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LatinX Can

by Dr. Jeniree Flores Delgado

A bi-weekly interview series showcasing latinx professionals sharing the tips and tricks that helped them turn their dreams into reality. This podcast provides inspiration, support, and actionable advice that can help you too, achieve your goals.

Copyright: © 2024 LatinX Can


Rebroadcast Ep 019: Getting Back on Track with Dr. Alfredo Angeles-Boza

46m · Published 24 Jan 11:00

This is a rebroadcast of one of our favorite episodes. Enjoy while we work on season 8!

Meet Dr. Alfredo Angeles-Boza, a university professor who reminds us that even if you derail from your plans, it is not too late to get back on track. Dr. Alfredo was born to a middle-class family who supported his education, until the socio-economic situation in Peru made it impossible to pay the university fees of both their sons. A t that time, Alfredo had stopped prioritizing his studies, and as a family, they decided that his brother should continue with his university studies while Alfredo would take a break. Ironically, he won a trip to Spain, and considered migrating and finding a job, but witnessing the working and living conditions that immigrants had to endure made him reconsider his priorities in life. After that experience, Alfredo focused on his studies, graduated from university, found a job in Peru, earned a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Texas A&M university, and became a tenured professor. By listening to his story one would think Alfredo is a bold individual, but the reality is that he is often scared, but he does not let that stop him from seeking opportunities and achieving his goals.

Rebroadcast Ep 020: Believing in Belonging, Being the Anti-imposter, with Jay Flores

1h 1m · Published 10 Jan 11:00

This is a rebroadcast of one of our favorite episodes. Enjoy while we work on seaon 8!

Meet Jay Flores, an engineer and global STEM ambassador who is on a mission to change the world by inspiring young minds to keep doing cool things with #STEM.

Jay’s parents nurtured his curious mind from an early age, and his mentors encouraged him to develop a growth mindset and take on new opportunities. This environment helped him believe in himself and say YES to experiences that could help him grow, and led him to become the youngest board member of the Society of Professional Hispanic Engineers.

Being the first engineer in his family, Jay took it upon himself to inspire his little cousins to pursue a STEM education, and after working as a sales engineer for a number of years, he became a global STEM ambassador to inspire kids all around the world!

Jay is on a mission to make science and technology interesting, fun, and relatable to young kids, so that they can become the next generation of scientists, engineers and innovators. For those of you who are parents, Jay gives advice as to how to react when your child tells you they aspire to be an Influencer when they grow up!. The trick, he says, is to help your children see the technology behind that, and help them understand that developing technical skills will help them be the best influencer…and if that does not work out, they can always become an engineer.

Some of the opportunities mentioned in this episode:

  • First Robotics Competition:
  • Follow Jay: Channel:

Rebroadcast Ep 017: How Good Mentors Can Help You Rise Up, with Dr. Charlie Corredor

1h 1m · Published 30 Dec 12:00

This is a rebroadcast of one of our favorite episodes, enjoy while we work on season 8!

Meet Dr. Charlie Corredor, an engineer and entrepreneur who identified the power of mentorships and used it to represent the latinx community around the world. His curiosity and motivation led him to create connections with people who later became mentors, and who opened the doors to the world of science, literally! Dr. Charlie represented the U.S. and Colombia while pursuing research projects in China, Sweden, and France all before enrolling in a dual PhD program at Arizona State University. A twist in the plot took him from to the rainy city of Seattle, where he completed his PhD, a business certificate, and became an entrepreneur and co-founder of an early stage start up. His technical acumen and integrity opened doors for him during a time of transition, and the skills he has developed over the years, make him a valuable member to any team.

066: Español - Bad Bunny 101- la clase entra en sesión, con la Dra. Vanessa Díaz

1h 17m · Published 09 Dec 12:00
Conoce a la Dra. Vanessa Díaz, etnógrafa interdisciplinaria, cineasta, periodista y educadora, que lleva con orgullo su origen Borinqueño. En este episodio, exploraremos los fascinantes aspectos de su carrera universitaria, sus proyectos en Cuba, sus experiencias en la revista “People” y cómo estas experiencias la llevaron a escribir su influyente libro: “Manufacturando Celebridades: como los paparazzi latinos y reporteras han construido el complejo industrial de Hollywood”. La Dra. Díaz, nos contará sobre sus motivaciones y desafíos mientras forjaba su camino académico, hablando de cómo sus experiencias personales y profesionales se entrelazaron, proporcionando una perspectiva única sobre el mundo del periodismo y la academia. Desde la influencia de los medios de comunicación hasta la participación activa de las celebridades en su propia construcción de imagen, exploraremos los temas que la Dra. Díaz aborda con agudeza en su obra. Además, nos sumergiremos en su trabajo, como co-creadora y educadora del “Bad Bunny Syllabus”. Descubriremos cómo surgió la idea de diseñar una clase universitaria basada en la figura del astro boricua Bad Bunny. Exploraremos los objetivos educativos detrás de este proyecto innovador, así como la conexión entre la cultura popular, la música y la academia. La Dra. Vanessa Díaz compartirá anécdotas, reflexiones y conocimientos valiosos a lo largo de la entrevista, brindándonos una visión integral de su trayectoria y sus contribuciones al ámbito académico y cultural. ¡Acompáñanos en este episodio imperdible, lleno de insights y experiencias únicas!

