whether you’re stepping into the leadership arena


#67 What Your Judge in Others

0s · Published 21 Nov 17:00
Will Come Back at You Judging other people’s looks, actions, money, how they talk, and weight is a human issue. No other animal on the planet judges others like humans. Unfortunately, too many were judged as children and carried that forward.   There is one negative, actually, a very negative outcome from judging others harshly. What you see in others that you dislike is contained within you. It’s a Universal law that what you see in others is a reflection if you see something you don’t like –within you. So when you see something in someone else you wish you had, guess what, you do!   Using the Judging technique is an excellent method to use when looking to make transformations in your life. Areas you may be stuck, blocked, or looking for Shadows hidden within. It is always Clue Alert when you have an adverse reaction to outside stimuli. Take the time and ask why you dislike that trait. What is the response you have to it, and how did it make you feel? Was it a visceral reaction?  Sit with the emotion and look back at when you experienced that same emotion when you had the same outcome. Once you can see the story, the next step begins. Tell yourself a different story. A story that supports and empowers you versus one that makes you feel less than and playing small. The name of transformation is reprogramming your mind by recreating a new, better, more supportive story.  Once you learn to use Judging as a way to help move you forward, you win the inner game. Does this make sense? If you are looking for Intuitive Guidance to help you navigate 2022, check out my new Intuitive Guidance Session: Here (Paragraph)

Epi #66 Are You Afraid of Being Seen?

0s · Published 08 Nov 23:00
Find Yourself playing a smaller game? There are too many people who fear being seen. This usually developed from highly critical parents or someone in your life as a child. It didn't matter what you did it was either never good enough or you would never be a success as ??????. So you decided, why try or you bought into never being successful enough, when you get to that point, you quit. Stop. Or they can be the Center of Attention but only so far. I know this may not make sense. Maybe you have some great accomplishments yet you tell no one. Or when you start to have success whether financial, growth, etc you stop when it gets to a certain point. For example - you sign up 5 new clients for your online course or sell your product to 3 new clients then you shut down. If you take a few minutes and look back you may see a pattern develop that when you get to a certain level you pull back.

Epi #65 ReConnect, ReCreate and ReClaim Your Confidence

0s · Published 04 Nov 20:00
ReAwaken Your Powerful Self Text Here (Paragraph) Confidence is a moving target. One day you are the most confident woman you know and the next day you're hiding. You just don't know how to flip the switch to be confident in all areas of your life. There are three steps that if you take them and follow the map you will learn how to unlock your confidence in 5 seconds. The first step is to reconnect within and learn what stops you. What negative self-talk or memory prevents you from stepping forward. These bumps, bruises, limiting beliefs, or whatever you call them are preventing you from your calling. From raising your hands and saying it's my turn. The next step is to Recreate the stories that hold you stuck in the mud. Your mind is like a whiteboard. what you put into it can be erased and a new story put in its place. These new stories will support and encourage you to be your best self. Finally, Reclaim YOU! After discovering who you are and what you truly desire, going after your dreams will prove to be a much easier pathway. Once you have clarity and the courage to be you ALL THE TIME, stepping into that person will be easy. Once you know WHY, and Heal the Blocks, Finding Your Blue Rose, your true calling will be life-changing. The real question is...are you ready to be the best version of yourself? Let me know.

Epi #64 Nas Echeverria: Business Strategist

34m · Published 06 Oct 20:00
Next Level Up CEO Nas Echeverria is a strategy coach who helps women find the confidence to uplevel their business. She teaches how to develop a framework for their program. Nas spent over 18 years as a business owner. In her earlier years she checked all the boxes: she received good grades in high school, done. Not a great student she went to college. Worked her way through and in true Nas fashion finished in under 3 years. Box checked Went to work in the corporate world but still was not content. Nas heard the calling to work for herself. She followed her heart and set up shop. After overcoming challenges, both family and professional, Nas built a widely successful business. If you’re interested in starting and building a business this is a must listen to podcast. I learned so much I has pages of notes. This is a tale of persistence, perseverance, and confidence. If you are interested in working with Nas check out her website:

Epi 63 Confidence Trapped? 😮

0s · Published 28 Sep 20:00
Stop looking backwards Confidence trapped is a far too common phenomenon. Way too many people get stuck in a moment when their life is shining bright. Score the winning touchdown. Or the winning basket. Conversely, just surviving. Within a short period of waking up, your mind goes to a negative moment in your life. A trauma, bad break up, losing a loved one during COVID. Each month, week, day, maybe an hour, you make a plan. A plan to get unstuck and follow your destiny. Almost once that thought passes, thought of no way comes into your head. But what if you could re-write your Story?  Reconnect to your inner self. Find the origin of the Story you have on repeat. Listen and understand what the message from the universe is saying. Listen. Your Soul does call out to you, begging you to reconnect at the most basic level. Your Soul is inviting you to Recreate your past Story. Develop a story that empowered you to walk with your head high, shoulder pulled back, wearing the fantastic look dress with matching shoes. See yourself owning each room you enter.  Reclaim your Power. Reclaim that who you were are birth. Step into your authentic power with your head held high—no need to slouch. You are a magnificent woman with fierce confidence. Confidence Reclaimed! that is what you say every morning and night. You know who you are, what you want, and are ready to go 100% all-in on YOU!

