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More Beautiful Podcast

by Maryann LoRusso

More Beautiful is a podcast for women 40, 50, 60 and beyond who are rewriting the midlife playbook, striving for a life that's more adventurous, more fulfilling...and more beautiful than ever before.

Copyright: Maryann LoRusso


58. Love Your Midlife Body!

56m · Published 20 Jul 14:00

If you're like many midlife women, you may be finding that what you did in your 20s and 30s to stay fit and healthy is no longer working. Your hormones are probably going wonky, and your tried-and-true workouts and meal plans are no match for the changes your body is experiencing. You may feel frustrated, confused and/or helpless.

On this episode I chat with Kim Barnes Jefferson, a lifestyle coach who specializes in helping women over 40 get their groove back. Kim says that by age 45, the average woman has been on 60 diets—count 'em, 60! And it can feel like an uphill battle to lose or maintain her weight, build muscle mass and get a good night's sleep—especially through the turmoil of perimenopause and menopause.

Among the takeaways you'll get from tell-it-like-it-is Kim: How to stay centered in the midst of all this midlife uncertainty—both physical and emotional; how to embrace your changing body and find new health-and-fitness strategies that keep you happy, energized and sane; and how to nix the perfectionism that many women of our generation grew up with, while staying consistent with your health and fitness goals.

Kim and I also get into the nitty gritty of diet and exercise strategies—what to eat, how to work out, and how to nurture yourself, in order to meet your body where it is now and feel your best. And Kim answers many of your burning questions, such as: Exactly how much protein do you really need? How much strength training is enough and how do you go about starting with weights? How do you avoid depriving yourself for the sake of fitting into that favorite pair of jeans? Should you weigh yourself on a regular basis (and the answer is more complicated than you think)? And why is cultivating self-love an essential component of any new lifestyle plan?

We also discuss the fad diets and medications of our mother's and grandmother's generation (remember those ubiquitous diet pills?), and Kim offers her take on Ozempic and other trendy drugs currently being used for weight loss. Finally, Kim tells us why it takes courage, not just discipline, to shake up your health-and-fitness routine and see results. Full show notes available at

57. Be a Late Bloomer!

37m · Published 13 Jul 14:00

Instead of thinking about midlife as a time to scale back, play it safe or pack it in, what if we instead embraced it as an ideal time to try new things, take some chances, and fail repeatedly? On this episode, I chat with fellow journalist Christine Morrison, who worked in a previous life as a marketing executive for some of the top fashion brands of the ’90s. Christine is a self-described "late bloomer" who got married and had kids later in life. Now, at 54, she's continuing to fearlessly try new things, such as launching a Substack and writing a book of fashion essays, and she says the uncertainty and risk-taking are keeping her young at heart and feeling more alive than ever.

Since Christine and I both have journalism degrees and worked in the fashion industry back in the day—I as a reporter and editor, Christine as a marketing exec—we had a lot to chat about, including:

What it was like studying journalist in the ‘80s and ‘90s, and how the industry has drastically changed

The out-of-whack beauty standards and ageism our generation grew up with, and the effect it had on us

The advantages of being a "late bloomer" and why it's never too late to pivot, fail or try again

How social media is making space for women over 40 to be the new fashion mentor, whether we're ever "too old" to wear certain fashions, and what younger women can learn from us in terms of style

Why we need to stop being so hard on ourselves—and other women

How we're coping with our changing bodies and what keeps us feeling youthful

You‘re going to love this chat with the fun and fabulous Christine. Full show notes available at

56. It's Not Too Late to Turn Your Life Around

42m · Published 06 Jul 14:29

What would happen if your worst fears came true and you lost everything? It happened to my next guest, who in her 40s suddenly lost her job, her marriage and her money and became a mom on welfare. Now, 15 years later and about to turn 60, Lorraine C. Ladish is the author of several books, an entrepreneur and influencer who's been featured in Oprah Daily, and is married to the love of her life. She's here to tell us how it's entirely possible to turn even the worst luck around, start from scratch and find success, joy and love in midlife.

Lorraine and discuss so many things including:

What she learned about humanity after hitting rock bottom

How she taught herself new skills, tapped into her network, channeled her Hispanic roots and the power of social media to eventually become a successful online entrepreneur and then influencer

How she and her new husband supported one another through hard times, and why she eventually decided to get married again at age 50; what that "midlife marriage" looks like and why Lorraine says it probably wouldn't have worked in her 20s

Her lifelong struggles with body issues and bulimia, how pregnancy and yoga helped her overcome them, and why she still has dreams about bingeing and purging

How she handles the physical changes and newfound limitations that come with aging, what she wants younger women to know about staying body positive in midlife, and why she's sharing "honest" photos of herself these days on social media (with the help of her writer/photojournalist husband)

