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More Beautiful Podcast

by Maryann LoRusso

More Beautiful is a podcast for women 40, 50, 60 and beyond who are rewriting the midlife playbook, striving for a life that's more adventurous, more fulfilling...and more beautiful than ever before.

Copyright: Maryann LoRusso


68. Conquer Your Midlife Fears

33m · Published 28 Sep 13:00

What is your soul work? What were you put on this planet to do? Many people find themselves asking these questions in midlife, which can be a period of great transition. But change can be difficult, especially when you don't know exactly what you want. In this episode of the More Beautiful Podcast, occupational therapist Hillary Baggett and I chat about how to discover (or rediscover) your life's purpose and overcome the obstacles that may be holding you back from fulfilling it. Among the topics Hillary and I discuss:

  • How her midlife project was born during a dark period in her life
  • Why midlife is frequently messy, but can often be exhilarating and filled with potential
  • Why we need to shatter the myth that aging is something to be dreaded
  • Why community is so important during this phase of your life
  • How to overcome your midlife fears and accept failure as a growth opportunity
  • How to know if you're ready for change by identifying the sacrifices you are no longer willing to make
  • How to figure out what you want and how to go out and get it
  • The fine line between fear and excitement, and the way to channel fear into something positive
  • Why it's never too late to find your life's purpose

You don't want to miss this marvelous midlife conversation. Full show notes available at

67. Estate Planning 101

50m · Published 21 Sep 13:00

We've all been around long enough to know that life can throw us curveballs. Having an estate plan—which typically includes a will, healthcare directive, financial power of attorney, and often a revocable trust—can ensure that your family is protected if something happens to you. If you've been putting off creating an estate plan, or you're not sure whether your family needs one, you'll love this conversation with estate and wealth planning attorney Jennifer Belmont Jennings.

Jennifer fills you in on everything you need to know, including:

  • What a trust is, why you probably need one, and why it's a bad idea to procrastinate
  • The various players you need to choose for your trust, and what to look for in each of these individuals
  • How to decide on a trustee, as well as guardians for your children—and how to avoid conflicts among them
  • The advanced medical directives and other paperwork that should be included in your estate plan
  • How to set up special provisions for dependents with special needs
  • What corporate trust companies are and when you should consider using one
  • Additional trust provisions that can help to protect your family
  • How often you need to update your trust, and what happens when you move

Plus—because Jen is not only smart but funny—we talk about celebrity estate fiascos and what we can learn from them, and what Taylor Swift recently got wrong when writing song lyrics about her will!

Be sure to tune in to this important conversation. Full show notes available

Please note that this content is for educational purposes only and is not legal advice.

66. How to Feel Seen In Midlife

15m · Published 14 Sep 13:00

Oh, to be seen.

The mention of an old children's television show prompted More Beautiful Podcast Host Maryann LoRusso to reflect on this age-old, universal desire. And all the conversations she's had on this show that touched on that desire—or, dare we say, need. And the feeling that many people have as they arrive at midlife that society no longer sees them as much as before—that they're becoming invisible even.

In this solo episode, Maryann argues that from the time we’re born until we die, we want to be seen and recognized for who we truly are. That not feeling “seen” is the root of so much conflict and despair, and contributes to the fear of aging that runs rampant in our culture. And that we all desire to be seen on a deeper level by the people closest to us, even as we scramble to hide parts of ourselves to avoid rejection. She takes a look (pun intended) at how we can put ourselves in a better position to be more clearly seen and understood by those around us, see others with the same compassion and curiosity, and continue being visible and relevant at every age of our beautiful lives.

Full show notes available

65. Time For a Midlife Reboot?

37m · Published 07 Sep 13:00

Who's ready for a makeover? No, not the kind we used to see on TV where a woman is transformed on the outside only. My guest today, Heidi Fossali, is an author and "reboot coach" who still believes in the power of makeovers—and guides her clients through new hair, makeup and wardrobe choices. But Heidi says any good makeover must start from the inside, especially during midlife. In this episode, we talk about the internal factors that may be holding you back from feeling your best, offering tips on how you can boost your confidence and create a fabulous, sexy life for yourself. Then, we turn our attention to how you can pamper yourself on the outside, so that your exterior matches your powerful new interior.

Heidi and I also discuss:

  • How she overcame her own fear of change after her divorce and why it took 10 years for her to "speak her story"
  • How to know if you're ready for change and, if you are, how to best forge a path forward
  • The way to recognize and embrace the gifts you have to offer the world—and start sharing them
  • Why your midlife is so different from your mother's and grandmother's
  • How curiosity can help you stay young at heart and connect with "the girl you left behind."
  • The reason midlife friendships are so important, and how to cultivate a community you love
  • Why it's OK to want to feel good on the outside too (and it's never to late to get in great physical shape)

Heidi also offers her top three strategies that can trigger the change you want in your life now. If you're stuck and no longer want to settle for a life that feels "less than," this episode's for you. Full show notes available at

64. Why Aren't You Meditating Yet?

53m · Published 31 Aug 13:43

You know that meditation is great for your mind, body and soul—but fitting it into your life can be easier said than done. If you find it hard to sit for 30 minutes with your legs crossed, trying to suppress your thoughts, you’re not alone. For me it’s nearly impossible. But my guest on this episode—award-winning author, broadcaster, speaker and meditation expert Lori Saitz—says it’s OK. There is more than one way to meditate, and you can find a method that works for you. No matter how much stress you’re dealing with or what the universe throws in your path, Lori says, a regular practice can change your life in so many positive ways.