Epi #62 Hero’s Journey and You.

0s · Published 14 Sep 08:00
Your Story of Transformation Joseph Campbell, while studying Greek mythology, found a constant theme. An overarching theme that makes the story more compelling.  Once you learn the steps, it can make reading a book or watching a movie challenge. Why? You will understand the framework of the steps on the journey. Happy Potter, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings were masters at employing this framework. My online course Confidence REclaimed as developed on that exact theme. Transformation does not begin until called into action and your journey begins. Something happens that pushes people to do something. On the journey is a guide helping move them forward. Change is hard, and everyone needs a nudge every so often to keep moving.  When healing Spiritual Shadows, the journey there are always traps. The bad news is there are a few abysses that appear. The good news is on the other side is true transformation. True change. Are you ready to step into the person you are meant to be? Check out and read out my new online course.

Epi #61 Lessons Learned Podcasting

0s · Published 10 Sep 20:00
From a Fearless Novice I learned so many lessons podcasting it would take forever to review. I was a novice podcaster. Filler with confidence, but that was it.  I have no idea how any of it worked, but I listened to many podcasts and stayed at a Holiday Inn.  Seriously one of my most favorite sayings is ‘How hard can it be?’ That also gets me in trouble sometimes. Yet, I do usually figure it out.  In this podcast, we talk about all I learned, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. For instance, the importance of making sure the date you post is not 1997. You have the correct podcast episode number. Oh, did I mention I am more of a big picture person? Details are not my jam, and I learned that the hard way. I went from Episode 40 to episode 55. I to fix that.  The pros have fancy intro and music. That is doable, except I do my work…YIKES. When you do an interview not a good idea to talk for 65 min. Especially when just catching up. The most important lesson I learned, you ask. Just start. Nothing will ever be perfect unless you have a team curating your work. The Ed Mylett Show, I’m sure when he started, was not even close to how it is now.  As their podcast grew, the team got bigger and more professional. (Although I don’t like ads in a podcast.) If you are thinking of launching a podcast, heck business, or anything to quote Nike, Just do IT!

Epi 60 What You Say Determines Your Outcome

0s · Published 29 Aug 20:00
The Universe Reacts We hear it all the time. People saying What you think about you will bring about. And that is a universal fact. A lesser-known, but I think more impactful, are the words put into action will deliver a reaction. What you say aloud is alerting the Universe that you are in need, and it must jump into action. And as you may know when you say something like I don’t want to be late. The Universe doesn’t hear the word ‘don’t’ it hears I want to be late. The Universe never learned the human form of saying a negative word couched as it’s a positive. It hears that statement as you want it and wants it now.    If you are rolling your eyes thinking, Geez, how DO I manifest the answer is more straightforward than it appears. Don’t say negative words or phrases or add a NOT to a part of a word. Like? Wouldn’t, didn’t, don’t, well you get the point. If you say a negative, quickly state two positives to override the negative. Is it possible to override a negative statement? Absolutely. But you must be diligent in always doing two positives for every one negative. It takes discipline, but it is worth the extra effort.  Give it a try for a week. Then come back and let me know what you think.

Epi #59 Shadow and True Transformation

0s · Published 25 Aug 19:00
Making real change within When people transform their lives it must involves shadow work at some point in time. Until people get to the root of the issue holding them back makes it is very hard to heal. These Shadows are repressed parts of your personality that others rejected. This rejection settled in your Soul and has remained hidden until you made the decision to seek it out. Contained within this Shadow is Your Gift. Many times it's your purpose in this world. Your reason for being. When you heal them you no longer are confused or 'unfocused' you have clarity and the courage to move forward. Everyone wants confidence. A direction to seek in their life. Start the journey within and seek the answers to the questions that bounce around in your head. You know the questions. The WHY ________ question you have. The Why did this happen or that happened? Then the day comes when you know like you know WHO you are and WHY. Are you Ready?

Epi #58 It is Your Choice!

0s · Published 13 Aug 15:00
Choose to Own Your Power! It has always been your choice. You choose what you desire they say. Ask the Universe, visualize it happening, stay positive, and it will appear.  When I first heard this, I thought it was a bunch of BS. Who would choose any form of trauma in their life? Choose to be poor, abuse, left alone to fend for themselves, discarded, live in a war-torn country where women are preyed upon. Who would choose that? We do. It’s all part of our human experience.  Once I was able to make peace with ‘It’s a Choice,’ my life changed. When people decide to make, change things will begin to shift.  The Universe will shine a light on the path for you to follow.  The challenge is believing and trusting that it can be that easy. Trusting that the Universe is here to support all your efforts. Sadly, as humans, people find it hard to believe it’s just that easy.  I know it did. I fought and pushed back when good appeared and embraced bad. Bad outcomes became a friend that I recognized. Actually, I would subconsciously seek negative outcomes out. I did not understand that there were Shadows buried and potential buried within these Shadows.  Then I understood.  Like Glinda the Good Witch said in the Wizard of Oz, YOU HAVE THE POWER ALL ALONG, MY DEAR. It’s Your Choice!

She Leads Confidently has 101 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 9:54:21. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 23rd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on April 6th, 2024 14:43.

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