How she's dealt with menopause and why she's embraced hormone replacement therapy

What the death of her best friend taught her about life, love and loss

What she fears about getting older, why she appreciates every age she is, and why she still wants to be surprised about what's to come

Most important, Lorraine offers words of wisdom to anyone going through difficult times right now. Please tune in to this no-holds-barred conversation with one amazing lady. Full show notes available at

55. Follow Your True North

52m · Published 29 Jun 11:00

What if we've spent most of our lives doing what's expected of us, rather than listening to what our heart is telling us? What if we decided to follow our instincts and break free of the things that are no longer serving us? Is that even possible in our 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond? Today's guest found out when she retired early from a coveted job as a public school librarian to become a romance novelist, podcaster and midlife community builder. Patti Denier says she's always been inclined to follow her "true north," but motherhood and responsibility made her play it safe for many years in a coveted job that many people told her she'd be crazy to quit. But she did. In her 50s.

During this fun heart-to-heart, Patti and I chat about many things, including:

  • Why she allowed herself to quit her job and what she decided to pursue instead
  • How her writing, podcasting and the midlife community's she built changed her life
  • Why she wanted to help rebrand aging and encourage midlifers to change their approach to their second act
  • Why Patti thinks we need to push ourselves just a little—and give ourselves permission to change our minds and/or forge a new path
  • How we can stop caring about what others think (finally!) and step into our power
  • What we want younger women to know about menopause, our changing bodies, and aging
  • How solo travel has been an important part of Patti's midlife journey
  • How we need to embrace life's uncertainty instead of fearing it
  • What we've each learned as we've aged, and how we handle adversity differently now
  • What the recent loss of her father has taught Patti about how she needs to live now
  • The meaning of life (yes, you heard that right–we may have figured it out right here on the show!)

You're going to love this down-to-earth conversation with wise and wonderful Patti. Full show notes available at

54. The Highly Evolved Female

52m · Published 22 Jun 13:00

Why do women outlive their reproductive years? How does our menopause experience differ from that of other species and cultures? Why do many women still crave sex after their reproductive days are over? In this fascinating chat with Dr. Deena Emera, author of A Brief History of the Female Body: An Evolutionary Look at How and Why the Female Form Came to Be, we explore various mysteries of the female body through an evolutionary lens and attempt to answer some poignant questions about our biology. 

Deena and I discuss:

  • Which species have the most in common with humans in terms of reproductive span and longevity, and how rare the menopause transition is across the animal kingdom
  • The most dominant hypotheses that attempt to explain why women run out of eggs and hit menopause decades before they're expected to die—unlike chimps, which die around the time they go through menopause
  • Whether or not women will eventually evolve to go through menopause at a later age
  • How women in Western culture experience menopause differently than females in other parts of the world, and how lifestyle behaviors can impact symptoms and even the average age of menopause
  • Whether or not menopause has always been a "difficult" transition and how our ancestors may have had an easier time with it
  • Why our genomes evolve much more slowly than our culture
  • The ways in which mothers and their offspring are in reproductive conflict throughout pregnancy and early childrearing
  • Why many women are still interested in sex after menopause and what that says about estrogen
  • How the lack of female representation in medical studies has impacted women's health—and whether or not that's changing
  • How scientists may be closer to discovering how to treat osteoporosis, which is common in post-menopausal women, and why autoimmune diseases are on the rise, especially among women

You're going to be fascinated by Deena's research and observations about the female body, so listen now! Full show notes at

53. The Making of a Modern Elder

30m · Published 15 Jun 13:00

Entrepreneur, author and speaker Chip Conley is on a mission to rebrand midlife, encourage intergenerational collaboration, and help people in their 40s, 50s and beyond approach their second act with curiosity and optimism. Here's what he wants you to know.

What would be your next move if you had already disrupted the hospitality industry not once, but twice—first as the founder and CEO of Joie de Vivre, the world’s second largest boutique hotel chain, and then as the head of global hospitality and strategy at Airbnb? For Chip Conley, the decision was clear: he would now disrupt the concept of aging. And he would do it by opening the very first school dedicated to helping people navigate midlife with a renewed sense of purpose and possibility.

