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by Kathryn Gordon

I'm Kathryn Gordon and your Host of the Kathryn For Real podcast. I decided to create this podcast after so many readers of my book "Relationship Grit" commented on how refreshingly real it was. You see I'm a mother, a wife, an entrepreneur, and a best selling author, but what I'm most known for in my circles is my unwavering ability to call it as I see it and ask the tough questions. So In this podcast you will hear amazing authentic stories, learn valuable lessons, and discover some of my favorite health hacks and life strategies. And there will be moments when you will say, "Is she for real?" I am. Kathryn for REAL!


100th Episode | The Whole Gordon Family | Gordon Family Meetings

1h 6m · Published 10 Jan 11:52

For Kathryn's 100thepisode of Kathryn For Real, she recorded her family having a family meeting. This idea came about as she is often asked for great tips on raising kids and ways to keep a family together in a world that always seems to be pulling us apart. Without a doubt, the best thing she ever did to develop a strong family was her weekly family meeting.

Each Sunday, they would meet as a family and Jon would read a devotional, an article or share an inspirational video. Next, they would discuss their family mission statement and how they were living it. Remind each other of their “One Word” for the year and talk about how that was going. Then, each family member would share a challenge they were dealing with, while the other family members would offer solutions.

They learned things that the kids were dealing with that they would have never known without having these meetings. They helped them create a bond that still lasts to this day.

Some might say “We eat dinner together as a family. Isn’t that good enough?” … Of course, it’s great to eat together, but Kathryn found with a busy family whose kids play sports or have a lot of activities, it’s not always easy to eat together. Scheduling a weekly family meeting and making it a priority ensures you will connect more with each other.

Now, let’s face it, busyness and stress can cause a family to run in circles to the point you don’t invest in what matters most… your relationships.

If you miss a week, you must keep at it. Keep scheduling it. Keep fighting for it. Family meetings help you create a strong and calm foundation in the midst of chaos.

From The Gordon Family to yours, we hope this is your best year yet!

Robin Long | Finding Freedom in Fitness

28m · Published 06 Dec 11:09

Join Kathryn on this weeks podcast as she dives into a conversation on body image, true health and well-being with the mastermind behind the Lindywell app, the woman who's been turning fitness norms upside down for a whole decade. Robin Long. She isn't just a Pilates instructor; she's the Sherlock Holmes of holistic health, here to decode the mystery of true well-being.

In this episode, Robin spills the beans on her latest book, Wellto the Core.Buckle up, fitness enthusiasts, because Robin's serving us ten core components to achieve well-being and get us moving towards a whole lifestyle revolution! Robin's not about to feed you the same old fitness fairy tales. She's all about ditching the rules, embracing self-kindness, and sprinkling a little grace on top. Forget the rigid regimes; it's time to find joy in movement, nourish that mind and body, and cultivate a love affair with yourself.Trust us; you'll be on your feet, ready to conquer the world (or at least that morning jog) by the end.

So, grab your water bottle, stretch those limbs, and get ready for a dose of inspiration and empowerment. From relatable anecdotes to practical strategies, this episode is a masterclass in achieving overall well-being.

Dr. Carolina Oliveira | How To Combat Skin Aging

43m · Published 23 Nov 07:00

Kathryn grew up around water. Be it the beach or intracoastal waterway, she was always boogie-boarding, body surfing, waterskiing or just “laying out” with baby oil. 
As an adult, she plays tennis in the Florida sun. Her skin has taken a beating. She has sunspots to prove it. Kathryn decided to go to a Med-Spa and do a laser on her arms to remove the sunspots. She had done it once before and had seen a noticeable difference. The spots were lighter, so a few months later she went in for one more round. She thought that would do the trick. Well, as the technician was firing the laser, it didn’t seem right, and Kathryn kept seeing a spark and a sound she had never heard before. She kept questioning the technician, but she said it was "okay". This is one of those times when Kathryn knew better but I didn’t stop the treatment.

A week later, the skin on Kathryn's arms was crinkly, dried up and flat, the sunspots were still there. She kept hoping her skin would recover, but weeks turned into months, months turned into YEARS. 5 years to be exact!! Since then, she has tried every cream you can think of over these last 5 years, and nothing has helped. 

So, a few months ago, she saw a friend of hers online talking about this new product "ONE SKIN" that reverses the age of your skin. That it improved the texture of eye skin by 133 percent! Kathryn thought maybe ... just maybe, this was different. Kathryn called her friend and asked him to give me the real scoop. He said “you must try it yourself … it’s amazing". He then had One Skin send her some products to try. Kathryn told the rep if it could improve the skin on my arms then she was sold as I’ve tried every product under the sun (pun intended), and nothing has helped.