065: STEMming from Latin Roots, with Dr. Angel Martí.

50m · Published 25 Nov 12:00
Meet Dr. Angel Martí, the first Latino to chair the Chemistry Department at Rice University, who aims to make the department accessible to all. Dr. Martí’s was born and raised in Utuado, Puerto Rico, and grew up in a family of farmers. His childhood was marked by curiosity and homegrown experiments, turning every corner into a laboratory, an early sign of his passion for science. Dr. Martí’s was initially captivated by Math, and participated in the Math Olympics, representing Puerto Rico. After graduating from high school, he enrolled at the university of Puerto Rico. When it came time to choose a path, he strategically decided on chemistry, and after stepping in a lab for the first time, he realized that was where he was meant to be. The road to becoming a professor and a school administrator wasn’t without obstacles. Initially rejected from grad school, he persisted and eventually pursued his Ph.D. at the University of Puerto Rico, despite limited resources. Mentors played a crucial role, guiding him toward postdoctoral positions and faculty roles, yet, as a Latin professor, Dr. Martí has faced additional challenges. Undeterred, he excelled, and his exceptional contributions led him to become the Chair of Rice University’s Chemistry Department. Dr. Martí’s shared about the financial support that Rice University offers to undergraduate and graduate students, and we explored what Rice University can—and must—do to improve Latinx representation. Leave a review: Apple: Podchaser:

064: Unionized Labor and the Future of Work, with Daniel Villao.

54m · Published 11 Nov 12:00
Meet Daniel Villao, a leader in diversity, inclusion and workforce development who strives to create fair and equitable work environments for all. Daniel Villao is a leader in diversity and inclusion, workforce development, and apprenticeship design. He was born and raised in East LA, and was one of the very few Ecuadorians in a predominantly Mexican and black community, an experience that helped him develop a unique identity and worldview. We discussed his career transition from the military to becoming an electrician and a union member, which helped him find stability after his honorary discharge. We also talked about Daniel’s decision to invest in his future and pursue a college degree while balancing a full time job and family responsibilities, a decision that changed his life’s trajectory and which led him to become an advocate for workers’ rights and education. Daniel shared his perspective on the current state and future trends of the workforce in the U.S., the role of unions in creating fair and equitable workplaces, and the challenges and opportunities of implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives in corporate America in a post-Affirmative Action society. Leave a review: Apple: Podchaser:

063: From Michoacan to the C-Suite, and the Leadership Lessons in Between; with Arturo Cázares,

1h 1m · Published 28 Oct 11:00
Meet Arturo Cázares, a Latino CEO who overcame adversity growing up in the U.S. and who is now leading Latinos in creating the change we need for a more prosperous society. Arturo Cázares is a successful Latino executive who has worked in some of the most prestigious companies in the world, and is now the CEO of the Latino Business Action Network (LBAN). Arturo shares his story of migrating from Michoacan, his home state in Mexico, and growing up in California, picking crops with his family, and living in a dangerous and poor neighborhood. He talks about how his parents and the people around him embraced their Mexican identity, even when it was not always welcomed in the spaces he and his siblings were entering for the first time. Arturo also talks about how important education was for him and his family, how it was the main reason why his parents left their home country, and how they saw education as the only avenue to bigger and better opportunities. Arturo reveals how studying at Stanford changed his life, thanks not only to the educational opportunities, but also to the Latino-focused spaces that Stanford had created, which helped him be himself and feel welcomed. He also talks about what he thinks Stanford still needs to do to increase the representation of Latinos on campus. We discussed the current state of American society, and why he believes it is our responsibility to make it more equitable and just for all. He also gives advice to Latinos who aspire to make it to the C-suite, and how they can balance playing the game of corporate America with staying true to their identity and values. Arturo also shares his insights on how Latinx can use their social capital to create change for their community, and why he thinks the environment has to change to make it more welcoming to Latinx. He explains why Latinx should not feel deficient, but rather confident and proud of their contributions and potential. Leave a review: Apple: Podchaser:

062: Español - Resilencia y pasion: la travesia de una biologa marina, con Xaymara Serrano