In this episode Lori and I talk about:

  • How meditation helps to rewire your brain and positively impact your life in both immediate and long-term ways, such as reducing stress, boosting creativity, improving your relationships, and even helping you sleep better
  • Why almost everyone’s midlife experience has an undercurrent of “suck” and why that needs to be acknowledged before you can get to a better place
  • How women were conditioned to bury our feelings and rationalize away our dissatisfaction (“I should be happy because I have X, Y or Z”), and how meditation can help if you’re losing your zest for life or feel that something is just off
  • How you know when your soul is calling for growth—and find the courage to respond to that call
  • Steps you can take to discover your personal meditation “style” and make it work with your lifestyle
  • How to use meditation on the spot in stressful moments, to calm yourself where you’re at
  • When it might be a good idea to consider a midlife sabbatical

Lori also explains why she thinks big transitions in midlife should not be dubbed a crisis, but rather a re-evaluation or reawakening. And she talks about the hardest thing she’s ever done—leaving her 22-year marriage, which she describes as “fine”—and why she had to do it.

This episode will change your mind forever about meditation! Full show notes available at

63. Love, Loss & What I Learned

39m · Published 24 Aug 14:00

What do you do when your dreams are derailed by tragedy? As much as we like to talk about the beauty of getting older, there's no denying that this life stage sometimes comes with loss. There are all kinds of losses, and unfortunately, this week's guest, Cristina M. Ramirez—an entrepreneur, educator and author of Empowered By Discomfort—experienced one of the most tragic kinds. She recently became a widow in midlife when her husband of 19 years died of cancer. Cristina was left to mother their two boys on her own, traversing what she now refers to as "the worst year of her life." But, after coming out of that dark period, she decided to write about it, with the goal of helping others who might be going through similar experiences.

In this empowering conversation, Cristina and I talk about:

  • How she and her husband shared their last moments together
  • How grief literally changes your brain, how everyone's looks different, and how she processed her own
  • How "her life didn't compute anymore" after her husband's death, and how she found courage to build a new one for herself and her family
  • Why her children were her saving grace after the tragedy, and how she parented them when all she wanted to do was "crawl under the covers"
  • Why asking for help was so important as she began traversing the world as a newly widowed mom
  • What motivated her to open up about her experience, and how she hopes sharing will help others
  • Why it's important to lean into the discomfort when life gets hard—and how doing so can lead to self-growth
  • The way she's chosen to honor her husband's memory and the life they built together, and why dating is not—and may never be—in the cards
  • How her loss forever changed her life outlook and career trajectory
  • Why she believes the best is still yet to come—and why you should too

If you've ever experienced profound loss and are open to exploring what lies on the other side of tragedy, please have a listen. Full show notes available

62. Crush Your Midlife Goals!

58m · Published 17 Aug 14:00

Are you ready to get out there and start crushing midlife?

If you have any fears about getting older, or you think aging is no fun, you need to listen to this conversation. My guest is Mimi Ison, an athlete, influencer and founder of Hey Middle Age. At age 60, Mimi is pushing herself physically almost every day: boxing and dancing and lifting weights and flying on a trapeze and doing a myriad of other activities that will blow you away. Mimi wants you to realize it's never too late to discover new things about yourself and challenge your body in exciting new ways. To find activities that light you up. And to exceed your expectations of what you are capable of. Like the rest of us, Mimi has also been through some messy midlife stuff. So our chat touches on how you can build not just muscle mass, but emotional resilience and personal strength too.

During this episode Mimi divulges:

  • What happened the first time she walked onto a boxing ring
  • How she got through a physically and emotionally difficult period in her 50s
  • Why she took a pause to listen to her body and take better care of herself
  • The big revelation she had on her recent "big" birthday
  • Why she thinks it's OK for women to care and talk about their looks
  • Why she started her blog as a gift to herself, and how her Instagram turned her into an influencer almost overnight
  • How she overcame the fear of putting herself out there and why she's saying "yes" to more opportunities these days
  • Why she did an unpaid internship in her 40s, and the freedom she gained from being a beginner in midlife
  • What "working out" means to her now, how she makes strength training fun, and how she keeps injuries from derailing her fitness goals

Mimi also tells you how you can find an activity or workout that fits your lifestyle, and she shares her top three tips on how to love and celebrate your body right now—no matter where you are on your fitness journey.