In all honesty, Kathryn is always being sent products to promote in my newsletter and on my podcast but most never make it to her social media because she won’t talk about anything that she can’t personally vouch for. Well ... Kathryn is SO HAPPY to report that she has seen a remarkable difference in her eye skin, face and ... the real test for her, there is a huge difference in the skin on her arms. It looks younger and the texture has improved significantly. It doesn’t look crepey and old anymore. One Skin is the ONLY product that has been able to do this!!!

Listen to this episode as Kathryn talks to the founder of One Skin, Dr. Carolina Oliveira. She explains how OS-01 was discovered and is asked questions about this peptide that we all want to know.

Nicole Jardim | Mastering Your Menstrual Health

56m · Published 15 Nov 12:10

Whether you’re a woman or a man that loves a woman this episode is for you.

It happens once a month! An extra 5lbs in bloating, horrific cramps, sugar cravings and the worst moods ever! We will break down why this happens and how we have the power to improve a lot of these symptoms. We also talk about infertility. An issue that has become way too common.
Yup! That's right! We're going to talk about periods! And Kathryn's guest this week, Nicole Jardim, is a menstrual master! 

Nicole Jardim is a menstrual health and fertility expert who is passionate about empowering women to take control of their reproductive health. As someone who personally experienced the challenges of heavy and painful periods as a teenager, Nicole understands the impact that menstrual health can have on a woman's daily life. Her own journey to finding relief and understanding led her to become a certified health coach and women's health advocate.

Through her virtual coaching practice, Nicole has been able to support women all over the world in navigating their menstrual cycles and achieving hormonal balance. With her down-to-earth and relatable approach, Nicole is dedicated to breaking the stigma surrounding periods and providing women with the knowledge and tools they need to optimize their menstrual health and fertility.

Get ready to dive into an enlightening conversation with Nicole on today's episode of Kathryn For Real.

Jenny Hutt | Cracking The Code

38m · Published 01 Nov 11:30

Oh my gosh. This is going to be a treat for you guys!

Kathryn has Jenny Hutt on the show!

 Jenny Hutt is a prominent radio host and podcast personality, known for her long-standing career in the broadcasting industry. With a tenure of over 17 years, Jenny has established herself as a respected figure in media.

She first gained recognition through her co-hosting role on the radio show "Whatever with Alexis and Jenny", alongside Alexis Stewart, daughter of Martha Stewart. This successful venture led to her securing her own show on SiriusXM, “Just Jenny”. 
After departing from SiriusXM, Jenny transitioned to hosting her own podcast aptly named “Just Jenny”, where she continues to engage and entertain listeners with her authentic style and frank conversations. Jenny is known for her honesty around her weight loss of 70 pounds and how she’s kept it off for the last 10 years.

She and her sister Stacy created “Bunny Eyez”. Flippable, tiltable, and adjustable high quality reading glasses. Kathryn has several pairs and she loves them!! 

On this podcast, she covers everything from her long standing broadcasting career, relationships, to her beloved famous father, Charles Koppelman. Jenny is quite witty and refreshingly down to earth. I hope you enjoy the conversation.

August Brice | Staying Safe in a Wireless World

59m · Published 18 Oct 11:32

Are you ready to uncover the unsettling truth about EMF exposure and take control of your own well-being?

Kathryn's guest, August Brice, dives deep into her personal experiences and groundbreaking research, you'll discover a shocking link between man-made wireless EMFs and potential health risks. As August unravels the chilling truth behind EMF exposure, brace yourself for an unexpected twist that will leave you questioning the safety of your own environment.

But the story doesn't end there ...

On this episode of Kathryn For Real, you'll discover not only the potential health issues associated with EMF exposure but learn ways to mitigate risks and products to protect you and family in your home and while traveling.

Get ready for an eye-opening episode.

Kathryn and Jon Gordon | I AM

29m · Published 04 Oct 02:19

About 9 months ago, Kathryn was struggling with a lot of negative thoughts.

This was new for her. She was always the positive one. The person that saw the glass as half full. But she had fallen into this negative loop of self loathing and doom. “I have no energy. Im sore. I’m getting old. I’ll never lose this weight, It’s too late to.." (fill in the blank here because it seemed she thought it was too late to change anything!)

She would share her self-loathing and angst with Jon.