Chip and I touch on so many important things, including:

  • The tragic events that prompted him to embark on a mission to reframe midlife, as well as the profound personal experience that woke him up to how he needed to approach his own second act
  • How his time at Airbnb, where he was referred to as a “modern elder” (and he dubbed himself a “mentern”), helped him realize how crucial intergenerational mentorship is and the unique skills people in midlife and beyond possess
  • Why Chip thinks the concept of midlife desperately needs a makeover (midlife crisis, anyone?) and should be rebranded as a time of enormous personal growth and transformation; how consciously curating your life can help you cope with messy midlife transitions
  • The ways in which your personal operating system shifts as you get older (think: if the first half of life is about ego, the second is about soul growth), and the brain changes that give you a special kind of intelligence
  • Why Chip believes aging is "alchemy," or the point in life when you've finally integrated all those parts of yourself so you now show up as your full self wherever you go
  • How cancer propelled Chip into “manopause” (technically speaking, andropause), what he wants men (and the women who love them) to know about the biological changes guys over 40 experience, and how we can communicate with one another about all of it
  • Why he started Modern Elder Academy (MEA), what he hopes students get out of the program, and why you’re going to want to enroll ASAP (did I mention the first campus is located in Baja, Mexico?)

I am so excited for you to listen to this enlightening conversation with Chip. Complete show notes are available at


52. Reawaken Your Sensual Pleasure

51m · Published 08 Jun 13:06

We hear the advice so often: Get out of your head and into your body. Listen to your body. Trust your body. But what do those things actually mean, and how do you achieve them—especially if you're a woman in the throes of perimenopause or menopause?

My guest on this episode of the More Beautiful Podcast is the lovely and inspiring Gabriella Espinosa, the founder of Women’s Body Wisdom, an online coaching and movement platform that empowers women to own their pleasure, power and purpose in midlife. Gabriella works with clients to help them feel more at home in their skin, as well as deal with issues such as lackluster energy, anxiety and decreased libido. She also assists people in healing old emotional wounds and trauma—which often surface during midlife. Among the many valuable takeaways you'll get from my candid conversation with Gabriella:

  • What happens to your body when progesterone and estrogen start to decline—not just the "bad" symptoms, but the powerful and positive stuff? And why are we so hesitant to discuss sexual problems with one another?
  • Why you may be feeling a sense of disconnect from your body and/or losing trust in it, especially if you're in perimenopause and menopause and beyond. And why that lost connection shouldn't be ignored
  • How to reignite your spark for life, rediscover what brings you joy and lights you up
  • Tips for tuning into your body, reawakening your senses and reprioritizing pleasure
  • Why feelings of grief commonly show up in midlife and how you can move on from mourning to embrace an even better version of yourself
  • How to access your body's inner wisdom, realize the abundant gifts you have to offer, and change how you show up in the world
  • Strategies to quash those limiting self-beliefs, boost your confidence and approach your body from a place of abundance vs. lacking

Full show notes available at

51. More Beautiful Podcast Trailer

1m · Published 31 May 16:35

Welcome to More Beautiful, the podcast for women rewriting the midlife playbook. I'm your host, Maryann LoRusso, and I invite you to join me and my brilliant, charming, funny guests as we talk openly about all the issues on your mind during this transformative—but sometimes challenging—life stage. Our mission is to change the conversation around aging and inspire you to live a life that's more adventurous, more fulfilling and more beautiful than ever before. For complete show notes and all epsiodes, visit

50. Sharpen Your Intuition, Raise Your Personal Vibration

1h 0m · Published 30 Mar 13:00

What's this thing called personal vibration, and how do you know yours is attracting the right stuff into your life? This out-of-this-world season-two finale has me chatting with Nicki Bonfilio, an intuitive counselor who's taught at the Goop Health Wellness Summit. Nicki is both clairvoyant and clairaudient, which means she has the ability to see and hear things other people can’t (for example, she can see the emotions someone is feeling as specific colors), and she's also an experienced astrologer. Nicki says the majority of her clients are people over 40 who are going through transitions and seeking meaning during midlife—no surprise, right?

Nicki and I touch on so many interesting topics, including:

  • Why exhaustion and emotional drain may be signs of something deeper in your psyche
  • What it means to be in “alignment" and why you want to get there
  • How everyone has the ability to sharpen their intuition, and how you can accomplish this

Then—drumroll, please—we dive into astrology! Nicki tells you:

  • What your birth chart can reveal about your personality and life themes
  • What your North and South Nodes are, and how these aspects of your birth chart are so important, especially in the second half of life
  • What your sun sign tells you about your special traits and the parts of the body that rule you
  • The challenges you might face, according to the stars, as you traverse midlife

Full show notes available at

49. Get Ready to Pivot!

33m · Published 09 Mar 15:00

This time of life comes with so much change. Much of it you have no control over, but sometimes you're actually the one seeking it. On this episode, certified life coach Anne Pillsbury tells you how to gain the courage and confidence you need to make those changes in your life you've been dreaming of. We discuss how you can get "unstuck" and figure out what your purpose is, why midlife calls upon you to re-evaluate your values, how you may be inadvertently self-sabotaging, and how you can quash that self-doubt once and for all and go after what you really want. Full show notes available at

More Beautiful Podcast has 90 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 66:03:55. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 25th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 26th, 2024 17:42.

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