Listen now to my conversation with the lovely Mimi, and I promise you will no longer have doubts about how joyous midlife can be! Complete show notes available at

61. Welcome to the Midlife Shitshow

19m · Published 10 Aug 14:00

Do you sometimes feel like you bought a ticket to the midlife shitshow? If so, trust me, you’re not alone. This time of life comes with its fair share of challenges.

In my first solo episode of the More Beautiful Podcast, I’m reflecting on why so many of us are feeling out of sorts right now. I’m also drawing on my first 60 podcast interviews to offer you some real strategies you can use to spin that midlife mess into some midlife magic.

In this episode I talk about:

  • The reason I've been sharing my midlife stories and why you should too—even if, like me, you consider yourself a private person
  • Why we need to forget everything we thought we knew, or were told, about where we'd be by this stage of life
  • How our generation's midlife differs so much from that of our mothers'
  • What we need to acknowledge, surrender, accept and handle before we can create the life we truly desire
  • Strategies to create the right environment and surround yourself with the right people in order to thrive in midlife and beyond
  • Ways to get your health and energy back on track and to feel physically, mentally and spiritually better—or, as some women would say, "more like yourself"

If you're sometimes (or always) feeling lost, confused, stuck, annoyed, overwhelmed, anxious...or if you’ve been experiencing a vague sense of dread, please listen to this episode. Other women are feeling the same way. And like them, you reserve the right to feel like the best possible version of yourself. Now and always. You deserve to overcome the messiness so the magic of midlife can emerge!

Maryann LoRusso is the creator of the More Beautiful Project, which includes an online magazine, podcast and newsletter for women journeying through midlife. Maryann brings to More Beautiful more than three decades of experience as a journalist and media executive. A graduate of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, she began her career as a newspaper reporter in New York. Later, she segued into the world of fashion magazine publishing, where she worked as an editor for more than a decade at companies such as Fairchild/Condé Nast and Time Inc. A native New Yorker, Maryann currently lives in San Francisco with her husband, kids and a rescue dog named Mochi. When she’s not writing or podcasting, she enjoys running, singing, cooking, traveling and volunteering at organizations such as She-Can and Best Buddies.

Reach Maryann at the More Beautiful Website

Find More Beautiful (and Maryann) on Instagram and Facebook and Threads.

This episode was produced by Ryan B. Jo

60. Get Out of Your Own Way

41m · Published 03 Aug 14:00

Are you thinking about becoming an entrepreneur or veering off on a new career path? Starting a venture in midlife can seem daunting, but business coach/consultant Allison Berardi says this is the perfect time to pivot. As you approach the second half of life, your inner voice grows stronger. It may demand change or a sharper alignment with your values, skills and desires, encouraging you to finally pursue your dreams. Allison says there's always a way to "build a bridge from where you are now to where you want to go," and it often begins with overcoming self-sabotaging beliefs and other obstacles that can derail success. Besides offering some practical tips on how to get started, Allison tells you:

  • How to clarify your mission and goals
  • Why your unique gifts and talents are more transferrable than you might think
  • How you can overcome the fear of irrelevance in midlife, especially with the world changing so fast
  • Resistance: Why you'll always feel it to some degree—even when you're on the right track—and the best way to overcome it
  • How to rise above the self-doubt, get the courage to start something new, and stay committed
  • How to leverage your midlife network for guidance and encouragement
  • Why you may not be dreaming big enough
  • Tips for building a vibrant brand in today's cluttered market
  • Why it's important to both ask for help and celebrate your successes

You'll be planning that launch party before you know it! Full show notes available at

59. Quell Your Fear of Dementia

46m · Published 27 Jul 14:00

Does Alzheimer's or another form of dementia run in your family? Are you afraid that you're losing your memory or that you someday will? Are you trying to support someone you love who is grappling with dementia? If any of these scenarios applies to you, you'll find this episode both enlightening and comforting. My guest, Emerson Lee, is a memory-loss doula who specializes in preparing people for the possibility of getting dementia. Emerson employs tools and strategies to help people feel less panicked and overwhelmed, and more hopeful that they can go on to live a happy and fulfilling life—with or without dementia.

In this episode we discuss how people can channel their anxiety about memory loss into something more positive, such as tapping into music and other creative outlets. We examine why our culture makes it harder for patients to admit they're having memory problems and how anosognosia—the inability to recognize one's own dementia—can come into play.

If you're a family member, you'll appreciate Emerson's tips for cultivating an empowering atmosphere for your loved one, developing a side-by-side (as opposed to a confrontational) communication approach, navigating the complex elder-care system, and nurturing yourself as a caregiver.

I'm so excited to share with you this important conversation, which I hope will quell some of the anxiety and misconceptions you may have about living with or caring for someone with dementia. Full show notes available at

More Beautiful Podcast has 90 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 66:03:55. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 26th, 2024 17:42.

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