Now for a little back story, Jon used to be the negative one. She was the one that would speak life into him, but through his own practices and writing over the years he changed his mindset and was about to complete his next book The One Truth, a book to help elevate your mind and heal your soul. She didn't think it’s a coincidence that she somehow had become like the very person this book was written to help.

So,he was fresh from doing a lot of research on the subject. He said, “Kathryn you’re tuned into the wrong channel. The negative channel.”

He was right!!

He gave the analogy of “it’s like when you get in your car and the radio comes on. It’s set on a channel. You have to change that channel to get different music. So you have to change your own channel. You have to TUNE into the positive.”

At that same time, Kathryn started working with a health and wellness company and had a whole bloodwork up done. When the results came back there were a few things that needed some attention. But nothing serious or irreversible. Her cholesterol and blood sugar was creeping up. But then her nutritionist said “Now this is unique and something that isn’t common.” Kathryn held her breath preparing for the bad news.

“Based on your DNA you are in the ULTRA class. You have the genes for ultra performance in endurance sports. You have a substantial genetic advantage that’s seen in Olympic Athletes.”

Ha! What? That’s fantastic news! All the sudden she pulled her shoulders back and sat up taller. "Well, what do you know, I have the genes of an Olympic Athlete!", Kathrny said.

You see, while raising her athletic kids she would always say, "You know if I had parents like me (that were so involved in the kids' sports), I would have been an Olympic Athlete. Kathryn would go on to say that her kids got HER athletic genes, I mean both of them have her body type, not Jon's after all. At which point, Jon would laugh and say, Honey I’m the D-1 athlete. You didn’t even play sports in school. But there it was! There is no denying Kathryn's Olympic genes!

This news changed everything for her. She felt stronger. She had more energy. She started working out consistently, she ate better. She even started dropping weight. She felt hopeful again.

What changed?

Her thinking. It went from “I am old” to “I AM an Olympic Athlete”. That’s it. She changed her mindset!

If you want to hear the full story, join Kathryn and Jon on this week's episode of the Kathryn For Real podcast!

Kathryn and Jade Gordon | So, You Want To Be a Speaker?

34m · Published 20 Sep 10:45

Hey friends!

Kathryn couldn't wait to let you know – she just dropped a fresh episode of the "Kathryn For Real" podcast!

In this episode, she's diving into the world of speaking, and guess who's joining the party? Kathryn's daughter, Jade Gordon. Now a professional speaker, she talks with her about fear and doubt and overcoming negative thoughts, to getting on stage and sharing a message that will impact others.

Ready to dive in? Hit that play button!

If you have ever wanted to share your story or get on stage and speak, this episode is for you! Kathryn and Jade talk about what it's like to start speaking, dish out practical tips, and sprinkle in some wisdom to fuel your journey to becoming a successful speaker.

Kathryn hopes their experiences, challenges and lessons will encourage you to take the leap.

Thank you for being a part of her podcast family, and hey, a little favor to ask – please subscribe, rate, and leave a review. Your feedback? It's PURE gold!

Stay inspired and keep sharing the REAL and best you with the world!

Kathryn Gordon | Kathryn and Jade Take Europe

1h 13m · Published 13 Sep 05:00

You all have been asking ...


So they decide to record a podcast on it. 

From lost credit cards, carry-on bags, missing water bottles, lots of walking, and the worst of all … PINK EYE. They share it all on this podcast.

It all started with an itch to travel, Love Island UK, and a protective mom who was not letting her daughter travel alone.

Kathryn and Jade walk you along their whole trip through Europe. They bring you the highs and lows, lots of travel tips and so much more! You don’t want to miss this episode of KATHRYN FOR REAL.

If you want to know more about their trip, read Jade's Travel Tips or have any questions,click here. They would love to answer them all😊

Kathryn Gordon | Parenting Secrets

21m · Published 06 Sep 11:05

"What's the secret to raising strong, confident kids."

Kathryn is asked this question a lot, and even asked herself this question a time or two (or ten). The truth is, it’s not easy and it’s not like an episode of Gilmore Girls. There is no one-size-fits-all approach and there is no clear map to help navigate your way through it. But what she can say is, there are small things you can do to help nurture and grow your relationship.

In today’s episode of Kathryn For Real, Kathryn shares with you some hard times her daughter and her went through, when to find new friends, and how her family and became so close and continued to stay close throughout the years.

She wants to hear your guy's thoughts on this podcast and the things you have learned throughout the years as parents. Reply to this email or reach out to her on social media. She looks forward to hearing from you all! And don't forget to be...Real!

KATHRYN FOR REAL! has 115 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 72:14:16. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 27th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 25th, 2024 06:11.

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