51m · Published 14 Oct 11:00
En este cautivador episodio de podcast, nos sumergimos en la inspiradora trayectoria de la Dra. Xaymara Serrano, una bióloga marina puertorriqueña que trabaja actualmente con NOAA. Únete a nosotros mientras Xaymara comparte su increíble historia de su jornada en busca de su trabajo soñado, dedicando su carrera a la preservación de los arrecifes de coral. A través de sus experiencias reveladoras y su apasionada dedicación, los oyentes obtienen una comprensión más profunda del trabajo vital que se realiza para proteger los frágiles ecosistemas de nuestros océanos. La Dra. Serranos nos conciencia que la clave para su exito fue la persistencia, la paciencia y la capacidad para aceptar sus errores. El viaje de la Dra. Serrano comienza en las vibrantes costas de Puerto Rico, donde su pasión por la biología marina se encendió durante su infancia. Únete a nosotros mientras comparte su inspirador camino, desde sus raíces en la isla hasta su emigración a los Estados Unidos en busca de su sueño. Te conmoverá su determinación mientras describe los obstáculos que superó para ingresar a la escuela de posgrado, asegurando becas y financiamiento en el camino. Pero el viaje no estuvo exento de desafíos, y ella habla de la nostalgia de vivir lejos de su familia. La resiliencia de la Dra. Serrano brilla a medida que relata su incansable búsqueda de su trabajo soñado. Revela cómo la flexibilidad y aprovechar otras oportunidades allanaron el camino para que lograra sus metas. La Dra. Serrano nos aconseja a ser resilientes, y a levantarnos no importa cuantas veces nos caigamos. Que nuestro deseo de alcanzar ese sueño y la pasion sean quien nos conduzca en nuestro camino. Tambien nos aconseja a no perder la paciencia al momento de ser rechazado, sino que lo aceptemos y seamos flexible al momento en que otras oportunidades se presenten, eso si, sin perder nuestro enfoque en la meta final. Su sugerencia es: “toma todas las oportunidades que te provea al mundo”. Como parte integral de la Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica (NOAA), la Dra. Serrano habla sobre su papel crucial en la protección de los ecosistemas marinos. Ella nos explica los impactos del cambio climático en los ecosistemas marinos, especialmente el blanqueo de los arrecifes de coral. Este episodio es un tesoro de consejos para los aspirantes a biólogos marinos, ya que la Dra. Serrano comparte su sabiduría y experiencias. Únete a nosotros en este extraordinario viaje de pasión, determinación y esperanza mientras navegamos por los mares de la biología marina con la Dra. Xaymara Serrano.

061: Doing Good is Good Business, with Gustavo Suarez

1h 1m · Published 30 Sep 11:00
Meet Gustavo Suarez, Colombian entrepreneur who is driven by the vision of building strong businesses that do the right thing for our communities. Gustavo Suarez, the founder of, a US payroll platform that serves the nearly 35 million Latino workforce in the United States. Gustavo shares his inspiring journey of migrating from Colombia and opening a small business with no knowledge and no support system. He also reveals how he struggled to get through college while juggling multiple responsibilities, and how finding the right support system helped him overcome the hard times. Gustavo also tells us how his failed attempt to launch a car accessory business taught him valuable lessons that led him to found his first successful enterprise, JPG, a company that provides tax, advisory, and accounting services to small business owners.He also explains how he learned to balance perseverance and flexibility in pursuing his goals, and how he recognized when he needed to find another way. Throughout his entrepreneurial career, Gustavo has learned the importance of establishing a nurturing environment for collaboration where everyone can succeed together, and the value of treating people with respect, as we are all human beings on this earth. This is a must-listen episode for anyone who wants to learn from a resilient and passionate entrepreneur who overcame many challenges and achieved his dreams. Leave a review: Apple: Podchaser:

060: The “Oilfield Girl”: A Latina Leader Changing the Energy Industry from Within, with Massiel Diez

52m · Published 16 Sep 11:00
Meet Massiel Diez a Colombian-Canadian chemical engineer who began her career as a wireline engineer in the Oil & Gas industry, and who is now changing the industry from within. Massiel is also known as the “Oilfield Girl” by her global online following, she was born in San Andres, a small Caribbean island in Colombia, and migrated to Canada with her mom when she was 4 years old. Massiel shared her journey of immigrating from Colombia to Canada as a child, and how she knew she needed to become someone to honor her mom’s sacrifices, which is why she pursued a degree in chemical engineering at McGill University. She also told us how she started her career in the oil industry as a wireline field engineer, and how she sacrificed the early years of her career to set up a foundation for success. This helped her understand pursuing a degree instead of settling for a decent paying job always pays off, because education can open up more opportunities and choices in life. Massiel also shared her experience relocating with a company twice, first to the US and the to Mexico. She talked about what it is like, the opportunities it provides, and the challenges associated with it. One of them: Struggling to fit in after relocating to Mexico, because even though she has always identified as a Latina, she had not experienced what living is Latin America is like. Finally, Massiel told us how she co-founded Flipping the Barrel podcast, and what the show aims to accomplish: empowering energy leaders and inspiring the next generation of talent in the industry You don’t want to miss this fascinating and inspiring conversation with Massiel Diez, a remarkable woman who is making an impact in the energy field and beyond. Leave a review: Apple: Podchaser:

LatinX Can has 121 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 88:03:27. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 23rd 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on January 30th, 2024 08:43.

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